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Everything posted by llchrisll

  1. You sure that you put the right coordinates at areawarp? Another command would be mapwarp Regards, Chris
  2. 1. The previous bug was that it didn't update the value in the sql before it was reading it. Also saw that there is another bug now, which is that picture above. (Going over the required mob quantity)Problem was that I didn't have a good solution for it until recently. 2. I never said I'm going to add an delay to"Abort quest", and I will not add one. Regards, Chris
  3. I think I know the problem: Dungeon Party System: Forgot to use atoi(); at the coordinates Quest system: Forgot to update the value in the database before reading the value from it. Edit: Updated my Git , thanks Azeroth for the bug reports. Regards, Chris
  4. I'm wondering, didn't get that message o_O. Let me check it. Regards, Chris
  5. Update: 10/01-2015: Updated 2 NPC's: Quest System v1.0 & Fame System v1.2 Quest System: - Added OnAtcommand (@checkquest) for Quest Progress Display per request also an info for the players of the existence of that command - Added the "feature" to benefit from joining an party - Modified Level Requirement Setting (See 'OnInit:') 0 = Off / MAX_LEVEL - Server Max Level (src/map/map.h) - Added an setting to define the Array Limit, to make it compatible with older revisions, which doesn't have the Script Engine Upgrade (See 'set .array') Fame System: - Added an info for the players of the existence of the custom command - Added an Repeat Limit per quest and per Class via request - Added an SQL Ranking via request (See OnInit: for more) - Added the "feature" to benefit from joining an party - Modified Level Requirement Setting (See 'OnInit:') 0 = Off / MAX_LEVEL - Server Max Level (src/map/map.h) - Added an setting to define the Array Limit, to make it compatible with older revisions, which doesn't have the Script Engine Upgrade (See 'set .array') @Azeroth: About the Last Man Standing Script: I'm missing some information about what happened at that error, without it I can't figure the problem out. Note: My Dungeon Party System will be released soon, it's on my GitHub already, just missing the new "topic" for it. Update: 10/03-2015: Added 1 New NPC: Dungeon Party System v1.0 Dungeon Difficulties: Easy, Medium, Hard EXP Bonus based on Difficulty (Easy = 50%, Medium = 100%, Hard = 150%) Level Requirment for each Dungeon Required Mob Counter to complete an Dungeon Party Limit for Dungeons Party Join Feature Dungeon Rewards (Regular Points for completing an dungeon and Points for killing an MvP Warp Service to the "Start Point" or to party members. Regards, Chris
  6. Hmm... @checkquest wouldn't be a problem, would just take maybe 10 lines around. I would have to check via SQL the quests accepted by the player and then compare the current progress with the required amount Maybe a good way to practice the "LEFT JOIN" I'm bad at xD. Not quite sure yet. Well, when I have the time for it I will add it. * Writing down the request* Regards, Chris
  7. Just took a look at that code again and saw an mistype: At line 495: if(getd("@KilledMob_"+killedrid) < getd("MobHunt_"+killedrid+"_CT") { add another ")" at the end, so it looks like that: if(getd("@KilledMob_"+killedrid) < getd("MobHunt_"+killedrid+"_CT")) { Also your map server should print something about that in that NPC "QuestSysEvents": parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ")" Wait for the GitHub fix, maybe coming with bug fixes of the Dungeon Party System. Regards, Chris
  8. Thanks for using this script already . Well, I figured it would end to that about the "overflow" of the messages on Monster Hunting and thought about if I should be it or not. I just added to my script and will update my Git soon, with it. Regards, Chris Edit: Updated the script with the modifications.
  9. Update: 9/22-2015: Added 1 New NPC: Quest System v1.0 See 1st post for information! As for the bugs in those scripts mentioned above as well modification requests sent to me via PM. Currently I'm trying to finish that Dungeon Party System I'm working on, afterwards I will try my best to fix those as soon as possible. Another thing I thought of is, to merge this Quest System with the Dungeon Party System, which I'm already working on apart of it :|. But first the Dungeon Party System..... Regards, Chris
  10. Hello guys, first off I'm not sure if I'm in the correct section, sorry in advance. To the problem or rather question about the EXP Display in the Chatbox: I have the feeling that it does show one number too less as from the actual EXP given by monsters. Here some screenshots from the Chatbox and from the debugmes taken from the map-server: Image #1: 1st Line: Value displayed by client EXP gained Base: 3382, Job: 3804 2nd Line: Ignore please 3rd Line: Value provided by OnPCKillEvent with dispbottom and getexp Image #2: First two debug lines are from my custom script calculated with exp / 100. Last three lines are the important ones: There I calculated the EXP via /1000 instead and I get the same value as in the image above. My question is: what is correct? Here is that code, if you want: OnNPCKillEvent: set .@expr,100; debugmes "EXP Rate: "+.@expr; set .@bexp,(getmonsterinfo(killedrid,3)*.@expr)/100; set .@jexp,(getmonsterinfo(killedrid,4)*.@expr)/100; debugmes "Base EXP: "+.@bexp+", Job EXP: "+.@jexp; set .@base_m,getmonsterinfo(killedrid,3); set .@job_m,getmonsterinfo(killedrid,4); debugmes "Monster Base EXP: "+.@base_m; debugmes "Monster Job EXP: "+.@job_m; debugmes "Monster Base EXP * "+.@expr+": "+set(.@base_rate,.@base_m*.@expr); debugmes "Monster Job EXP * "+.@expr+": "+set(.@job_rate,.@job_m*.@expr); debugmes "Monster Base EXP Bonus / 1000: "+set(.@btest,.@base_rate/1000); debugmes "Monster Job EXP Bonus / 1000: "+set(.@jtest,.@job_rate/1000); debugmes "Base EXP: "+.@btest+", Job EXP: "+.@jtest; end; Regards, Chris
  11. I think I know the problem: Exchange sleep 1000; with sleep2 1000; Reason: sleep detaches the players rid from the script while sleep2 keeps it. You can read that at the doc/script_commands.txt at line 6093 Well another problem is at the 2nd script, that there is no player attached. One way I can think of is to search for the same IP's which are online (like you did in your script) and select the account of the 3rd one. 1. Option: Then you attach that one by using attachrid(<account id>); and then your code. 2. Option: Instead of "announce" you can use "message "<Character Name>","Message"; " For the character name you can use "strcharinfo(0,<Char ID>);". I hope I didn't miss anything and hope it works. To be honest I'm still bad with that "LEFT JOIN" stuff at SQL, so I really can't follow that. Well I know how it works, but never got to use it. Regards, Chris
  12. What kind of error? Does the map server say anything? Tell me what you did in the exact same order.. Best regards, Chris
  13. Update: 06/11-2015: Updated Dynamic Shop v1.0 to v1.1 - Added more Currency options (Custom Variables, Items) - Added possiblity to use pre-defined items + prices, which are always in the shop, see 'OnInit:' > $cash_pre_it and $cash_pre_p - Fixed an bug about the price limit, thanks to Elysium for the bug report Regards, Chris
  14. Just quick question for Step 7 and 8: Why do you put lua files in the grf and lub files in the Data folder? Wouldn't it make more sense to make all files lub? 2nd: Why bother making an grf anyway when you're using a data folder? Regards, Chris
  15. function ShopStuff { // ==================================================== // // getarg(0): // * 1 - Add // * 2 - Remove // * 3 - Edit // * 4 - Delete Shop // * 5 - Shop Creation // getarg(1): Array Position for Edit & Remove // getarg(2): Item ID // getarg(3): Price // ==================================================== // Just wanna ask about Dynamic Shop, how can i add this items exactly? is it like this: callfunc "7539","10"; Thanks in advance. Nope, the items will be added via Ingame menu, if you talk to the NPC with an GM Account with GM level 60+, but the currency settings can only be edited by GM level 80+. Just talk to the npc with an GM Account and then choose "View Settings", then you will get instructions how to add items. Note: Maybe I will add another currency to the settings like using a custom variable, like PvP Arena Points > PvPPoints. That way it would be more dynamically than it is currently. Regards, Chris Oh, i see i'm bit confuse why you didn't combine both getlvlgm Lv 99 since Lv 60 GM is useless all access must be GM 99. but i prefer to add items, via SQL script version much better. good script! :3 Well, in my opinion SQL isn't required for an script like that. If you don't want different GM Levels, go to the bottom of the file to "OnInit:" and set "set .gm,60;" to "set .gm,99;" and "set .gm_pr,80;" also to "set .gm_pr,99;" My focus lies currently in this: <Projects Advertise Start> Test In Progress: Quest System. In summary it would be something like AnneRuru's Mission Board (I think it was her script, can't remember right now xX). Testing it is kinda on pause right now, though. Work in Progress: Dungeon Party System This is not tested, or rather not finished yet. I would say 98% it is, but still need some coordinates for the NPC duplicates which are required for the script to work. </Projects Advertise End> Best regards, Chris
  16. Exchange this: OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid,22)) { set MVP_Rank, MVP_Rank+1; if (MVP_Rank == 1) query_sql("INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`char_id`,`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'MVP_Rank','1',3,0)"); else query_sql("UPDATE `global_reg_value` SET `value` = '"+MVP_Rank+"' WHERE char_id = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `str` ='MVP_Rank'"); dispbottom "~ Você matou "+MVP_Rank+" MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?"":"s")+". ~"; dispbottom " ~ Recompensa: Cash +15 ~ "; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 15; specialeffect2 313; } with this: OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid,22)) { getpartymember(getcharid(1),1); getpartymember(getcharid(1),2); for ( set .@l,0; .@l < $@partymembercount; set .@l,.@l + 1) { detachrid; attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@l]); set MVP_Rank, MVP_Rank+1; query_sql("INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`char_id`,`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ("+$@partymembercid[.@l]+",'MVP_Rank','1',3,0)"); else query_sql("UPDATE `global_reg_value` SET `value` = '"+MVP_Rank+"' WHERE char_id = "+$@partymembercid[.@l]+" AND `str` ='MVP_Rank'"); dispbottom "~ Você matou "+MVP_Rank+" MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?"":"s")+". ~"; dispbottom " ~ Recompensa: Cash +15 ~ "; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 15; specialeffect2 313; } } This way every party member gets the points at once. I didn't test it, just took part of one of my projects which kinda does the same thing. Regards, Chris
  17. Hi, just asking, but why aren't you using the default job changer which comes with rAthena? Is it because you can get the "weaker" 3rd class by changing from 2nd class to 3rd already before doing job change to trans? Next thing would be wrong section, I think this should go to "Script Request" . Regards, Chris
  18. function ShopStuff { // ==================================================== // // getarg(0): // * 1 - Add // * 2 - Remove // * 3 - Edit // * 4 - Delete Shop // * 5 - Shop Creation // getarg(1): Array Position for Edit & Remove // getarg(2): Item ID // getarg(3): Price // ==================================================== // Just wanna ask about Dynamic Shop, how can i add this items exactly? is it like this: callfunc "7539","10"; Thanks in advance. Nope, the items will be added via Ingame menu, if you talk to the NPC with an GM Account with GM level 60+, but the currency settings can only be edited by GM level 80+. Just talk to the npc with an GM Account and then choose "View Settings", then you will get instructions how to add items. Note: Maybe I will add another currency to the settings like using a custom variable, like PvP Arena Points > PvPPoints. That way it would be more dynamically than it is currently. Regards, Chris
  19. Hi guys! Just a small Information: Since Google Code Project will be disbanded in 2016. I started to move to GitHub.com, Links will be updated soon.
  20. Lol...., that's my largest script ever. The only thing I will still do at that script is bug fixes and maybe small script modifications or optimizations, but nothing more. But thanks for using it ^^. Fixxed and tested, updating SVN now I rewrote the code to count the party member amount and then order you in the correct Party PvP Mode. Fixxed and tested, updating SVN now. It was the problem mentioned above. Broadcaster also updated. Regards, Chris
  21. PvP Arena: I think I found the problem, still testing though. I rewrote the complete check now, it was ugly how I did it. Testing next.... InGame Board: Problem is that he wanted to check about double posting, but the since it was the first comment there was no entry of an author before. if you want to fix it manually till if updated my SVN: Note: I didn't test it myself yet.... At line 186 you find this: query_sql "SELECT `author` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"'",@cm_aut$; Add after this: if(@cm_aut$[0] != "") Should fixx it, in case not, pm me I will take a look again. Broadcast System: Don't know what you mean, but maybe the syntax of the command has changed which I didn't realize yet. Gonna take a look at it later, when I'm home. Seems like either I had the wrong syntax or they changed it, which I didn't checked. Instead of: Global:<Text> Map:<Text> you need to put Global#<Text> Map#<Text> It's only a fixx in the instructions so, first gonna fix the other bugs before updating my SVN. Thanks for reporting those bugs - I will mention you in the changelog of the script , junjun7981
  22. I'm sorry for the late reply, but I'm very busy with real life at the moment. But I will try to fix those bugs when I have more time available. Regards, Chris
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