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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/13 in Posts

  1. The GRF Viewer tool helped me to find a lot of things to fix on the CORE. Bugs on some TGA version, some sprites with empty layer (wth ?), some bugs on the file manager, etc. I added the support to read sprites and palettes, fixed the next/previous buttons and add a thumbnail system. Textures: Palettes: Sprites: Search feature (top right input): I re-worked the UI system of robrowser, it was a little buggy (from the old version). The RSM now support is natural shadding type (without, flat, or smooth) instead of using smooth shadding on all models, result: better render, faster loading. I fixed some bugs on Firefox. And I will now focus on working with sprite rendering on the next days.
    3 points
  2. It would be great if you could release a converter. If you need help on how to convert each column, I can help with that. Not everything is trivial. Mode on monster for example needs to consider boss mode and race. And the skills need to consider if an MVP is casting them or not (several level 10 skills will be stronger if an MVP casts them which is reflected in rAthena by giving it a higher skill level). Also the "onspawn" file needs to be considered as those aren't actual skills on Aegis. Oh and if you convert newer G_ mobs, be careful because they have no delays at all (check G_BANASPATY), I was thinking that maybe summoned slaves do not only take over walking speed of the summoner but also attack delays? At least on official servers they don't attack with unlimited speed...
    3 points
  3. Love it :3 I'm allways excited to see all the news about this awesome project you have
    2 points
  4. @Angel Una recomendación, si lo pones en la posición middle de un hat no tiene sentido que salga en toda la espalda, en ese caso sería mejor un garment y usar el idview para mostrarlo como las fallen angels winds, etc etc. Es solo mi opinión claro.
    2 points
  5. Nipsino is right. We do not have tapatalk enabled. I didn't even know about it up until this post.
    2 points
  6. OnPCKillEvent: if( rand(100) < 10 ) getitem 671,1; end;
    2 points
  7. I finally succeeded. ==> First step was to update GCC to 4.8 from 4.7. it seemed to give the built-in functions 32bits for ARM which were missing for atomic.h needed in mmo.h. But I still had problems for 64bits functions. After one day, I thought "anyway Raspberry isn't 64bits" and simply "swiched off" the functions by returning a random floating value. Compiler had problems, but exe wouldn't use them on raspberry. And that's it, it's working. So 3 things can prevent you from compiling rathena on raspberry: 1 - ./configure doesn't work, got some errors with zlib even if it's installed. Rather go for CMake 2 - Make install doesn't work, nullpo.c gets errors on stupid variables, because depending on implementations of C, the variable is either a pointer, or a structure. Try casting it as a pointer. It worked for me (multiple modifications in file) 3 - mempool.h got some problems in atomic.h where you need to "switch off" 64bits functions (and gcc >=4.8 absolutely needed) by deleting call to built-in functions for int64 which doesn't work for raspberry. That's all folks, hope it helps anyone trying the same thing. Currently I was running on raspbian. Server's working but memory available is low. That's bad since i'm only using terminal, i mean on 512mo I only have 1xx free after loading system. Too much things on this system. ==> there's a fork by Darkbasic which only uses 7mo of ram after start. It doesn't come with X, Xorg, LXDE. No GUI. But fairenough. And less shared memory for graphics. I'll try this this week. I'm sure there's a good potential on that; it'd be good enough for my RO server =). Bye !
    2 points
  8. Added: WDGEnableCustom3DBones Enables the use of custom 3D monsters (Granny) by lifting hardcoded ID limit. WDGEnableProxySupport Ignores server-provided IP addresses when changing servers. binary builds, sources As always, untested. Bink: 50%, Rain: 30%.
    2 points
  9. Briefing & Concept Hello everyone! As you may noticed, by a petition I asked to our staff, we had some changes in this forum. Now it is named as 3D Modeling Showcase, instead of just Map Showcase The idea is to promove the development/discussion in all regards the 3D area. I remember that years before this area was almost null in the *Athena communities, due to a lot of missinformation/resources... not anymore! Back to the thread. This first release (of a lot to come) is in grattitude to a team where I'm member and after 2 years of development and testings, we were able to finally finish our Animated 3D Monsters Project as for now we can handle -bones animations- for gr2 files. Donations are Welcome in appreciation to Ricky92 who developed the Granny Converter. This release is possible thanks by the Granny Animation team: Doss, Ricky92, Olrox, Ai4rei, curiosity, Lemongrass, Shinryo, Yommy, Greenbox You might remember the emperium/guardians/treasure boxes. Yes, those are the kind of mobs/models I'm refering to. In short words, thanks to the work of our team and of course the community support, we can add animation with bones in any 3D model we have. That means for example: make our own 3D mobs, add animation to pre-existing models like a wind a blowing effect to the prontera flags, add interactions like opening gates... etc. Now, lets talk about this release. You may remember "Ragnarok II Gate of the World" a game from Gravity that stopped development some time ago. Well, as a first release of this tool, I took my time to bring some packs of these awesome mobs that you can use in your server now. Some technical info: - This games runs under an Unreal engine - Granny exporter for 3ds max used to import the animations - Granny converter by Ricky92 to convert the gr2 files into RO version About this release So, what do we have new on this release? This first pack, contains 4 full animated 3D mobs from this game. Animations are: Walk, Dead, Attack, Stand and Damage. Just a reminder: The damage animation is not showing for custom 3d mobs even if they have it; this also happens with official 3d mobs aswell. So, we believe it is more a matter of the official client rather than a custom addition to take care of. Some notes you have to consider please. We are still in early state. I mean, it has been years without the possibility to add our own 3D mobs until now! so, a lot of optimizations/details at exporting are in the TODO list. Dead animation is fixed in 2 mobs in this pack that by an unknown reason they made some graphical lag with this animation. It was necessary to fix the end keyframe to the default dead animation in the mob, so, when these two mobs dies, they return to the default position (I can tell this also happens in official mobs, I believe this is a matter of Gravity too) Attack animation: The client, by a reason, shows the attack animation really fast. We must make them lower in max, and export it in gr2 with this in mind. Some glitches like weird rotation in the Y axis, is presented if you export the gr2 models with "relocating position to origin";. I realized this and finally the mobs were not bad rotated by the client. When exporting bones, you must disable: texture and mesh data. By that way, the gr2 will be setted as the official ones, which they only stores the animation without bones mesh/texture data. I know it is nice to have it listed like that. But the true is that it took me HOURS! to do those tests and have those conclutions. Thanks to that, the mobs were fixed and they don't have any serious glitches =P These mobs are compatible and were tested on: 2011-03-15a and 2012-04-10a clients. However, we believe that our feature works also with: "2010-11-24a towards "2011-12-14c" range date, so as "2011-12-20b towards "2012-07-16a" range date aswell. Don't worry, adding the mobs its really easy, just as how you add normal sprites mobs. The only difference is a small patch you have to apply to your current exe. These details will be added in the INSTRUCTION.txt file attached in the download pack of this release. So there you have this animated gifs of them!. Liquid bug, Roda Frog, Puku Puku, and the Vadon mob. The one I like the most is, the Puku Puku (the ones that is flying) ... really, I was shocked too look this kind of animation being possible now. I mean, mobs flying. wow! Video ... watch it in HD 720p! HD Screenshot Screens are in Full HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaill to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution. *** Download link & Instructions *** If you read all the thread, you may know that this was possible thanks to the project I linked above. Doing this tests and being able to port this animated 3D is consuming me a looooot of time! As you know, I run a service were I get commisions to make maps. Affording time to do this kind of releases, it is something really hard to me. However I completely understand that making time to work for the community here is important, so as a gratitude to the people who supported our project before. Please support this release! I'm planning to add more of these free packs of this game, so as others too: world of warcraft pets? who knows!. So by posting your feedback or by adding: A comment is Greatly appreciated. A simple reputation makes me happy *A topic rating is allways a good detail from all Ensures me that this release and the project itself worthed the time of me and the team who was responsible to make this kind of features possible. Well that is all. Please stay in tune for the download link. It will be a matter of 1 of 2 days so please take a look of this thread frequently to download it. Edit: Btw: Do you think the mobs are oversized? I can make them smaller if you want... however I thought it was good to follow the idea of the "WoE guardians" which they have this size.
    1 point
  10. Active Members: Doss, Ricky92, Olrox, Ai4rei, curiosity, Lemongrass Supporters And Special Thanks to: Shinryo, Yommy, Greenbox Briefing & Concept Greetings Let me introduce myself. I'm Doss, from Thailand. Olrox is my friend and he accepted gladly to join. He accepted to keep this thread updated In case you wonder why he is edit this thread. For a long time I have been involved into RO -graphic related- stuff. Some people might remember my works with 3D editions, Sprites, Maps, etc. Today I'm glad to announce an open project, were all the people with the skills in RO client stuff (hex, packets etc)/ 3D designers/ Enthusiast / Supporters/Scripters are welcome to join. Back to the project itself: For years since eAthena emulator exists, we have been witnesesses of great progress in this emulator.... scripts, source, maps, sprites, etc. All this progress have been possible this far with the enormous contribution of a lot of people. Now, we are happy to try a new feature that for years, it has not t been possible to add it in the RO private history. I'm talking about the possibility to Add Custom 3D Monsters in Ragnarok. All we know what the emperium is. You might know that that kind of model, is an animated 3D one.... with the possibility to walk, attack, die, or whatever you wish. Other examples of this kind of monsters are: War of Emperyum Guardians, War of Emperyum Flags, etc. As those monsters, our intention with this project is to do the same, but, with outsides resources available in this format, that can be implemented to being used in RO. With this being said as a briefing;. We proceed to explain this project. Terminology Common words that you will encounter with on this thread. Granny2.dll: Granny external library, allways included in every instalation pack of Ragnarok Online. Ragnarok Version: Granny SDK: Granny development tool kit. Only for those who pays the granny license that is around $10,000.- and for serious Official licensed Games. Granny Viewer: Free software that allows you to view a full gr2 model, with his animations/bones/skins/textures. .gr2: Granny extension for gr2 models. About the Project Basically the idea of the project is, making possible to use Granny animated Models, from recent versions, to being imported into the particular old Ragnarok version one that is: Our main problem since almost a year, is the fact that RO can only work with exactly that version, and obtaining a Granny SDK from that date, is an impossible thing. Since the file is from the far 2000~2003 year. Even, if you have 10,000k dollars to buy it, you will get only the lastest versions (this year) and, getting the lastest version is truly impossible. Luckily we could find that RIcky92 did a tool to import granny newer versions to older ones. We asked him to join our project and he accepted gladly to develop the same tool, but now adapted to RO granny version. Right now, our state is very early, and we are contacting people to join this project.... but the most important thing is, we we are waiting for the feedback of the community. Since this tool will be released for free, then, we really need to see if the community is interested for such a tool like this one. All the people that is interested, or, thinks that this is going to be a good hit, please, post it. A single post encourages all of us, to work on this. Screenshots/Videos and Examples Old video! Wait for the updated one that shows now animation added to custom mobs ids in LUAs Changelog 2013/January: Curiosity sucessfully releases a 2012-04-10a client able to read full animations of custom GR2 mobs. 2013/January: Ai4rei joins and explains how the granny structure works inside the client. He also points a restriction of the actual RO clients that are not showing animation for WoE Flags. 2013/January: Yommy shares a very useful ragnarok debug client resources to the team. 2013/January: Lemongrass joins the team. 2013/January: After some tests, the team realized that it is truly necessary to include people with the skills to dissamble the client functions. Curiosity Joins and adds a hex change which fixes the animation indexes for custom mobs IDs besides the standing animation. This files of custom 3D mobs are released. 2013/January: Olrox continues his tests and now adds a video about animation with bones present. Our issue: It is only possible by replacing a existing gr2 ID in the client. 2013/January: Olrox begins looking at how animation is handled in the gr2 files of Ragnarok Online. After some tests the first video with the default animation present is released. 2013/January: Olrox finds some issues with multi mesh support, which Ricky92 finds a great solution for it. 2013/January: Doss asks Olrox his full atention to the further graphic tests of the project. Due to real life and university, he might be a little away from the project from now. 2013/January: Doss shows a static animated mob imported from RO 2 GoW 3D mob, thanks to the Granny Converter of Ricky92 2013/January: Doss test the tool. Some errors and issues are pointed to Ricky92 who releases a second Beta of his amazing tool. 2013/January: Project gets back. Ricky92 finally releases the Granny Converter tool as a beta state. 2012/November: After a lot of inquiries from the community, Olrox explains that the project is still alive, and Ricky92 is very busy in real life terms. Project is on hold. 2012/October: Ricky92 continues with the tool which is now in a final state. Donation info for ricky92 is added, as an appreciation to his time to this community. 2012/September: Doss adds handy info about how gr2 mobs are recalled by the client. And add a example of it. 2012/September: Greenbox adds useful info about Granny 2.1.05 functions regarding Animation Indexes 2012/September: Ricky92 begins to test animation support for his converter. 2012/September: Ricky92 fix this issue with his converter and now adds support for bink 0 compression. A fox is released for testing and works pretty well. 2012/September: Ricky92 releases a testing pyramid .gr2 no animated mob converted mob thanks for his tool. After some tests, Ricky92 realized that Granny doesn't support bink 1 compression in textures. 2012/August: Ricky92 shows the first known screen of a custom 3D animated resource imported sucesfully from Granny 2.4 to granny 2012/August: Doss notices that someone developed a converter for further Granny Versions (for another game, that is not RO) Olrox contacts Ricky92, a well known contributor in the metin2 Game Community, developer of the Granny Converter for that version. He accepted and joined our team gladly. 2012/August: Project is finally released to the public. Shinro helped with some commits and ideas about the Granny 3D version limit. Yommy joins and accepted gladly to do some tests about bypassing the Granny verification. 2012/June: The idea of this project takes Olrox's atention and he accepted to join. Also he suggested to launch this project openly. 2011/August: Doss (Also known as Charamel, Lemara) does his first tests and begin to ask for support in eAthena Attached Files and Useful Links Granny.rar 3dmobtest.grf
    1 point
  11. Infromation How to use (example) ItemID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bNoEleStone,1; },{ },{ } Download For 4e137d30 (2016-08-04): bNoEleStone-rA-4e137d30.diff [spoiler=the old things that I can't even remember that is this] Rev.2: bNoEleStone-rA-rev2.patch - Remake .patch file, old patch files were bad manual patch - Ready for svn17127 Rev.1: - Remove Ninja's Link (Soulinker Buff) to enable 'noEleStone' - Ready for svn17122 Initial release. **If you guys like this, rate this post and give me rep +1 haha**
    1 point
  12. Hi All, Just making this project public. This is just an interim project for now while the team works out what to do in the future about raCP. I basically forked the original fluxCP project and have applied Xantara's rA patch for those of you who are too lazy/don't know how. I have installed it to github because it allows you to easily download a zip copy of the latest SVN with no client necessary. Find the project here: https://github.com/calciumkid/fluxcp-renewal If anyone wishes for commit rights, let me know. I'm interested in getting a team together for Facebook login API integration. Calcium NOOB TUTORIAL: To download the latest copy of fluxcp-renewal, simply go here: https://github.com/calciumkid/fluxcp-renewal/zipball/master Extract and install as you would FluxCP.
    1 point
  13. Hi everyone, Im suggesting to also have a #define RENEWAL_DEVOTION in src/config/renewal.h Since many people wanted the old Devotion Skill that deals with reflect skill/damage (even reflect items). Such as this scenario to came back : A - Pally 1 B - Champion C - Pally 2 Scenario : player C uses reflect shield. player A use devotion skill on player B. player B cast asura strike / extrimity fist on player C. instead of player A to take all the damage of the asura. player B do take it all. Many game owner specially mid rate servers prefer this "unofficial" scenario. I know there's a guide on how to revert it. but the revision is too old. PS: Sorry for bad english. Thanks.
    1 point
  14. File Name: Saint Valentine Heart File Submitter: Taeko File Submitted: 08 Feb 2013 File Category: Animated Headgears Content Author: Taeko, RO Staff, Olrox hi!!! i will want something for february 14th!!!! i try use the actOR2 for this animations and effects of heart ^^ hope like it! PD: Thank you Olrox for the number effect Click here to download this file
    1 point
  15. File Name: [sAO] Elucidator File Submitter: Angel File Submitted: 10 Feb 2013 File Category: Headgears Content Author: Angel Here my first release in sprite, i'm newbie in this... so maybe its not so cool, anyway i like share. Note: Special Thanks to DevilEvil , i am reading yours guides ;D. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  16. Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if there are converters to convert aegis files into rAthena files. I knew someone had some back on eA, but I'm not sure what happened to them.
    1 point
  17. Mi primer sprite, espero les guste apenas empeze a leer la guia de DevilEvil ayer jajaja tarde como 5 hrs en hacer este sprite, pero pues no sabia muy bien usar el Actor, hay poco a poco ire agarrando experiencia, tal vez tenga detalles el spirte pero al igual lo quiero compartir ;D. Note: Muchas gracias a @DevilEvil sin su guias no sabria ni por donde empezar jajjaja. SAO Elucidator.rar
    1 point
  18. I prefer enabling log_mvpdrop (trunk/conf/log_athena.conf), rather than creating a whole new SQL table. // Log MVP Monster Drops (Note 1) // Outdated. Use Pick_Log instead. But this log could be useful to keep track slayed MVPs log_mvpdrop: yes In addition to Who killed the most mvps?, you can get more info like: - How many times was _____ mvp killed? - Who killed _____ mvp the most? - When was the last time _____ mvp (or each mvp) was killed? - Who killed MVPs on maps they do not normally spawn on? (ex: bloody branch, that one Abracadabra skill, or @monster)
    1 point
  19. Your emulator probably don't support it yet. When did you last updated rathena? Just put 'set ' in front of .@compare_job$ same for .@online++; & .@compare_job$ = .@compare_job$ + class +"#"; And of course you'll need to change '=' to ','
    1 point
  20. It's okay....here are the things I don't like. 1.The wind blowing out of the left/right boxes near the top is rather tacky and makes them look bad. 2.Too much gold and in certain places WAY to bright. 3.The layout isn't horrible....but it's not great either. 4.The town picture in the bottom right goes against everything this design stands for... 5. Last but not least.....I preferably don't like the two characters on the bottom...especially how they stick out past the boxes limits. Makes the design look very unclean. These are just my opinions. 3/10 Sorry bud.
    1 point
  21. @irawrsilentpls Your welcome!. but I have to say that actually RO2 "Legends of the Second" is not possible yet, due to the -unsupported- Engine. However, we have been able to rip the data inside of it. These mobs are from RO2 Gate of the World. A friend I know who I believe is a good 3D designer is gonna design his own 3D Ragnarok Online Mobs very soon. Please look further this forum. *** Download link & Instructions *** Download link is added. We have to be thankfull to @Ai4rei who added an official Weediff plugin to be used with Shin'sdiffpatcher so you can do your own exe with this new feature enabled. Alternatively you can edit your pre-existing exe aswell. Please follow instructions inside the pack. I have to tell, that my own tests were for: 2011-03-15a and 2012-04-10a which are the most clients used. Although the tool is compatible with all clients, we are unconcern of every exact date, so, every feedback with your client date is allways welcome. Have fun!
    1 point
  22. rentitem groupranditem( <GROUP> ),<TIME>; refer *groupranditem <group id>; Returns the item_id of a random item picked from the group specified. The different groups and their group number are specified in 'db/(pre-)re/item_group_db.txt'. When used in conjunction with other functions, you can get a random item. For example, for a random pet lure: getitem groupranditem(15),1;
    1 point
  23. Whenever I try to enter using 12 of the langtype rejected by the server, other langtypes work without problems.
    1 point
  24. Hmm... Sorry, I don't quite understand the problem. User can't log in? Did you make sure the md5 setting matches with your server config? BTW, calciumKids version is outdated and it doesn't exactly have a functional group implementation.
    1 point
  25. // Missing quotes. switch(select("Sure!:Nah")){
    1 point
  26. Hi mrlongshen, I'm guessing that's a no for SSH/Terminal access. And I've spoken to Daniel/Sirius; he told me that what he's doing is not approved and unauthorized. http://i.imgur.com/M7Uk0nj.jpg And Harmony provides you with a list of clients within the client area to automatically generate for use... so it's not like he's offering you something special, we all get it. But thanks for the insight on VDSUP.
    1 point
  27. should be using killedrid instead if ( strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs3" && strcharinfo(3) != "pvp_y_1-2" || !class || baselevel < 99 || joblevel < 70 ) more like this change if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) end; // kill himself(like grandcross) doesn't add kills count. if ( strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs3","pvp_y_1-2","pvp_y_1-2" || (Class > 4000 && Class < 4023) || BaseLevel < 99) || JobLevel < 70) end; // Level 99/70 doesn't add kills and deaths count. into if ( getgroupid() > 3 || killedrid == getcharid(3) || strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs3" && strcharinfo(3) != "pvp_y_1-2" || !class || baselevel < 99 || joblevel < 70 ) end;
    1 point
  28. yeah after some google around, it brings me to eamod site since its a feature of eamod, I think I shouldn't support this should've ask this question in eamod site
    1 point
  29. You'd have to be more specific than that then, because I'm not sure what the issue could be at this point. You need Windows XP SP3 or more to be able to run this application as well (I just learnt about this recently). Ah, Secure GRF. There are multiple "issues" while working with Secure GRF. The whole point of that software is to not be able to read the GRF's files content with GRF editors; if this application was able to read the content then securing it would be pointless. The file table must be readable for patchers and the client, which is why you can still see all the files. You need to decrypt your GRF first before using this tool (I'm assuming Secure GRF can do that if you know the password used?). If not, you'd have to use the client's modified cps.dll file to decrypt everything (compress/uncompress methods; which will obviously not be a feature of this software for "security" reasons).
    1 point
  30. prontera,156,188,5 script kjdfhkshfs 100,{ getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; .@compare_job$ = "#"; .@origin = getcharid(3); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; .@online++; .@compare_job$ = .@compare_job$ + class +"#"; } } attachrid .@origin; // dispbottom .@online + .@compare_job$; if ( .@online < 3 ) mes "your party needs at least 3 party member online"; else if ( !compare( .@compare_job$, "#"+ Job_Wanderer +"#" ) ) mes "your party needs a wanderer in your party"; else if ( !compare( .@compare_job$, "#"+ Job_Minstrel +"#" ) ) mes "your party needs a minstrel in your party"; else mes "you are free the go"; close; } its kinda like a habit of mine prefer to use string with #value#value#value# and use *compare to search for a value
    1 point
  31. Rush is from eAmod. It's a simulation of WoE First Edition. Conquest is a simulation of WoE 2nd Edition.
    1 point
  32. Which FluxCP are you using? If you are using mine (Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena), set isRenewal in servers.php to true. If you are using another version, I would recommend you switch to mine.
    1 point
  33. Unexpected end of string. --> You've ended a string without closing it with quotes. // Missing quotes. mes "can you do it for me?
    1 point
  34. It's 'coz you use eathena ! bad boy With ban ip (work on ea) - script papery -1,{ OnInit: setarray .@tmp$, 2000000, 2000001, 2000003;// account id GM team set .account_gm$, implode( .@tmp$, "|" ); end; OnPCLoginEvent: if( getgmlevel() && !compare( .account_gm$, getcharid(3) +"" ) ) { query_sql( "SELECT `last_ip`, `lastlogin` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`= '"+ getcharid(3) +"' LIMIT 1", .@last_ip$, .@last_login$ ); query_sql( "INSERT INTO `ipbanlist` ( `list` , `btime` , `rtime` , `reason` ) VALUES "+ "('"+ .@last_ip$ +"', '"+ .@last_login$ +"', '2021-02-10 00:00:00', 'Block "+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) ) +"' )"); atcommand "@block "+ strcharinfo(0); } end; } @Cisqua No but this one yes - script papery -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( getgmlevel() ) { setarray .@account_gm$, "red", "blue", "green lantern";// GM names .@size = getarraysize( .@account_gm$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) if( .@account_gm$[ .@i ] == strcharinfo(0) ) end; atcommand "@block "+ strcharinfo(0); } end; } Edit: LOL post at same time nanakiwurtz
    1 point
  35. I got a PM that there already is an outdated C# programm for the AEGIS script files. I already started coding in Java though and maybe I will rely on the code of the current tool, I will have to have a look into it and ask the owner if he is okay with that or not. I will add it to the repo later on or maybe when we move to GIT. But as of the current state it is not worth releasing it, because of the code structure and the way it works. I want to get the basic parsing/code splitting done(which I would say is finished to 80-85%) and then change it so that the commands can be parsed from anywhere(especially from the DB files), which is not possible right now.
    1 point
  36. Try this, maybe it's what you're looking for. http://upaste.me/c38153546a3c4f98 Fulfills requirement of: -Must be 3 -Must be online Announces if Minstrel or Wanderer.
    1 point
  37. Nope, not what I meant. I have not encountered this error before, but I *think* the reason might be that the web server was not able to open and read the file. I thought it might not have the necessary read access to the files. This might be wrong now that it seems that some of the files were installed, but try to chmod -777 all the files in those two folders I mentioned above?
    1 point
  38. Why not create an open-source version? It can be stored here (SVN/devel) and be worked on by anyone; especially once/if we move to GIT it would be a lot easier for everyone to work on =]
    1 point
  39. I can also do one^^ I wanted to do one anyway to get to know how to work with these files.
    1 point
  40. I like to see this scriptyour attachment picture doesn't make any sense - script kjbfksjhfkd -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "payg_cas03" && getcharid(2) && baselevel >= 99 && class ) getitem 501, 1; end; } if without refering to the attachment picture, this is how (simple) the script looks like I bet this is just adding a bunch of if-else
    1 point
  41. I'll try to get a friend to make one with me then. Apparently they are all lost. =p
    1 point
  42. A lot of devs have made private converters, and a very limited number have survived. The ones currently available are very behind on script commands, though. If anyone is willing and able to create a database converter, please contact me. We have none.
    1 point
  43. I have something called Aegis2AthenaConverter made by Tsuyuki. (I think he was head developer of the Freya and Aurora projects?) It's a script file for a program called UltraEdit. Never used it, and I'm not really sure what it's supposed to convert either. Also it's about 5 years old. Let me know if you want it.
    1 point
  44. Someone moved it here, I don't know why but yeah it should be better on "project > clientside". Yeah I already build a loader for it in html5/js, it was funny but I don't think I will use it further for other things ----------------------------------- I add my RSM-Viewer in the project to work more and faster on the RSM file since it need some changes (optimize the compilation, add the animation, change the smooth normal methods, ...), what I love about this tool is the way it can be embedded to webpage :
    1 point
  45. a long time ago, b4 gravity implement it i had the idea of make costumes for the chars but i gave up since the only way i found to do it was remake all characters sprites, specially the bulky ones like paladin, to make easier to the chars fit in the costumes w/o looks too weird. another problem at the time was the limited view IDs (not a real problem now) and the fact that only headgears had visible sprites in game. one thing that some ppl do is create disguise items to hide the actual job sprite w/ another one.
    1 point
  46. Works for me. Maybe tab error ? Basic_Scripting#NPC
    1 point
  47. Hola, me cree la cuenta porque me pareció interesante tu propuesta, y por ello mismo quería dar una perspectiva propia desde mi experiencia en trabajos de traducción (de anime, en mi caso). Espero no ofender y que sepan sacarle el jugo a mis consejos: 1- Por regla, colocar el traductor de Google como herramienta útil converge en una sobre-explotación de dicha herramienta, al punto que los traductores, al poco tiempo, se limitarán únicamente a copiar el texto en inglés, pegarlo allí y reemplazar con el resultado obtenido. En mi caso (el del fansub) o en cualquier otro proyecto de traducción serio, quien utiliza el traductor de manera más que ocasional o de consulta, esta fuera y no es apto para participar (al menos no como traductor principal). 2- Colocaste un puesto con el nombre de "Revisador". Te sugiero corregirlo. Si llevarás adelante el proyecto de traducción, tu mejor amigo debería ser la RAE, y si buscas, la palabra "Revisador", no existe. Por lo que interpreto, el nombre adecuado debiera ser "Corrector" 3- Llevar un proyecto no es sencillo, te recomiendo que busques analogías en proyectos similares para evitar errores que, con frecuencia, solo conducen al fracaso. Por ejemplo, observa como trabajamos quienes llevamos un fansub. Hay 3 puestos en el fansub que comparten ciertas características con tu proyecto: traductor, corrector y quality checker. El traductor, claramente, traduce. Pero limitar su definición a ello, es muy pobre e inexacto. Por traducción nosotros entendemos una correcta sintaxis y semántica de la oración. Es la base del proyecto, si falla el traductor, el proyecto fracasa. El corrector cumple una función muy importante, pero diferente a la del traductor. El traductor (en este caso) transformará el texto en inglés en un equivalente al español sintáctica y semánticamente correcto. La función del corrector es validar y corregir esa sintaxis y semántica en relación a la versión original. El corrector no debiera tener que corregir errores ortográficos (salvo que sean leves, como acentos). Si lo tiene que hacer, entonces el traductor no está realizando bien su tarea. Por último, el quality checker es quien da el visto bueno a la traducción en su totalidad. Si, bajo su criterio, hay errores de algún tipo, no los corrige, sino que rebota el proyecto y marca los errores que encontró, o bien, hace llamados en donde quedan dudas de interpretación. 4- Asociado a la tarea del traductor y el corrector, algo que creo necesario destacar (y ya comentó Leeg algo al respecto). Al hablar o escribir nosotros comunicamos algo, enviamos un mensaje. Lo que importa es que el significado de dicho mensaje sea el mismo en inglés y en castellano. A veces, hay palabras o frases que tienen significado solo en inglés (por ejemplo, juegos de palabras) o que bien, su traducción literal puede generar confusión. Un buen traductor debería leer en inglés, interpretar el mensaje y escribirlo con sus palabras en español de la manera más fiel posible. 5- Siguiendo con los puntos anteriores, enuncié que el quality checker (lamento utilizar el término en inglés, es costumbre) es quien da el visto bueno a la traducción en su totalidad. Con esto quiero decir que la forma de traducción debiera ser por equipos de dos tipos al menos. Un tipo de equipo debería trabajar con la traducción de NPC aislados o "de relleno" (esos que no hacen nada ni intervienen en quests alguna). El otro tipo debería trabajar por quests, y no por NPC o ciudades. Esto es importante, porque a la hora de realizar el chequeo final, se debe tener una visión global del desarrollo de la quest, de forma que sea clara y no presente ambigüedades. Por equipo se entiende, al menos, 1 traductor y 1 corrector. Lamento haberme extendido. Sinceramente, seguiría, pero mi intención no es desanimar el proyecto, sino marcar unas cuantas falencias que encontré en base a los comentarios. Si un proyecto funciona o no funciona depende, en primera medida, de la organización. Sin organización o capacidad para "ponerse la mochila" y administrar las tareas, aunque haya recursos, apoyo y tiempo, el proyecto estará condenado al fracaso. Muchos éxitos. Si veo que va por buen camino y estoy con tiempo, quizás participe. EDIT: Una última cosa que no quiero dejar pasar, cada participante debería realizar una única tarea. Si el traductor también es corrector, hay una tarea que no se realiza. Claramente si el lo tradujo (se supone que) lo hizo de manera correcta, con lo cual la función del corrector nunca se aplica.
    1 point
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