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Everything posted by Angel

  1. I loved this system ! Could this system work with mapflags? How could someone outside the guilds check who is at war?
  2. Hello @ittiphol how do you fix that? can share the fix?
  3. Thank you very much, I tried both and they worked perfectly to what I needed. Note: I do not mark best answer because both work ,thank you very much again.
  4. Hello, ppl. I need some help, i need a script that check a limit only 3 ids of array in inventory. example: setarray .@rental[0],990,991,992,993; if you have in your inventory 990,991,992 every combination of 3 ids you cannot get another item. but if you have only 2 990,993 you can get other item. i don't know how to check more of 3 ids in inventory, only one getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if(@inventorylist_id[.@i] == .@rental > 2) { mes "Only 3 ids in inventory"; close; } Hope someone help me
  5. Ok muchas gracias por sus recomendaciones ;D, creo que no queda de otra que ir actualizando manualmente ;S
  6. Hola a todos ;D Bueno queria preguntar como hacen algunos para estar actualizando su emulador a la ultima version del svn cuando ya tienen muchas modificaciones en el emulador, normalmente lo que yo hago es ir agregando manualmente las actualizaciones al emulador y pues en ocaciones en un solo dia modifican casi toda la carpeta src jajajaja, solo queria ver si hay hay maneras mas sencillas de hacerlo, otra que he intentado es bajar primero el ultimo svn, despues ir colocando parche por parche pero esto es mas tardado , casi siempre los parches dejan de ser compatibles despues de 1-2 revisiones y se tiene que aplicar manualmente ;S. haber si alguien tiene otra forma mas sencilla que pueda compartir, sino pues ni hablar tendre que ir actualizando manualmente ;S. Gracias.
  7. I found some guide in russian to modify the exe and show normal damage over 32767, someone could make a guide or create a diff to patch an exe and show the damage over 999k digits? I can barely change src code, modify an executable without a guide is impossible for me ;S Old Guide in Russian Thanks.
  8. Was using the previous version on my server, but this is excellent. Thanks very much.
  9. In first post are: ExtendedVendingSystem_1.7_3CeAM.patch ExtendedVendingSystem_1.7_eA.patch Try this patches first in a local or test server. Patch this manually
  10. +1 for add to the code, i like this mod a lot, anyway this is a official feature.
  11. ;S Yup you are right, I'm too lazy...
  12. Mira en la carpeta conf/groups.conf alli buscas donde venga la id para los players que es la id:0, alli donde viene la parte de commands: les agregas los commandos por ejemplo para agregarles el go seria: commands: { /* no commands by default */ go: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true } }, le colocas true para que este activo, si se lo quieres desactivar lo dejaras go: false. Te dejo como yo lo tengo configurado en mi emulador test para que te des una idea. { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ commands: true autoloot: true changegm: true alootid: true autotrade: true go: true time: true warp: true hominfo: true homstats: true mobinfo: true whodrops: true duel:true invite:true accept:true reject:true leave:true changeleader:true homtalk:true storage: true guildstorage: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true } }, Espero que te sirva de ayuda, si te sirvio te agradeceria un punto de reputacion en la flechita verde ;D
  13. Angel

    IPB Forum

    lol, this class of things is better not encouraged in this forum ppl
  14. you must apply patch manually -.- anyway open other topic for your request
  15. Mm how reference i leave a link in old spanish forum of eathena, the script are live but i need the client side files Rokimoki old Script
  16. Someone who wants to share the Herbalism System? Thanks
  17. Alguien tiene el systema de Herbalism, yo lo tenia antes ;S pero por perdida total del disco duro no pude rescatarlos, alguien que lo quiera compartir ;S Como referncia dejo el antigo post de RokiMoki el cual contiene el script, pero los archivos del cliente side. Herbalism System Gracias
  18. This mod are from @JakeRed i dont know if this work for the last svn but you can adjust the code for that. Original Post Patch
  19. I like that system, you save a lot of time filtering tables. Thanks
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