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  1. @Yommy Nice to see you decided to release your lua decompiler tool to the public. Even tho its not complete, it far more better then any other decompiler ive ever seen. @everyone To use this you need php support. You can download from this link and install.... http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/php-5.3.8-nts-Win32-VC9-x86.msi When installing itl ask if you want to install a server. Choose not to install any server and just click next the entire way. When it shows which components to install be sure not to touch any of that and just hit next. Once complete youll also want to download and install Notepad++ as it greatly helps with fixing the small errors in the outputed files from the decompiler. To install and use the decompiler just make a folder anywhere and name it what you want. Then place the following files in the folder.... LuaTool.bat LuaTool ToFile.bat lua.inc.php LuaTool.php You will also need to make a folder in the same folder you placed those files in and name it lubs. Once done, you can use the decompiler. To use it youll need to place 1 lub file (Thats right. It can only do 1 at a time. Attempting to do more then 1 can mess up the output) in the lubs folder. Then you click the LuaTool ToFile.bat to run it. It will generate a output.txt file which will contain the decompiled code. Be sure to do something with the output file before you continue, like open it and save as with a different name, or just rename the file. If you want to decompile another file youll need to remove the lub file from the lubs folder before you place another in there or else the decompiler will try to read multiple files and mess up. No matter what file you decompile the output will always be saved to output.txt which is why you should do something with the data before decompiling another. Next is cleaning the data. Right click any of the decompiled files and click Edit With Notepad++. Once opened youll need to remove the first 4 lines as their not part of the script. After that comes the tricky part. On the menu bar above click Search -> Find. A window will open. Click the Replace tab. Here's where you will do commands to cleanup the script. How you clean each file depends on the output. For example youll notice in files like skillinfolist something like this....1 = "SN_WINDWALK". Every skill info entry will have one like that, but that 1 = part shouldnt be there and will cause errors. To remove them use the replace window you opened. First type in the Find What : 1 = . Thats 1(space)=(space). In the Replace With : keep it empty. Then click the Replace All button and itl remove all those 1 = things. This is a example of how to clean the files. Other things that may need to be done is removing unneeded [ ] or { } or adding needed { }, or other things. Its a bit tricky but it can be done and it can greatly help and reduce the amount of time needed to cleanup a file. You can make changes and test the files with a RO client while having the file in your data/lua files/whatever folder. Some of the error's the client will spit out may be confusing and hard to figure out and fix. If you run into any issues, feel free to use my lua files release as a reference to compare and see if you missed anything. I hope this help everyone on the decompiler. I type this kinda quick.
    2 points
  2. If the cleanup (remove old packets) concern some of the packets send from client to the server, let me know ! roBrowser currently send the oldest possible packet to server to get a maximum compatibility with all pserver (since ea/ra support almost all packets send from client to server). Well I should improve robrowser to send the packet related to the detected packetver... Good idea through, It's more clean than the current version of clif.c. Same thing with chrif.c and login/map-serv.
    2 points
  3. Hello everyone! I figured I'd just make one of these threads that I have as my official free 'map' thread. Listed below is some maps I've done that are free to the public. I do not wish for them to be edited, but they ARE free and you are free to edit them. You are ALSO free to contact me if you need something edited specifically for your server from these maps. CREDITS would be awesome and please do NOT take credit for my work. It's bothersome and makes me a very sad panda ;~; Also you guys are more than free to add me on Facebook. There are maps uploaded onto my facebook that are not uploaded onto RMS/rA/eA. Also there will be constant updates for when I map. A little bit about this map. It was created specifically for a Lunar Event for a server I worked on not that long ago. Unfortunately it never got used so I'm releasing it to the public to do with it what you wish. I hope you like it and please report if you are having any issues. Please note that if your RO is not up to date you may not see the Red Carpet in the main part of the temple, if you decide to use the inside maps. Album of Lunar Map: Click here! Download Link: Click here! Download Link for Inside MapsClick Here! Over View:Click here! The 'ends' of each side of the map:Click here! Download Link: Click! Album of Novice Garden:Click Here! Download LinkClick Here! Please note that the Album shows for Hallow Town and the Vending map that I had planned on doing, unfortunately the Vending Map is no where near complete, but you can view what I had started doing. Album of Hallow Town: Click Here! Download LinkClick Here! Album of Aeven: Click here! Download Link: Aeven w/ House:Click Here! Download Link: Aeven w/ Well:Click Here! Album of Ilyo Kwan: Click Here! Download Link:Click Here! A little bit about this map, I made it for a server a little over a year ago. It was supposed to be kitty themed for events, there are no indoors maps at this time although i'd love to, at one point, make the indoors maps. The map HASNT been used yet, so if you find any glitches feel free to let me know. Two things that was asked of me for this map was an area for weddings and a 'gm only' area. Thats what the two paws are for, you can walk through the water to the wedding area but only GMs will be able to warp to the other paw, unless players get lucky with Fwings. =] Hope you guys like it. Album of Neko Isle: Click Here! Download link Click Here! Lemme know what you're using it for! Hope you guys like it, please feel free to report any bugs. :3 Also it would be awesome if you would please give credits
    1 point
  4. Miruku is a full replacement for the RagRay project. It is a simple installer aimed to provide users with a one click experience to install kRO Ragnarok & kRO Renewal. Hit download to visit the website and access the project. This should remain server administrator's preferred method of allowing "Full Client" installation. Simply link players to the project's webpage and have them install Miruku. Then have them install your patcher to the same folder Miruku was installed. Job done. You have a client up to date from the 15th Dec, 2011. Enjoy. Download: http://miruku.rathena.org
    1 point
  5. Meyraw made a nice modification on how to handle packets. You can check his project there: http://code.google.com/p/eathenanext/ The main point is, the packets are no longer edited with WFIFO macros, but they are structs, with members just like in Aegis. With such system it would be easier to add support for newer clients, since we can dump those structs from Aegis leaked pdbs ( In his code as far as I remember the struct and member names does not match with aegis' ones, maybe it would worth name matching.). Adding this would be a great deal of work, breaking lot of existing patches, and probably would be better to develop it in a different branch. Opinions?
    1 point
  6. Description: make all quest npc look same by putting their into function, so you just need to give it date, npc will auto change. callfunc "questfunction",strnpcinfo(0),quest-item-id,amount,needed-item-id,amount,needed-item-id,amount,......; Quest Npc.txt
    1 point
  7. Hello everyone. Im here today to release a batch of decompiled Lua files made from the latest Lub's in the client's official grf's. The files you see here were decompiled and adjusted to work with the latest RO clients while in a decompiled form. This allow's private server dev's to add many different types of custom content to their clients without the need of hexing a client. These files are completely brand new and dont use any data from any past decompiled files (Except emotionlist.lub). Reason is because as old as the last release is (March 2011) it was hard to find a starting point. Not only that, past releases are missing some needed data like job checks for skill requirements, types, missing other data....etc. It was best to start from scratch so I could make some fully up-to-date and reliable files. The files here were made with the latest lub's from around December of 2011. However, due to issues with December clients I made and tested them while using a 2011-11-22aRagexeRE client. No function changes were made during the month of December. With the release of these files I hope to help the community move a big step forward to getting full support for the latest clients possiable. Rytech's Decompiled Lua's Release For 2011-11-22 client. = How To Use = Place the "lua files" folder in your RO/data/ directory. They will work in data folders and GRF's. Be sure to have the "Load Lua Before Lub" diff diffed into your client. = Notes = Skill names in the skillinfolist.lua are still in Korean as I didnt bother taking the time to replace the names with english ones....yet. All 3rd job skill descripts in the skilldescript.lua are copied from the sakray iRO client and are mostly up-to-date with the info for the 2011 balances from kRO. The stateiconinfo.lua is from iRO's sakray client and is up-to-date with skill info. However, iRO skill names are used in here and will need to be replaced with kRO skill names in the future. Finally, I will not bother decompileing any function files since its pointless. Their's no possiable ways in customize with editing them and is best to keep true to the original coding in them for the client date. If for some reason one does need to be decompiled then I will do it. Other then that, have fun and enjoy the release. =Final Notes The development and release of these files is a big step in my plan for getting full support completed for newer clients. So many users out there are still using clients from around Feb....March....around there due to lack of newer lua support. Its time to start moving up to the newer stuff. So much has changed since then and now their's many new custom things that can be added. Im really looking forward to the future. =D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are 2 downloads. The 1st one is the original release and is mainly for development purposes. The 2nd one (V2) is a re-release that includes a few updated files and makes installing a lot easier, as well as allowing the use of the "Load Lua Before Lub" diff. Rytech's Decompiled Lua Release 2011-11-22.rar Rytech's Decompiled Lua Release 2011-11-22 V2.rar
    1 point
  8. So its that time of year again where I get extremely bored. Bored enough to get dragged back into designing ragnarok themed websites. I posted on eAthena but then my buddy told me that rAthena is where its at now so I packed up and moved here I finally tried to use black with white (since most of my designs are light based, without any blacks). News and Updates simillar to my last design, but hey it works so why change it? and it doesnt define the site so It shouldnt matter if it looks alike. PVP inspired from NBA, im not a fan of the sport, but im a fan of their website haha. Please leave ratings, comments, rants, etc. EDIT: lessened the subtext on the navigation early revision [here] MORE EDIT: more revisions and added some screens of other pages homepage more screenies of other pages of said site:
    1 point
  9. yeah i already know =) just wondering why a4rei hasn't step in to the rA dev team
    1 point
  10. try this mall. //===== RAthena Script ======================================== //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any RAthena Version //===== Description: ========================================= //= Shopping Mall cointaining most item except cards //= Include 3rd Job Shop. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Please include me in the credits if you edited this mall //============================================================ //The Shops turbo_room,109,123,5 shop Upper Headgear 1 731,5105:1000000,5106:1000000,5201:1000000,5097:1000000,5226:1000000,5011:1000000,5137:1000000,5207:1000000,5246:1000000,2254:1000000,5132:1000000,5153:1000000,5333:1000000,2284:1000000,2285:100000,2261:1000000,5264:1000000,5189:1000000,5270:1000000,5174:1000000,5116:1000000,2211:10000,5042:1000000,5147:1000000,5076:1000000,5172:1000000,2244:50000,5129:1000000,2216:100000,5057:1000000,5065:1000000,5052:1000000,2279:50000,5017:1000000,5016:1000000,5150:1000000,5114:50000,5034:1000000,2214:1000000,5024:1000000,5178:1000000,2226:50000,5145:1000000,5026:1000000,2232:50000,2249:1000000,5019:1000000,5075:1000000,5048:1000000,5036:1000000,5080:1000000,5081:1000000,2235:1000000,2250:50000,5082:1000000,5038:1000000,2273:1000000,5058:500000,2283:1000000,5015:10000,5146:1000000,2255:1000000,2207:100000,5047:1000000,5170:1000000,5018:1000000,2215:1000000,5061:1000000,5124:500000,5056:100000,2290:100000,5111:1000000,5144:1000000,2230:500000,2274:1000000,5063:1000000,5128:500000,2246:1000000,5007:1000000,2298:1000000,5021:1000000,2210:10000,2282:1000000,2220:10000,5001:1000000,5041:1000000,5025:1000000,2228:100000,5070:1000000 turbo_room,107,125,5 shop Upper Headgear 2 762,5072:1000000,5190:1000000,5010:1000000,5071:1000000,5209:1000000,2271:1000000,5002:1000000,5003:1000000,5020:1000000,5140:1000000,5069:1000000,2213:1000000,5084:1000000,5139:1000000,5027:1000000,5138:1000000,5045:1000000,5122:1000000,2256:1000000,5141:1000000,5031:1000000,2259:1000000,5073:1000000,2251:100000,5126:1000000,5127:1000000,5117:1000000,5148:1000000,5099:1000000,2277:100000,5037:100000,2299:100000,5030:100000,5023:1000000,5060:1000000,5012:100000,2287:100000,2289:1000000,5035:1000000,2293:1000000,5134:1000000,5182:1000000,5118:1000000,5008:100000,5033:1000000,5039:1000000,2275:1000000,5109:1000000,5083:1000000,5108:1000000,2208:10000,2247:500000,5009:1000000,2280:1000000,5100:1000000,5078:1000000,5133:1000000,5149:1000000,5064:1000000,5212:1000000,5067:1000000,2258:1000000,5029:1000000,2294:1000000,2272:1000000,5062:1000000,5049:1000000,5066:1000000,5287:1000000,5032:1000000,5103:1000000,2253:1000000,2245:500000,5059:1000000,2234:1000000,5077:1000000,2222:100000,5123:500000,2257:500000,2206:100000,2248:500000,5044:1000000,5115:1000000,2252:1000000,5050:1000000,5079:1000000 turbo_room,105,128,5 shop Middle Headgear 899,5074:1000000,2276:1000000,2296:1000000,5102:1000000,2295:500000,5800:1000000,5040:1000000,5135:1000000,5104:1000000,2205:100000,2286:1000000,5068:1000000,2212:100000,5154:1000000,5014:1000000,2243:100000,2203:100000,5006:100000,2291:1000000,2260:100000,2239:100000,5043:1000000,2242:100000,5325:1000000,5248:1000000,5250:1000000,5085:1000000,2201:100000,5101:1000000,2263:1000000 turbo_room,105,132,5 shop Lower Headgear 853,5113:1000000,5096:1000000,5110:1000000,2237:500000,2240:500000,2267:1000000,2262:1000000,5107:1000000,5156:1000000,5155:1000000,2218:500000,2265:1000000,2241:500000,2266:1000000,5004:1000000,2268:1000000,5051:1000000,2269:1000000,2270:1000000,5206:1000000 turbo_room,105,136,5 shop Upper/Middle/Lower Head 873,5086:1000000,5089:1000000,5005:1000000,5090:1000000,2297:1000000,5314:1000000,5332:1000000,2288:1000000,2278:10000,2281:50000,5087:1000000,5203:1000000,5272:1000000,5088:1000000,2292:1000000,5093:500000,5142:1000000,5091:1000000,5258:1000000,5276:1000000,5273:1000000,5274:1000000,2224:100000,5181:3000000,5094:1000000,5130:1000000,5151:1000000,5152:1000000,5098:1000000,5121:1000000,5046:1000000,5131:1000000,5143:1000000,2264:1000000,5053:1000000 turbo_room,105,140,3 shop Armor 752,2306:100000,2315:1000000,2310:50000,2302:5000,2320:1000000,2317:1000000,2319:1000000,2354:1000000,2373:1000000,2304:10000,2342:1000000,2318:1000000,2372:1000000,2308:1000000,2311:1000000,2359:1000000,2353:1000000,2313:1000000,2371:10000,2360:1000000,2326:1000000,2324:1000000,2322:500000,2333:500000,2336:1000000,2331:1000000,2338:1000000,2329:50000,2349:3000000,2351:3000000,2345:3000000,2347:3000000 turbo_room,109,140,3 shop Shield 707,2118:1000000,2131:1000000,2104:1000000,2130:1000000,2102:10000,2110:1000000,2120:1000000,2121:1000000,2108:1000000,2128:1000000,2129:1000000,2106:50000,2114:1000000,2125:1000000,2124:1000000 turbo_room,113,140,3 shop Garment 806,2525:1000000,2515:1000000,2516:1000000,2520:1000000,2513:1000000,2502:10000,2506:50000,2518:1000000,2519:1000000,2504:50000,2514:1000000,2508:1000000,2511:1000000,2509:1000000,2523:50000,2517:1000000 turbo_room,117,140,3 shop Footgear 913,2406:50000,2415:50000,2407:50000,2417:1000000,2419:1000000,2412:1000000,2432:50000,2422:30000,2413:50000,2402:10000,2408:50000,2404:50000,2418:1000000 turbo_room,121,140,3 shop Accessory 856,2656:20000,2664:10000,2627:20000,2655:1000000,2671:1000000,2605:30000,2646:1000000,2617:10000,2631:1000000,2607:30000,2616:1000000,2613:1000000,2602:30000,2665:1000000,2614:1000000,2641:1000000,2612:2000,2663:1000000,2604:30000,2652:1000000,2636:50000,2610:50000,2640:1000000,2657:1000000,2666:1000000,2618:10000,2645:1000000,2649:1000000,2648:1000000,2650:1000000,2651:1000000,2603:50000,2658:1000000,2639:1000000,2638:1000000,2667:1000000,2670:1000000,2601:50000,2669:1000000,2620:1000000,2608:20000,2615:1000000,2643:1000000,2654:1000000,2637:40000,2611:40000,2715:1000000,2634:1000000,2635:1000000 turbo_room,87,119,5 shop One-handed Sword 733,1109:1000000,1140:1000000,1134:1000000,13400:1000000,1132:1000000,1137:1000000,1106:1000000,1133:1000000,1149:1000000,1143:1000000,1128:1000000,1145:1000000,1131:1000000,1141:1000000,1142:1000000,1138:1000000,1130:1000000,1124:1000000,1112:1000000,1125:1000000,1127:1000000,1144:1000000,1115:1000000,1136:1000000,1148:1000000,1103:1000000,1139:1000000,1147:1000000,1121:1000000,1108:1000000 turbo_room,88,121,5 shop Two-handed Sword 734,1156:30000,1162:70000,1172:80000,1180:1000000,1179:1000000,1118:30000,1170:1000000,1165:1000000,1164:1000000,1178:1000000,1153:30000,1159:70000,1171:1000000 turbo_room,90,123,5 shop One-handed Spear 767,1415:1000000,1414:1000000,1418:1000000,1403:1000000,1409:1000000,1417:1000000,1406:1000000,1416:1000000,1408:1000000,1402:1000000,1405:1000000 turbo_room,92,125,5 shop Two-handed Spear 780,1467:1000000,1470:1000000,1476:1000000,1475:1000000,1474:1000000,1456:20000,1453:15000,1465:55000,1412:60000,1469:1000000,1459:30000,1462:60000,1468:1000000 turbo_room,94,128,5 shop One-handed Axe 826,1303:1000000,1304:1000000,1305:1000000,1308:1000000,1306:1000000,1307:1000000,1302:1000000,1309:1000000 turbo_room,94,132,5 shop Two-handed Axe 813,1353:6000,1363:1000000,1359:35000,1364:1000000,1369:1000000,1356:20000,1366:1000000,1365:1000000,1367:1000000,1368:1000000,1362:60000 turbo_room,94,136,5 shop Katar 885,1265:1000000,1266:1000000,1251:20000,1255:40000,1253:60000,1256:100000,1259:100000,1257:100000,1258:100000,1260:100000,1262:1000000,1264:1000000,1263:1000000 turbo_room,94,140,5 shop Dagger 884,13005:1000000,1232:1000000,1235:1000000,1231:1000000,1246:50000,13004:55000,1241:80000,1206:2000,1242:150000,1215:15000,1226:50000,1212:10000,13001:1000000,1233:1000000,1223:1000000,1221:45000,13006:250000,1237:1000000,13015:1000000,13008:20000,1229:1000000,1203:1000,1209:3000,1234:1000000,13013:1000000,1240:1000000,1218:20000,13018:1000000,1227:1000000,1238:1000000,13009:50000,1228:2000000,1230:2000000,1225:1000000,1224:1000000,1244:1000000,13016:1000000,13019:1000000,13000:1000000,1249:1000000,1247:1000000,1248:1000000,1205:1250,1214:14000,1220:43000,1202:50,1208:2400,13027:20,1217:19500 turbo_room,90,140,5 shop Rod & Staff 735,1612:50000,1615:500000,1613:1000000,1603:1000,1472:1000000,1609:10000,1618:1000000,1620:1000000,1614:500000,1606:5000,1616:1000000,1473:1000000 turbo_room,86,140,5 shop Bow 832,1715:50000,1727:150000,1703:1000,1706:3000,1712:20000,1724:1000000,1716:45000,1709:10000,1726:65000,1723:1000000,1725:1000000,1721:100000,1719:1000000,1720:1000000 turbo_room,81,140,5 shop Mace 821,1521:25000,1503:1000,1512:20000,1524:1000000,1528:1000000,1529:1000000,1525:1000000,1506:3000,1515:45000,1527:1000000,1526:1000000,1509:10000,1523:1000000,1532:60000,1518:50000,1531:1000000 turbo_room,77,140,5 shop Knuckle 808,1816:1000000,1810:70000,1812:60000,1808:55000,1815:1000000,1813:1000000,1804:25000,1806:35000,1802:10000 turbo_room,75,138,5 shop Whip 862,1969:1000000,1964:1000000,1971:1000000,1967:1000000,1966:1000000,1962:1000000,1970:1000000,1957:35000,1963:1000000,1965:1000000,1951:3000,1968:1000000,1959:45000,1953:12000,1961:40000,1955:20000 turbo_room,73,136,5 shop Musical Instrument 741,1914:1000000,1913:1000000,1917:1000000,1916:1000000,1908:50000,1912:55000,1910:65000,1915:1000000,1906:25000,1904:20000,1918:1000000,1902:5000 turbo_room,71,134,5 shop Books 893,1562:1000000,1551:80000,1553:50000,1556:50000,1554:50000,1557:80000,1555:50000,1550:50000,1558:5000,1561:1000000,1559:1000000,1560:1000000,1552:55000 turbo_room,69,132,5 shop Gun 852,13103:60000,13105:100000,13106:200000,13101:10000,13150:6000,13152:30000,13153:50000,13155:60000,13156:100000,13154:30000,13159:250000,13157:150000,13161:300000,13162:500000 turbo_room,69,128,5 shop Fuuma Shuriken 880,13302:100000,13303:150000,13300:200000,13304:1000000,7522:500,7521:500,7523:500 turbo_room,72,125,5 shop Ammunition 801,1766:50,1755:20,1750:10,1754:20,1761:20,1752:20,1760:20,1759:20,1772:100,1757:30,1770:20,1769:30,1765:40,1763:30,1762:30,1767:30,1764:30,1751:20,1768:30,1753:30,1756:30,1758:30,1771:1000,13200:50,13202:100,13201:300,13206:500,13203:500,13207:500,13204:500,13205:500,13252:50,13254:500,13251:100,13253:300,13250:50,13256:50,13259:50,13258:50,13255:50,13257:50 turbo_room,124,138,3 shop Novice Shop 882,569:100,5055:1000,5125:10000,5112:50000,2340:100000,2352:40000,2355:50000,1243:50000,1621:80000,2112:10000,2116:30000,2113:50000,2521:30000,2512:100000,2510:50000,2414:1000,2420:30000,2416:50000,2628:50000,7271:10000 turbo_room,103,123,3 shop Blacksmith Shop 869,717:600,716:600,715:600,1010:-1,1011:-1,985:-1,984:-1,613:1000,614:3000,615:5000,1005:-1,986:-1,987:-1,988:-1,989:-1,612:150,990:-1,991:-1,992:-1,993:-1,994:-1,995:-1,996:-1,997:-1,1003:-1,1002:-1,998:-1,999:-1,1000:-1,1001:-1,733:-1,730:-1,731:-1,732:-1,719:-1,718:-1,724:-1,723:-1,725:-1,726:-1,727:-1,728:-1,729:-1,721:-1,720:-1,722:-1 turbo_room,96,123,3 shop Alchemist Shop 749,7136:5000,7135:5000,7137:3000,7138:3000,7139:5000,713:100,1092:50,7134:50,1093:100,12040:200000,952:1000,1012:1000,950:1000,7126:5000,1017:1000,1057:1000,1061:5000,7419:200000,7434:200000,7133:250000 turbo_room,99,120,3 shop Healing Item 886,575:20,521:360,512:20,513:20,515:20,514:300,531:20,532:20,534:20,533:500,510:100,511:20,507:30,508:50,509:200,505:5000,506:50,501:100,502:300,503:600,504:1200,577:200,553:300,580:150,590:300,591:300,548:2800,12101:20,545:150,547:1650,546:600,594:5000,596:5000,12257:25000,562:100,563:1200,581:40,574:20,540:2000,12234:10000,579:250,12022:500,12102:20,520:150,593:5000,518:500,536:150,552:100,583:7000,568:60,11502:4500,599:800,598:600,11501:2000,11500:1200,597:5000,680:10000,522:9000,12133:1000,517:50,519:25,528:60,595:5000,557:10,582:300,541:3000,679:5000,589:1200,12021:1000,516:15,576:540,535:15,544:20,587:880,564:100,556:10,550:10,669:500,526:7000,567:500,584:100,663:1000,588:100,592:5000,578:200,551:100,566:10000,555:100,565:580,549:180,12135:80000,608:50000,12188:50000 turbo_room,106,117,3 shop Stats Food 820,525:500,682:10000,14525:20000,683:10000,14526:20000,12123:15000,12122:15000,14538:15000,14536:15000,684:15000,12124:15000,12112:1000,12113:1000,12017:50000,12016:50000,12045:500000,12060:500000,12055:500000,12050:500000,12065:500000,12070:500000,12247:300000 //quiz_02,348,64,3 shop Santa Claus 718,2236:100000,529:100,570:100,530:200,571:200,538:2000,572:2000,558:1000,561:100000,573:10000,596:5000,559:100000,560:100000 turbo_room,93,117,3 shop Usable Item 891,606:1500,605:2000,609:100,662:1500,678:30000,645:1000,656:3000,657:5000,14509:2000,14510:4000,12020:2000 turbo_room,101,123,3 shop Pet Store 890,643:3000,619:2000,620:2000,621:2000,622:3000,623:4000,632:5000,627:7000,624:3000,625:3000,630:3000,631:3000,633:3000,629:3000,635:3000,636:3000,637:3000,659:3000,626:3000,642:3000,641:3000,640:3000,628:10000,638:15000,639:20000,661:20000,634:20000,660:20000,10013:5000,10017:5000,10010:5000,10016:5000,10020:5000,10015:5000,10018:5000,10002:5000,10004:5000,10008:5000,10006:5000,10019:5000,10014:5000,10007:5000,10001:5000,10011:5000,10012:5000,10003:5000,10005:5000,10009:5000 turbo_room,111,121,6 shop Headgears 747,5106:75000,5105:75000,5097:75000,5011:75000,5086:75000,5137:75000,5074:75000,2254:75000,5132:75000,5153:75000,2276:75000,5113:75000,5089:75000,2284:75000,2285:75000,2261:75000,5116:75000,2211:75000,2237:75000,5042:75000,5147:75000,5076:75000,2244:75000,2296:75000,5102:75000,5251:75000,5040:75000,5135:75000,2260:75000,2239:75000,5043:75000,5804:75000,2291:75000,2242:75000,5085:75000,2263:75000,2202:75000 turbo_room,98,123,6 shop Wedding Shop 71,745:12000,2338:43000,2206:23000,2613:45000,7170:43000 //quiz_02,339,62,6 shop Scroll Item 714,12016:5000,12017:5000,14515:5000,14514:5000,12216:5000,12215:5000,12219:5000,12220:5000,12217:5000,12218:5000,14512:5000,14516:5000,14521:5000,12114:5000,12115:5000,12117:5000,12116:5000 turbo_room,76,100,3 shop Mechanic Shop 777,1549:2000000,2139:2000000,2800:2000000,2801:2000000,2802:2000000,2803:2000000,2804:2000000,2805:2000000,2806:2000000,2807:2000000,2808:2000000,2809:2000000,2810:2000000,6145:1000,6146:2000,6147:20000,12392:15000,12393:15000,12394:15000,18000:3000,18001:3000,18002:3000,18003:3000,18004:3000 turbo_room,76,102,3 shop Warlock Shop 777,6189:2000000,6190:2000000,6191:2000000,6192:2000000,6193:2000000,6194:2000000,6195:2000000,6196:2000000,6197:2000000,6198:2000000,6199:2000000 turbo_room,76,104,3 shop Genetic Shop 777,6210:30000,6211:30000,6212:30000,6213:30000,6214:30000,6215:30000,6216:30000,6217:30000,6244:30000,6245:30000,6246:50000,6247:50000,6248:50000,6249:50000,6250:50000,6251:50000,6252:50000,6253:50000,6254:50000,6255:50000,6256:50000,6257:50000,6258:50000,6259:50000,6260:50000,6261:50000,6262:50000,6263:50000,6264:50000,6265:50000,6279:100000,6280:100000,6281:100000,6282:100000,6283:100000,6284:100000,6285:100000,6297:20000,11022:100000,11023:100000,11024:100000,12418:30000,12419:30000,12422:30000,12423:30000,12424:30000,12425:30000,12426:30000,12427:30000,12428:30000,12436:30000,12437:30000,12475:30000,13260:35000,13261:35000,13262:35000,13263:35000,13264:35000,13265:35000,13266:35000,13267:35000,13268:35000 turbo_room,76,108,3 shop Genetic Shop2 777,13269:30000,13270:30000,13271:30000,13272:30000,13273:30000,13274:30000,13275:30000,13276:30000,13277:30000,13278:30000,13279:30000,13280:30000,13281:30000,13282:30000,13283:30000,13284:30000,13285:30000,13286:30000,13287:30000,13288:30000,13289:30000,13290:30000 turbo_room,76,110,3 shop Guillotine Cross Shop 777,7931:5000,7932:5000,7933:5000,7934:5000,7935:5000,7936:5000,7937:5000,12717:30000,12718:30000,12719:30000,12720:30000,12721:30000,12722:30000,12723:30000,12724:30000,6128:30000 turbo_room,78,100,3 shop Rune Knight Shop 777,7938:5000,7939:5000,12725:30000,12726:30000,12727:30000,12728:30000,12729:30000,12730:30000,12731:30000,12732:30000,12733:30000,12734:5000,12735:5000,12736:5000,12737:5000,12738:5000 turbo_room,80,100,3 shop Ranger Shop 777,7940:1000,6124:1000 turbo_room,82,100,3 shop Mins & Wand Shop 777,11513:10000 turbo_room,84,100,3 shop Arc Shop 777,12333:5000 turbo_room,76,106,3 shop Shadow Chaser Shop 777,6120:1500,6121:1500.6122:1500,6123:1500,6122:5000 turbo_room,86,100,3 shop All Weapon 3rd Class 778,1191:2000000,1196:5000000,1433:5000000,1930:5000000,1984:5000000,2153:5000000,13061:5000000,13431:5000000,16010:5000000
    1 point
  11. rA dev team is awesome. Mercurial is right, why dwell in the past when you can move on to the future. It's time to stop looking back, and start moving forward.
    1 point
  12. IF u want disable for normal player? like this? // Displays SVN version of the server. version: 1,1 just change the version: 1,1 0 = Normal Player 1 = Super Player 10 = Whatever player and so on.. if u dont want to give normal player can use it. just version: 1,1
    1 point
  13. Why does anyone even care about eathena.ws ? , we have awesome dev team here :/ , and Ind is working his ass off. :/, we need more people like him :/ As of now, hes about to finish all of the 3-2 Jobs, and also Muad_Dib the great leaker has join our forces, And we have the great fork starters , like Protimus and other guys , And some other great contributors like (KeyWorld -> roBrowser , Aeomin -> Thor Patcher, Tiera -> kPatcher, Gepard -> SVN PRO, Masao -> has been updating our scripts to ep 13.2 ) Not to mention our awesome managers (Jguy ,Maki , BrianL) I mean its the best time for this EMU community, Why still linger in teh past ? Nabs Respect Nigga Mercurial
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Even though my opinion isn't relevant in this discussion I want to support this idea because this will make it easier for noobs like me to get into this part of Athena.
    1 point
  16. Generally pro. I started this about three times, but never got beyond the basic movement / chat packets. It's indeed a lot work, but worth the effort. The eathenanext approach looks fine, definitely better than the current clif.c code. I didn't read through the entire code though, just briefly skimmed it. We currently support about six different spawn packets, possibly more by now. Structs make it easier to figure out the final packet structure, but the code remains either redundant (one function per packet in each version) or scrambled with #ifdefs (one function per semantic packet [walk, spawn, ...]). In the process we should definitely merge packet_db versions and PACKETVER. It doesn't make any sense to support dozens of client versions, but have one fixed server protocol. PACKET(PKT_MC_CUTIN) pkt = { PKT_MC_CUTIN }; This is weird.
    1 point
  17. try this into mapannounce .Map$,"["+strcharinfo(0)+"] killed a Mushroom, Left "+( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" )+" Mushroom now..!",0; this will never happen....those normal mushroom / monsters spawn usually didnt attached with a custom "OnKill" event or whatever custom things upon killed.... unless you did attach a same OnKill Label with it...
    1 point
  18. This topic never intended to do this, but I think we are all in for this suggestion if anybody can provide a way to do this because at the momemt the GM levels are saved in login db which is account specific. For that purpose there would be another table needed to specify which account/character/guild should be aligned to which group. The only problem would be the compatibility to the Control Panels and stuff. No, that's bad idea. Things like that should not be saved in config file, but in SQL database. Solution is to add `GM_level` (or `group`) field to `guild` / `char` table. However I don't really see a scenario where adding it to single characters is necessary.
    1 point
  19. Hmm this should be the cause of missing .wav files o.o. I uploaded them anyway, so just download them, create patch for your players and it should work. set $@arena_pay,1; // 1 = Formula, 2 = Per Array // But remember to put the prices for all items. setarray $@arena_ar[0],100; // Etc If you want to use your own prices edit the first variable to "2" and then put the prices in the array below. But remember to insert all prices then ^^. If you want to remove some items, search the item id in the "setarray $@arena_sh[0]" line and delete them. Regards, Chris Chris, Please pardon me being newbie. I really new to this server thing. I am not too sure how would I build the patch for the wav files. I believe that they should be placed in a specific folder which I don't the right path. Please tell me where these wav files should go. I really appreciate you help. Sorry for the ignorace. Kind regards, Rod www.arcadiaro.com The wav files has to be places into the "data/wav" folder which may not exist in your own folder. Just create the folder and put the files in there. Do you have an patcher by chance? for your players? Else you could upload them to your homepage and tell them to add those in the data folder if they have one. If you want to disable the sounds, just comment the lines with "soundeffectall". First one is at line 857^^ Regards, Chris
    1 point
  20. We'll use item_rate_common as an example: item_rate_common: 100 100 means all drop rates specified in mob_db will be used. 600 means all drop rates will be six times as high as defined in mob_db item_drop_common_min: 1 item_drop_common_max: 10000 item_drop_common_min sets all drop rates that are lower than what is defined in item_rate_common into the value given Ex: Setting item_drop_common_min to 4 and setting item_rate_common to 100 will increase all items with the drop rate of .01% to .04% item_drop_common_max sets all drop rates that are higher than what is defined in item_rate_common into the value given This is more used for lowering the drop rate of certain items...for example cards...say you want a server with 100% drop rate except for cards...you can edit item_drop_card_max to 4000 to have it set at 40%. (Not sure if it's really 4000) XD Hopefully that explains it. Ask more if it's confusing.
    1 point
  21. Ceres and FluxCP are completely safe if used correctly. If settings are left at their defaults and modifications are applied that are not penetration tested correctly, bad things happen. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either CP package, merely the idiots who use them incorrectly. If you were hacked, you were obviously foolish enough to leave a security exploit to begin with such as a default password or misconfiguration security setting. It is not our job to teach you common sense- perhaps if you lack the proper understanding of basic security measurements server hosting is not for you. A game server as *Athena may be, basic security features/practices still apply to it.
    1 point
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