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Z3R0 last won the day on September 6 2022

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About Z3R0

  • Birthday 09/27/1984

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    Austin, TX
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  • Github: SEORoman
  • Discord: DontHurtMe#1337
  • Interests
    NPC Scripting, Web Dev

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Community Answers

  1. Z3R0

    Rent npc

    Forgot to delitem the redpot ?
  2. Glad you got it resolved. Sorry, I don't get on much during the weekends ?
  3. Which part of the script actually breaks? The first menu? after you select it? More details are definitely needed ?
  4. I might actually try and tackle this... I can already see quite a few ways this can be implemented... ?
  5. First, this probably belongs in Support, NOT requests... setarray .@maps$, "dbroom1", "dbroom2", "dbroom3"; if (inarray( .@maps$, strcharinfo(3) )) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{} might make debugging a bit easier to see
  6. https://pastebin.com/sCJ905qt this should resolve it, see the first example, where I use strings, and combine multiple prizes with | and also specify multiple rewards with prizes... It's not "perfect" but it should get the job done (untested)
  7. Above the else... But @part needs to change to @refine
  8. Z3R0

    BG Box

    Do you have hte script that you wrote?
  9. after OnShower: OnShower: if (!getgmlevel() < 99) { end; }
  10. fyi, I think I missed a closing } at the bottom (but if I edit it, it screws up the code...)
  11. Sure I can rewrite it tonight and put some comments around the code
  12. Use the 2nd one I wrote, not the first... the first had a glitch in it... check all map variables.. make sure they match :D
  13. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: set .amount, 40; // amount of item to shower set .item_id, 7227; // item id to shower set .item_id2, 1234; // next item id to shower bindatcmd "itemshower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShower"; end; OnShower: getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_PC; while ( .count < .amount ) { do { .@x_diff = .@x + rand(1,5); .@y_diff = .@y + rand(1,5); } while (!checkcell(.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff,cell_chkpass)); .@var = rand(2); makeitem .@var?.item_id:.item_id2,1,.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff; set .count, .count + 1; } set .count, 0; end; This will make the command @itemshow ... start with the characters position, then it will consider a differential between 1 and 5 from their X,Y coordinates to "shower" around them...
  14. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: set .amount, 40; // amount of item to shower set .item_id, 7227; // item id to shower set .item_id2, 1234; // next item id to shower bindatcmd "itemshower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShower"; end; OnShower: getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_PC; while ( .count < .amount ) { do { .@x_diff = .@x + rand(1,5); .@y_diff = .@y + rand(1,5); } while (!checkcell(.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff,cell_chkpass)); .@var = rand(2); makeitem .@var?.item_id:.item_id2,1,.map$,.@x,.@y; set .count, .count + 1; } set .count, 0; end; This will make the command @itemshow ... start with the characters position, then it will consider a differential between 1 and 5 from their X,Y coordinates to "shower" around them...
  15. Of course, you could do something much simpler just.... set got_plat_skills, 1; // on a player when they receive them, and simply check it...
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