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Everything posted by Z3R0

  1. Z3R0

    Rent npc

    Forgot to delitem the redpot ?
  2. Glad you got it resolved. Sorry, I don't get on much during the weekends ?
  3. Which part of the script actually breaks? The first menu? after you select it? More details are definitely needed ?
  4. I might actually try and tackle this... I can already see quite a few ways this can be implemented... ?
  5. First, this probably belongs in Support, NOT requests... setarray .@maps$, "dbroom1", "dbroom2", "dbroom3"; if (inarray( .@maps$, strcharinfo(3) )) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{} might make debugging a bit easier to see
  6. https://pastebin.com/sCJ905qt this should resolve it, see the first example, where I use strings, and combine multiple prizes with | and also specify multiple rewards with prizes... It's not "perfect" but it should get the job done (untested)
  7. Above the else... But @part needs to change to @refine
  8. Z3R0

    BG Box

    Do you have hte script that you wrote?
  9. after OnShower: OnShower: if (!getgmlevel() < 99) { end; }
  10. fyi, I think I missed a closing } at the bottom (but if I edit it, it screws up the code...)
  11. Sure I can rewrite it tonight and put some comments around the code
  12. Use the 2nd one I wrote, not the first... the first had a glitch in it... check all map variables.. make sure they match :D
  13. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: set .amount, 40; // amount of item to shower set .item_id, 7227; // item id to shower set .item_id2, 1234; // next item id to shower bindatcmd "itemshower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShower"; end; OnShower: getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_PC; while ( .count < .amount ) { do { .@x_diff = .@x + rand(1,5); .@y_diff = .@y + rand(1,5); } while (!checkcell(.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff,cell_chkpass)); .@var = rand(2); makeitem .@var?.item_id:.item_id2,1,.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff; set .count, .count + 1; } set .count, 0; end; This will make the command @itemshow ... start with the characters position, then it will consider a differential between 1 and 5 from their X,Y coordinates to "shower" around them...
  14. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: set .amount, 40; // amount of item to shower set .item_id, 7227; // item id to shower set .item_id2, 1234; // next item id to shower bindatcmd "itemshower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShower"; end; OnShower: getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_PC; while ( .count < .amount ) { do { .@x_diff = .@x + rand(1,5); .@y_diff = .@y + rand(1,5); } while (!checkcell(.@map$,.@x_diff,.@y_diff,cell_chkpass)); .@var = rand(2); makeitem .@var?.item_id:.item_id2,1,.map$,.@x,.@y; set .count, .count + 1; } set .count, 0; end; This will make the command @itemshow ... start with the characters position, then it will consider a differential between 1 and 5 from their X,Y coordinates to "shower" around them...
  15. Of course, you could do something much simpler just.... set got_plat_skills, 1; // on a player when they receive them, and simply check it...
  16. Untested, but makes for easy updating without a bunch of repetition... harboro1,128,200,6 script Platinum Skill Pusher 779,{ function SetSkills; function SetJobLevel; function Validate; mes "[Platinum Skill Pusher]"; mes "Pssst, ehy you!"; mes "Hand me ^0000FF100.000 zeny^000000 and you'll avoid a boring training, none will know!"; mes "Man, there's no refund... are you sure you want it?"; next; if (select("Yes Please:No") == 2) { mes "[Platinum Skill Pusher]"; mes "Have a nice day... dude!"; close; } if( Zeny < .@zeny ) { mes "...ehy dude, you need ^0000FF100.000 zeny^000000,"; mes "ask them to mom!"; close; } Validate(); set Zeny,Zeny -100000; callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills"; mes "[Platinum Skill Pusher]"; mes "Dehee thanks man...lazy people like you makes me rich buahah!"; close; OnInit: SetSkills(Job_Swordman, 144, 145, 146); SetJobLevel(Job_Swordman, 35); SetSkills(Job_Mage, 157); SetSkills(Job_Archer, 147, 148); SetSkills(Job_Acolyte, 156); SetSkills(Job_Merchant, 153, 154, 155); SetSkills(Job_Thief, 149, 150, 151, 152); SetSkills(Job_Knight, 1001); SetSkills(Job_Wizard, 1006); SetSkills(Job_Hunter, 1009); SetSkills(Job_Priest, 1014); SetSkills(Job_Blacksmith, 1012, 1013); SetSkills(Job_Assassin, 1003, 1004); SetSkills(Job_Crusader, 1002); SetSkills(Job_Sage, 1007, 1008, 1017, 1018, 1019); SetSkills(Job_Bard, 1010); SetSkills(Job_Dancer, 1011); SetSkills(Job_Monk, 1015, 1016); SetSkills(Job_Alchemist, 238); SetSkills(Job_Rogue, 238); set .@zeny, 100000; end; // getarg(0) = Class ID // getarg(1+) = Skill ID function SetSkills { // Skip 0 because that's Class ID, not a Skill ID for(.@i = 1; .@i <= getargcount(); .@i++) { setd(".job_" + getarg(0) + "_skills["+(.@i - 1)+"]", getarg(.@i)); // .job_ClassID[0] = SkillID 1, [1] = SKill ID2 etc... } return; } // getarg(0) = Class ID // getarg(1) = Job Level function SetJobLevel { for(.@i = 1; .@i <= getargcount(); .@i++) { setd("job_" + getarg(0) + "_level", getarg(1)); } return; } function Validate { if (getd(".job_" + Class + "_level")) { if (JobLevel < getd(".job_" + Class + "_level")) { mes "You do not meet the Job Level Requirements"; close; } } for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(getd(".job_" + Class + "_skills")); .@i++) { if (getskilllv(getd(".job_" + Class + "_skills["+.@i+"]"))) { mes "You have already received your skills"; close; } } return; } }
  17. Yes, this is exactly what instances are for.... You in theory "temporarily duplicate a map" to create an instance of it, and it's available while the instance is alive...
  18. Correct it will continue down to the next else if if the first if fails... so it just tiers downwards... so if it never falls between X number then it doesn't work... the difference, is the more "chance" you want to give, the higher the initial value needs to be... especially when dealing with multiple cases... for instance in that case he went from 1 to 555... he could have gone from 1 to 100, but that would lower the chances between the items since you only have 100 total options, and have to split them among X number of items... so by increasing the base number from 100 to 555, he increased the chance range between goods so that they have a higher chance of hitting...
  19. Well, kinda... that makes it almost 50% chance... 36/60... where as ALL 60 #'s would be 100% so 36/60 would be 60/100 = 36/X .... so cross multiply / divide ==.... 100 * 36 / 60 = 60% chance refine rate... it would have been the same as doing... 1 outta 5... and only accept 1,2,3 and not accepting 4,5 ... The issue, is that you have to break it down to the common denominator... since you want a 1% chance you will most likely need to do it out of a full 100.... set .@chance, rand(1,100); if (.@chance == 1) { // The 1% chance is successful! } elseif (.@chance <= 10) { // 10% chance } elseif (.@chance <= 30) { // 30% chance } elseif (.@chance <= 75) { // 75% chance } else { mes "Failed"; close; }
  20. if (Class = X && getskilllv(145) && getskilllv(#)) { mes "sorry"; close; } There's probably some better ways to do it, but this is a basic way...
  21. no reason to set a needless variable when you can just determine if they have the skills or not
  22. add a check if (getskilllv(152)) // 152 = SKILL ID ... if they already have it, then just have them say mes "Sorry"; close; Thanks, Z3R0
  23. Trying again... // Trades tokens // getarg(0) - number of tokens to be traded function script thqs_trade_token { // getarg(0) == Token Option .@index = getarg(0); // Number of Tokens .@token_count[0], 1, 10, 100; .@zeny_amt[0],5000000,50000000,500000000; // If Nevermind was selected if (.@index == 3) { close; } if (#Treasure_Token < .@token_count[.@index]) { mes "You don't have enough tokens!"; close; } if ( ( Zeny == MAX_ZENY ) || ( ( Zeny + .@zeny_amt[.@index] ) > MAX_ZENY) { mes "You are already at max Zeny or this trade will go over max zeny"; close; } Zeny += .@zeny_amt[.@index]; #Treasure_Token -= .@token_amount[.@index]; close; } // Main script prt_in,164,174,1 script Treasure Hunter's Shop 1_M_YOUNGKNIGHT,{ mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ahh, "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"! Welcome to the Offical Treasure Hunter's Guild Shop."; mes "You currently have ^FF0000"+#Treasure_Token+"^000000 treasure tokens!!!"; next; switch( select("How does this place work?","What do you have in stock?","Nevermind") ) { case 1: mes "[Ash]"; mes "Well you see here you can exchange your treasure hunter tokens for zeny or rare weapons forged by our blacksmiths."; mes " "; mes "Everything has its own price value and the only way you can get the tokens is by completing quests assigned to you,the system normally works like this."; mes " "; mes "The harder the mission the more Tokens you will earn. All red quests are worth 4-8 Tokens, and the rest are worth 1-5."; mes " "; mes "Hope that solves your problem and questions."; close; case 2: break; case 3: close; } mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ok here is our Big list of goods."; mes " "; mes "(Note T stands for a Treasure Token.)"; next; mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; switch( select("Trade for zeny", "Trade for Weapons", "Trade for Cards", "Nevermind") ) { case 1: // Subtract 1 from the choice (Select Options are 1 to X) but arrays are 0 - X so we subtract 1... start at 0... and send to function .@choice = select("5,000,000z - 1T","50,000,000z - 10T","500,00,000z - 100T","Nevermind") - 1; thqs_trade_token(.@choice); case 2: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; .@choice = select("Axe's","1 Handed Swords","2 Handed Swords","Book's","Bow's","Katar's","Knuckle's","Mace's","Whips","Wands","Nevermind"); ths_menu_weapons(.@choice); case 3: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; thqs_menu_buy("$THQS_menu_cards","$THQS_menu_price"); case 4: close; } end; }
  24. Here you go // Trades tokens // getarg(0) - number of tokens to be traded function script thqs_trade_token { // getarg(0) == Token Option .@index = getarg(0); // Number of Tokens .@token_count[0], 1, 10, 100; .@zeny_amt[0],5000000,50000000,500000000; // If Nevermind was selected if (.@index == 3) { close; } if (#Treasure_Token < .@token_count[.@index]) { mes "You don't have enough tokens!"; close; } if ( ( Zeny == MAX_ZENY ) || ( ( Zeny + .@zeny_amt[.@index] ) > MAX_ZENY) { mes "You are already at max Zeny or this trade will go over max zeny"; close; } Zeny += .@zeny_amt[.@index]; #Treasure_Token -= .@token_amount[.@index]; close; } // Main script prt_in,164,174,1 script Treasure Hunter's Shop 1_M_YOUNGKNIGHT,{ mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ahh, "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"! Welcome to the Offical Treasure Hunter's Guild Shop."; mes "You currently have ^FF0000"+#Treasure_Token+"^000000 treasure tokens!!!"; next; switch( select("How does this place work?","What do you have in stock?","Nevermind") ) { case 1: mes "[Ash]"; mes "Well you see here you can exchange your treasure hunter tokens for zeny or rare weapons forged by our blacksmiths."; mes " "; mes "Everything has its own price value and the only way you can get the tokens is by completing quests assigned to you,the system normally works like this."; mes " "; mes "The harder the mission the more Tokens you will earn. All red quests are worth 4-8 Tokens, and the rest are worth 1-5."; mes " "; mes "Hope that solves your problem and questions."; close; case 2: break; case 3: close; } mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ok here is our Big list of goods."; mes " "; mes "(Note T stands for a Treasure Token.)"; next; mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; switch( select("Trade for zeny", "Trade for Weapons", "Trade for Cards", "Nevermind") ) { case 1: // Subtract 1 from the choice (Select Options are 1 to X) but arrays are 0 - X so we subtract 1... start at 0... and send to function .@choice = select("5,000,000z - 1T","50,000,000z - 10T","500,00,000z - 100T","Nevermind") - 1; thqs_trade_token(.@choice); case 2: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; .@choice = select("Axe's","1 Handed Swords","2 Handed Swords","Book's","Bow's","Katar's","Knuckle's","Mace's","Whips","Wands","Nevermind"); ths_menu_weapons(.@choice); case 3: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; thqs_menu_buy("$THQS_menu_cards","$THQS_menu_price"); case 4: close; } end; }
  25. What's wrong with the script that you have there?
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