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  1. prontera,170,181,3 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt) mes "^ff0000"+.LottoAmt+" "+getitemname(.LottoID)+"^000000."; if(.ZenyPay) mes "^ff0000"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZenyPay)+"z"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; if(getarraysize(.P1)<4){ mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000"+.P1[2]+" "+getitemname(.P1[1])+"^000000"; } else { mes "Random Grand prize:"; for(.@i=1;.@i<getarraysize(.P1);.@i+=2) mes "^ff0000"+.P1[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.P1[.@i])+"^000000"; } if(getarraysize(.P2)<4){ mes "Special prize is:"; mes "^ff0000"+.P2[2]+" "+getitemname(.P2[1])+"^000000"; } else { mes "Random Special prize:"; for(.@i=1;.@i<getarraysize(.P2);.@i+=2) mes "^ff0000"+.P2[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.P2[.@i])+"^000000"; } next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt && (countitem(.LottoID) < .LottoAmt)) close; if(.Zeny && Zeny < .Zeny) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; L_Roll: if (Zeny < .ZenyPay) { mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close; } mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt) delitem .LottoID,.LottoAmt; if(.ZenyPay) Zeny -= .ZenyPay; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); set .@rand,rand(10000); for(.@j=.Total;.@j>=1;.@j--) if( getd(".P"+.@j+"[0]") >= .@rand) .@i = .@j; next; if ( .@rand > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")){ .@iid = rand(getarraysize(.Default)/2); setarray .@get,.Default[(.@iid*2)],.Default[((.@iid*2)+1)]; } else { .@iid = rand(getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i))/2); setarray .@get,getd(".P"+.@i+"["+((.@iid*2)+1)+"]"),getd(".P"+.@i+"["+((.@iid*2)+2)+"]"); } close2; getitem .@get[0],.@get[1]; if(inarray(.AnnouncedID,.@get) >=0 ) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@get[0])+" x "+.@get[1]+" from Lotti Girl ("+.map$+" "+.x+" "+.y+")!",0; specialeffect2 248; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt && (countitem(.LottoID) < .LottoAmt)) close; if(.Zeny && Zeny < .Zeny) close; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Want to roll again?"; if(select("Roll again:Nope, No luck!")==1){ clear(); goto L_Roll; } close; OnInit: //No need to edit the main script. all editable are here. .ZenyPay = 100000; //Zeny to Pay [0 = Disable] .LottoID = 0; //ItemID to Roll [0 = Disable] .LottoAmt = 0; //Amount of LottoID Per Roll[0 = Disable] set .Total,4; setarray .AnnouncedID,501,502,512,513; //To reduce announcement. let's not announce common items. //setarray .P#[0],<% chance(1-10000)>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .P1[0],100,501,1; //Grand Prize setarray .P2[0],1000,502,1,512,2,513,3; //Special Prizes setarray .P3[0],5000,503,1; setarray .P4[0],7500,504,1,514,4; setarray .Default[0],505,5,506,1; getmapxy(.map$,.x,.y,BL_NPC); end; }
  2. Yoona

    Lotti Girl

    What is the problem with this one? because some of the players complaining that some they will be log out/DC ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Credits to Anakid for providing this script // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// - script Lotti -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Lotti Girl#Lotti"; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else end; L_end: OnClock1300: OnClock0000: announce "The Lotti Girl will be back soon! Thanks for Joining",bc_all,0x00CED1; disablenpc "LottiGirl#Lotti"; end; L_start: OnClock1200: OnClock0100: announce "The Lotti Girl is Back! Come here @ zhakastia 98 51",bc_all,0x00CED1; enablenpc "Lotti Girl#Lotti"; end; } zhakastia,98,51,4 script Lotti Girl#Lotti 714,{ if(Weight >= MaxWeight/2) goto Low; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff000010 MavenRO Credits^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000Kiel D-01 Card^000000"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000100 Bravery Badges^000000"; mes "^ff00001 Bloody Branch^000000"; mes "and ^ff0000100 MavenRO Credits^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; if (countitem(22001) < 10) end; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) end; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 22001,10; set .@Total,8; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],0,4403,1; setarray .@P2[0],1,7828,1; setarray .@P3[0],2,12103,1; setarray .@P4[0],3,22001,100; setarray .@P5[0],10,14232,10; setarray .@P6[0],15,22001,10; setarray .@P7[0],25,12214,1; setarray .@P8[0],50,607,10; setarray .@Default[0],12221,1; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (prontera 139 173)!",0; specialeffect2 248; end; Low: mes "You are Overweight!"; end; }
  3. Hi guys im here again ) I have tried and tried but still i can't make it correctly as what i need,. I have here a working LOTTI SCRIPT, can you help me that it ONLY ANNOUNCES the rare item that obtain by a player. not all items. just the RARE ONES. Thanks in advance :) cokz_Lotti_Girl.txt
  4. how to make this lotti girl announcer will announce only if you get item below 10%. and it will not announce the default reward item. mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "It costs "+.Price+" Zeny to play."; if (Zeny < .Price) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; progressbar "",2; set Zeny, Zeny-.Price; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } } else { for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } } announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+.@k[1]+"x "+getitemname(.@k[0])+"!",0; specialeffect2 248; close;
  5. prontera,139,172,4 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Lottery Ticket^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000+9 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+9 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000+5 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+5 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "MVP Card & Headgear prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Tao Gunka Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Turtle General Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Japan Anniversary Hat^000000"; next; mes "Consolation prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Food Buffs^000000"; mes "^ff0000Healing Foods^000000"; mes "^ff0000Random Dye Box^000000"; if (countitem(7528) < 1) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 7528,1; set .@Total,33; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],6,8001,1; setarray .@P2[0],5,8002,1; setarray .@P3[0],4,8003,1; setarray .@P4[0],3,8004,1; setarray .@P5[0],2,8005,1; setarray .@P6[0],1,8006,1; setarray .@P7[0],6,8007,1; setarray .@P8[0],5,8008,1; setarray .@P9[0],4,8009,1; setarray .@P10[0],3,8010,1; setarray .@P11[0],2,8011,1; setarray .@P12[0],1,8012,1; setarray .@P13[0],20,13517,3; setarray .@P14[0],20,12080,5; setarray .@P15[0],20,12075,5; setarray .@P16[0],20,12085,5; setarray .@P17[0],20,12090,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12095,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12100,5; setarray .@P19[0],50,26000,1; setarray .@P20[0],40,7528,1; setarray .@P21[0],1,4305,1; setarray .@P22[0],45,12033,10; setarray .@P23[0],45,13548,2; setarray .@P24[0],60,12709,20; setarray .@P25[0],65,663,50; setarray .@P26[0],50,26048,1; setarray .@P27[0],1,5846,1; setarray .@P28[0],1,4302,1; setarray .@P29[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P30[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P31[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P32[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P33[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; } I am using this script but after i edited the prizes, it only gives mostly the default prize which is setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; i don't know i'f im wrong or maybe the npc is more likely choosing the default....Can you help me with this? even i put 100% on the item mostyly the item give is default.
  6. how to make 1 proof of donation needs to play then 1 proof of donation = 5 try. and how to change the announce item won prontera,155,181,5 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "It costs "+ .cost[1] +"x "+ getitemname( .cost[0] ) +" to play."; mes " "; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 20; .@i++ ) mes $lotti_girl_ladder$[.@i]; if ( countitem( .cost[0] ) < .cost[1] ) close; next; if ( select( "Deal me in!", "No way..." ) == 2 ) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; while (1) { callsub L_default; mes "Here we go..."; delitem .cost[0], .cost[1]; .@rand = rand(.totalchance); .@r = 0; // <-- think you forgot to put this while ( ( .@rand = .@rand - getd( ".p"+ .@r +"[0]" ) ) >= 0 ) .@r++; .@size = getarraysize( getd(".p"+ .@r ) ); for ( .@i = 1; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) getitem getd( ".p"+ .@r +"["+ .@i +"]" ), getd( ".p"+ .@r +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ); if ( getd( ".p"+ .@r +"[0]" ) < 50 ) // announce if below 50% chance announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+ .ann$[.@r] +"!", 0; if ( getd( ".p"+ .@r +"[0]" ) < 10 ) { // score the ladder if below 10% chance copyarray $lotti_girl_ladder$[1], $lotti_girl_ladder$[0], 19; $lotti_girl_ladder$ = strcharinfo(0) +" gains "+ .ann$[.@r] +" at "+ gettimestr( "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M %p", 21 ); } mes " "; mes "wanna try again ?"; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; if ( countitem( .cost[0] ) < .cost[1] ) { mes "it seems you have ran out of "+ getitemname( .cost[0] ); close; } } close; OnInit: // setarray .p1, 70, 501,25; // debugging ... // setarray .p2, 70, 502,1; // setarray .p3, 40, 503,1; // setarray .p4, 40, 504,1; // setarray .p5, 40, 505,1; // setarray .p6, 50, 506,1, 507,1, 508,1, 509,1; // setarray .p7, 25, 512,1; // setarray .p8, 5, 513,1; setarray .p1, 70, 607,25; setarray .p2, 70, 13710,1; setarray .p3, 40, 5471,1; setarray .p4, 40, 5210,1; setarray .p5, 40, 5224,1; setarray .p6, 50, 2357,1, 2524,1, 2421,1, 2115,1; setarray .p7, 25, 2701,1; setarray .p8, 5, 2394,1; callsub L_default; setarray .cost, 7227,300; .total = 9; freeloop 1; .@i = 1; while ( .@i <= .total ) { .totalchance = .totalchance + getd(".p"+ .@i ); .@j = 1; .@size = getarraysize( getd(".p"+ .@i ) ); while ( .@j < .@size ) { .ann$[.@i] = .ann$[.@i] + getd( ".p"+ .@i +"["+( .@j +1 )+"]" ) +"x "+ getitemname( getd( ".p"+ .@i +"["+ .@j +"]" ) ) +( ( .@j == .@size -2 )? "":"," ); // I think Euphy forgotten to make announcement when configuration has set more than 1 items .@j += 2; } .@i++; } freeloop 0; end; L_default: deletearray .p9; setarray .p9, 30+30+60+60+60+50+75+95, callfunc( "F_RandMes", 5, 12214,502,503,504,505 ),1; // default ... the chance are added up by 100-n% return; }
  7. This is my own version of Lottery/Lotti npc script. Options: set .npc$,"[Lotti]"; // NPC Name set .MaxNum,10; // Total number to win setarray .SWinNum[0],1,2,5; // Number need to win Single Reward setarray .MWinNum[0],3,4,6; // Number need to win Multi Reward // Setup the .MWinT if you use Give random set .MWinall,0; // 1 = Give all Multi Reward, 0 = Give random // Note: .MWinall must be 0 inorder to use this) // Note: If Not-Repeat make sure Amount of reward >= .MReward item) // 0 = Off (Default: 1 random item only), 1 = On; 0 = Consecutive , 1 = Random; 0 = Not, 1 = Repeat Reward; // Format: <On/Off>,<Consecutive/Random>,<Not-Repeat/Repeat>,<Amount of reward can win> setarray .MWinT[0],1,1,1,2; // 1 = On , 0 = off; set .announce,1; // announce set .announcec$,"ffc0cb"; // announce color // Format: <item ID>,<amount>{,...}; setarray .ItemR[0],909,5,7126,5; // Item ID,Item Amount setarray .ZenyR,1000000; // Item Requirements // Format: <item ID>,<amount>,<Refine>{,...}; setarray .SReward[0],2301,1,10,1202,1,5,2304,1,5,2319,1,5,909,5,0,741,1,0; // Single Reward // Format: <item ID>,<amount>,<Refine>{,....}; setarray .MReward[0],501,5,0,502,5,0,503,5,0,504,5,0; //Multiple Reward ________________________________ I hope you like it Lottie.txt
  8. Is it possible to call cuttin on item collection? I have an idea to make npc or box item (Like OBB or Lotti NPC) But i want to create the random item animation show up is there a way to do it? Sorry if i post on wrong section
  9. I want to request an npc that is almost the same with the Lotti Girl in Philippine Ragnarok Online. In pRO, this Lotti Girl gives item randomly with the use of a ticket. So this what I want, My Tcg drainer npc goes like this, this needs 300 TCG to play the game. . . The player will choose if he wants to Draw a prize.. . and then a random item will be given... There's more, the prizes should be based on % chance . . . . Here's the prizes **This item will be get by the player if non of the items below was taken. 1 Convex Mirror **Here are the items which the player can get randomly [With Chances] 25 Yggdrasil Berries - 70% Gym Pass Box [10pcs of Gym pass] - 70% Hairband of Reginleif - 40% Flying Angel Wing - 40% Evolved Orc Hero Helm - 40% [Vset] with out the helm - 50% Orleans Glove - 25% Glorious Suit - 5% ** If the player got any one of these items which has % chance. . . they will not get the convex mirror. . . in short. . . convex mirror is just a replacement for not getting any rare items. . and another one, there will be a broadcast on the whole server which says that "Congratulations to [Name of the Char] for getting [Name of the item] !!" I hope that there's a professional scripter here that can make this kind of NPC. . . . and i know that many server will benefit from this because this is also a way of controlling the economy of the server by reducing the items which they use as the medium of exchange. . . Thanks a lot!! please help me =) bump~
  10. Sir can someone help me about this lotti girl im always stock at here we go if i havent get any item -.- <header> { mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "It costs "+.Cost[1]+"x "+getitemname(.Cost[0])+" to play."; if (countitem(.Cost[0]) < .Cost[1]) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; progressbar "",2; delitem .Cost[0], .Cost[1]; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } } else { for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } } announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+.@k[1]+"x "+getitemname(.@k[0])+"!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; OnInit: // Format: <%>,<item ID>,<count>{,...}; setarray .P1[0],70,607,25; setarray .P2[0],70,13710,1; setarray .P3[0],40,5471,1; setarray .P4[0],40,5210,1; setarray .P5[0],40,5224,1; setarray .P6[0],50,2357,1,2524,1,2421,1,2115,1; setarray .P7[0],25,2701,1; setarray .P8[0],5,2394,1; setarray .Default[0],12214,1; setarray .Cost[0],7227,300; set .Total,8; end; } i think theres a wrong code can some one help me gimme a full script that i can use im begging
  11. this script is from lotti npc right? is it alright to use this in random box?? what is the difference between this 2 script...
  12. set .@Total,12; setarray .@P1[0],1,1230,1; //Ice Pick setarray .@P2[0],1,5135,1; //Cyclops setarray .@P3[0],1,4365,1; // HW Card setarray .@P4[0],1,4451,1; // Crothen Card setarray .@P5[0],1,18885,1; // Jejecap setarray .@P6[0],1,20036,1; // Sword Master Crown setarray .@P7[0],1,4357,1; // LK Card setarray .@P8[0],1,4403,1; // kiel card setarray .@P9[0],20,12210,20; // BGUM setarray .@P10[0],30,7227,20; // TCG setarray .@P11[0],100,7227,2; // TCG setarray .@P12[0],100,7227,2; // TCG do{ set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); }while( rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]") ); for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } if( .@gz && .@gz <= 10 ) // 10% equal or below will announce announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl",0; specialeffect2 248; close;
  13. prontera,157,180,5 script test item_reward#3 2_VENDING_MACHINE1,{ if ( !countitem(.itemuse) ) { mes "A "+ getitemname(.itemuse) +" is needed to use this machine"; close; } delitem .itemuse, 1; .@r = rand(.totalchance); for ( .@i = 0; ( .@r -= .itemchance[.@i] ) >= 0; ++.@i ); getitem .itemid[.@i], 1; end; OnInit: .itemuse = 7539; // poring coin setarray .itemid, 501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509; setarray .itemchance, 10,10,10,10,3,10,10,10,10; for ( .@i = 0; .itemid[.@i]; ++.@i ) .totalchance += .itemchance[.@i]; end; } btw this script is call "lotti girl" https://rathena.org/board/search/?&amp;q=lotti&amp;search_and_or=and&amp;sortby=relevancy a lot of results return from it
  14. @AnnieRuru i try on ramod i got error this https://imgur.com/a/jabaBAw so i try on latest Rathena First Problem i won the Gym Pass Box setarray .p2, 70, 13710,1; https://imgur.com/a/qsMjlDs the point should be Only 1 because on chance code setarray .chance, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; setarray .points, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100; Lotti Shop if have 0 zeny even i have lotti points i cant buy items on shop https://imgur.com/a/kjp6uHr
  15. @AnnieRuru can you Add more ideas and Option Menu? switch(select("Play","Lotti Ranking","Lotti Shop")) Play Option Every Play of Lotti Girl you gain 1 Lotti Ladder Point and Lotti Shop Point Points System 10% = 10Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 9% = 20Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 8% = 30Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 7% = 40Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 6% = 50Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 5% = 60Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 4% = 70Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 3% = 80Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 2% = 90Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points 1% = 100Points Lotti Ladder Points & Lotti Shop Points Lotti Ladder System 1 > Name > Lotti Ladder Points 2 > Name > Lotti Ladder Points 3 > Name > Lotti Ladder Points 4 > Name > Lotti Ladder Points 5 > Name > Lotti Ladder Points Lotti Shop Players can use there Lotti Shop Points to buy any items on Lotti Shop
  16. here my script please help thanks amatsu,132,161,6 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Lotti Ticket Need If Wanna Play^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000Proof of Donation^000000"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Event Coin^000000"; mes "^ff0000Castle Drop ETC^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; if (countitem(30008) < 1) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 30008,1; set .@Total,20; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P2[0],90,673,1; setarray .@P2[0],70,7227,1; setarray .@P3[0],60,7776,1; setarray .@P4[0],50,12903,1; setarray .@P5[0],50,12904,1; setarray .@P6[0],50,12905,1; setarray .@P7[0],50,12906,1; setarray .@P8[0],50,12907,1; setarray .@P9[0],50,12908,1; setarray .@P14[0],30,7830,1; setarray .@P15[0],30,7091,1; setarray .@P16[0],30,7075,1; setarray .@P17[0],30,7085,1; setarray .@P18[0],30,7835,1; setarray .@P19[0],10,30004,20; setarray .@P20[0],1,7179,1; setarray .@Default[0],969,10; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (amatsu 139 173)!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; }
  17. Hi, please give a try easy to read. prontera,157,180,4 script Lotti Girl 4_F_KAFRA7,{ function LinkItem_; .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); .@rand = rand(.chances); .@i = 0; if( countitem(.itm_p) < .itm_a ){ mes .n$; mes "You don't have any"; mes .itm_a+" x "+.itm_n$; mes "in your inventory."; mes " "; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes .n$; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFI'm Lotti Girl^000000, of Arlandria Rune-Midgard City." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFI'm Lotti Girl^000000, of Arlandria Rune-Midgard City."; mes "Required Item: "+.itm_a+" x "+(.itm_n$)+""; mes " "; mes "Would you risk to play this game?"; next; if( select("- Play Game","- Cancel") == 2 ) { mes .n$; mes "Alright! "+ strcharinfo(0) +" come back anytime you want."; close; } while (( .@rand -= .item_Rate[.@i] ) >= 0 ) .@i++; progressbar "0x11CC99",.loading; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; getitem .item_ID[.@i], 1; delitem .itm_p, 1; announce "[ Lotti Girl ]: Player "+ .@name$ +" obtained 1 x "+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +" with "+ .item_Rate[.@i] +"%.",0; mes .n$; mes "You have obtained 1 x ^FF3000"+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +"^000000 with "+ .item_Rate[.@i] +"%."; close; function LinkItem_ { .@id = getarg(0); .@showslot = getarg(1,0); .@slot = getitemslots(.@id); return "<ITEM>"+(.@slot&&.@showslot?getitemname(.@id)+" ["+.@slot+"]":getitemname(.@id))+"<INFO>"+.@id+"</INFO></ITEM>"; } OnInit: .n$ = "[ Lotti Girl ]"; .loading = 1; // 0 = No Delay .itm_p = 7608; // Required Item .itm_a = 1; // Required Amount .itm_n$ = LinkItem_(.itm_p); setarray .item_ID, 607,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509; // Item ID List setarray .item_Rate, 100,10,10,10,3,10,10,10,10; // Item ID Chances .@i = 0; while ( .item_ID[.@i] ) { .chances += .item_Rate[.@i]; .@i++; } end; } Raw Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/lotti_girl.txt
  18. // http://rathena.org/board/topic/83017-pro-lotti-girl-refine-master/ prontera,141,226,6 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Premium Ticket^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000+8 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000+7 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "and ^ff0000+6 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; if (countitem(7608) < 1) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 7608,1; set .@Total,8; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],0,8012,1; setarray .@P2[0],1,8011,1; setarray .@P3[0],5,8006,1; setarray .@P4[0],20,8010,1; setarray .@P5[0],90,13517,5; setarray .@P6[0],80,12080,10; setarray .@P7[0],90,30110,5; setarray .@P8[0],80,12075,10; setarray .@Default[0],30095,5; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (prontera 139 173)!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; }
  19. Like this Lotti Girl.txt
  20. Not tested, but something like that (below) prontera,163,193,5 script Lotti Girl 719,{ if( lotti_doll_timeout < gettimetick(0) ) { lotti_doll_counter = 0; } if( lotti_doll_counter > 10 ) { mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Lotti Girl Use 10/10"; mes "Limit reached, please try at next day"; close; } mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "It costs ["+.Price+"] Zeny to play."; mes "This are the list of prizes:"; mes "1 Bronze Coin, 1 Silver Coin, 1 Gold Coin, 1 Mithril Coin, 2 Convex Mirror and 3 TCG for the JACKPOT!"; if (Zeny < .Price) end; next; if(select("Deal me in!","No way...")==2) end; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; progressbar "",2; set Zeny, Zeny-.Price; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j < getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } } else { for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } } //announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+.@k[1]+"x "+getitemname(.@k[0])+"!",0; specialeffect2 248; lotti_doll_counter++; lotti_doll_timeout = gettimetick(0) + 60 * 60 * 24; end; OnInit: // Format: <%>,<item ID>,<count>{,...}; setarray .P1[0],50,675,1; //Baphomet Card 1 PC 50% setarray .P2[0],50,671,1; //Alice Apron 50% setarray .P3[0],50,674,1; //Cursed Baphomet Doll 5 pcs 40% setarray .P4[0],2,7199,10; //Berry Ticket setarray .P4[0],2,7227,3; //TCG //setarray .P5[0],2,12214,3; //Convex Mirror 1pc setarray .Default[0],673,1; //convex mirror default 1pcs //setarray .Cost[0],6242,1; // 1pcs Woe coinrequired para makalaro sa lotti .Price = 10000000; set .Total,8; end; } Main logic: every time when player uses this npc services, his counter increased + setted new nexttime timer.
  21. can someone help fix this? i want this npc announce the name of the player who got reward with 1%-10% chance! thank you! setarray .P1[0],1,7179,1; //pods >>>>>>>> [0],1 = 1% setarray .P2[0],5,26224,1; //1>>>>>>>>>>>[0],5 = 5% prontera,141,181,5 script Lotti Girl 714,{ specialeffect 372; delitem .Cost[0], .Cost[1]; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } } else { for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } } specialeffect2 248; OnInit: // Format: <%>,<item ID>,<count>{,...}; setarray .P1[0],1,7179,1; //pods setarray .P2[0],5,26224,1; //1 setarray .P3[0],5,26225,1; //2 setarray .P4[0],5,26226,1; //3 setarray .P5[0],5,26227,1; //4 setarray .P6[0],5,26228,1; //5 setarray .P7[0],5,26229,1; //6 setarray .Default[0],607,1; //Berry setarray .Cost[0],26080,10; //Credit set .Total,7; end; }
  22. Oceanid


    scythero,110,84,2 script Lotti Girl 113,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "It costs "+.Cost[1]+"x "+getitemname(.Cost[0])+" to play."; if (countitem(.Cost[0]) < .Cost[1]) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; progressbar "",2; delitem .Cost[0], .Cost[1]; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } } else { for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } } if(.@k[0] == 4441) announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+.@k[1]+"x "+getitemname(.@k[0])+"!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; OnInit: // Format: <%>,<item ID>,<count>{,...}; setarray .P1[0],60,12214,5; //convex mirror 10pcs 60% setarray .P2[0],50,674,5; //Mithril Coin 10pcs 70% setarray .P3[0],40,20251,20; //Hourly coin 20pcs 30% setarray .P4[0],5,13413,1,13412,1; //Naght Seiger(Red) 2% 1pc setarray .P5[0],60,7227,5; //TCG 10pcs 70% setarray .P6[0],40,2387,1,2440,1,2744,1; //sprint set 40% setarray .P7[0],5,4403,1; //Kiel Card 5% 1pc setarray .P8[0],2,4399,1; // Thanatos Card 2% 1pc setarray .Default[0],12214,1; //convex mirror default 1pcs setarray .Cost[0],7227,15; // 15pcs tcg required para makalaro sa lotti set .Total,8; end; } Use this one. I already included the change posted by jezznar and tested it in my server. Just make sure to change the map to the one you want.
  23. Halo rathena. Can someone edit this script. If a player bought any items in my donation, it will announce globally. Thanks. // Awesomazing Coin Rewards - shop Emistry_Shop1 -1,512:100 turbo_room,123,97,4 script Donation Rewards 829,{ function ShopSettings; function ValidateCost; function CurrencyInfo; function ClearData; function ValueConvert; function ErrorNotice; mes "[ RO2K15 Coin Rewards]"; mes "^d21838PODs^000000 can be traded here."; mes "You can obtain PODs from:"; mes "1. Donation"; mes "2. Lotti Girl"; mes "3. GM Held Events"; mes "4. Facebook Contest"; next; // Menu Selection select("Headgear","Mid Headgear","Lower Headgear","Consumables & ETC"); ClearData(); ShopSettings( @menu ); npcshopitem "Emistry_Shop1",512,100; npcshopdelitem "Emistry_Shop1",512; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set .@i,.@i+1) npcshopadditem "Emistry_Shop1",@ItemLists[.@i],@ItemCost[.@i]; CurrencyInfo( @Currency$ ); callshop "Emistry_Shop1",1; npcshopattach "Emistry_Shop1"; end; function ShopSettings { switch( getarg(0) ){ Case 1: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5375,5376,5396,5498,5420,5383,5481,5423,5564,5399,5374,5518,5805,5452; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],5,5,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,10,10,10,12,15; break; Case 2: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5421,5325,5800,5389,5664,5471,5402; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],5,5,5,5,5,5,5; break; Case 3: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5532,5462,5155,5377,5521; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],3,6,8,9,15; break; Case 4: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],7776,7619,7620; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],1,1,1; break; // Case 4,5,6.....etc... default: ErrorNotice( "Invalid Menu Selection for Menu "+@menu+"." ); close; } if( @Currency$ == "" ) ErrorNotice( "Invalid Currency Setting in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); if( getarraysize( @ItemCost ) != getarraysize( @ItemLists ) || getarraysize( @ItemLists ) != getarraysize( @ItemCost ) ) ErrorNotice( "Missing or Extra Value of Item or Cost Settings in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); return; } function ErrorNotice { mes "^FF0000ERROR^000000 - "+getarg(0); mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; mes "Inform this Message to ^0000FFGame Staffs^000000 immediately !"; close; } function CurrencyInfo { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ mes "Item Currency : ^FF0000"+getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) )+"^000000"; }else if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Variable Currency : ^FF0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( getd( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; } return; } function ValidateCost { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ if( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; }else{ if( getd( getarg(0) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; } return 0; } function ClearData { set @Currency$,""; set @TotalCost,0; deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize( @bought_quantity ); deletearray @ItemLists[0],getarraysize( @ItemLists ); deletearray @ItemCost[0],getarraysize( @ItemCost ); return; } function ValueConvert { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$; } OnBuyItem: ShopSettings( @menu ); for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set @j,@j+1) if( @ItemLists[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i] ) set @TotalCost,@TotalCost + ( @ItemCost[@j] * @bought_quantity[@i] ); for( set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1 ) mes "Reward : "+@bought_quantity[@i]+" "+getitemname( @bought_nameid[@i] )+""; mes "-----------------------------------"; if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "Total Cost : "+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+""; else if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Total Cost : "+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+@Currency$+""; } if( ValidateCost( @Currency$,@TotalCost ) ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes " Insufficient "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+""; else{ mes "[^00FF00Insufficient^000000"+@Currency$+""; } }else{ if( select( "^0000FFPurchase^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) delitem atoi( @Currency$ ),@TotalCost; else{ set getd( @Currency$ ),getd( @Currency$ ) - @TotalCost; } for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i]; message strcharinfo(0),"Purchased "+getarraysize( @bought_nameid )+" Items."; mes "Thank you for purchasing!."; } } ClearData(); close; } Anyone? UP
  24. // Awesomazing Coin Rewards - shop Emistry_Shop1 -1,512:100 turbo_room,123,97,4 script Donation Rewards 829,{ function ShopSettings; function ValidateCost; function CurrencyInfo; function ClearData; function ValueConvert; function ErrorNotice; mes "[ RO2K15 Coin Rewards]"; mes "^d21838PODs^000000 can be traded here."; mes "You can obtain PODs from:"; mes "1. Donation"; mes "2. Lotti Girl"; mes "3. GM Held Events"; mes "4. Facebook Contest"; next; // Menu Selection select("Headgear","Mid Headgear","Lower Headgear","Consumables & ETC"); ClearData(); ShopSettings( @menu ); npcshopitem "Emistry_Shop1",512,100; npcshopdelitem "Emistry_Shop1",512; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set .@i,.@i+1) npcshopadditem "Emistry_Shop1",@ItemLists[.@i],@ItemCost[.@i]; CurrencyInfo( @Currency$ ); callshop "Emistry_Shop1",1; npcshopattach "Emistry_Shop1"; end; function ShopSettings { switch( getarg(0) ){ Case 1: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5375,5376,5396,5498,5420,5383,5481,5423,5564,5399,5374,5518,5805,5452; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],5,5,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,10,10,10,12,15; break; Case 2: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5421,5325,5800,5389,5664,5471,5402; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],5,5,5,5,5,5,5; break; Case 3: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],5532,5462,5155,5377,5521; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],3,6,8,9,15; break; Case 4: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],7776,7619,7620; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],1,1,1; break; // Case 4,5,6.....etc... default: ErrorNotice( "Invalid Menu Selection for Menu "+@menu+"." ); close; } if( @Currency$ == "" ) ErrorNotice( "Invalid Currency Setting in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); if( getarraysize( @ItemCost ) != getarraysize( @ItemLists ) || getarraysize( @ItemLists ) != getarraysize( @ItemCost ) ) ErrorNotice( "Missing or Extra Value of Item or Cost Settings in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); return; } function ErrorNotice { mes "^FF0000ERROR^000000 - "+getarg(0); mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; mes "Inform this Message to ^0000FFGame Staffs^000000 immediately !"; close; } function CurrencyInfo { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ mes "Item Currency : ^FF0000"+getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) )+"^000000"; }else if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Variable Currency : ^FF0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( getd( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; } return; } function ValidateCost { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ if( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; }else{ if( getd( getarg(0) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; } return 0; } function ClearData { set @Currency$,""; set @TotalCost,0; deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize( @bought_quantity ); deletearray @ItemLists[0],getarraysize( @ItemLists ); deletearray @ItemCost[0],getarraysize( @ItemCost ); return; } function ValueConvert { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$; } OnBuyItem: ShopSettings( @menu ); for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set @j,@j+1) if( @ItemLists[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i] ) set @TotalCost,@TotalCost + ( @ItemCost[@j] * @bought_quantity[@i] ); for( set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1 ) mes "Reward : "+@bought_quantity[@i]+" "+getitemname( @bought_nameid[@i] )+""; mes "-----------------------------------"; if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "Total Cost : "+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+""; else if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Total Cost : "+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+@Currency$+""; } if( ValidateCost( @Currency$,@TotalCost ) ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes " Insufficient "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+""; else{ mes "[^00FF00Insufficient^000000"+@Currency$+""; } }else{ if( select( "^0000FFPurchase^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) delitem atoi( @Currency$ ),@TotalCost; else{ set getd( @Currency$ ),getd( @Currency$ ) - @TotalCost; } for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i]; announce "Player "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has purchased "+ @bought_quantity[@i] +" "+ getitemname(@bought_nameid[@i]),bc_all; message strcharinfo(0),"Purchased "+getarraysize( @bought_nameid )+" Items."; mes "Thank you for purchasing!."; } } ClearData(); close; } Try that
  25. Try this. Test it first pz, I might have made some mistakes, cause only used notepad and didn't had the chance to test it. prontera,141,226,6 script Lotti Girl 714,{ .@zenyprice = 1000000; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Proof of Donation^000000"; mes "or for^ff00001" + .@zenyprice + " zeny.^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000+9 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000+8 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+9 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "and ^ff0000Reins of Mount^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "What do you wish to exchange?"; if(select("Proof of Donation:Zeny")==1) { if (countitem(7179) < 1) close; mes "Here we go.."; delitem 7179,1; } else { if (Zeny < .@zenyprice) close; mes "Here we go..."; set Zeny,Zeny-.@zenyprice; } set .@Total,9; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],0,6232,1; setarray .@P2[0],1,6228,1; setarray .@P3[0],5,6233,1; setarray .@P4[0],20,12221,5; setarray .@P5[0],90,663,100; setarray .@P6[0],80,13550,1; setarray .@P7[0],90,12210,5; setarray .@P8[0],80,12263,5; setarray .@P9[0],10,12622,1; setarray .@Default[0],7227,5; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (prontera 139 173)!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; } ps.: Next time pz use [ code] block
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