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    Awesomazing RO
  • Github: awesomazingxed

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  1. I found a fix. turbo_room,104,121,4 script Vote Poll NPC 858,{ set @np$,"[ ^7401DFSandra^000000 ]"; if ( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { if ( $survey_running ) { switch ( select ( "- Survey Result","- Delete Survey" ) ) { case 1: mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; case 2: mes @np$; mes "Are you sure that you want to delete the survey: "; mes ""; mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "No.","Yes, pretty sure." ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_running,0; set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)+2; set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],""; set $survey_option_votes[@b],0; } mes @np$; mes "The survey has been deleted successfully."; close; } } // Ending bracket to Survey running if ( select ( "- Exit","- Create Survey" ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$); set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],"";} while ( 1 ) { set @subtract,2; if ( getarraysize($survey_option$) > 1 ) && ($survey_title$ != "NOT SET") && ( $survey_question$ != "NOT SET") { set @menu_string$,"- Complete"; set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; set @subtract,3; } else { set @menu_string$,"Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Question ["+@question_set$+"]"; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +": "+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":^0AE143+^000000 Add Option"; mes @np$; mes "Do your Survey settings."; next; set @selected, select ( @menu_string$)-@subtract; if ( @selected == -2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Title:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; mes "Question:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; mes "Options:"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @b,@b+1 ) { mes (@b+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@b]+"^000000"; } next; if ( select ( "No, it is not correct.","Yes, it is correct." ) == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Your Survey started successfully"; set $vote_id,$vote_id+1; set $survey_running,1; getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,1); announce "Please see the Survey NPC in "+@map$+" and give us your Vote.",bc_all; close; } } if ( @selected == 0) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey leading question."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; if ( $survey_question$ == "" ) { mes "^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; } else { mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; } next; input $survey_question$; set @question_set$,"^0AE143SET^000000"; } if ( @selected == -1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey title."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; next; input $survey_title$; } if ( @selected == getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in a new option."; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; set @selected,@selected+1; } if ( @selected >= 1 ) && ( @selected < getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { set @selected2, select ( "- Back","- Change","- Delete" ); if ( @selected2 == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the new option:"; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@selected-1]+"^000000"; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; } if ( @selected2 == 3) { for ( set @a,@selected-1; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @a,@a+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@a],$survey_option$[@a+1]; } set $survey_option$[@a],""; } } } OnInit: waitingroom "Voting Poll",0; end; // GM Settings End } else { // Player view if ( !$survey_running ) { mes @np$; mes "There is no survey currently running."; close; } if ( !getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes @np$; mes "Please choose an Option for the following Survey:"; next; while (1) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes ""; mes $survey_question$; set @menu_string$,""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":"+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } next; set @select, select ( @menu_string$ )-2; mes @np$; mes "Are you positive with your choice?"; mes ""; mes "- ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@select]+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "Nope","Yeah" ) == 2 ) { set getd("##survey_id_"+($vote_id-1)),0; set getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id),1; set $survey_option_votes[@select],$survey_option_votes[@select]+1; mes @np$; mes "Thank you for your Vote."; next; break; } } } if ( getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; } } }// Ending bracket
  2. I actually like the idea. Gonna follow this! It's better if there's player limit that can buy those apples on sale. FTW!
  3. Finally it works! Thanks Stolao turbo_room,106,117,4 script Currency Exchanger 860,{ menu "Skulls to PODs",-,"PODs to Skulls",CS_2,"^ff0000Leave^000000",M_EXIT; if( countitem(7420) < 1000 ) mes "You didnt have 1000 "+getitemname( 7420 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7420,( .@Amount * 1000 ); getitem 7179,.@Amount; mes "Done...you gained "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(7179); } close; CS_2: if( countitem(7179) < 1 ) mes "You didnt have 1 "+getitemname( 7179 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7179,( .@Amount * 1 ); getitem 7420,1000; mes "Done...you gained 1000 "+getitemname(7179); } close; M_EXIT: mes "^ff0000@awesomazingxed^000000 ( Admin )"; mes callfunc("F_Bye"); close; OnInit: end; }
  4. Hello there. Can anyone help me with this script. I'm not good at math and i tried to use this script in this map. But I can't Can anyone help me with this. This is the map. Credits to the map owner and Emistry for this script prontera,156,188,4 script Vending Helper 757,{ for( set .@i,1; .@i <= .count; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1,"#vend_slot"+.@i ); if( !getareausers( .map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) && .@x > 1 && .@y > 1 ){ set .@available,.@available + 1; set .@menu$,.@menu$ + "Slot - "+.@i+":"; }else{ set .@menu$,.@menu$ + ":"; } } if( !.@available ){ mes "Dont have any available slot."; }else if( !getskilllv("MC_VENDING") ){ mes "You dont have ^0055FFVending Skill^000000."; }else{ mes "Available Slot : "+.@available; mes "Please select a slot to vending."; set .@i,select( .@menu$ ); getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1,"#vend_slot"+.@i ); if( .@x == 1 || .@y == 1 ){ mes "This NPC at invalid location..."; }else{ warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; hideonnpc "#vend_slot"+.@i; } } close; OnInit: sleep 1000; // Map for vending set .map$,"prontera"; setcell .map$,0,0,284,365,cell_novending,1; // x and y horizone .. setarray .x_line,149,154,159; setarray .y_line,173,169,165,161,157; set .x_line_size,getarraysize( .x_line ); set .y_line_size,getarraysize( .y_line ); set .count,1; for( set .@x,0; .@x < .x_line_size; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,0; .@y < .y_line_size; set .@y,.@y + 1 ) if( checkcell( .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_chkpass ) ){ movenpc "#vend_slot"+.count,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y]; setcell .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_novending,0; set .count,.count + 1; } npctalk "Vending Spot : "+.count; donpcevent "::OnSetup"; end; } - script vend_slot -1,{ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 ); if( !getskilllv("MC_VENDING") ){ mes "You dont have ^0055FFVending Skill^000000."; }else if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ mes "Someone already selected this spot."; }else{ mes "Spot : ^777777Available^000000"; mes "^0055FF[ Vending Area Rules ]^000000"; mes "^FF0000 ~ Use proper Shop Name.^000000"; mes "^FF0000 ~ Never sell Junk/Gifts.^000000"; mes " "; mes "^777777Player will failed to follow these will be punished.^000000"; if( select( "Select this Spot","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); } } close; OnSetup: getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 ); set .@npcname$,strnpcinfo(0); while( .@map$ != "" ){ if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ hideonnpc .@npcname$; }else{ hideoffnpc .@npcname$; // specialeffect 313; } sleep 5000; } end; } // Add more if needed. prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot1 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot2 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot3 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot4 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot5 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot6 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot7 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot8 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot9 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot10 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot11 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot12 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot13 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot14 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot15 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot16 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot17 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot18 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot19 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot20 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot21 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot22 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot23 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot24 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot25 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot26 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot27 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot28 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot29 858 prontera,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot30 858
  5. Hello Everybody, this is an item exchanger. Can someone tell me what's wrong plus can anyone help me with this? Any help will be appreciated. Ciao. turbo_room,106,117,4 script Currency Exchanger 860,{ menu "Skulls to PODs",-,"PODs to Skulls",CS_2,"^ff0000Leave^000000",M_EXIT; if( countitem(7420) < 1000 ) mes "You didnt have 1000 "+getitemname( 7420 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7420,( .@Amount * 1000 ); getitem 7179,.@Amount; mes "Done...you gained "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(7179); } close; } CS_2: if( countitem(7179) < 1 ) mes "You didnt have 1 "+getitemname( 7179 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7179,( .@Amount * 1 ); getitem 7420,1000; mes "Done...you gained 1000 "+getitemname(7179); } close; } M_EXIT: mes "^ff0000@awesomazingxed^000000 ( Admin )"; mes callfunc("F_Bye"); close; OnInit: end; }
  6. Does anyone has a fix for this? Even though you already break the emp, you can still break them again then it makes a spam announcement. //phtownall,191,173,5 script The King#KoE1 469,{ - script KoE -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else end; L_end: OnClock0740: OnClock1240: OnClock1740: announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", 0; set .koe_start, 0; enablenpc "Exit#KoE"; disablenpc "The King#KoE"; killmonsterall "koe"; end;L_start: OnMinute40: //OnClock0710: //OnClock1210: //OnClock1710: announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", 0; set .koe_start, 1; enablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; set $koegid, 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "koe", $koegid, 6; monster "koe",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; OnEmpDead: set $koegid, getcharid(2); announce "The current King of Emperium Hill is the [" + strcharinfo(2) + "] guild.", 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "koe", $koegid, 6; sleep 500; if ( .koe_start ) monster "koe",50,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; }// KoE Entrance phtownall,191,173,5 script The King#KoE 469,{ mes "[The King]"; if ( getcharid(2) == 0 ) { mes "You must have a guild to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000."; close; } mes "Hello."; mes "Would you like to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000?"; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; switch( rand(1,4) ){ case 1: warp "koe", 85, 15; end; case 2: warp "koe", 12, 15; end; case 3: warp "koe", 14, 84; end; case 4: warp "koe", 86, 85; end; } } // KoE Exit koe,47,52,4 script Exit#KoE 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "See ya."; if ( getcharid(2) == $koegid ) getitem 14232, 5; // configure prize here getitem 7829, 50; // configure prize here getitem 7711, 100; // configure prize here next; warp "Save",0,0; close; } Flags koe,49,38,4 script King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag 722,{ set .@gid, $koegid; if ( .@gid == 0 ) end; mes "[King of Emperium Hill]"; mes "The Current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ getguildname(.@gid) +"] guild."; close; OnRevKoE: flagemblem $koegid; end; } koe,61,49,6 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#2 722 koe,38,49,2 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#3 722 koe,49,61,0 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#4 722 phtownall,187,173,4 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#5 722 koe mapflag gvg koe mapflag nobranch koe mapflag nomemo koe mapflag nopenalty koe mapflag noreturn koe mapflag nosave SavePoint koe mapflag noteleport koe mapflag gvg_noparty koe mapflag nowarp koe mapflag nowarpto
  7. Hello Luciar, it works but it says How to fix this?
  8. Halo rathena. Can someone please fix this script for me. This is a simple item exchanger I just want to have a menu of: 1. Skulls to PODS 2. PODS to SKULL Thanks in advance. turbo_room,106,117,4 script Currency Exchanger 860,{ mes callfunc("F_Hi"); mes "Yo! I am the Currency Exchanger!"; mes "Do you want to change your Skulls to PODS?"; mes "or I rather say your PODS to Skulls?"; next; switch(select("Skulls to PODS:PODS to Skulls")) { case 1: if( countitem(7420) < 1000 ) mes "You didnt have 1000 "+getitemname( 7420 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7420,( .@Amount * 1000 ); getitem 7179,.@Amount; mes "Done...you gained "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(7179); } close; } case 2: if( countitem(7179) < 1 ) mes "You didnt have 1 "+getitemname( 7179 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7179) / 1 ); delitem 7179,( .@Amount * 1 ); getitem 7420,( .@Amount * 1000 );; mes "Done...you gained "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(7420); } close; } Anyone?
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