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About rizsu0107

  • Birthday January 7

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    Well Played Ragnarok Online
  • Github: rizsu
  • Discord: Rizsu#7076
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  1. any updates on this? i got the same error. Please Help!
  2. Good day, in my script i encounter this error. I can't find a way to fix. - script Gold_Room_Max_Account -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(getgmlevel() >= 99){ end; } set .@charmap$, strcharinfo(3); if(!compare(.tmp$, .@charmap$)) end; set .@len, query_sql("SELECT DISTINCT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` IN (SELECT `account_id` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `last_ip` = (SELECT `last_ip` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+")) AND `online` <> 0;",.@a); for(set(.@d,0); .@d < .@len; set(.@d, .@d+1)) { if(!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_PC, rid2name(.@a[.@d])) && .@charmap$ == .@map$) set .@c, .@c + 1; } if(.@c > .limitacc ) { dispbottom "Maximum of 2 accounts are allowed in the Gold Room at a time!"; warp "thana_town", 100, 100; } end; OnInit: set .limitacc, 2; setarray .maps$, "rockrdg1"; set .lens, getarraysize(.maps$); for(set(.a, 0); .a < .lens; set(.a, .a+1)) { setmapflag .maps$[.a], mf_loadevent; set .tmp$, .tmp$ + .maps$[.a] + ","; } }
  3. if anyone still needs it. - Id: 617 AegisName: Old_Violet_Box Name: Old Purple Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_VioletBox,1);
  4. - Id: 617 AegisName: Old_Violet_Box Name: Old Purple Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_VioletBox,1);
  5. Hello, can anyone please help me fix the warning and debug in this pvp script. Can't find a way to fix it, been searching on how to fix the warning and debug. here is the script. pvp_announcer_new.txt
  6. hello again, how about for this script. how can I disable it if having 2 of the same item?
  7. - Id: 55073 AegisName: _Cocodrilo_Charm Name: Cocodrilo Charm Type: Charm Buy: 948 Weight: 10 Trade: NoSell: true NoDrop: true Script: | bonus bDef2,1; bonus bAllStats,5; bonus bAddMaxWeight,10000; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,10; bonus2 bMagicAddClass,Class_All,10; skill 257,5; skill 249,5; if ( countitem( 55073 ) >= 2){ message strcharinfo(0),"You can only use 1x "+getitemname(55073)+"! All same charm(s) has been disabled."; bonus bAllStats,-5; bonus bAddMaxWeight,-10000; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,-10; bonus2 bMagicAddClass,Class_All,-10; } Hello in my item script, I want to disable the skill 249,5; and skill 257,5; when a player have the same item. I tried disabling it with this skill 249,-5; also tried with skill 249,0; but nothing works.
  8. Hello, how can I add a custom max_hp_lv255:, max_hp_lv999:? player.conf
  9. Thank you. I've been looking for something like this. thank you so much!
  10. I don't receive any errors now. Thank you so much. Also my Woe Controller is Fixed thank you so much for this. Also, can I ask about this. It is not detecting the same user IP, if you don't mind :). - script No_Multiple_Accounts -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ ){ query_sql("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+"",.@IP ); query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `last_ip` = "+.@IP+"",.@Accountlist ); for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@Accountlist ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( isloggedin( .@Accountlist[.@i] ) ) set .@DetectedOnline,.@DetectedOnline + 1; if( .@DetectedOnline > .Limit ){ mes "We detected there is "+.@DetectedOnline+" Users with same IP Logged in."; mes "Please log off these unused account."; close2; warp "thana_town",100,100; } } end; OnInit: // How many User with Same IP can logged in and stay at the specific map set .Limit,1; // What map will be restricted set .Map$,"jupe_ele"; setmapflag .Map$,mf_loadevent; end; }
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