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3D Models for use in RO.

14 files

  1. Free

    Simple War event map

    Simple War Event Map, ideal for hosting thrilling war events like job showdown, 3v3 7v7 and more.



  2. Free

    KOE Mocha

    if you have texture/model error just let me know
    contact me on discord - https://discord.gg/Z4kmAdNxf3



  3. Free


    if you have texture/model error just let me know
    contact me on discord - https://discord.gg/Z4kmAdNxf3



  4. Free


    These 3 maps are free. please do not resell
    if you have texture/model error just let me know
    contact me on discord - https://discord.gg/Z4kmAdNxf3
    ENJOY!! ?



  5. Free

    Galax Arena

    Here's a simple arena map for you!
    if you want to change somthing just let me know.
    contact me on discord - https://discord.gg/Z4kmAdNxf3

    Enjoy :)



  6. 30.00 USD

    Sphx arena

    Sphx_arena map
    - Watcher area
    - Logo board
    - Simple map This can be use in showdowns, 3v3 war event , PVP matches.

    0 purchases   4 downloads


  7. Free

    Pokemon center gen 5

    Hello if you ever tried to import pokemon models you will be dissapointed to see the many empty spaces and how its impossible to map...
    Well i tried my best to make my own
    Some of you may know i moved to the Unreal Engine due to limited graphical support working on an emulator, While i have not given up on everything I however will be working on a pokemon simulator, just to get myself familiar with the system, and get a bit better at spriting/3d modeling. Its a bit of a workload but.... It doesnt really matter.
    If your interested I can share more of my pokemon models 



  8. Free

    Residential Apartments Interior Models

    Hi I finished the majority of my residential apartments 3d model sets,
    missing a few little things... food, toilet paper rolls, and a few jackets to hang up instead of just those dresses
    Also I saved them as KITCHEN and not APARTMENTS... itd take a few minutes to fix but leaving it as it is...
    I included my personal map with this in case someone wants to make something and have me include it in my game, these walls are split in half for the interior... and the sizes are good for iro sprites and mine... btw sorry if you were building with any of my old models 



  9. Free

    Custom Flag GR2

    Hello once again... ;]
    Here to bring you guys this GR2 edit of the old guild flag that i've made years ago.
    This release features a more high resolution mesh with a 2 sided flag, showing the emblem in both sides. It means that you can overlap 2 flags with 2 oposite directions to generate a  cool effect. You can do what you want.
    The instalation:
    - at jobname.lua/lub:
    -- [jobtbl.JT_GUILD_FLAG] = "rapa_flag.gr2",
    note that you cannot have the _1 at the end of de .gr2 filename since it brings the 3dmob_bones into action and we dont want that.
    some cons:
    - since it is a high res model it takes longer to load ( affects map loading time )
    - the positioning of a 3D gr2 mob is always very glichy, for example the final position after movement is diferent from deafault 8 directional.. so you can come up with some ideas to position it right. For example, doing a OnInit: walknpc... to make it walk to the direction you want it to face...
    Video: ( Was recording other stuff but the model appear on screen, don't mind what i'm doing... )



  10. Free

    Ragnarok II- Kawaii Monsters

    Pack of 4 custom 3D monsters in granny gr2 format to use as: mobs, mvps or even npcs. Each monster includes walking, attacking, dead and stand animation.



  11. Free

    Cliff Model Pack

    Just some retextured cliff models used most noticeably in Yuno. This provides models to match the textures of Payon, Moscovia, Lighthalzen, Morroc, Veins and some mystery snow map that nobody can identify. To use them in BrowEdit, make sure you add the models to your grf. You can simply drag the whole 'CliffPack' folder into your data.grf data > models and add the contents of the romodels.txt to the end of your romodels.txt in your BrowEdit > data folder.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see some awesome sky maps or just general terrain with these models in the near future!

    ~Azura Skyy



  12. Free

    [Models] 3 Color lamp Wow

    Contact https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pallas-Athena/202566129954646?ref=hl
    imported from world of warcraft models for ragnarok online
    good use and create your new map and share with the community



  13. Free

    Board Model Package [8]

    Hello dear community,
    Here is a package that contains 8 board models that have useful text written on it. (Well, mind you, actually there are only 4 models, but a total of 8 because I've also made snow versions.)
    I've decided to share these with the community because, very often, I'm getting paid requests that require custom models. Server name here, quest area there, etc etc~
    Either way, these 8 are for free. Browedit users should know how to implent them.
    For custom boards or models, such as a model with your server name written on it (doesn't particularly have to be a board-type model), you can contact me.
    Please be so kind to donate if you appreciate. Thank you very much!
    - -
    *These are the snow versions. The 'normal' ones are just plain wood.



  14. Free

    Space Fighter Ship

    Here is a fighter ship I recently fixed so its compatible with RO. Enjoy~



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