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Haruka Mayumi

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Everything posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/35702c62c2c0c444a2eaa24df3f6d2cb3364ffae/npc/guild/agit_main.txt#L125 addrid an IF condition then use warp.
  2. Do you have any source modifications that might cause this?..
  3. you probably turn this off from conf/battle/player.conf // Revive dead player while warping? (Note 1) revive_onwarp: yes
  4. data>luafiles514>transparentitem>transparentItem.lub add another line before { 0, 0, 0, 0} { YOURGARMENTID, 255, 255, 25500 }, EDIT: just a note, make sure that you followed the guide for custom garments because it's very different for headgears.
  5. case 3: // THE HIGH PRIESTESS - all buffs removed { if(!status_isimmune(target)) status_change_clear_buffs(target, SCCB_BUFFS | SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT); break; } skill.cpp#L4583
  6. if( rnd() % 100 > skill_lv * 8 || status_isimmune(bl) || skill.cpp#L9224
  7. hmm. i'm not really sure if i understand what you want.. but this is what was on my mind.. and this is the effect of the script https://streamable.com/yrb1be
  8. 501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,40,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-3,10; },{},{}
  9. specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-3,10;
  10. i'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.. maybe more info? conf/battle/client.conf // Minimum delay between whisper/global/party/guild messages (in ms) // Messages that break this threshold are silently omitted. min_chat_delay: 0
  11. prontera,155,181,5 script Yumi 94,{ .@aid = getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1); .@cid = getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2); if(!isloggedin(.@aid,.@cid)){ message strcharinfo(0),"Party Leader is Offline"; end; } getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,BL_PC,.@aid); warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; end; }
  12. @jourdan first check the date the oldest date on your emulator.. then go to https://github.com/rathena/rathena. click on commits.. then go to oldest date of your emulator
  13. you must install secret's web service for 2020 newer clients for now. https://github.com/secretdataz/athena-web-service
  14. @jourdan for god's sake. you have been warned not to make duplicate posts. and you just keep on doing it.. also what you were asking is not mapreg ing phpmyadmin. it was mapreg of src.. for the file mapreg.h, we cannot give you that bbeause there's a lot of version of that. the only way you can fix this is to take the mapreg.h from the source where you took your emulator..
  15. This lord of death script line bonus2 bComaClass,Class_Normal,1; change into bonus2 bWeaponComaClass,Class_Normal,1; Script Command [ Coma ]
  16. // When to re-display the guild notice // Upon teleporting (regardless of changing maps): 2 (official) // Upon changing maps: 1 // Do not re-display: 0 (disabled) guild_notice_changemap: 0 https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/guild.conf#L56
  17. Read rules before posting. you just violated 3 rules in 1 post.. - Uninformative Topic Title - Posting Topic in CAPSLOCK - Incorrect Forum for the Topic Regarding your topic. The server might be using prevention of editing the sprite(gepard additional functuality)..
  18. flywing script. replace FARM_MAP with your gold room map.. 601,Wing_Of_Fly,Fly Wing,11,60,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ if(strcharinfo(3) == "FARM_MAP") warp strcharinfo(3),0,0; else itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; },{},{}
  19. nope. it's a personal private source i created.
  20. you used sd without checking if there's session data. also using sd on the loop is a no.. you should use the tsd. here's a last insight. struct s_dmglog { int id; //char id unsigned int dmg; unsigned int flag : 2; //0: Normal. 1: Homunc exp. 2: Pet exp } dmglog[DAMAGELOG_SIZE];
  21. for(i = 0, count = 0, mvp_damage = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE && md->dmglog[i].id; i++) { struct map_session_data* tsd = NULL; if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_SELF) { //Self damage counts as exp tap count++; continue; } tsd = map_charid2sd(md->dmglog[i].id); if (tsd == NULL) continue; // skip empty entries if (tsd->bl.m != m) continue; // skip players not on this map count++; //Only logged into same map chars are counted for the total. if (pc_isdead(tsd)) continue; // skip dead players if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN && !hom_is_active(tsd->hd)) continue; // skip homunc's share if inactive if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_PET && (!tsd->status.pet_id || !tsd->pd)) continue; // skip pet's share if inactive if(md->dmglog[i].dmg > mvp_damage) { third_sd = second_sd; second_sd = mvp_sd; mvp_sd = tsd; mvp_damage = md->dmglog[i].dmg; } tmpsd[i] = tsd; // record as valid damage-log entry switch( md->dmglog[i].flag ) { case MDLF_NORMAL: dmgbltypes|= BL_PC; break; case MDLF_HOMUN: dmgbltypes|= BL_HOM; break; case MDLF_PET: dmgbltypes|= BL_PET; break; } } i'll give you a little insight on where you will edit ? it's somewhere here.
  22. There's a good way to log players damage to monsters. but there's also another way for logging the players damage vs players. i just really don't know which one you are aiming. if logs between pvm or pvp. if you are focusin on pvm. you can just simply get the md->dmglog however if you want to take pvp damage logs you can do things on sd->dmglog
  23. i dunno what you are trying to achieve. because the damage logs have their own respective code like the mob_data->dmglog
  24. it's already in your script.. `killedrid` - script TFRSummoner -1,{ OnInit: setarray .Monster[1],1002,1115; setarray .Chance[1],30,5; end; OnNPCKillEvent: .@id = inarray(.Monster,killedrid); if(!.@id) end; if( rand(1,100) <= .Chance[.@id]) atcommand "@summon "+killedrid+" 60"; end; } i'll explain it because i see that you want to learn.. at OnInit i put all the Monsters ID on an array called .Monster and after that. i put the percent chance they would be summon at an array called .Chance at OnNPCKillEvent, i checked if the monster they killed is is on the .Monster array and pass it on a variable call .@id.. if the monster id is not found.. it will end there doing nothing.. however if the monster is on the array . we will create a random number from 1 to 100 that signifies percentage and then finally match it with a logical operator to check if the random is within the chance.. If the check is true. than it will summon
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