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Haruka Mayumi

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Everything posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + albertaquest$ + "_collectionname$")+"^000000"; This is a variable(red).. the #Town is called Hidden NPC Name.. Still too lazy to read the whole script. but I guess there would be some complications even if you change that variable if you didn't copy the whole code and paste it on another .txt instead of using duplicate.
  2. You can tag me on a post and if I have some time. I might do it.. but do not message me.
  3. I used OVH, Digital Ocean and Vultr for server.. I tried this 3 and all I can say.. their performance is almost the same. yes almost.. OVH have all it's VPS, Dedicated Server DDoS Protected while Vultr Asian Servers don't have.. but Vultr Provides BGP configuration which also has ups and downs.. I've been to digital ocean last 2 years but all I can say is.. They are mediocre, Price and Performance based. As Akkarin Says.. You really don't need dedicated server just to run the server.. but the downside non-dedicated servers are shared resources, if the main server goes down, your server goes down too, but that's just mostly not the case anymore on hosting industry.. The good side on shared VPS is, it will just cost you a penny and still can run your server.. good for small time servers. As for Vy Low says.. If you have the budget and you are expecting a lot of players.. Dedicated server is the best choice as you are the only one using your server resources.. The downside is yeah it just Cost you 10x or more than the VPS monthly. and yes just sharing my experience too. you will mostly lag on vps not like dedicated server :3
  4. Since you are exchanging it already.. the input is from 1 to 1000 input .@in,1,1000; You just need to change this line and add 1 line after it.. should be like this input .@in,0,1000; if(!.@in) end;
  5. prontera,155,181,3 script Yumi Test 94,{ for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.Require);.@i++) .@menu$ += (countitem(.Require[.@i]) ? "- Exchange ^0055FF"+.ReqAmount[.@i]+"^000000 "+getitemname(.Require[.@i])+" to ^0055FF"+.ExcAmount[.@i]+"^000000 "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+":":":"); .@sel = select(.@menu$)-1; message strcharinfo(0),"Input amount 1-1000"; input .@in,1,1000; if(countitem(.Require[.@sel]) < .ReqAmount[.@sel]*.@in){ message strcharinfo(0),"Insufficient "+getitemname(.Require[.@sel])+""; end; } if(!checkweight(.Exchange[.@sel],.@in*.ExcAmount[.@sel])){ message strcharinfo(0),"Insufficient inventory space"; end; } delitem .Require[.@sel],.ReqAmount[.@sel]*.@in; getitem .Exchange[.@sel],.@in*.ExcAmount[.@sel]; end; OnInit: setarray .Require[0],501,502,503,504,505; setarray .ReqAmount[0],1,1,1,1,1; setarray .Exchange[0],512,513,514,515,516; setarray .ExcAmount[0],50,25,20,30,45; end; }
  6. prontera,155,181,3 script Yumi Test 94,{ for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.Require);.@i++) .@menu$ += (countitem(.Require[.@i]) ? "- Exchange ^0055FF"+.ReqAmount[.@i]+"^000000 "+getitemname(.Require[.@i])+" to "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+":":":"); .@sel = select(.@menu$)-1; message strcharinfo(0),"Input amount 1-1000"; input .@in,1,1000; if(countitem(.Require[.@sel]) < .ReqAmount[.@sel]*.@in){ message strcharinfo(0),"Insufficient "+getitemname(.Require[.@sel])+""; end; } if(!checkweight(.Exchange[.@sel],.@in)){ message strcharinfo(0),"Insufficient inventory space"; end; } delitem .Require[.@sel],.ReqAmount[.@sel]*.@in; getitem .Exchange[.@sel],.@in; end; OnInit: setarray .Require[0],501,502,503,504,505; setarray .ReqAmount[0],5,2,3,4,1; setarray .Exchange[0],512,513,514,515,516; end; }
  7. 1. Maybe you forgot to reloadquestdb. 2. Did you perhaps add it on import/quest_db.yml?. if yes, Don't forget to add the "Body:" after the header section. it should look like this.. Header: Type: QUEST_DB Version: 1 Body: - Id: 61000 Title: Hourly Rewards Cooldown TimeLimit: +60m
  8. prontera,155,181,3 script Yumi Test 94,{ for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.Require);.@i++) .@menu$ += (countitem(.Require[.@i]) ? "- Exchange with "+getitemname(.Require[.@i])+":":":"); .@sel = select(.@menu$)-1; npctalk "Exchange with "+getitemname(.Require[.@sel]); OnInit: setarray .Require[0],501,502,503,504,505; end; }
  9. I see that your IP on xml and the ip from error is not the same.. you probably forgot to fix it. if the IP is correct: Do you have gepard?.. this happens when your server gepard is on.. but your client side is off and vice versa.
  10. @ra11 hmm.. It should be scripting. and database management for rAthena.. C,C++ I learned them on school so I skipped it here lmao. Here's a link from where you should start.. there's Sample folder located in that link. You can try to understand it via script_commands.txt https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/doc Hmm.. a lot like... C,C++,SQL.. Some ruby expressions, (some yaml parsing knowledge if you want to be kind of updated) and some stuff for advance administering the server like networking to provide some better experience and protection, linux setup, windows setup, Php, javascript, html, bootstrap etc for web.. for client side.. Photoshop knowledge, Spriting, Lua Programming Language, Browedit, hex edit, resource hacking etc.. well I haven't mention them all since I forgot things I mostly don't use. also, some things I listed were not that much needed like bootstrap and javascript..
  11. prontera,145,193,3 script Dogoo 508,{ while(1){ mes .name$; mes "Hello there nyaa~ring"; mes "I'm a hired guide by gee-gee here."; mes "I help people that have trouble or lost on what to do."; next; .@menu$ = ""; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.GuideMenu$);.@i++); .@menu$ = .@menu$ + .GuideMenu$ + ":"; .@menu$ = .@menu$ + "> Just passing by.."; .@select = select(.@menu$)-1; if(.@select >= getarraysize(.GuideMenu$)){ mes .name$; mes "I see, Hope you have a fun adventures to come."; end; } callsub OnGuideSelect,.@select; next; } end; OnGuideSelect: //arg(0) = Selected Context; .@size = getarraysize(getd(".GuideContext_"+getarg(0)+"$")); for(.@i=0;.@i<.@size;.@i++){ mes .name$; mes getd(".GuideContext_"+getarg(0)+"$["+.@i+"]"); next; } return; OnInit: .name$ = "[ ^FF5500Dogoo^000000 ]"; setarray .GuideMenu$[0], "> This is Menu 1","> This is Menu 2","> This is Menu 3"; setarray .GuideContext_0$[0], //This is Menu 1 "Menu 1 - First Bubble.", "Menu 1 - Second Bubble.", "Menu 1 - Third Bubble"; setarray .GuideContext_1$[0], //This is Menu 2 "Menu 2 - First Bubble.", "Menu 2 - Second Bubble"; setarray .GuideContext_2$[0], //This is Menu 3 "Menu 3 - First Bubble.", "Menu 3 - Second Bubble", "Menu 3 - Third Bubble.", "Menu 3 - Fourth Bubble"; end; } All you need to do is create .GuideContext_(MenuNumber-1)$[0],
  12. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/source_doc.txt
  13. prontera,155,181,3 script Test 94,{ setarray .@Options$[1],"Option 1","Option 2","Option 3"; for(.@i=1;.@i<=getarraysize(.@Options$);.@i++) .@menu$ += (SaveOption[.@i] ? "":.@Options$[.@i])+":"; .@sel = select(.@menu$); mes "You have chosen option "+.@sel; mes "Option "+.@sel+" is now gone."; SaveOption[.@sel] = 1; close; }
  14. Wrong Forums.. ? this error is from hercules.
  15. item_db is no longer .txt on latest rAthena which supports high id items..
  16. use clif_colormessage instead of clif_displaymessage clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN], atcmd_output, false, SELF);
  17. *noreturn Disables usage of map-warping items on a map: - Butterfly Wing (ID 602) - Yellow/Green/Red/Blue Butterfly Wing (IDs 14582-14585) - Siege Teleport Scroll (ID 14591) - Dungeon Teleport Scroll 1/2/3 (IDs 14527, 14581, 12352) The 'warpparty' and 'warpguild' script commands are also blocked for destinations outside the player's current map. you can also check ingame via @mapflag to see the mapflags associated on the map.
  18. I'm looking for a NEMO or better WARP patch to change the directory to read the .spr file of a robe/garment act.. New Clients such as 20200902 can use another directory to read the sprite of an act file. The image below shows you that .act and .spr are in the same directory. While on new clients.. the act and spr can be separated. Image Shown Below: 1. Sprite directory/path 2. Act directory/path So, the goal on this request is to make a patch to read the sprite from the another directory such as the Image shown for valkyrie wing.. Why need this for old clients? As we know, .spr can be more than 100kb+[Some custom can go 1mb+] , with the help of only reading 1 sprite file for the robe/garment.. we can lessen (125 * .spr size) for the grf. I saw the there are 2 path for robe in 20200902 client while there's only 1 path on older clients. i saw this through a hex editor. Hoping that Neo, 4144 or Functor could help on this. ?
  19. \trunk\npc\warps\cities\morocc.txt //morocc,160,183,0 warp moc002 2,1,moc_castle,94,181 This is before episode of destruction of morocc. he can enable it on warps + npcs + maps_athena.conf
  20. Since i'm lazy to read the whole content and just saw this.. I will answer only this one. you can do it by adding a variable to the player which contains timestamp ?
  21. Moved to appropriate forum. You can use the Report Post so we can immediately see it. Thank you~
  22. There's already a command for this.. Here's the Link.
  23. Did you add it as headgear?.. better edit it.. if you add it as garment/robe.. then it's layer issues depends on your client version as @Panic says..
  24. Well. There's GitHub desktop which is very useful for beginners because of it's friendly interface.. Base on my experience there are only few commands on git bash that are not visible as interface in GitHub Desktop.. Although i mostly use git bash on my workstation. i also use github desktop to easily view the comparison of my changes.
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