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Everything posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Bunneh!!!! poring variant with rabbbit ears
  2. Thanks Yui....QQ. Any chance you might have skelling & psychoring as well?
  3. I need the poring variant mob sprites.What i mean from this is the custom variants such as aquaring, sapling etc. Does anyone have these? (I need aquaring especially - not the pouring). I am trying to incorporate a full set. Currently i have the following mob sprites : Cowring Sapling Fire Poring Blockring Bombring Hollowring Heartring Nekoring Blockring Usakoring Dark Poring Deviring Icering Teddyring Pouring - blue,black,red,white,pink,green Pumpkinring Pandaring Whispering Remaining is what i am missing. It would be so awesome if someone coud share them. I especially need the aquaring mob (the one from the aquaring hat).
  4. any updates on this one GreenBox?
  5. Looks great . Dunno about naming choice though
  6. Recolored Large Bapho Horns => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1b84q63sjvk50gm Recolored majestic goat => http://spriterepository.com/files/file/1204-majestic-goat-recolored/
  7. {},{changebase 0},{} you can also add additional bonuses in there as well.
  8. OK so I thought i add some mods to Jtynne's script Modifications done: 1) You can specify the source and target location 2) Script searches for pairs of sprites and act files in the source folder automatically. 3) The target location is created if not found. 4) Tar gz file is not created (Not much point if you are specifying the target path i guess). 5) The sprite and act files can be found in sprite folder at the target location. 6) Only pairs are copied (both .spr and .act files are necessary to be copied). 7) The lines to be added to lua files are displayed in the result page once you click 'Copy Files'. The modified script => http://www.mediafire...pmriciz4x9op1mz If you find any issues let me know . Hope it was helpful. Credits for original : Jtynne Credits for Mod : me
  9. why not just make drop sprite? just use your item.bmp file to create a spr file (use sprconview for that). as for the act file you simply need a blank one. I use this one => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?faoxg1pf91nhqg6
  10. Description: It works on similar lines of Jtynne's Garment Robe Generator => http://rathena.org/b...enerator-v10/.This tool copies the collection/item bmps as well as drop and equip sprites/act files to proper locations in the target folder specified. Just like the Garment Generator this one is also a php script and therefore can be added to your webserver to use directly. Pre-requisites: This is also mentioned in the page that pops up 1) Source folder name must be the headgear name (without blankspaces in between) 2) The tool looks for the following files in the source location: collection.bmp item.bmp drop.spr drop.act main.spr main.act 3) Any missing file will not cause error - and therefore this can also be used for other Equipment data such as armors and shields. 4) Destination folder specified will be created if not found. Instructions: 1) Prepare your source folder with the data. 2) Run the script & Enter the paths. 3) Click the Copy Files button 4) The result page shows what all files were copied. 5) At the end of the result page you will find a list of lines you can copy to your accname.lua file. Download: http://www.mediafire...b03868og5sh2z7a Try it out and let me know if you need help or find some issues :-) . Hope this is useful. If you modify the script, please do give credit where credit is due. I am completely new to php and it took sometime to get everything properly done in this script.
  11. You can find it here => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4o7m0tq3ss8ah9b
  12. All items require item bmp (image in the inventory+the one that shows when u receive the item) and collection bmp (image in the description window). If the item is equippable then it also needs "drop" sprites (the one that shows up when the item drops on the floor). And finally only Headgears + Garment(optional - need to be set seperately in lua files) need the equip sprite - the one that shows on the character's body.
  13. ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿ for soul linker µÎ²¨ºñ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿ for soul linker mount
  14. The formats to follow : inside accessoryid.lua => [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_<dbname i.e. the SECOND FIELD in item_db line>] = "_<Name of sprite without the male/female prefix and extensions>", inside accname.lua ACCESSORY_<dbname i.e. the SECOND FIELD in item_db line> = <view id i.e 19th field of the item_db line just before the scripts are specified> , Don't forget the commas either. You can make the dbname mentioned above ALL CAPS also if you want a more uniform look. when you use @iteminfo Both the dbname as well as the <display name> of the item shows up. The <display name> is what you set in *num2itemdisplaynametable.txt files and also what you see as the item name in all the windows.
  15. If you mean the seperate wings (angel and devil wings), i had posted a similar request before i fixed up the sprite. Anyways you can find them in the link below. http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=3739 P.S. the yin yang wings in there are the old version not the one i uploaded :-)
  16. 1) {bonus bAgi, 2; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;} 2) {bonus bDex, 6; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,500;} 3) {bonus bStr, 6; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;} 4) {bonus bLuk, 6; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500; bonus bFlee2,5;} 5) {bonus bInt, 6; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,500;} 6) {bonus bVit, 6; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;} 7) {bonus bAgi, 8; bonus bMaxSPrate,2; bonus bSpeedAddRate,10;} 8) {bonus bAgi, 8; bonus bStr, 1; bonus bSpeedAddRate,10;} 9) {bonus bAgi, 15; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,Ghost; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,50; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,10; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,10; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,10;} 10) {bonus bAllStats, 5; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,100; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bSubRace2,RC_Dragon,30;} I am also learning scripting now so please let me know if you found any issues.
  17. IIIVIIIVIV nice pattern :-)
  18. Use that. It works in windows 7=> https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/WeeThumbnail/
  19. 19013,Champion_Suit,Champion Suit,5,1000,10,10,,10,,4,0xFFFFFFE,7,2,16,,10,1,0, { changebase 4016; bonus bMatkRate,5; },{},{ changebase Class; } 19023,Clown_Suit,Clown Suit,5,89000,,500,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,7,1,16,,10,1,0,{ changebase 4020; bonus bMaxHP,800; },{},{ changebase Class; } 19022,Bard_Suit,Bard Suit,5,89000,,500,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,7,1,16,,10,1,0,{ changebase 19; bonus bMaxHP,500; },{},{ changebase Class;} Try these lines instead (all of them now have 10 base level requirement to equip the suit )
  20. Does anyone know where i can find this set . I took that snapshot like maybe 2 years ago (I think) . Now i have no idea where i saw this set. Any links where i can find other Equip Set Sprites like that would be awesome. (TSR doesn't have many - Valk Recolors and Ancient Equip is all i found there)
  21. you can directly download it after you become a true member there. TSR have changed the rules for becoming a member => so long as you have posted atleast once in a topic you will become a member.
  22. shouldn't look no different than before when you used them as headgear. :-D
  23. Looks nice :-). For Char creation screen , In my opinion it should follow same format as of the newer clients (Initial stats assigned inside the game).
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