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Everything posted by Neo-Mind

  1. use this in idnum2resnametable and num2resnametable.txt it will find the sprites => 30000#µ¶_¿­º´# also you should change the dbname to Amnesia_Bottle as well just to avoid other issues.
  2. This sounds interesting January release - might be the fastest release of a project since...... ever?? Looking forward to those screenies
  3. 1) Client is not reading the updates in your grf (make sure your grf is first in the list in your data.ini file). 2) if your modifying stuff in data folder then read data folder first diff patch should be enabled. (But this is known to provoke other issues with the setup.exe file for 2012 clients as far as i have seen).
  4. You don't need to convert the file names to korean if you are using grfbuilder tool for making the grf file (that is automatically taken care of). As for the item displaying part, Correct me if i am wrong but i believe the client picks up filenames for sprite and act from lua files and those for bmps from your idnum2itemresnametable. Can you upload the files for one of the equipment you are trying to add. I will try it at my end and see what is causing the problem.
  5. Open the act file in actor or actor2 . If you are able to open it without issues. as well as see the images from the sprite, your files are proper If not then your original grf was definitely encrypted or corrupted. Since you already have the sword equipped i assume your lua files are inside "data/luafiles514/lua files" path
  6. Looks great . Keep up the good work. Agreed with that .
  7. Let us consider one item first say Rastafari_Fairy_Wings: Files required=> data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.spr data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.act data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿©\¿©_Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.spr data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿©\¿©_Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.act data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ\Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.spr data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ\Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.act data exture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\collection\Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.bmp data exture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\item\Rastafari_Fairy_Wings.bmp Lua File Entries => accname.lua: (the underscore is required in the RHS string because the client simply suffixes the string to the spr and act files for referring the files from your sprite folder - aka we have no choice but to add it) [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_RASTAFARI_FAIRY_WINGS] = "_Rastafari_Fairy_Wings", accessoryid.lua: ACCESSORY_RASTAFARI_FAIRY_WINGS = 1191, Table Additions => idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt & num2itemdisplaynametable.txt : (The underscores are required - they will get substituted by spaces inside the client) 20191#Rastafari_Fairy_Wings# idnum2itemdesctable.txt & num2itemdesctable.txt: 20191# <put the description here> # idnum2itemresnametable.txt & num2itemresnametable.txt : 20191#Rastafari_Fairy_Wings# You can also specify different values for num2* files (incase you want different name/description to show up if the item is not identified) itemslotcounttable.txt : (if your equip is slotted then you need to add that here) 20191#1# DB Additions => item_db.txt : (i feel it is better to add customs to item_db2.txt but thats just me ) 20191,Rastafari_Fairy_Wings,Rastafari_Fairy_Wings,5,100000,,10, ,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1191,{bonus bAllstats,+5;bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,10;bonus bMagicDamageReturn,10;},{},{} If you have followed everything properly as shown above then you should be able to see your custom item. If you are still having issues then we need to see. If you are adding non visible items (only headgears & garments can become visible when equipped as of now), you can skip the lua addition and the first four in the required files section.
  8. make sure you do the change while the server is not running
  9. I tried some recolors, see if its good . Link => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gce2m04fxg0s3iv
  10. Correct me if i am wrong but i think he meant the M to come in front of the cap and MICZ at the back of the cap
  11. you haven't updated lua files - accessoryid.lua and accname.lua. and you have not specified the view id in your item_db line.
  12. costume works same way as regular headgear. Job sprites don't have a view id. If you want to change to job class then you have to use changebase. Did you try using the script in equip_script position instead? I haven't used costume myself so i am not sure if it will work.
  13. To get the search and replace window press ctrl+h in Notepad++ To replace items with only 1 slot to 4 slots In item_db.txt Find What: ^(\d\d*,.*),[1],0x Replace with: \1,4,0x In itemslotcounttable.txt Find what: (.*)#1# Replace with: \1#4# For replacing any item with slot to 4 slots In item_db.txt Find what: ^(\d\d*,.*),[123],0x Replace with: \1,4,0x In itemslotcounttable.txt Find What: (.*)#[123]# Replace with: \1#4# If you find items remaining with slots they are probably commented out.
  14. Golden Set => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cn7wesm29r1mf7w
  15. Challenge Accepted!! 1) Open the item_db files in notepad++ 2) Search & Replace : a ) use regular expression mode b ) search string => ^(\d\d*,.*),1,0x c ) replace string => \1,4,0x d ) replace all in document 3) Save Assumption: Job alone is specified in hexadecimal format (0x<hex digits>)
  16. I think i have this at home. If i have it i will upload. Ah i was looking for the author's name thanks Devil
  17. and... AMATSUPAMAN EDIT: oops forgot the real word => Antonym
  18. OK i added the modifications i was talking about I dunno if this is the best way to go about this perhaps an expert can provide an input :-) /* create table castle_reward ( guild_id int(11) primary key, claimed int(11) ); engine = innodb; */ prontera,156,177,5 script WoE Prize 100,{ setcastledata "prtg_cas01", 1, getcharid(2); // debug if ( agitcheck() ) { mes "A war is currently in progress"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to see me to claim the reward"; close; } select "Kriemhild [Primary Castle]"; if ( getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) { mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; close; } if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) { mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; } if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) { mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; } mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; query_sql "select claimed from castle_reward where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@claimed; if ( !.@claimed ) { // 1st time getitem 7960,200; getitem 12103,20; getitem 7959,20; } else if ( .@claimed == 1 ) { // 2nd time getitem 7960,250; getitem 12103,30; getitem 7959,30; } else { // 3rd time onwards getitem 7960,300; getitem 12103,40; getitem 7959,40; } set $castle_claimed[1], getcharid(2); query_sql "insert into castle_reward values ( "+ getcharid(2) +", 1 ) on duplicate key update claimed = claimed +1"; close; OnAgitEnd: if ($castle_claimed[1] && $castle_claimed[1] != getcastledata("prtg_cas01",1) ) { // if there was a claim before then we need to reset incase different guild took castle this time. query_sql "update castle_reward set claimed = 0 where guild_id = "+ $castle_claimed[1]; } set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets end; OnInit: waitingroom "Kriemhild Reward",0; end; }
  19. Full path version of LK and Paladin Mount => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?o8jommo7y7eauw8
  20. Ah OK so that's what was intended ... my bad OK how about this instead of setting castle_claimed to 1=> set $castle_claimed[1], getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1); and OnAgitEnd: if ($castle_claimed[1] && $castle_claimed[1] != getcastledata("prtg_cas01",1) ) { query_sql "update castle_reward set claimed = 0 where guild_id = "+ $castle_claimed[1]; } set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets end; Annie, Is there any specific reason to use array for castle_claimed?
  21. i already uploaded it . If you want the full path version => http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?k83ckqx55b3tkye
  22. Recolored Cyclops Eyes => http://www.mediafire.com/?251c1tafu4n47ki
  23. well there will definitely be folders for each class in the data.grf. It is not necessary for you to have all those classes in your own custom grf. If you want to add new weapon sprites for other classes then create the corresponding folder and add the sprite inside it.
  24. EDIT: since aesthetic is already taken : Aptitude
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