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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. Version 5.2


    This system is simple the player choose the categories, he gets a hunting quest to kill a monster (random monster from the list that you put in the config) when he complete the quest , he will get a exp/job exp and if you want you can add items to the reward too and he will get cooldown , he can do more then 1 categories at the time you can add as much as you want categories/monsters the quest are ether account base or character based , it's up to you (seethe config at the end of the script) the quests not for party , if you want it to work with parties , you need to edit it your self in version 5 of the script , a full rewrite what changed the configuration completely you can now add as much as you want categories following this example: AddCata(<"name">,<.var>,<mini level>,<max level>,<cooldown in hours>,<base exp reward>,<job exp reward>,<point reward>,<ITEM ID>,<COUNT>{,<ITEM ID>,<COUNT>{,<ITEM ID>,<COUNT>}}) AddCata("Normal",.Normal,25,75,5,10000,1000,100); you can add as much as you want monsters in each categories following this example: AddMob(<.var>,<mob id>,<min count>,<max count>); AddMob(.Normal,1002,150,150);
  2. there is no spr for misc and what the error you get ? you don't get the item when you type @item (there is no item in this id)? or you get client error (no .bmp in the client you have) and it's like an apple or no photo ? and identifiedResourceName = "file_name", is your files name Yellow_Gem.bmp ?
  3. can you show us db/re/item_db.txt line 11408
  4. it need more tests i would say but here it is bg_emp_after_edit.txt
  5. 4279,Deleter_Card,Deleter_Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ if(Class == Job_Hunter || Class == Job_Sniper) {bonus bSPrecovRate,-100; bonus bSPGainValue,10;} },{},{ if(Class == Job_Hunter || Class == Job_Sniper) {heal 0,-100;} } Edit: nvm i missread the question if you could explaine more it would be better
  6. it work with Microsoft Authenticator windows phone app tested thanks for the feature
  7. global_reg_value is an old table that is not exists anymore you will need to update/change your script or use an old rathena (2015 or less) i would say put the script or the sql part here to see if me or someone else can fix it
  8. sader1992


    new_1-1,52,106,4 script simple 622,{ mes "I am Party Match Manager."; mes "Party Leader may create a PVP Match here."; next; switch( select( ( .Created )?"Join Game[ ^FF0000"+.No+"vs"+.No+"^000000 ]":"Create Game", ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel ) && .Created )?"^FF0000Remove Game^000000":"" )){ Case 1: switch( .Created ){ Case 0: getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; }else{ mes "How many Players for each Party Team ?"; mes "Min = 1 Max = "+$@partymembercount; mes "Because you only have "+$@partymembercount+" member right now."; next; input .No,1,$@partymembercount; announce "[ "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Party Match ] created by "+strcharinfo(0)+", you may register to join.",0; set .Team[0],getcharid(1); set .Created,1; } close; Case 1: if( !.Team[1] && getcharid(1) == .Team[0] ){ mes "Please wait for ^FF0000Team 2^000000 to Register."; }else{ if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; close; } getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( $@partymembercount < .No ){ mes "You didnt have enough of "+.No+" Member for the Game."; mes "You only have "+$@partymembercount+" Member."; }else{ mes "Confirm Registration ?"; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ set .Team[1],getcharid(1); set .Created,2; setarray .Members[0],.No,.No; for( set .@party,0; .@party < 2; set .@party,.@party + 1 ){ getpartymember .Team[.@party],1; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) warpchar .Map$,0,0,$@partymembercid[.@i]; } end; } } } close; Case 2: mes "^FF0000The Game is in Progress.^000000"; mes "[ A "+.No+" vs "+.No+" Game ]"; mes "Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[0] )+"^000000 vs Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[1] )+"^000000 ."; close; } close; Case 2: mes "Done, Match will be terminated right away."; mapannounce .Map$,"Match has been Cancelled by a GM.",0; close2; OnReset: deletearray .Team[0],getarraysize( .Team ); deletearray .Members[0],getarraysize( .Members ); if( .Winner ){ getpartymember .Winner,2; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem 512,100,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; getitem 607,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; } set .Winner,0; } sleep2 2000; set .Created,0; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; end; } close; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ && .Created ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < 2; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( getcharid(1) == .Team[.@i] ) set .Members[.@i],.Members[.@i] - 1; if( .Members[0] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[1]; else if( .Members[1] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[0]; if( .Winner ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Team "+getpartyname( .Winner )+" Win the "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Game.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,181; } } end; OnInit: set .GMLevel,100; set .Map$,"pvp_y_1-1"; end; } the script say if you are the party leader you can see the option too so what i did is just removing the party leader option the original on line 6 is ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel || getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) ) after edit is ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel ) && .Created ) note that i did put a npc place so you need to change it and change the gm level the original was set .GMLevel,80; at line 102 i did it 100 for test
  9. try to remove the char_ip login_ip and map_ip and let rathena auto detect them (btw i would say this : hamachi is useless you can do whatever you want without hamachi )
  10. you can edit the mob_db ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per >> those are the mvp drop example this is moonlight 1150,MOONLIGHT,Moonlight Flower,Moonlight Flower,67,120000,0,27500,14300,1,1200,1700,10,55,55,99,55,82,95,120,10,12,1,6,63,0x37B5,150,1276,576,288,13750,1022,5000,504,1500,728,500,1477,500,1234,100,1525,150,10008,500,638,650,985,2600,1648,100,0,0,0,0,4131,1 MVP Drops White Potion (15%) Topaz (5%) Nine Tails (50%) = 1022,5000,504,1500,728,500 if you remove the mvp drop it must be like this 1150,MOONLIGHT,Moonlight Flower,Moonlight Flower,67,120000,0,27500,14300,1,1200,1700,10,55,55,99,55,82,95,120,10,12,1,6,63,0x37B5,150,1276,576,288,13750,0,0,0,0,0,0,1477,500,1234,100,1525,150,10008,500,638,650,985,2600,1648,100,0,0,0,0,4131,1 so this is ifrit (from pre-re) 1832,IFRIT,Ifrit,Ifrit,99,7700000,0,3154321,3114520,3,13530,17000,40,50,120,180,25,190,199,50,10,12,2,0,83,0x37B5,130,212,384,360,1577160,603,5500,617,5000,616,2000,994,10000,2677,3000,2678,200,2679,200,1471,2000,1133,2000,2345,100,0,0,0,0,4430,1 the old blue box = 603,5500 it will became 1832,IFRIT,Ifrit,Ifrit,99,7700000,0,3154321,3114520,3,13530,17000,40,50,120,180,25,190,199,50,10,12,2,0,83,0x37B5,130,212,384,360,1577160,0,0,617,5000,616,2000,994,10000,2677,3000,2678,200,2679,200,1471,2000,1133,2000,2345,100,0,0,0,0,4430,1 so the 2nd line is without old blue box (edit what you want ,don't copy and paste) ofc if you are pre-re edit the rathena-master\db\pre-re\mob_db.txt and if you are re edit the rathena-master\db\re\mob_db.txt and if you use sql edit the sql item_db for pre-re and item_db_re for re
  11. there is just in the stylist script use if job doram the color and hair option only 8 else use all the hair color and styles
  12. so the commands is >> @set RouletteBronze <number> @set RouletteSilver <number> @set RouletteGold <number> example: @set RouletteBronze 10 then test the system = if it work then the problem from your item db you need to check your item db script for your coin you can copy the item from item db re to pre-re if it's already in your grf and iteminfo.lua or iteminfo.lub it would work fine
  13. if the game wont run the first thing i would see is if they have c++ 2008 32bit / c++ 2010 32bit or not ,DirectX End-User Runtime 2010 ,and .net framework 3.5 (c++ library is about your program not your system so ragnarok is 32bit ,even if your system is 64 you will need c++ 32bit for ragnarok) if they have it then i would change the game setting , screen resolution and disable the sound from setup.exe then i would disable the antivirus at the last >>(not every antivirus is antivirus some are viruses them self lol) if it work after disable the antivirus i would change it (or the firewall program i would suggest the default one from microsoft if you have windows 10 last update) URLS: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer OR DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
  14. ? so you are running 2 servers ? and id 2 ?
  15. i would recommend that you use only the grf that have the colors with the rdata and data and see what you will got
  16. msgstringtable.txt to change the name almost at the line 2185 Act# Pen# Rec# Epi# Loc# Evt# New#
  17. if you wanna edit the size i never try it on char before but you can edit the act + spr file it's easier
  18. since you are using sql to get the player name you can get the vinding too from sql in vendings table check if the player id = vinding if not = give him the items if it's = search for another player it would be hard a little however there is this command >> if(checkvending() == 0) {//not vinding} if(checkvending() ==1){//vinding} i would suggest seen this if you want to change your script
  19. i didn't get you atall so i would ask for screenshots to know what are you talking about or you could wait for someone's answer
  20. you want the files of already online server to play it offline ? i would suggest you https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki#getting-started it's better for you to work on clean one and you edit it your self it's not that hard no need for development it's only edit some files and it will run as a charm however if you got what you want you will sill need to edit the same files to make it work offline
  21. you have like that new_1-1,44,112,4 script Freebies for STR 622,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies for STR",0; if(#sorry == 1) goto L_1; mes "You will receive Some Present as a reward for joining the server"; mes "We're gladly thankful for your support in the future too."; next; if(checkweight(2504,1) == 0 ) goto L_OverWeight; //items emotion e_thx; set #sorry,1; close; L_OverWeight: mes "Sorry, you are over weight"; emotion e_omg; close; L_1: mes "You had already received before the gift."; emotion e_bzz; close; } it most be like this new_1-1,44,112,4 script Freebies for STR 622,{ if(#sorry == 1) goto L_1; mes "You will receive Some Present as a reward for joining the server"; mes "We're gladly thankful for your support in the future too."; next; if(checkweight(2504,1) == 0 ) goto L_OverWeight; //items emotion e_thx; set #sorry,1; close; L_OverWeight: mes "Sorry, you are over weight"; emotion e_omg; close; L_1: mes "You had already received before the gift."; emotion e_bzz; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies for STR",0; end; } so don't put the OnInit in the start and end it this is your script fixed freebies.txt
  22. so you want to sheck if the player don't have the item ? there is way for that but simple also you can use the if if the player have the item do nothing else kick from the map that would work with the script you have also if (countitem (item_id) == 0)
  23. i don't know if it would work that way but you can try to make script OnTimer1000: //1000 = 1sec so it will check every 1 sec if i am not wrong like this - script checker -1,{ OnTimer1000: getmapxy .@ma$,.@ax,.@ay,0; if(.@ma$ == "your_map_name") { //your script } } but as i said i don't know if it will work
  24. they may have some quests so if you disable one you may not ably to complete some quests you can try to find what the file that have those shadows and comment them so they wont be in the game you will need to know where the npc so if you give me the /where for the npc not your /where i could try to help and see where are the npcs which file and line
  25. try to disable this folder rathena-master\npc\re\instances and rathena-master\npc\re\other and see if the shadow still there if it's then you have problem that not from the npcs
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