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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. @rotloso what your rAthena\src\map\clif_packetdb.h and rAthena\src\config\packets.h did you use the one on the post ? and what your clientinfo.xml and how old your rathena files ? and can you screenshot your terminal after getting the login error ?
  2. the [CHANGE] feature not supported yet in rathena and the disconnect is from unsupported packet 0x0a9c,2 so you need to wait until rathena support it you can prevent disconnecting by adding the packet packet(0x0a9c,2); packet(0x0a97,8); packet(0x0ace,4); but that wont make it work when you get the first error ?
  3. try to download and install those Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
  4. it tells you the error at the line 131891 check there
  5. it will give you free setup did you ask what rathena version it will be installed? and fluxcp ? will everything work perfect ? what about the client setup and the grf files ? i would suggest you do it your self it's better and you will know everything you done to the server and you support your own server if i would search for vps host to make a server i would search for vps server have low ping(for the area i want to make the server for) and ddos protection
  6. just right click them cuz there is no real way to remove a quest so when you right click the quest it will be moved to Pen tab
  7. go file info >> Raw view >> save as >> lua or lub if you want
  8. and also you can right click the quest window to remove specific quest
  9. i would really suggest using try to add this to your client and make the grf you will make from those files as read first and don't forget to add to them your clientinfo.xml and see if you will still have the error
  10. is this happen on only this hat or every hat ? if it's only this hat then it's from the collection bmp if not then It seems like you have error with your lua/lub files
  11. what quest ? and what you mean by fix ? you wanna finish it or remove it or remove it from the quest window ?
  12. did you follow this ? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Install-on-Centos
  13. inside your grf or data folder named manner.txt
  14. Version 2.1.0


    how it work : it make data folder and copy the Garment files in it and rename them since Garment need to renamed on the name of every classes boy and girl you will need : main spirit file, main act file, drop spirit file, drop act file, item bmp, collection bmp in Version 2 ,you will have 2 files , boys_list.txt and girls_list.txt , in it you will have a list of all the classes in the game (up to before the Summoner Update) , you can add any new class there. the files will be named with Korean at the place where the program is it will create the data folder inside it all the files after it done keep in mind that you need to edit spriterobename.lua/spriterobename.lub , spriterobeid.lua/spriterobeid.lub and transparentItem.lua/transparentItem.lub iteminfo.lua/iteminfo.lub [<ItemID>] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "<unidentified InGame Name>", unidentifiedResourceName = "<unidentified_File_Name>", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Description", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000", }, identifiedDisplayName = = "<InGame Name>", identifiedResourceName = "<File_Name>", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Description", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = <ViewID> }, spriterobename.lua/spriterobename.lub RobeNameTable = { [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_<File_Name>] = "<File_Name>" } spriterobeid.lua/spriterobeid.lub SPRITE_ROBE_IDs = { ROBE_<File_Name> = <ViewID> } transparentItem.lua/transparentItem.lub transparentItemlist = { { <ViewID>, 255, 255, 25500 }, } Source code: https://github.com/sader1992/Garment_Files_Generator My Website: https://sader1992.com/ Contact me for Errors
  15. not yet supported not mean it wont work
  16. rodex work however it need translation since they did change the window etc and there is some new packets that for some of the new feature in rodex that needed to add in the packet file
  17. item_db2 as far as i know all the items inside it moved to item_db since 2014 for sql and txt you choose if your server use sql or txt it don't use both the default is not using sql you find the option here>> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/inter_athena.conf#L154
  18. sorry forget to edit the diff it will work without the game guard option i updated the post
  19. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/npc Athena-Master = rAthena if you have rathena you would already have those folders but they are not enabled you just need to add them on your server
  20. athena-master\npc\ = all the npc files athena-master\npc\custom\ = all custom npc files athena-master\npc\events\ = official events for more check here https://rathena.org/board/files/category/36-scripts/ and https://rathena.org/board/forum/28-script-releases/
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