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Gidz Cross

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Everything posted by Gidz Cross

  1. Im pretty sure @Skyzone is acting only as a middle man to connect customers to sellers (except for vps). His website also have gepard in it. Does it mean he steal functor works? I am pretty convinced that you own andRO @meyraw. But you are barking at the wrong tree. Your beef is with poring devs. Maybe talk to them instead of skyzone.
  2. If you are really claiming the you own andRO well your prices is really inhumane. Back then i sent you a message. Saying what if my server shut down. Then later on i want to host another server. You told me as long as its the same name i can. Different name will cost full price. Lol. Yes i respect this thats why i didn't bother you anymore. (if you really are the author) Anyway back to topic. The mere fact android is an open source OS. It's really your fault for not securing it. So @Brynner was right. If they sell same function i don't see problem with it. Example, Emistry released promotional code NPC. Sader also released same npc with the same function. Regardless of the code.
  3. How do you encounter the memory leak? Is it by @mapexit when marketclones still active? If thats the case i would say its normal. Try on your local. Set @market then @mapexit. You will see the memory leak. To fix i guess you need to properly shutdown your server by using @kickall then followed by @mapexit.
  4. Heya! Anyone have this map? I mean yea we have it on the data.grf. But that doesnt work for me. I experienced this problem before. In verrus01 map i think. Im using 2018 client. Thanks!
  5. Hello rathena peeps. I already have working @afk on my server. But i forgot to make a diff out of it so its with my custom src already. But my question is how can i make restriction to @recall / @recallall with people who uses my @afk command? My @afk command will lets go close your client and your character will remain online. Its basically like all other @afk in the forums. It behaves like @autotrade. Saw this on my atcommand.c under @recall command if( pc_setpos(pl_sd, sd->mapindex, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CLR_RESPAWN) == SETPOS_AUTOTRADE ){ clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1025)); // The player is currently autotrading and cannot be recalled. This is the restriction when recalling players with autotrade state. Can anybody help? Thanks!
  6. Hi! How can i rip the Server Status and the Player Online? Thanks!
  7. Sorry for necrobumping this post @sader1992. Just a quick question. I have 2 to 5 NPC that uses this awesome mod of yours. What i did was for every txt file of the NPC. I always include the function. function cutin2 { freeloop(true); .@map$ = getarg(0); .@filename$ = getarg(1); .@position = getarg(2); .@s = getmapunits(BL_PC,.@map$,.@SD); for(.@i=0;.@i<.@s;.@i++){ cutin(.@filename$,.@position,convertpcinfo(.@SD[.@i],CPC_CHAR)); } return; } function cutin3 { freeloop(true); .@filename$ = getarg(0); .@position = getarg(1); .@s = getunits(BL_PC,.@SD); for(.@i=0;.@i<.@s;.@i++){ if((.@cid = convertpcinfo(.@SD[.@i],CPC_CHAR))) cutin(.@filename$,.@position,.@cid); } return; } Can i just add this to Global_Functions instead? Sorry im not at home so i cannot test.
  8. But i dont want to do that. But i tried it anyways. The cash mount will become black. So i dont like using it. Please close. It's solved already.
  9. i wonder how will i solve this. I don't have this issue before(or i just didn't know). I have the palettes and everything. Only one will crash. Please check it here. Link: https://i.imgur.com/e4YHdGt.mp4
  10. Nope. The visual bug is there. But still a very good mod.
  11. It would be awesome for txt version of skill db.
  12. Hiding WOE damage is useless if this option cant be permanently disable. Hmmmmmmm.
  13. Yeah. But still im having problem with Flying Side kick. it always misses.
  14. Confirmed. This works. ? Thank you!!! Only the Flying Sidekick remains. Hehehe! Oh yea.. I also noticed that i can copy 2 skill. The other skill is not usable tho. And upon character select, it will removed.
  15. What i did was add int onto it. setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_DEX,300); setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_INT,100); setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_ATKMIN,100); setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_ATKMAX,200); getmapxy(.map$,.x,.y,BL_NPC); i will check the stat point part. Thanks!
  16. Cool script! Thanks! But i found a problem concerning SOUL STRIKE, LORD OF VERMILLION and FLYING SIDE KICK. My server settings is 255/120. Im using @statall which would give me 255 to all stats. Those skills are going to miss. I tried normal builds but its still the same. Tried adding INT to the NPC stats i guess it works but the damage will become stronger. Any thoughts?
  17. Amaaaaaazing! Welcome back to map making!
  18. Might something to do with your after animation delay. See your skill db compare to your renewal skill db. By default it behaves per perfectlt normal.
  19. That is so weird. Fresh rathena dont have any problem concerning call spirit.
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