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Everything posted by Lemongrass

  1. This is a clientside limit(hardcoded). I dont think there are any diffs for this yet.
  2. If you do git pull it should auto-rename it for you and leave you only with the conflicts you had inside the file itself.
  3. @mrjnumber1 I think you had a similar problem? Were you able to solve it?
  4. @Lighta I think best way for the test framework would be to write a test by using the plugin system once we have it. That way you could hook onto each function and check the returned/modified values and if they match what we expect or expected in the past.
  5. Du solltest das SSL-Zertifikat für dein Forum fixen. :-) Ansonsten viel Glück mit dem Projekt. Ps: Vernichtende Reviews kann es ja ohne Projektbeschriebung(Ziele, etc.) ja kaum geben. ;-)
  6. Hey, Only the visual studio solutions inside the src folders should be marked as changed. Git has a super awesome feature that is called "mark unchanged" if this bothers you.
  7. Heyho, welcome back. There is lots of content missing from npc/db side. I dare to say we caught up pretty well in the last few month when it comes to client features though!
  8. Added in Git Hash: 7de7472
  9. Since aleos did not mention it explicitly: We require GCC 5 or newer from now on. Otherwise you will get a ton of warnings for yaml.
  10. Thanks again! The first donation goal is now finished and the code was released in Pull: 2290 Thanks to everyone who supported us that quickly. We hope you guys will keep your motivation up as we deliver you new features as fast as we can. Stay put for new goals in the near future!
  11. This topic is about unreleased features. The achievement system is already available in a pull request(https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/2044) and will probably be merged to master soon. *pokes @Aleos* There will be other goals as well so if the goal has been reached you can donate towards the next one next week. Thanks for your support!
  12. Am besten laufen würde derzeit 2015-11-04 meiner Meinung nach. :-)
  13. Das funktioniert nur mit dem fRO/euRO Client und da holst du dir mehr Probleme als es bringt, wenn du versuchst den zu verwenden. Mein Vorschlag an dich: Mach dir 2 GRFs, jeweils Deutsch und Englisch Mach dir 2 DATA.ini wobei eine auf die deutsche GRF und eine auf die englische zeigt Mach dir 2 EXEn, wobei eine auf die deutsch DATA.ini und eine auf die englische zeigt Was einfacheres würd mir momentan nicht einfallen.
  14. LuaDec ist ein LUB zu LUA Decompiler. Du suchs LuaC
  15. http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rsu/
  16. An update for RSU is on the RSU homepage with the new patch destination
  17. Definitiv ein LUA Problemwie Anubis gesagt hat. Würde dir ja eine englische LUA verlinken, aber die Client Translation wurde vor kurzen per DMCA offline genommen...
  18. Hey, https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/char/char_clif.c#L305 wenn du eine ragexeRE verwendest hier das "false" gegen "true" ersetzen.
  19. No it has switched patchserver (again) and changed it to a http version as far as I remember
  20. This can be discussed again when we have to redesign it for pet evolution.
  21. Added in Git Hash: 7ecaf8b and the typo follow up Git Hash: 43ba736. RE clients seem to support more hours than main clients. Well the main clients have the packet too, but they do not send it... :-/
  22. Please note that the packets we added are for the main client and not for the sakray client. The feature was working fine for me on the 2015-11-04 Ragexe. I will look into it next week and see if I can guess what changed though.
  23. This issue was already fixed. Please merge the latest updates.
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