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Everything posted by Lemongrass

  1. I can also do one^^ I wanted to do one anyway to get to know how to work with these files.
  2. GvG? Schau mal unter conf/mapflag/restricted.txt, dort werden die Zonen definiert.
  3. Richtige Datei pre-re/re und die richtige Zone ausgewählt?
  4. In dem Fall würde ich mir die Datei "item_noequip.txt" im DB Ordner genauer ansehen.
  5. Nur die Waffe? Bei allen Warps? Nur auf speziellen Maps?
  6. Korrekt. Versteh jedoch nicht ganz, was die Screenshots jetzt genau sagen sollen. Für mich sieht es so aus, als würde der Login-Server einwandfrei funktionieren und du am Charakter erstellen scheiterst. Könntest du vielleicht ein wenig genauer sagen, was du gemacht hast?
  7. Welches Datum von der Exe verwendest du? Könntest du den define aus deiner mmo.h posten? Könntest du deine clientinfo.xml posten?
  8. Sowas ist natürlich in einem Support Topic sehr hilfreich. EL Dragon, habe gerade gesehen, dass ich mich anscheinend vertippt habe und statt einem Doppelpunkt einen Strichpunkt gesetzt habe. Versuchs nochmals damit und schau dieses mal bitte auch, ob der Mapserver eine Fehlermeldung schreibt. switch(rand(1,4)){ case 1: rentitem 2629,86400; break; case 2: rentitem 2630,86400; break; case 3: rentitem 2410,86400; break; case 4: rentitem 1530,86400; break; }
  9. So in order to clean my head and to combine all the information we have gathered so far I have combined the C, C++ and ASM code parts and also the value informations for the variables we have cleared so far. Additionally I found something strange in Ai4rei's post: Shouldn't this line refer to "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2"? After that and seeing the combined output I have come to the same conclusion as you curiosity and that is, that we have to deal with ids higher than 9 by ourselfes. So you might want to take a look at the pseudo code(C/C++ combination) source I came up with and here is the way I guess we should deal with it(I also fixed what I mentioned above): #define CUSTOMGRANNYSTARTID 2500 int __thiscall getGrannyModel( void *this, int grannyId, int animationType ){ // C++ this reference decompiled to C is my guess here // It is just like it is setting up the "this" pointer here void *objSelfReference; // some object self reference - need info about object structure // My guess is that it is the set up modelname, which is set in the function // readGrannyModelFromDisk after/before reading it char *v4; char *monster_name; objSelfReference = this; v4 = (char *)this + 4 * ( animationType + 4 * ( 5 * grannyId + 40 ) ); if( *(_DWORD *)v4 ){ return *(_DWORD *)v4; } modelResPath = 0; if( (unsigned int)grannyId <= 9 ){ if( (unsigned int)animationType <= 4 ){ if( animationType ){ sprintf( &modelResPath, "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2", grannyId, animationType[animationType] ); }else{ monster_name = g_session.GetJobName( grannyModelMappingId2MonsterId[grannyId] ); sprintf( &modelResPath, "model\\3dmob\\%s", monster_name ); } if( modelResPath && fileExists(&modelResPath) ){ if( grannyId != 1 ){ readGrannyModelFromDisk( objSelfReference, &modelResPath, grannyId, animationType ); } return *(_DWORD *) v4; } } }else{ if( (unsigned int)animationType <= 4 ){ if( animationType ){ sprintf( &modelResPath, "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2", grannyId, animationType[animationType] ); }else{ sprintf( &modelResPath, "model\\3dmob\\%d", grannyId ); } if( modelResPath && fileExists(&modelResPath) ){ if( grannyId != 1 ){ // I hope this function doesnt make any problems readGrannyModelFromDisk( objSelfReference, &modelResPath, grannyId, animationType ); } return *(_DWORD *) v4; } } } return NULL; } struct granny_animation* __cdecl C3dGrannyBoneRes::GetAnimation( int grannyId, int animationType ){ if( this->m_Animation[grannyId][animationType] == NULL ){ tmpGrannyModelName[0] = 0; if( grannyId >= 0 && grannyId <= 9 ){ if( animationType >= 0 && animationType <= 4 ){ if( animationType ){ sprintf( tmpGrannyModelName, "model\\3dmob\\%s", g_session.GetJobName( grannyModelMappingId2MonsterId[grannyId] ) ); }else{ sprintf( tmpGrannyModelName, "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2", grannyId, animationType[animationType] ); } if( tmpGrannyModelName[0] && CFile::IsFileExist( tmpGrannyModelName ) ){ if( grannyId != 1 ){ this->AddBone( tmpGrannyModelName, grannyId, animationType ); } return this->m_Animation[grannyId][animationType]; } } }else{ if( animationType >= 0 && animationType <= 4 ){ if( animationType ){ sprintf( tmpGrannyModelName, "model\\3dmob\\%s", g_session.GetJobName( grannyModelMappingId2MonsterId[CUSTOMGRANNYSTARTID + grannyId] ) ); }else{ sprintf( tmpGrannyModelName, "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2", grannyId, animationType[animationType] ); } if( tmpGrannyModelName[0] && CFile::IsFileExist( tmpGrannyModelName ) ){ if( grannyId != 1 ){ this->AddBone( tmpGrannyModelName, grannyId, animationType ); } return this->m_Animation[grannyId][animationType]; } } } }else{ return this->m_Animation[grannyId][animationType]; } return NULL; } [Edit]: Forgot to press the attach button, also the board will not let me upload .c files... granny.c.txt
  10. Ok thanks for clearing things up a little. I did get something wrong or had some logical issues, whatever... So what we actually need to know is how the client comes up with the value for "nType" and where it does that. If we find this, we might be able to change the things to simply load a file with the usual monster id instead of changing it to this curious nType value. But all in all we would need a modification of the function itself and neither me nor you is able to achieve this. I can do assembler, but I do not know how to link the new function pointers correctly, since I have never done/tried something like this up to now. Maybe Ai4rei could help us out with this, if we give him enough information or even the whole function.
  11. I have it partially implemented right now at least the server side management, but I would need a KRO account for packet capturing and a working client with a release date of 01/04/2012 or above. I am sorry that I cannot set up a client myself right now, but I have not followed the whole debate of which client is useable and which is not, and even if I would know that I would not know which diffs would be needed right now. So maybe someone can drop me a PM with a working client after that date with at least the functionality to login or some tool which I can use for that.
  12. Maybe it would be good to insert a note at the bottom of the file /conf/battle/party.conf like: Would not hurt anyone and would clear things up if someone is looking for it deperately.
  13. Curiosity could you look into the client a little bit deeper and look for the lookup in the mapping table and maybe post it here, because I think that would be the easiest way to recreate the whole GR2 loading function and point it to our own version of a loading function, which would maybe even work out as a WeeDiffPlugin. I am sorry that I cannot do this myself, but I only have an ugly decompiled C version of the client not a nice C++ one like you all seem to have.
  14. It means that he copied the table to some free space in the binary and then changed all the addresses to the new one. Additionally he inserted a 10th entry into this mapping table, because he now has more space that he could use. It should work out with other clients too, but the offset has to be calculated for each client date separately and also the free space in the executable has to be looked up by hand for each one.
  15. Hast du weiterhin keine 10 Items oder spuckt der Mapserver einen Fehler aus?
  16. Wouldn't it be possible to simply change the mapping for a certain mob id range, for example if mob id is between 2600 and 2700 look it up like a GR2 file otherwise use the static mapping table?
  17. Also ich hab zwar bis jetzt auf allen Servern von FunRO gespielt, sogar auf der aktuellen missglückten Version, aber von so einem Feature habe ich noch nie gehört. o.O Prinzipiell bräuchte man dazu sehr gute Kenntnisse in Sachen Clienthexing, da dies keine Basisfunktionalität des Clients ist. Man müsste also nicht nur den Client um diese Funktionalität erweitern, sondern auch das komplette Management auf der Serverseite dafür programmieren, was meiner Meinung nach ohne einem ordentlichen Sourceedit auch nicht so einfach möglich ist. Was es wie bereits erwähnt gibt, sind normale Streamingplugins für Webseiten über die du deinen Usern natürlich Musik ausstrahlen kannst. Das hat jedoch auch nichts mit rAthena zu tun. Was ich nicht ganz verstehe ist deine Aussage bezüglich rAthena, dass nicht alles was auf eAthena möglich war auch hier möglich sei, da rAthena nichts anderes ist, als die zum Zeitpunkt von rAthenas Gründung aktuelleste eAthena Version zwischengespeichert und dann weiterentwickelt um dem Emulator endlich Renewalfunktionalität zu verpassen. Womit genau hast du denn bei rAthena Probleme?
  18. Das Problem liegt hierbei an deiner Logik. Ich weiß nicht ob dir Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung was sagt, aber prinzipiell versuchst 4 Mal mit der selben Chance(25%) beim Öffnen des Items ein Rentitem zu erzeugen. Ich habe das zwar noch nie probiert, aber versuchs mal hiermit: switch(rand(1,4)){ case 1: rentitem 2629,86400; break; case 2: rentitem 2630,86400; break; case 3: rentitem 2410,86400; break; case 4; rentitem 1530,86400; break; }
  19. Thanks for your contribution Ai4rei, could you post some functions that are calling this function or the best would be if it would only be called by one function. Since we need to know how "nType" is set for the certain IDs.
  20. No, we just want to know how we have to edit/hex the client to accept custom GR2 mob IDs. Or that is how I understand it, correct me if I am wrong please.
  21. Could you maybe post the content of the field "animTypeStringTable" as it should show, which animation types are possible so we can line them up more easily. Also it seems that you should find the method that calls getGrannyModel since it already sends the a_type which leads to the animation type, which is 0 for the default animation. Edit: GreenBox could you also please post this function CGrannyPc::SetGrannyAction(this, type); Thanks in advance.
  22. Lemongrass

    PIN Code

    I could basically help you out with this one, if we have a person that can capture packets for me on the official kRO not bRO since the packet structure seems to be different. Due to Skotlex commit and the comment in his commit I suggest, that we should start by checking which of the zeros he puts into the packet disables the PIN check and then we can go on by adding further information.
  23. if (strcharinfo(0) == "poring_w02") { Ist ein Vergleich ob der Player "poring_w02" heißt, was du meintest ist strcharinfo(3) für den Mapnamen. *strcharinfo(<type>) This function will return either the name, party name or guild name for the invoking character. Whatever it returns is determined by type. 0 - Character's name. 1 - The name of the party they're in if any. 2 - The name of the guild they're in if any. 3 - The name of the map the character is in. If a character is not a member of any party or guild, an empty string will be returned when requesting that information.
  24. if((gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<9)) goto auf; if((gettime(3)>=9 && gettime(3)<19)) goto zu; Also das zweite if kann funktionieren, aber das erste ist ein logischer Widerspruch in sich. Die Uhrzeit muss größer als 19 sein und gleichzeitig kleiner als 9. Ich glaube nicht, dass so eine Uhrzeit/Zahl existiert. Probiers mal einfach mit dem hier: dragonia,38,50,1 script Park Wächter 731,{ if( gettime(3) >= 9 && gettime(3) < 19 ){ mes "^ff0000[Wächter]^000000"; mes "Tut mir Leid, tagsüber ist der Park geschlossen."; next; mes "^ff0000[Wächter]^000000"; mes "Komm doch um 19:00 Uhr wieder."; close; }else{ mes "^ff0000[Wächter]^000000"; mes "Der Park ist geöffnet."; mes "Willst du hinein?"; switch(select("Ja","Nein")){ case 1: next; mes "^ff0000[Wächter]^000000"; mes "Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend..."; close2; warp "drag_park.gat", 9, 9; end; case 2: next; mes "^ff0000[Wächter]^000000"; mes "Okay, dann noch einen schönen Abend..."; close; } } } Hab dir die OnClock Events entfernt, da du sie ja sowieso nicht verwendet hast.
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