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Everything posted by Lemongrass

  1. You need the required packet tables and keys if you want to use @Rytech's latest client. Otherwise the server will not know how to handle clients of this version. Additionally keep in mind that this is a RE client and not a main server one.
  2. Habs gerade nochmal getestet. Bei mir funktioniert alles wie es soll. Hast du eventuell irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen auf deinem Char-Server?
  3. Ja wie es srhmike bereits erwähnt hat gibt es jetzt 3 Arten von Startpunkten. Einer ist für Renewal(start_point), einer für Prerenewal(start_point_pre) und einer für die Katzen(start_point_doram). Ich nehme mal an, dass du start_point geändert hast, aber eventuell im Prerenewalmodus bist?
  4. Make sure you have animal skin in your item_cash_db with type 8. It will not work otherwise.
  5. @Beret I am sorry that it looks like this to you. But as you can see in the linked topic I started to work on this feature months before Mister M posted your packet definitions here. Believe it or not but I actually did not even know about it, before you mentioned it. I did not take this topic as a base, like Luxuri said he shared his codebase with me, which I also did not use, since it was incomplete too. I can also tell you what I was missing was the packet for updating the "remaining amount" since I could not capture it on any official server. This is why I did not continue to work on this. But just recently I got a newer packet definition list from someone who does not want to be mentioned here and who actually should get the credits for it. Same goes for the clan system. It was actually only because I was too lazy to clean up my codebase that we did not publish it earlier. I got the packet definitions for most of the clan packets from Yommy when he was still active and sharing things with rAthena members. Additionally I feel a little disturbed about the fact that you would have shared some information but it was hidden afterwards. How should I know that this is your content and that I would have to credit you? If you want to share some information with us feel free to do so and you will see you will get credited for it. But like this it was a bit strange for me reading your blames. As I said I feel sorry because of this misunderstanding but this is not based on any of your intel.
  6. Please also update your msgstringtables: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/pull/73
  7. The map was reverted in one of the latest patches. So prontera is back as it was and our mapcache of prontera is good again.
  8. [sarcasm]Bitte nicht zu viele Infos bereitstellen, sonst könnten wir dir eventuell helfen.[/sarcasm] Wo kannst du nichts runterladen? Bei welcher Datei? Welche Fehlermeldung bekommst du genau?
  9. The battle.c part looks wrong. The rest looks okay. What does your compiler tell you?
  10. Lemongrass


    I kind of missed the topic? What should be working for me?^^
  11. Fixed in https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/46872477699e1cd80d761d84329618642d039240 46872477699e1cd80d761d84329618642d039240
  12. Hey Anacondaqq! Thanks for your feedback but I think you kind of misinterpret parts of the situation because you do not know enough of rAthena's server and software setup. Yes we do not have a master plan for everything yet but the current environment does not allow or hinder us in getting some things done. Cutting loose from hardly ever used features like blogs or outdated bridge sofwares for wiki and other stone old hooks that were installed into our IP Board is something good as it is not paying of and reducing administrative work. Since you stated that you managed many forum software installations you will know what I'm talking about. Any community software is nothing you install once and never touch it again and you always have to plan security updates and reduce possibly downtimes and create backup plans. Please never forget, we and certainly Akkarin who has the most work with this task, work for free for all of you. So reducing the cost of our spare time is something that you have to understand. Of course the community plays a big role for us too and we try to safisfy as many users as possible, but as you might know from your servers too this is not always possible and you will always have someone against you. So please do me a favor and try to make the best out of it and maybe give us tips from your experience of the installations you already did. You can also suggest features you would like to see on the new version and we will wait for other user's feedback as well and see what we can do. But as soon as there's money involved, bear in mind that we are contingent on the donations of all of you. You should also see the positive sides from the recent changes: The wiki was phased out to GitHub which will reduce load on rAthena's main server, since it will be redirected to GitHub. You can therefore now clone the wiki locally and use all features GitHub offers for it. Since GitHub has a far lower downtime rate than rAthena itself the wiki will stay online even if the board is offline for a few days again, while we are trying to reach our administrators for help. We will remove some old scripts, hooks and features that will also reduce the load on our server and will increase performance for you all. Lemon
  13. It's not possible because of the atk:matk field. The rest should be fine.
  14. clif_equipcheckbox if i'm not totally mistaken.
  15. This is working without any problems for me. 1) Put items into cart 2) Relog so the cart inventory gets saved(this is required for now) 3) Start Vending 4) Use @autotrade 5) Use @mapexit from another account 6) Start the mapserver again and the vender will be logged in
  16. Clan system was released for testing today in Pull: 1511. Please test it and leave your comments.
  17. You would have to force a reconnect onto the players, because you can not refresh the cash shop content after it was sent on login. Up to now we did not find any packets that would offer this feature and since gravity will possibly not have features like these it is most likely that they do not have packets for this. Please bear this in mind when doing any manipulative features for the cash shop.
  18. It would be nice to see some real samples of markdown to be honest. You stated linking lines etc is possible. As for script_commands.txt: In my opinion this file should become an overview file, which links to subdirectories/subfiles for each chapter + each command. Each command should also contain or even better link/include a reference sample script. Additionally it would be good to also get some test cases for each command to be able to ensure that it is still working. But this is a different story.
  19. You could use https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/sql-files/item_cash_db.sqland use query sql in a script and send reloaditemdb via atcommand in script as a dirty workaround. When we implemented it the special tab was not there. We have to find a solution for rAthena to manage the entries in there now. Also we still need a capture of the packets for this tab.
  20. You know on official servers you do not edit things on the fly. It usually gets done during sheduled maintences, which come with a server downtime/restart. That is basically why they did not need such a feature yet. We tried to gather packets for the "special" tab on kRO today, but the problem is that it currently is empty on kRO. It has not been yet released on iRO or euRO, so we do not have another source were we could get information about it. As I stated in my previous post pressing the button looks like it does nothing(at least no client<>server interaction, it might do something on clientside only we don't know about yet). You also said that auction is not supported by the client anymore which is correct. We disabled auction after the last known client version where it was available and it is currently unknown if that feature will ever be added back into the client in the future. I understand that you want to have such features for the cash shop, but I hope you understand that those are not missing core features, but rather enhancements or additional features. As you asked me via PM we have other (real core) features on our task list we want to finish first, before we can start these tasks. The main reason why I wanted you to post in here was to gather input from other server owners as well. Usually a lot of people have different ideas, that is why it would be better to discuss things here than in a github issue. For me/us it would be best to have some design/feature descriptions how you imagine things or want things to be. For example: I want to be able to add or remove an item to a tab in the cash shop from script. => Our conclusion would be something like that we come up with two script commands: addcashshopitem <tab>,<item_id>,<price>; removecashshopitem <tab>,<item_id>; Hope you get what I'm trying to say. Please tell us what you would like to have and we will see if we can get something done for you and all others. Thank you! Lemon out.
  21. The update quanitity button does not send any packet - that's why. We still do not know how it works.
  22. First of all you should try to gather some information on where the attack comes from. If you cannot do this on your own try to contact your ISP/hoster for help. If the attack comes from a single or only a small amount of IP-addresses try to look them up in your login log and block the according users and their IPs for any connection requests on your server ports. This should be done as far up the IP-connection chain as possible, if you run behind a DoS protected host it should be done there. I would not assume that this is what you would call an DDoS attack, but rather some users toying around with some misconfigurations on your server doing a DoS attack. If you find out that it uses a large pool of IP-addresses you can assume that it might really be a DDoS attack. If your ISP/hoster cannot help you out with this you have to make use of rAthena's provided functionalities to try to counter these attacks. Therefore I would have a look at /conf/packet_athena.conf. Also make sure you block any other traffic than TCP on the server ports in your firewall. Hope this can help you to solve your issues. Ps: This is not a complete tutorial how to secure your server against such an attack though, those are only some small steps into the right direction.
  23. Consider using the EQI_* constants instead of hardcoding the numbers. We wont change them anytime soon again, but that is what constants are for. Take this commit as a reference: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/6649d2e98dcd615ff79fdc8b47d7a9bdd313cec2 There's also a function provided now, which allows you to get the name of the equipment position to build your menu dynamically.
  24. It's my fault. Sorry! Atemo fixed a lot of them here: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/6649d2e98dcd615ff79fdc8b47d7a9bdd313cec2 If there are still more, please create an issue stating which NPC it is and we will fix it in no time.
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