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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/19 in all areas

  1. View File 5 Eremes Scarves Recolors 5 Available recolors for the official gear Eremes Scarf, Red and Black are original and exist in the db, so I excluded both. Submitter iraciz Submitted 06/24/2019 Category Sprites & Palettes Video Content Author Gravity  
    1 point
  2. Yep, it's me. ^^ thanks for your warm welcome ?
    1 point
  3. OMG DAVVEN! Honestly I am fangirling because you made maps back in the eA days right? You had a Wix website, RIGHT? If so, you're the whole reason I started mapping! I remember your fairy map, like some kinda fairy novice grounds or fairy village or something, that is if you are Davven from back then. >< Welcome back to the mapping scene!
    1 point
  4. Your doram max job level is 50? if yes just change to this // -- A very simple script that made by me (Radian) // -- Compatible with rAthena. // -- I don't mind if you want to optimized this // -- just please include me on the credits :) prontera,140,177,4 script Max Lvl Reward Giver 4_F_NARIN,{ if ( .enable_event ) { if ( getcharid(3) > .aid_end ) { mes "[ ^777777Account ID Checker^000000 ]"; mes "I'm sorry you are late to avail this.."; close; } if ( getcharid(3) < .aid_start ) { mes "[ ^777777Account ID Checker^000000 ]"; mes "It's impossible you are below of the id we required to obtained the special event rewards."; close; } if( Class == 4218 ){ if ( BaseLevel < .max_base_level || JobLevel < .max_job_level_summon ) { mes "[ ^00FF00Race Up to Max^000000 ]"; mes "We're sorry you are not qualified yet on this event, please come back when you are base level is "+.max_base_level+" and job level is "+.max_job_level+"."; close; } }else{ if ( BaseLevel < .max_base_level || JobLevel < .max_job_level ) { mes "[ ^00FF00Race Up to Max^000000 ]"; mes "We're sorry you are not qualified yet on this event, please come back when you are base level is "+.max_base_level+" and job level is "+.max_job_level+"."; close; } } if ( #Reward == 1 ) { mes "[ ^FF0000FATAL ERROR^000000 ]"; mes "We apologize that you are not qualified any more to receive or get a special reward from us."; close; } mes "[ ^0000FFCongratulation Note^000000 ]"; mes "We verified that you are qualified and will receive a reward from us."; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.reward); .@i++ ) for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.amount); .@i++ ) getitem .reward[.@i],.amount[.@i]; set #Reward, 1; close; OnInit: // ------------------------------------------------------------ .enable_event = 1; // Set 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable Default. .max_base_level = 175; // Set the maximum base level here. .max_job_level = 60; // Set the maximum job level here. .max_job_level_summon = 50; // Set the maximum job level here. .aid_start = 2000000; // Set the Account ID here where you want to start. [ set this to 0 = disable ] .aid_end = 9999999; // Set the ending Account ID here. [ set this to 0 = disable ] setarray .reward,7720,26090,16682,13607; // Set the rewards here. setarray .amount,100,1,1,3; // Set the reward amouns here. waitingroom "Race to the Max",0; // Waiting Room. // ------------------------------------------------------------- \\ end; } }
    1 point
  5. hi i want to rent gepard with LGP monthly? whats ur cost?
    1 point
  6. same thing as functor said move #if PACKETVER >= 20141008 if( battle_config.pet_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF ..... and #if PACKETVER >= 20170920 if( battle_config.homunculus_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF ..... to `after` // Notify everyone that this char logged in [Skotlex]. map_foreachpc(clif_friendslist_toggle_sub, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, 1);
    1 point
  7. @Mael I updated my previous message.
    1 point
  8. Open ../src/map/clif.cpp and in the function clif_parse_LoadEndAck remove: #if PACKETVER >= 20070918 clif_partyinvitationstate(sd); clif_equipcheckbox(sd); #endif #if PACKETVER >= 20141008 if( battle_config.pet_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF if( sd->pd && battle_config.feature_pet_autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, sd->pd->pet.autofeed ); }else{ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, false ); } }else{ // Only send when enabled if( sd->pd && battle_config.feature_pet_autofeed && sd->pd->pet.autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, true ); } } #endif #if PACKETVER >= 20170920 if( battle_config.homunculus_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF if( sd->hd && battle_config.feature_homunculus_autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, sd->hd->homunculus.autofeed ); }else{ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, false ); } }else{ // Only send when enabled if( sd->hd && battle_config.feature_homunculus_autofeed && sd->hd->homunculus.autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, true ); } } #endif In the function clif_parse_LoadEndAck after: // Notify everyone that this char logged in [Skotlex]. map_foreachpc(clif_friendslist_toggle_sub, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, 1); add: #if PACKETVER >= 20070918 clif_partyinvitationstate(sd); clif_equipcheckbox(sd); #endif #if PACKETVER >= 20141008 if( battle_config.pet_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF if( sd->pd && battle_config.feature_pet_autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, sd->pd->pet.autofeed ); }else{ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, false ); } }else{ // Only send when enabled if( sd->pd && battle_config.feature_pet_autofeed && sd->pd->pet.autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_PET_AUTOFEED, true ); } } #endif #if PACKETVER >= 20170920 if( battle_config.homunculus_autofeed_always ){ // Always send ON or OFF if( sd->hd && battle_config.feature_homunculus_autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, sd->hd->homunculus.autofeed ); }else{ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, false ); } }else{ // Only send when enabled if( sd->hd && battle_config.feature_homunculus_autofeed && sd->hd->homunculus.autofeed ){ clif_configuration( sd, CONFIG_HOMUNCULUS_AUTOFEED, true ); } } #endif
    1 point
  9. A small update on my current situation: I'm currently trying to setup the server, just being stupid to setup the ftp server correctly. Webserver, rAthena server are working, patcher still needs to be setup and the client only needs to be up address and be packed. I also created a discord especially for this project. For those ego wants to participate, just send me a pm in discord and I will send you an invite. Though be advised, I think there is still something missing on it. Also I won't order a domain for the webserver(fluxCP), I will post the ip soon.
    1 point
  10. sir do u have update on the official wings sprite? ?? tnx a lot @Slammer
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0


    Hi all, This is a basic damage font alternative which can be used to bring a little more high definition resolution to Ragnarok! I made this purely because I was tired of staring at the hideously stretched and over-pixelated damage numbers while I was doing some testing. Feel free to give it a try! There is a slightly wider spacing between digits that I wasn't able to close off because the client must determine spacing/positionings between, but if you want to reduce some of the spacing I have provided another .act file suffixed "_larger" which reduces the spacing but makes the damage text a bit larger. Thanks
    1 point
  12. Hmm I'm wondering why I didn't fiddle with the spawns tho. Only moved the warp disables into the OnInstanceInit. Gonna check it. Edit: Okay, I updated now a bit more than I intended to: But after removing the "Instance_id()" in where it is not neccessary, the problem above didn't appear in any of my 3 test runs anymore. Removed instance_id() parameter in most commands, not needed Added missing EXP Rewards at Nydhogg based on iRo Wiki Added getitem reward to the Quest NPCs Added custom function (IGF_SquadPrize) for Expedition Price Box (22567) Note: These changes are all done by me, but not approved by Alayne yet. I will make an GitHub Issue Report soon. I also post here again the mob_db entries as file, I also updated the Hercules entries if someone is interested : mob_db.txt item_db.txt TempleOfDemonGod_RA.txt Regards, Chris
    1 point
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