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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Illusion Items Enchanter

    Illusion items Enchanter conversion.
    Note that this is converted from multiple servers, so stats and rates can vary. Stats and rates are taken from wikis/devs.
    Credits: kRO, iRO, Shining-moon RO, NovaRO and Divine-Pride.



  2. Free

    In-Game Poll

    Script Details & Usage
    Based on the idea of Kido, this script can serve as a poll where you can use it to get the satisfaction rating of your players on whether your staff, features, and etc.
    Suggestions for the improvement of this simple script is much appreciated.

    Enable the script on your NPC folder Carefully read the comments I made inside the script and make sure to configure it properly

    Terms & Conditions

    You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking. I can give you support, but please, do not message me. It is your own responsibility to create a backup before implementing anything new.



  3. Free

    Infinity Gauntlet - Snap

    Spoiler Alert !!! 
    The following content consists of info for the recent Avengers: Endgame movie. 
    View and download at your own discretion, I am not responsible for anything if you're so weak heart and so easily get spoiled with such contents.
    Real fans never afraid of spoiler contents! 
    Use at your own risk ....
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/6GX0LmW2



  4. Free

    Ingame GM List

    This script shows a list of all GMs with their corresponding status (i.e. online or offline).
    You can configure the script to show or hide the last login time of each GM.
    As a special feature, the result is cached for a certain amount of time if you wish (see inline configuration, by default caching for 30 seconds is enabled). This prevents players from spamming the database with SELECT queries.
    Version 2.0 comes with a source modification to show the group name the GM is in and the option to show the list directly in the user's chat (dispbottom) rather than the NPC dialogue.
    Special thanks to Akinari for helping me with the script command and Armor for requesting this feature.

    To get version 2.0 working, you need to patch your src/map/script.c file with the "groupid.diff" and recompile.
    To apply the patch use
    patch -p0 < /location/to/the/groupid.diff
    from your rAthena directory root.
    If you use Windows and TortoiseSVN, you have to right click into your rAthena directory root, select "TortoiseSVN -> Apply Patch" and select the patch file. Click "patch all items" and you're done.
    If you do not want to change your source for this, you can remove all occurences of "groupIdToName" inside the script to deactivate the automatic group name display.



  5. Free

    Instance @cd/@cooldown Command

    A simple command for managing instance cooldowns or any other quest that you feel like adding.
    Adding new quest/instance should be simple enough for everyone.



  6. Free

    Instanced Emperium Test Breaker + Ranker/Ladder

    As the title says.
    Records break time of the player.
    Ranks them with who had the fastest time.
    Uses only a custom emperium mob duplicate.
    The script would be as is. Use this freely and edit it as much as you need.
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward compatibility support.



  7. Free

    Instant Max Level NPC

    //===== Panda's Script =======================================
    //= Novice Enchantress NCP
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= NPC to instantly level anyone when they have the required item
    //===== Changelog: =================================
    //= v1.0 - Initial Release



  8. Free

    IP Ban Script

    IP Ban Script
    This script will allow you to Ban any IP from your server.



  9. Free

    iRO - Ben Recycle NPC

    Ben Recycle  in Prontera allows players to turn certain equipment into Rough Elunium and Rough Oridecon.
    How to use:
    func_AddItem(<equipment_id>, <item1>, <amount1>, <item2>, <amount2>); // WEAPONS func_AddItem(1421, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1822, 757, 2, 756, 2); func_AddItem(1625, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1819, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1269, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1142, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1624, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1626, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13404, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13027, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(1821, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(1268, 757, 5, 756, 5); // ARMORS func_AddItem(2422, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(2104, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5124, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2406, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(5122, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5126, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2504, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2353, 757, 15, 756, 15); func_AddItem(2514, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(2404, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2315, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2102, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2114, 757, 2, 756, 2); Additional:
    // if enable shop UI (only work if items can sell to npc shop) .shop_npc$ = "ben_recycle_shop#iro";  
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/cCBdevB5



  10. Free

    iRO Spooky machine - Refine Event

    Introduction :
    Talk to the machine and it will give you a Cracked Buckler shield. Equip the shield and talk to the machine.
    It will attempt to upgrade it as high as it will go. Depending on what upgrade level the item breaks at you will get a free item! If the buckler is upgraded to +10 or higher it gives a mystery costume!

    References :
    Official Website
    IRO Wiki



  11. Free

    Item Binding

    I made this while taking a short break from the normal rAthena work I do. It works with the item bound system added a little over a month ago. You need to have revision 17351 or newer for this to work. It's mostly focused around guild binding as that was the original intention of the script but I then decided to support the other types. The other types are good simply because this allows players to bind items and log these in a separate NPC table by default. You could also disable unbinding (just remove the option in the switch) and make it a better form of security for users.
    Allows users to bind items to their account, character, or guild
    Multiple configuration options to choose what item types to allow
    Automatically builds a menu list based on your configuration

    OnInit: //* Configuration *\\ //Price .bindprice = 0; .unbindprice = 100000; //What to allow to be bound - Add as necessary //1 = Equipment - 2 = Consumables - 4 = Etc .allowbind = 1; //Log binds via NPC? .logbinds = 1; //Other stuff .boundtypes$[1] = "account"; .boundtypes$[2] = "guild"; .boundtypes$[4] = "character"; end;
    Please report any issues and feature requests. Thanks for downloading.



  12. Free

    Item Collector NPC / Item Sink Strategy

    Introduction :
    The NPC is designed to accept items from players, with contributions being non-recoverable but meticulously logged. A straightforward ranking system showcases players based on their item contributions. Game Masters have the flexibility to leverage and reset these rankings for custom events or creative initiatives at their discretion.

    **  Consider this a deviously delightful item sinking event for your server, complete with devilish flair and strategic mischief. 



  13. Free

    Item Mall (All new items)

    This is a item mall with all items in it updated has tons of stuff found this script broken on forums with no author fixed it and cleaned it up and added tons of items should have everything in it I'll keep it updated as new items come out!



  14. Free

    Item Trader - as requested

    This is a reply from this post : 
    Can trade multiple item with success or fail rates.
    // < ITEM FOR TRADE >, < AMOUNT >, < ITEM TRADED >, < AMOUNT >, < SUCCESS RATE >.. setarray .@trade, 501, 10, 502, 1, 50, // 10 red potions = 1 orange potion @ 50 % 601, 10, 902, 1, 100, // and so on.. @ 100% 701, 10, 702, 1, 75; // 75%  
    I will fix any old scripts that arent working as of date. Just leave me DM so I can check. I dont attend any modifications unless I am interested to add it myself.
    I also work for free for the interest of many. If you have any personal request for your own personal work and asking for free fix, i will ignore you right away.
    Thanks and enjoy!



  15. Free

    Item/Variable(Points) reward function for beginners or lazy!

    Hi, there! this functions is ideal for newbie scripters or just someone who wants to "add" or "modify" scripts with rewards. It may be item or variables such as points or stuff...
    This function can also be used by experienced scripters who are lazy to code and stuff xD. Easy to use and all ?
    Here are the sample npcs on how to use it. (included in the downloadable files)
    // Sample NPC for using F_Reward_Item and F_Reward_Var // For beginners. prontera,150,180,0 script F_Reward_Test 123,{ mes "What do you want to get?"; switch(select("Item","Points")) { case 1: F_Reward_Item("501:10,502:5,503:10"); break; case 2: F_Reward_Var("#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points",100); break; } mes "Enjoy!"; close; } // This is just a pseudo-code, you can understand what I mean by this xD // For advance scripters. You can do something like. prontera,150,180,0 script F_Reward_Test 123,{ mes "get items"; close2; F_Reward_Item(.itemlist$); end; OnInit: .itemlist$ = "501:10,502:5,503:10"; end; }  
    I hope this will help! Keep those upvotes coming to motivate me moooore ? 
    Enjoy the rest of the day!



  16. Free

    Junk Seller

    Junk Seller will scan your inventory and sell everything at the same time. 
    The list of items will display in a window so the player has a chance to confirm. 
    If the player has the skill "Overcharge" it will add zeny to the sale amount accordingly. 
    1. SQL DB required for personal blacklist, run this command to create the necessary table in your DB:
    CREATE TABLE `junkerblacklist` ( `char_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `item_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 2. Add junkseller.txt to whichever directory you store your NPCs, and update scripts_custom.conf. 
    3. Modify this array at line 54 to configure your permanent global blacklist. 
    setarray @Blacklist[0], 4. Uncomment / Comment the code at lines 541 and 544 if you would like the script to include Cards. 
    // Checks if item is an Etc item (3) // Comment this line and uncomment the line below if you want Cards to be included if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 3){ // Comment the above line and uncomment this line if you want Cards to be included //if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 3 || getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 6){ 5. Modify .@showbl to 0 at line 39 if you don't want the message displaying how many items were removed by the blacklist system. 
    .@showbl = 1; // Shows how many items were removed by the blacklist system.  



  17. Free

    Kafra points converter

    This script allows users to convert their kafra points to any item set in the script.



  18. Free


    A short and simple script named "LevelUpBox".
    Easy to change the item which will gain the player by:

    set .@item$,501; // Level 1 with Item "Red Potion";
    Every 10 level-up the player will gain an item.



  19. Free

    Limited Items

    This script will limit the inventory of player if the player bring exceeded limitation items into the map.
    For Example :
    Configuration :
    // func_Add( <gm_level_to_bypass>, <map_name>, <item1>,<max_amount1>,....,<itemX>,<max_amountX> ); func_Add( 100,"prontera", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"payon", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"izlude", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"prt_fild08", 4001,1,4002,3,4003,0,504,5 ); Positive = Player can only bring Maximum of that amount of items. 0 = Totally Disabled, player cant bring any of it.



  20. Free

    Login Scanner

    Just another OnPCLoginEvent script simple scan.
    Expected to prevent intruder and  stat hack.
    Shared as it belong to community, not mine.
    3 way scan: checking GM name, check max base stat, check total stat point.
    modified original script by Brian - check statpoint



  21. Free

    Lucky Roulette Prize Changer

    I'm not that good at scripting but I want to help the community by making this Lucky Roulette Prize Changer so you won't need to go to your sql just to update the prize.
    To display the guide, you need to upload the rouletteGuide.bmp in your GRF. ( The file is included in the download. )
    Reminder : Lucky Roulette's Prizes will only refresh when the server restarts but the list is updated instantly.



  22. Free

    Mad Hatter - Headgear Rental + Randomizer

    About This File
    Tested and working with: 264af55
    No Source Modifications needed.
    Provides a nice set of hats which resets after x amount of days. It can give the possibility to try the headgear on. This is primarily targeted for Headgears but other items can also be sold and automatically takes off "View Item" in the menu if it is the item being bought is not a headgear. Has the ability to randomize or use a pre-defined set of items.
    The Mad Hatter
    V 1.1.1:
        Fixed problem about checking rentals items in inventory when Randomize Hats option is enabled
    V 1.1.0:
        Public Release
        Swapped Yes/No sequence when a GM talks to the NPC to avoid accidental reroll.
        Added Randomization option of hats
    V 1.0.1:
        Fixed missing semi-colon in config part.
    V 1.0.0:
        Player can rent 1 headgear per day.
        Cannot rent another headgear, if the rented item is still present on their inventory.
        Configurable length of rental time
        Choose between Zeny or Coin payment
        Able to try headgear via "View Item" menu
        Weekly change of items. GMs can manually reroll the item set per week.
        Configurable amount of Headgears to be displayed per week
        *please see configuration part by searching "Configuration part"
    Preview of Configuration in Script

    End User License and Terms of Services:
    1. I will retain all the rights in all the scripts that I create
    2. Client cannot redistribute nor resell the scripts that I provide
    3. No refunds
    4. Maintenance of scripts does not include modification of the original intended behavior. If the script has been broken due to prior modification of the original behavior then it would mean a new service request
    5. Modification of the original intended behavior would mean a new service request and would go through the process mentioned above
    2. This can be redistributed anywhere in any form.
    3. This shall not be in any way be branded for sale anywhere in any form.
    4. Maintenance will not be provided. Feel free to use the support section.
    5. See #3.
    6. Ninja has the right to post all my free services to the release section and make it available for everybody to use
    7. Maintenance of scripts will be provide free of charge
    8. I will not keep any sensitive information from your server nor any credentials that you lend me
    9. I will backup all my server files before I use this.
    10. Ninja will not be liable in any way at any time.
    11. The moment I use anything from here, I accept all the terms of services stated above.
    Where the script author is Ninja (https://rathena.org/board/profile/7005-ninja/).
    Credits to Radian for the initial request.



  23. Free

    MakeItemReq, check requirements to make a item

    This functions help you easy to create a Quest NPC use to create a item by bring for NPC items and Zeny
    If bring enough Zeny and Items, a menu confirm to make item will display
    Else will display "Close" Button
    Edit Menu text inside function.
    .@isSuccess = MakeItemReq(PRODUCT_ID,ZENY,ITEM1,ITEM1_QUANTITY,ITEM2,ITEM2_QUANTITY,.....) .@isSuccess = 0, you dont want to create this item .@isSuccess = 1, NPC created item for you // Sample Struct NPC //
    prontera,157,120,4 script MakeItemReq 555,{ mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "Bla"; mes "Bla Bla"; mes "Bla Bla Bla"; mes "Bla Bla Bla Bla"; next; mes "[NPC_NAME]"; // MakeItemReq(PRODUCT_ID,ZENY,ITEM1,ITEM1_QUANTITY,ITEM2,ITEM2_QUANTITY,.....) .@isSuccess = MakeItemReq(5353,1000000,501,1,502,2); // Doesn't add next, because next existed in function if(.@isSuccess){ mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "You success to create a item"; } else { mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "You dont need it"; } close; }



  24. Free

    Manage @alootid - @alootid2

    Due to the limitation of alootid that can only loot up to 10 items by default. (can change at /src/).
    However players are always greedy, they want to loot almost everything, but not every items, so 10 slots can't fill their desires.
    So this custom manager are introduced.
    It help player to setup different combination of alootid settings. (Different hunting monster/maps could switch to different settings) player no longer worry what their previous alootid settings was. player can switch/save any settings whenever they want. alootid settings could be auto loaded when they join the game. * In short, just a macro to use to the alootid atcommand. To make it less confusing to player, disable the alootid and start using alootid2 instead.
    @alootid2 list @alootid2 <save/add/remove> <#> <item1> ... <item10> @alootid2 <load/clear/reset> <#> @alootid2 set <#> name <name> @alootid2 set <#> autoload <1/0> Example:
    chatbox: @alootid2 save 3 609 608 607 Usage: @alootid2 save <3> - save successfully. chatbox: @alootid2 load 1 Your autolootitem list has been reset. Autolooting item: 'Green_Herb'/'Green Herb' {511} Autolooting item: 'Apple'/'Apple' {512} Autolooting item: 'Banana'/'Banana' {513} Autolooting item: 'Grape'/'Grape' {514} Autolooting item: 'Carrot'/'Carrot' {515} Usage: @alootid2 load <2> - loaded successfully. chatbox: @alootid2 list <1> - 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510 <2> - 511, 512, 513, 514, 515 (autoload upon login) <3> - 609, 608, 607 Usage: @alootid2 list - found 3 settings. Preview:




  25. Free

    mapusers count Functions IP/GePard

    You need at lest rAthena 10e7035bebdbc2ec25a392ee2cf14172ecf169e5 or above! (for old rAthena you should add the pr manually!)
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= getgpmapunits command //= getipmapunits command //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //= Free!! // https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project // https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= // getgpmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same GePard id in the given map. (You must have GePard to work!) // getipmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same IP in the given map. //============================================================ //==== please report any error you find //============================================================ //============================================================  
    you should add the functions to your rAthena/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt to work (add it in that file where ever you like, no need for guide for that ?!)
    scenario ? >
    you want a Warper NPC (or maybe event NPC) that allow only one player per IP in the map ?
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR IP FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,152,183,5 script Warper IP Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",152,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    Same as above but per GePard ID not IP
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR GEPARD FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,155,183,5 script Warper GePard Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    BONUS Test:
    pvp warper
    prontera,158,183,5 script PVP Warper IP Test 446,{ mes "would you like to teleport to the pvp map?"; if(select("yes:no") == 2) close; if(getipmapunits("pvp_n_1-1") > 0){ mes "there is another character with the same ip inside the map!"; mes "only 1 character per IP allowed in this map!"; }else{ warp "pvp_n_1-1",0,0; } end; }  



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