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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Farm Zone

    This is a script that Allow Player to Farm / Hunt items from monsters in shortest Time.
    All item that gain inside the Farm Zon are limited by Scripts. Normal Monster / MVP inside the Farm Zone will not drop any Items.
    Currently the Monster summon are random based on Bloody Branch / Dead Branch
    Configuration :

    // Maximum Player can join per X Minutes. set .MaxPlayers,5; // Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again. set .DelayMin,15; // Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone. set .MaxItemLimit,200; // Map that will be used in thos Zone. set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; // Clear Map Every X Minutes. set .RoomCleanMin,15;
    Item Drops List :

    // Normal Monster in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],13989,14232,13517,7139,12033,12016,14534; // Normal Boss in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],14536,12912,12267,12266,14601,13830,13831,13832,13833;
    Monster Spawn List :

    monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Resident",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Guardian",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill";
    Reward Setting :

    RandomizeItem( <Mode>,<Amount> );
    Mode : 0 = Boss / 1 = Normal Monster



  2. Free

    VIP Central + VIP Seller

    Tested and working with: 6748ff7
    Comments: You need to activate the VIP system in your emulator source.
    In src/config/core.h /// Uncomment to enable VIP system. #define VIP_ENABLE PURPOISE:
    It provides the user with the possibility of buying VIP access, in addition to being able to access the VIP Room of the server. CHANGELOGS:
    V 1.0.0: Created the script and distributed in the rAthena forum. Preview of Configuration in Script

    End User License and Terms of Services:
    1. I will retain all the rights in all the scripts that I create
    2. Client cannot redistribute nor resell the scripts that I provide
    3. I assume that the client will accept all the terms of services
    Where the script author is Emperium Games. And the owner of the script
    It is the one who took advantage of and downloaded the script.



  3. Free

    Class Restriction

    This is a script that Prevent / Block certain job from entering specific maps.
    Configuration : (v2)
    Refer to db/[pre-]re/job_noenter_map.txt



  4. Free

    @restock everywhere from your storage

    One version of @restock. Create a list of items to restock automatically from your storage. Available everywhere
    Usage : 
    @restock <itemid> <itemid> ... : add items to restock list @restock off : disable restocking Config :
    Consume 1 coin if non VIP Player, but you can disable it. You can set maps where restocking isn't allowed.



  5. Free

    DotA Runes

    I believe most of you have heard of this or seen this before in DotA ( Defend of the Ancient )
    Well, this script work alike with the Runes System you seen in the DotA.
    It will give players a Buff / Bonus Randomly .
    Video Preview :

    Configuration :
    OnInit: // Runes Duration in Seconds set .duration,60; // Name of Each Runes. setarray .name$[0], "Double Damage", // 2 x ATK Rate "Invisibility", // Cloaking "Regeneration", // HP / SP Regeneration "Self Clone", // Create 2 Clones "Unlimit Haste"; // Improve Movement Speed // npc sprite switching if any. setarray .npc_sprite, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; // Random Coordinate where NPC will Shown Again setarray .CoordinateX[0],150,155; setarray .CoordinateY[0],175,175;
    Add in more cases if you add extra Buff / Bonus. ( make sure edit the .names$ Array also )
    switch( .runes ){ case 0: // 2x ATK / MATK sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; break; case 1: // Invisible skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING,( .duration * 1000 ),10; break; case 2: // Restore sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,( .duration * 1000 ),-10,1,0,0; break; case 3: // Clone getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; break; case 4: // Haste sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,( .duration * 1000 ),0; break; default: end; }



  6. Free

    Simple Cool Anti-Bot

    This is a Simple Code Improved by me and Originally the method was from Brian.
    Random bot check will trigger when killing a mob.
    25% Chance to trigger when killing a Mob.
    If already passed the bot check. you will not be check again in the future. (Until you Recon)
    You have 3 Chance to prove that you are not Bot.
    If you fail. 10days of jail time.
    If you reconnect during the checkpoint. you will return in checkpoint after reconnecting.
    I have tested this in my server and works fine to me.
    If you found bug. Please report it
    PS: Sorry for my Grammar and Messy look Script



  7. Free

    Ragnarok Guild Package NPC

    Guild package Redeemer NPC
    [NPC Information]
    1.Package Code Generator
    2.Package Code ( for Guild with Players of the same IP )
    3.Different Package set for Guild Master.
    4.Different Package set for Guild Member.
    To Redeem the guild package:
    1.Should be a Guild Master
    2.Required Minimum Guild Member. (8 default)
    3.All Guild Members should be Online
    4.Non Duplicate IP Check ( to avoid multiple login of single player )
    5.Duplicate IP Check ( Use the code to bypass IP check )
    6.Online Status Check
    7.First time to Redeem GPack (IP Based)



  8. Free

    No double login in one map ip and gepard unique_id

    main code of ConfindecE and improved by Tauro to gepard and remove by account inhibition
    About this file:
    Anti-double login system in a specific map example: pvp, woe, events, etc.
    It has ip system or unique_id by gepard
    Account protection for accounts of the type: Gm, brothers, relatives, couples, etc ...

    By downloading this file, you accept the following terms:
    It is not allowed to remove my written signature within the script.
    You are not allowed to sell, resell or earn any kind of money or incentives to use my work.
    You are not allowed to claim my work as yours.
    The terms mentioned above may change without prior notice.



  9. Free


    This is a NPC that enable Players to Write a Message and send to GM Team.
    GM Team are allow to reply to the Messages written by Players.
    There will be notification upon login if there is any New Messages.
    Make sure you have loaded this SQL Table before the NPC is used in your Server.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `E-Inquiry` ( `ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `Sender_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `Sender_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `Title` text, `Message` text, `Status` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0', `Inquiry_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply` text, `Reply_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
    Topic Detail :



  10. Free

    New Izlude Town

    Hi everyone,
    this is an little Patch File for those of you who use an updated kRO RE Client which already contains the new Izlude Town Map which is now used on kRO as the new Tutorial Map!
    Because of this, the Izlude Town Map has been remodelled by Gravity and the NPC and Warp Locations have also been changed to match that new Map, however we on rAthena currently can't support the new Map officialy until we've found an Solution to properly split Pre-RE and RE Content with the rAthena Emulator.
    So I made this File for those People who can't or won't wait until that happens and wants to use it for their Servers which as I said have the new Izlude Town Map.
    I'll also add an updated map_cache for those of you who need it ^^
    Map Cache:



  11. Free

    Unofficial Fallen Angel Wing (FAW) Enchantment

    Unofficial Fallen Angel Wing (FAW) Enchants
    This script should do exactly what is written on iRO wiki's FAW Enchants page, but you can easily change some settings as specified below.
    Also, kindly press that reputation button if you find this helpful. This is my first script release, so why not encourage me to release more by pressing that button?
    Custom Settings:
    If set to 1, lower-level enchants are more likely to be enchanted. If set to 0, all levels have an equal chance to be enchanted (true random).
    // 1 = 60% low, 30% mid, 10% high for 1st & 2nd enchant slot && 40% low, 30% mid, 20% high, 10% special for 3rd enchant slot// 0 = Equal Chance.chancetype = 1;
    Cost for enchanting.
    //Cost for Enchanting. It's free in iRO //.cost=0;
    Cost for resetting enchants.
    //Cost to reset | Costs 1Mz in iRO .cost2 = 1000000;
    If set to 1, it lets the player to equip the garment while the script is running. Set to 0 to disable.
    //Turn on Equip Selection if garment is unequipped? 1 = Yes .autoequip =1;
    Additional Notes:
    You may want to change the effects of the Fatal Enchants as rAthena's effects are different from iRO's.
    //iRO Fatal effect4863,Fatal1Lv,Fatal1Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,4; bonus bCritical,1; },{},{}4864,Fatal2Lv,Fatal2Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,6; bonus bCritical,2; },{},{}4865,Fatal3Lv,Fatal3Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,8; bonus bCritical,3; },{},{}4866,Fatal4Lv,Fatal4Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,10; bonus bCritical,4; },{},{}



  12. Free

    Costume Enchantments - Custom idRO Klasik based

    In this script
    Custom NPCs  to exchange  listed costumes becomes Upper/Middle/Lower/Garment Enchant Stone Box Custom NPCs  to enchant  listed costumes by selecting the enchant stones (50% success, failure will delete the stone only) Custom NPC  to exchange Enchant Stone  to Upper/Middle/Lower/Garment Enchant Stone Box (require: 2,000,000,000 Zeny) Not in this script
    All items (server-side) that are not present in rAthena All items (client-side) that are not present in kRO (or other official clients) because idRO Klasik customization Lucky charms  
    Exchange it
    Enchant it
    Woops, I need to find another stone



  13. Free

    Another Freebies NPC with easy char/acc bound settings

    OnInit: // settings .char_bound = 1; // enable character bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) .account_bound = 1; // enable account bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) // set item (char bound) setarray .char_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .char_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount // set item (acc bound) setarray .acc_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .acc_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount Use and edit this to any ways you need.
    I just made another simple freebies npc.. This is in reponse to many new server owners who kept asking "how to make freebies account bound/char bound?" or such. I made it easier for them to choose whether to enable char/acc bound rewards or not.



  14. Free


    Original Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/16037-campfire-to-regenerate-hpsp/
    Herc Script Link : https://pastebin.com/fksPdpFQ
    The Idea:
    Camp Fire to restore / regenerate HP & SP.
    When you sit by the Camp fire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, so your HP & SP begin to regenerate.
    How to use :
    1. add the source mode provided in the script. (or here)
    2. make a usable item_db with these bonus script.
    callfunc("func_CreateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // create campfire callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // update the campfire duration/heal rate.  
    Credits : @Dastgir & @Radian for the src mod and @Habilis for the idea



  15. Free

    All In One - Random Options Script

    The goal in this script is to allow you to create any random option enchantment system by just creating a new copy of this script , change the script name and setting
    You should be able to create any random option system exist currently in the game
    Use the forum post to report for any bugs and errors HERE(Click Me)
    the script allow you to
    create a group of items  > you can create as many groups as you want
    each group has it's own options
    allow reroll or not
    put price for first time and price for the reroll after the first time
    the price can be zeny, cashpoints, custom points, items
    put random options for all slots or specific slot of the random options slot
    put exclusive random options groups so they cannot coexist in the same item
    The script config and example AT LINE 290 in the script file >
    OnInit: .exv = true;//DO NOT REMOVE THIS. .KeepItemData = true;//if this is 'false , the player will loss the refine+cards from the item when he use this npc. .CustomPointsVariable$ = "#COSTUMPOINTS";//The variable name of the costum points. .CustomPointsName$ = "Server RO Points";//The name of the costum points, this what the player will see. .HardBalance = true;//if this is true , it would be much harder to get high value in the random option. //AddGroup(<Group ID>,<ItemID>,<ItemID>,<ItemID>,<ItemID>,<ItemID>); /* AddGroup Doc <Group ID> = a number between 1 and MAX_INT64 DO NOT REUSE THE GROUP ID IN THE SAME FILE CONFIG! DO NOT REUSE THE SAME ITEM ID IN DIFFERENT GROUP! will create a group id you can add as many as you want items inside a group. */ //AddGroupOption(<Group ID>,<Allow ReRoll?true:false>,<Allow reuse already gotten option?true:false>,<Zeny Cost>,<CashPoint Cost>,<Custom Points Cost>,<Item1 ID Cost>,<Item1 Amount Cost>,<Item2 ID Cost>,<Item2 Amount Cost>,<....ETC>); /* AddGroupOption Doc <Group ID> = A group id that is already created in AddGroup()!. <Allow ReRoll?true:false> = allow reroll an item with random option or not <Allow reuse already gotten option?true:false> = for exammple if you have str in the options and the player gor it , can he get it again in another slot? */ //AddGroupCost(<Group ID>,<Zeny Cost>,<CashPoint Cost>,<Custom Points Cost>,<Item1 ID Cost>,<Item1 Amount Cost>,<Item2 ID Cost>,<Item2 Amount Cost>,<....ETC>); /* AddGroupCost Doc <Group ID> = A group id that is already created in AddGroup()!. <Zeny Cost> = the zeny cost (can be 0) <CashPoint Cost> = the cashpoints cost (can be 0) <Custom Points Cost> = if you are using costum points in the script , check out .CustomPointsVariable$ and .CustomPointsName$ at the start of the script (can be 0) <Item1 ID Cost> = the item cost <Item1 Amount Cost> = the item amount cost You can use as many item,amount cost at the end of the function. */ //AddGroupReRollCost(<Group ID>,<Zeny Cost>,<CashPoint Cost>,<Custom Points Cost>,<Item1 ID Cost>,<Item1 Amount Cost>,<Item2 ID Cost>,<Item2 Amount Cost>,<....ETC>); /* AddGroupReRollCost Doc <Group ID> = A group id that is already created in AddGroup()!. <Zeny Cost> = the zeny cost (can be 0) <CashPoint Cost> = the cashpoints cost (can be 0) <Custom Points Cost> = if you are using costum points in the script , check out .CustomPointsVariable$ and .CustomPointsName$ at the start of the script (can be 0) <Item1 ID Cost> = the item cost <Item1 Amount Cost> = the item amount cost You can use as many item,amount cost at the end of the function. */ //AddGroupChance(<Group ID>,<1st Option Chance>,<2nd Option Chance>,<3rd Option Chance>,<4th Option Chance>,<5th Option Chance>); /* AddGroupChance Doc <Group ID> = A group id that is already created in AddGroup()!. <1st Option Chance> = the Chance to get one of the random options in the slot 1 (can be 0) <2nd Option Chance> = the Chance to get one of the random options in the slot 2 (can be 0) <3rd Option Chance> = the Chance to get one of the random options in the slot 3 (can be 0) <4th Option Chance> = the Chance to get one of the random options in the slot 4 (can be 0) <5th Option Chance> = the Chance to get one of the random options in the slot 5 (can be 0) Keep inmind that if the player didn't get lucky for example at the slot 2 , all the chances after will be ignored you cannot skip a random option slot that would bug the game client. */ //AddOpt(<Group ID>,<Location>,<Random Option ID>,<Minimum Value>,<Maximum Value>); /* AddOpt Doc <Group ID> = A group id that is already created in AddGroup()!. <Location> = you can spisfiy random option to a location from 1 to 5 , but you can use 0 , if you used 0 it will apply to all locations that doesn't have spisfied random options. <Random Option ID> = random option id , you can use the id or the variable , check out the file /rathena/db/re/item_randomopt_db.yml <Minimum Value> = the minimum value <Maximum Value> = the maximum value */ //AddExclusiveOpt(<Random Option ID>,<Random Option ID>,<Random Option ID>,<Random Option ID>,<Random Option ID>); /* AddExclusiveOpt Doc this will help you to prevent a group of random opions typs in the same item in different slots for example RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_TARGET RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_TARGET if the player got 1 of them in a slot , he wont get another one to another slot */ //Example!!!> //this is just an example , this script allow you to create any random option system you want. //Creating Group id 1 , with Hat items inside. AddGroup(1,2220,2221,2222,2223); //Group id 1 Options AddGroupOption(1,true,false); //Group id 1 Cost AddGroupCost(1,50,0,0,502,1,503,2); //Group id 1 ReRoll Cost AddGroupReRollCost(1,50,0,0,502,5,503,2); //Group id 1 Chances. AddGroupChance(1,100,75,60,40,20);AddGroupChance(1,100,100,100,100,100); //Group id 1 Random Option List. location 0 mean all the slot locations AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_STRAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_INTAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_VITAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_LUKAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_AGIAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_DEXAMOUNT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_MAXHPPERCENT,1,100); AddOpt(1,0,RDMOPT_VAR_MAXSPPERCENT,1,100); //those enchantment you wont get unless in slot 5 AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_TARGET,1,100); AddOpt(1,5,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_TARGET,1,100); //this mean those random options cannot coexist in the same item!. AddExclusiveOpt(RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WATER_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GROUND_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_FIRE_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_WIND_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_POISON_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_SAINT_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_DARKNESS_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS_TARGET, RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_UNDEAD_TARGET); end;  




  16. Free

    [FREE] Event Manager

    Ehh since my event scripts are piling up, I decided to make an Event Manager
    // Basic Event Manager // By Mabuhay /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Currently added are the ff : {#} NAME - "NPC_NAME" [1] Bombring - "Event_Bombring" [2] Dice - "Event_Dice" [3] Last Man Standing - "Event_LMS" [4] Novice V Zombie - "Event_NvZ" [5] Poring Catcher - "Poring_Catcher" [6] Poring Hunter - "Poring_Hunter" (Added 12-15-2019) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*/ // For easier management of Event NPCs ///////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: // ///////////////////////////////////// // I don't support any modifications unless I want to. // But if you want to change things especially the rewards, // Please refer to my F_Reward Functions // https://rathena.org/board/files/file/4068-itemvariablepoints-reward-function-for-beginners-or-lazy/ // You should be able to easily change the rewards // If you have basic scripting knowledge Header Settings:
    OnInit: // 1 = item reward // 2 = variable/cashpoints reward // If you want to set item and variable/cashpoints rewards, do 1|2. // If you only want 1, just choose between 1 or 2 $event_options = 1|2; // If item reward enabled // What items will be rewarded setarray $event_item_reward, 501, 10, 502, 5; // If variable reward.. set to your variable. // If cashpoints.. set to #CASHPOINTS / #KAFRAPOINTS (Free Cash Points) $event_var$ = "#EVENTVARIABLE"; // Variable name? // If cash points, set to Cash Points // If your custom var, set to the name of that thing. $event_var_name$ = "Custom Points"; // How much points gain if #VAR / #CASHPOINTS / #KAFRAPOINTS? $event_var_gain = 1; $event_item_arr = getarraysize($event_item_reward); // @eventstart for GM bindatcmd "eventstart", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart",60,60; // @eventjoin bindatcmd "eventjoin", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnJoinEvent"; end;  
    You may now use @eventstart for GMs to select which ones to start.
    @eventjoin for players to enter and see which event is currently active
    Event timers / Clock are to be set here :
    // OnClock<hour><minute>: donpcevent "<npc_name>::OnStart"; OnClock0000: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 12 mn OnClock0100: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock0200: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock0300: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock0400: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock0500: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; OnClock0600: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 6 am OnClock0700: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock0800: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock0900: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock1000: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock1100: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; OnClock1200: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 12 nn OnClock1300: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock1400: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock1500: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock1600: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock1700: donpcevent "::OnStart"; end; OnClock1800: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 6 pm OnClock1900: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock2000: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock2100: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock2200: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock2300: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; //----- 11 pm Currently I just alternately activate events per hour. You can change the event time as you wish. You may choose any of the ff:
    OnClock<hour><minute>: OnMinute<minute>: OnHour<hour>: On<weekday><hour><minute>: OnDay<month><day>:  
    I hope this helps. If you want me to add more, just PM me on an event script that needs to be updated. Thank you. ?
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward Compatibility Support.
    NOTE : If you find this useful, please click the Upvote button to motivate me to do stuffs like this ? And you are welcome!



  17. Free

    Illusion Items Enchanter

    Illusion items Enchanter conversion.
    Note that this is converted from multiple servers, so stats and rates can vary. Stats and rates are taken from wikis/devs.
    Credits: kRO, iRO, Shining-moon RO, NovaRO and Divine-Pride.



  18. Free

    OnPCLogin Settings

    You know when you login to your server that you work on, or even play on, and you always end up typing the same commands each time before you even say hello to anyone? @autoloot, then @uptime to see when the last reboot was, @rates if you've got fluctuating exp/drop rates, etc etc. @showexp cos you want to know what's going on, blah blah blah.
    With this Settings NPC, a player can set those commands to automatically execute when they login. These are account based, but could easily be modified to char based. Following the general format of the script, it should be easy to add/remove commands from those available to the player.
    @main is listed at the bottom of the script, so if you don't use it you may as-well remove that line.
    This script is years old, revamped to make it work with recent revisions - I've tested it on both our live server, and my dev server and seems to work.. but if you find any bugs or glitches, or something that could be optimised a bit more, please let me know ?



  19. Free

    GM Rewarder - Shop-based

    Introduction :
    I made this script roughly early of last year( Jan 2015), quite an old script that left unused in my laptop.
    "GM Rewarder" script become much more popular and widely used across the private service, it was first introduced as "Itemizer" script and made by @Latheesan back in eAthena era.
    Many types of Rewarder npc pop up since then. However, some server still having issue with "corruption" due to untraceable records that was removed by NPC if available, or GM often send rewards to their own characters. Beside, most of the Rewarder NPC that exist in forum required more steps/works to create multiple rewards to send to specific players.
    Right after I made this
    , I decided to play around with Rewarder NPC using same type of features, mainly ease in use.So I am here to share this script to everyone.
    Differences :
    NPC that enable GM to setup rewards and sent to players in ease.
    It allow only GM can send multiple rewards to player, only if GM has that items with them.
    Only players able to claim the rewards.
    All transactions will be recorded, even if GM "deleted" the history, it still exist in database.

    * HHooooorayyy, it's my 8000th posts in rAthena

    Notes :
    There are actually got several unique ways to use/improve this NPC. I dont want to spoonfeed to much, so I will just leave this part to your own imagination/creativity.
    However, if you wish to share your idea to use/improve this NPC with the rest of the community, feel free to leave a comment in this topics.
    Who knows, I might implement your idea into this NPC in case I find it suitable with it.



  20. Free

    Instanced Emperium Test Breaker + Ranker/Ladder

    As the title says.
    Records break time of the player.
    Ranks them with who had the fastest time.
    Uses only a custom emperium mob duplicate.
    The script would be as is. Use this freely and edit it as much as you need.
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward compatibility support.



  21. Free

    SQL Job Changer

    Tired of searching for a job changer that never satisfied your need ? Try this out !!
    It allow any combination of classes-tree that you can imagine with your brain.
    Example: Common Job Change Sequences

    Novice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> All
    * Standard NPC that commonly found in the forum.
    Example: Rare Job Change Sequences
    Novice >> First >> Second >> Second >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> Third >> Third >> Third
    * Suitable for server who decide to plan for story-lines that allow players to switch to each jobs before they can reach the final class.

    Setup Guide:
    OnInterIfInitOnce: query_sql( "TRUNCATE `e_jobchanger`" ); // dont remove this line if you're not sure what's it. // Add any combination that you like. AddJob( <current job>,<min. base lv>,<min. job lv>,<bonus statpoints>,<bonus skillpoints>,<resetlvl>,<required zeny>,<next job>,...,<next job> ); end;
    Put any combination that you want, and let the NPC done the rest of the setup.
    *current job - current char job class
    *min. base level - minimum base level to qualify for the job advancement.
    *min. job level - minimum job level to qualify for the job advancement.
    *bonus status point - amount of extra status point given to char for the job advancement.
    *bonus skill point - amount of extra skill point given to char for the job advancement.
    *resetlvl - option to reset based on resetlvl.
    *req_zeny - amount of zeny required for the job advancement.
    the rest - all possible option for classes that you intend to allow current job to change to.

    If you don't know how to setup it using the NPC script above, you can remove/disable all the lines within the OnInterIfInit lines.
    You can modify and execute this sample of SQL Database - Job Changer to generate the data required once and for all eternity.

    * Basic knowledge on using SQL Database are required.
    * Don't remove the TRUNCATE line if you're not sure what you're doing.
    * The script suppose to load the setup part once, clear table and re-insert everything. If you removed that, your SQL tables will be a goddamn mess when you loaded for second times and onward.
    * It was suppose to be 2 separated individual script, but I merged it since I am sure there are always some member ask for how to setup the things. Too lazy to answer/spoon-feeding all these questions. So I merged it.
    Future Development:
    If you have any nice suggestion that are useful/interesting, I may consider to implement it in the future.
    Thank in advance.



  22. Free

    Rentals NPC

    This NPC allows you to rent a mount (peco peco, cart, falcon, mado, dragon, gryphon, anything else).
    If you use this, please give credits !



  23. Free

    Freebies NPC with Gepard Function (UniqueID)

    Freebies NPC with gepard function (UniqueID)

    In response to this post : 



  24. Free

    Auto shop

    This script will allow players to shop their items while playing via a shop NPC, this is kind of an alternative to the auction system.
    Note: There's also a french version since I'm french ^^
    There is a user setup, be sure to check it out !

    User can add a cost to shop creation and/or a tax, there's also a delay after which the shop is deleted.
    Players can create a shop using an item or via the '@shop' command, depending on the mode value in the user setup
    Players can shop any kind of item apart from bound and time-limit items
    You can add items, change prices, modify your shop name anytime using the '@shop' command
    You can disconnect and reconnect anytime, if you sold something and/or your shop was deleted you will get your money and items on relog
    In case the server reboots you also get back the shop creation's cost or the item you used to open it

    Please report any bug you find.
    If I can't answer you while you are experiencing bugs, consider following this step:
    Make sure no one is selling when you do this because they will loose all of their sales !!

    Note: you can just reloadscript before doing this to give them back all of their items.
    //bindatcmd "delall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDelall",99,99; /*In case you have problems I recommend you to uncomment this command and to execute it. It will erase all the data of every shop and every player. I myself experienced some issues not directly related to the script but to unexpected events so reseting data should temporarly solve the problem. Please contact me on rA (Kurofly) if you experience any bug*/



  25. Free

    Usable Refinery Ores

    Players are able to click on the Ores items to refine the selected equipment. They can refine their Equipment at anywhere anytime they want.
    Based on requirement of Weapon Level and Type, different ores might be needed as well as Zeny.



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