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  1. your thor patcher tools find the CheckSum.
  2. Hello , I tried to update thor patcher, I added the new patcher to an thor file to be updated I used checksum to get the sum of the new Thor patcher I added it to main.ini at PatcherSum=XXXXXXX Also added the thor update file name here PatcherPath=patcherupdate.thor and plist.txt >> 1 patcherupdate.thor The old patcher typed updating patcher and it already downloaded the new patcher and named it tmp.exe But not opening or changing to the new patcher When trying open the old patcher it types Updating patcher then close. I named the new patcher [StartGame.exe] like the old one , and tried to make it different and it's the same problem. Any help please? Thank you all!
  3. View File Sloth Thor Patcher Patcher This patcher is public so don't try to sell it or make it your property. Contains All the necessary files. English and French version. The PSD. Contact You can found me on discord : Sloth#6226 Github : https://github.com/SlothBM/ Want to support my work ? Submitter Sloth Submitted 05/17/2020 Category Patchers Video Content Author Sora(Sloth)  
  4. Version 1.3


    Patcher This patcher is public so don't try to sell it or make it your property. Contains All the necessary files. English and French version. The PSD. Contact You can found me on discord : Sloth#6226 Github : https://github.com/SlothBM/ Want to support my work ?
  5. Hey everyone, i'm trying to add some buttons like social medias, and the icons generally dont have square borders, so the color comes as white by default. I added the button, everything works just fine, except for a aesthetic issue. I want to add transparency to this white space, as shown in the image of instagram's logo. I tried to change the white color for that ragnarok's pink transparency but didnt work. Someone could help ? xd
  6. Cant Anyone Help me., how to remove scrolls bar on Thor Patcher
  7. the version I use is With the configuration I have no problem ... in fact the Thor Patcher is already working, what I do not explain is where or how I put the files in Thor so that I know that these updates have to be installed in the other clients of my users
  8. Si tienes un usuario nuevo, solo debe descargar las actualizaciones del repo de tu thor patcher ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ el vídeo que compartí mantiene la configuración para ambos casos.
  9. Hola @Mael mis usuarios testers ya tienen un cliente, pero acabo de configurar el THOR PATCHER del cual ya descargaron con unas nuevas actualizaciones en el data.grf, pero lo que no termino de entender es como se van a enviar las nuevas configuraciones que ya tengo listas, en donde las tengo que poner para que las reciban los usuarios tester o tendrás alguna guía sobre ese proceso? P.D: Aun tengo alojado el servidor en mi PC esta Online, ya pronto lo subiré a un VPS. SALUDOS
  10. GRF Editor: Encryption The Movie Hello again, rAthena, I'm Haziel. I'm a Pixel Artist and also a Scripter. (Also, you can check my work here and here, and if you ever need any Sprite/Script Service, check here! You can also add me on skype (it's on my signature)) Most of the people who know me or hired me for any kind of service know that I don't charge more than it's fair. What upsets me is the people who use my work without authorization, most of the cases, paid material that took hours, days or, sometimes, weeks to be concluded. So, hoping to protect my work, and the custom content of your servers' owners, I've decided to write a guide explaning in detail how to use @Tokei's awesome tool. 1. List of Materials • GRF Editor, if you're not familiar with this software, it is the best GRF Management Tool ever coded. • The files you want to protect, the encryption is made by file so, there's no need to encrypt the whole GRF. • Your Hexed must be 2012-04-10 or above, it won't work on 2010 Clients. • Decide your Hexed filename, it's essential for the encryption to work. 2. Generating Encryption Key GRF Editor uses a Key Encryption Method, what means that your protection is based on a password. Choose a password you'll remember or note it somewhere, you won't be able to decrypt your files without it and always save a Backup of the files you'll encrypt. Password chosen, you'll need to generate the DLL, the one that will allow your Client to read encrypted files. Open the GRF Editor and navigates on the top menu to Tools > GRF Encryption, you'll see the window below. First, Input your Key on the Encryption Password field. Next, select your Client on the Client Path field, it is needed for the DLL to be coded to its filename or be modified if needed. IMPORTANT: The Client being asked here is for the Hexed, IT IS NOT the Patcher, Launcher or Loader. The name of the DLL can also be changed, it will output a modified Hexed of ready to read it. With everything set, click in Generate File(s), and it will pop up a folder where your DLL has been generated, add/replace the one in your Client folder. 3. Encrypting Files Files can now be encrypted. Open your GRF, GPF or THOR, select the files you want to protect. Right-click it and select EncryptIon > Encrypt. Enter the Password you previously defined, confirm and the file will be highlighted in Orange. The colour might not show up when you're working on a THOR file or opens a GRF/THOR previously encrypted, that's normal behavior. Once the GRF or THOR is saved, you won't be able to read the file. Normally an error will pop, but you can test it ingame, if you've done it correctly, it will be displayed properly. As far as I've tested, the Encrypted Files works in the DATA folder if extracted. If you want to Encrypt or Decrypt a whole GRF, you can select Tools > GRF Encryption with the GRF open by the software and choose the options Encrypt GRF or Decrypt GRF. You will be asked for the Key, and then It'll run the process through the entire GRF and export it to a new folder. The same process can be made with THOR files, even if it displays any reading error, patched Encrypted files will work. I hope that's clear enough and that it may help you. Post any question you may have in the comments below and I'll try to help. My best regards, Haziel
  11. hi how to link my full client to this android i mean like thor patcher its automaticaly downloading in the external of the phone and what kind of zip tar rar o gtar do i need to use
  12. [Shiro Designs]Free Thor Patcher\Tools\config.ini RootURL='http://domain:80/patch/' [Shiro Designs]Free Thor Patcher\Web\main.ini file_url=http://domain:80/patch/data/ both of these need to add a port
  13. i think i have configure my thor patcher correctly, but im still cant connect... weird, could someone point out which part did i made wrong? config.ini main.ini im using Shinro Design Thor Patcher Skin : Link
  14. Hola, buenas a todos a la comunidad de habla hispana.... Prefiero ponerlo en general, ya que todavia no es algo tan grande y serio, solo busco gente que me pueda aportar y ayudar con sus conocimientos. Hace 5 meses que llevo un proyecto de server y me gustaria tener gente con la que me ayude a terminarlo... (Tengo todas las ideas necesarias a implementar), pero debido a que somos 2 nos llevara algun tiempo. Por eso pido de antemano tener una conex minima de 50mb+, 100mb+, 600mb+, y tener conocimientos basicos. Tengo dominio y vps. Montando en web server apache con un proxy reverso con nginx y todo protegido por cloudflare, cdn privada para el thor patcher... Tabm cuento con dns y proxy para las conexiones al server. Dejo por aqui mi dc: 석하#8043 o MP
  15. apparently when i try patching the files it doesnt add the files i patched after patching? Is something wrong with thor patcher tool.i tried 3 times and it wouldnt add the files.
  16. if you're using Thor Patcher, try to use this (I prepare it earlier, didnt manage to find the real file because I already thor and delete it) https://mega.nz/#!VdYVQCZD!dF5tUq90hJqiBfxyWbBE-npIELqUiVxdoSPKjwonbM4 Update : 13 December 2020. Link : https://mega.nz/file/lJhAhYBB#dF5tUq90hJqiBfxyWbBE-npIELqUiVxdoSPKjwonbM4 Note : This is .thor file. So you can directly patch it using thor.
  17. At first, we planned it just like that, one login with different server connection. However, due to difference in customization of both server, we decided to split the servers client. So, is there a way for a Thor Patcher to have an option of 2 clients? Thank you for your response! ? Again! Thank you for the answers. It seems that It is possible to have a 2 client in Thor but with limitation.
  18. We are planning to have 2 Servers, 1 Lowrate and 1 Midrate. How do we code the config file of the Thor Patcher? Currently I'm using the custom button function that runs the .exe, however, when you click the button, the client will run, but the Patcher remains open. If I use the normal start button, I can only add 1 client.
  19. I have a problem with the thor patcher ... actually i have an sftp server, i did the config : //file_url - patch files should ALL put here. // This config entry will override the one in embed config. // o HTTP: // http://domain.com/dir/ // o FTP: // ftp://domain.com/dir/ // o With <Username> [Password] [Port] // ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir/ // o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional. file_url=ftp://WWW:[email protected]/patch/ where WWW is the login and XXX the password but seems like it cant connect on the main ini file and on the the config [Config:Main] RootURL='ftp://WWW:[email protected]/patch/' And it looks like it cant connect for some reason, does anybody has any ideas ? ... Thank you
  20. Glad to hear. There is a complete guide: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Thor-Patcher I think setup thor patcher is more easy than rathena If you are using Windows, you can install wampp to host .thor files, ensure not to install mariadb/mysql that comes with the program.
  21. I found the problem !!!!! ? it was in the src/custom/defines_pre i put this : #define PACKETVER 20151104 and it is working, thank you a lot for helping .(i had already ensure the desired ports, but it was nice idea thank you ) ? Now i would love to have some help to my patcher, i have no idea how it is working, i believe i have to make an ftp ? (i'm actually using a vps vultr windows server), i tried to found a thor patcher helper /guide or something but i didnt ? and i can't find any video on youtube that explains how it works unfortunally
  22. You are using ssl thor patcher doesn't support https, you need to make insecured directory to work the thor patcher
  23. Buenas He estado configurando por unas buenas horas el parche thor pero aun así no puedo vincularlo... Solamente queda congelado con lo siguiente: no descarga nada, solo añadí un archivo .thor de prueba pero aun así no lo descarga Config.ini main.ini: Base de datos: En la carpeta /patch/data/ se encuentra el archivo .thor...
  24. Hello community, I already implemented this Thor Patcher but I can't make the RSS Feed to properly work. It just shows everything in blank. MAy you have idea what could be causing the problem? Thank you a lot!
  25. Patcher and newer has a some bug (testet on 3 pc, win 7/10). It read this file: "GET /patch/new.html HTTP/1.1" 200 79 "-" "Mozilla/4.0" than this: "GET /patch/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1905 "-" "Thor Patcher" and than nothing version is ok
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