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Everything posted by Everade

  1. @Anacondaqq IPB Updates take aprox 2~5 minutes depending on the size of your forums and work like a charm if your webhost is properly configured (without any super-fancy customizations)
  2. Die grössten Scheiterungsgründe bei neuen Server sind normalerweise das es meist Junge Leute sind die das Gefühl haben man kann hier grosses Geld verdienen. Dabei fehlt Ihnen das eigentliche Interesse wirklich etwas zu bewirken, mit eigenen Ideen und vollem Einsatz. Persönlich finde ich am wichtigsten: - Mit Passion hinter dem ganzen stehen Der Unterhaltung eines Servers sollte einem Spass machen. - Eigene Visionen Hier ist meist das Problem das neue Server einfach 1zu1 andere kopieren da Sie denken diese hatten Erfolg also mache ich einfach mal genau das selbe. Bei 85% aller Server fehlt die eigene Seele. Da steckt nur der Geldgedanke dahinter. - Sein Publikum kennen Man muss sich im vorhinein im klaren sein welche Spieler man haben will. Das heisst: Alter, Land, Interessen usw. Man sollte schon etwas anbieten was andere Server schlicht und einfach nicht haben. Und das heisst nicht: "ich pack mal schnell 3 eigene scripts rein und paar eigene rate settings und fertig". Das Gesamtpaket muss stimmen. Klar gibt es Spieler die auf das richtige Klassische Erlebniss total abfahren. Aber wieso sollte man raw rAthena mit paar custom settings releasen wenn man auch direkt gratis auf offiziellen oder grösseren privaten spielen kann die genau das selbe bieten. Wir kennen das Original, wir habens xxxxx Stunden gespielt. Ich finde es schade das die meisten es nicht einmal richtig versuchen. Ist dein Hauptziel auf "kommerzieller Erfolg" abgezielt, bist du bereits gescheitert. Persönlich betrachte ich das ganze lieber von weitem, und arbeite mich dann immer weitere in die Tiefe. Dabei betrachte ich alles aus Sicht des Spielers: "Macht mir das Spass? Wie könnte man das verbessern?" Meist überlege ich mir dann von Grund auf neue Systeme und ersetze diese dann komplett. Anstatt versuchen etwas zu verbessern was vom Grundaufbau schlecht ist. Liebe im Detail, nicht Laufband-arbeit um tonnenweise Müll zu produzieren. Da kann man gerne auch mal mit Freunden drüber diskutieren um gute Lösungen zu finden.
  3. Sich als newcomer mit NovaRO zu messen ist naiv. NovaRO besteht aus 2 Leuten welche Vollzeit für den Server arbeiten. Hinzu kommen noch viele andere Helfer. Sicherlich soll man eine gewisse Vision haben und sich genug hohe Ziele setzen. Dennoch sollte man realistisch bleiben und sich nicht übernehmen.
  4. I never said that the items should be transfered anywhere. I said: it shall not delete mails with a current item or zeny attachement. That's all.
  5. Would be great if we could differentiate between items with and without attachements when it comes to deletion of mails. So the system would only delete mails after X days without items or zeny attachements. Reason: Sometimes players send high value items and/or high amount of zeny. Which then might be returned without being noticed by the sender due inactivity or not being noticed of it being returned. This could result in loss of items and zeny which weren't supposed to be deleted.
  6. I stopped using it because there was no further development. Would be great to see some actual progress again.
  7. It's better to contact him on his e-mail address. All the latest updates up to only happened because i got in touch with him over email. So if you want to report any bugs, contact him there. http://thor.aeomin.net/
  8. While this might be true, it isn't really a big deal. I mean right now, if you want to do a Cash Shop update, you do the exact same thing. You reload the item_cash_db.txt and that's it. Now if a player was online before the reload happened, and he opens the cash shop, he will simply see the old content. But even if he tries to buy items which have been removed for instance... it will fail. So these commands would still help us. The players will simply see it as soon as they relog, there's currently no way around that. With or without script commands. It would still be a great feature to have. Although i understand that there might be more important tasks to be completed right now.
  9. rathena\npc\re\merchants\ticket_refiner.txt
  10. Looks really great, although i don't understand why you would put that weight on your shoulders to update these old ones. The Novice Grounds have been entirely redesigned by gravity which features great improvements on the learn progress for newbies. So you start in izlude, not on that old beginners map anymore.
  11. Chaos92 is right. The Drop / Lock message, including Party Alarm and so on are at the wrong place, which means you're using a wrong msgstringtable for the client version you're testing with. And since that long text is streching the tab size, it's probably causing the entire problem. Why don't you give it a try in the first place...
  12. Um anderen auch zu helfen: Es lag bestimmt am langtype <langtype>1</langtype>
  13. At first glance it might look great. And i understand that you as the devs have rather good points on why you would switch to C++. C++ is very powerful afterall. But you're missing something out. Or well, you're not missing it out, you're just "naive" or blind enough to think that it's going to work out well. The community. Don't take this lightly, i have seen more than enough projects falling apart because of such specific events. I would never dare to get my feet together and rewrite all the mods (2 projects) in C++ Or let's rephrase this: I can't, lol. But i understand, that's not your problem. I'm just trying to point out that i'm for sure not the only one. At this point i would either move to hercules or wait for the next xAthena to show up and continue what has been done the past >10 years. (Because that's what usualy happens... It splits the community even further) And i repeat: I understand your situation... absolutely. In the end, the devs are doing all the work, so it's just fine that you're molding your future with process optimisations. It's just going to mess up a lot of rAthena servers. Because it increases the workload by tremendous bounds, for the community and the devs. You won't be able to keep up with updates (rAthena is already years behind) even though you might tell us now that future updates are going to be faster. The problem is just that there's a huge ass gap inbetween now and the time you manage to start on updates. On top of that, it won't speed up the process by months, so it's not like it's the holy grail. Because there might be a 4 year gap before we reach rAthena's current standpoint (almost stable environment and < 1000 bugs) Not even talking about re-reporting bugs you will re-create and absolutely new bugs falling at us like shooting stars. So my bet would be that >60% will move to hercules before you even manage to finish it. We're not getting younger guys. But it's funny to see Sirius_Black back in a list. I remember about 8 years back from now, rumors were going around that he managed to recode entire eAthena to a much powerful version. It was praised as the holy grail. Yet we've never seen any proof. Unless that we knew that Black is an old german genius. Now we finally get to see something out of it ?!
  14. I appreciate your help. The thing is that this, sooner or later, is going to cause issues. Issues related to rAthena code or more likely client updates.
  15. The right question is. For what reason?
  16. mmo_charstatus is currently extremly limited. I was forced to: - Remove extra storage - Revert Max Party members back to official - Revert Max Friends back to official YET I'M STILL HAVING ISSUES!!! There's really NOT much i've increased. Maybe guild members, and yet i'm still getting disconnected!!!!!! If rAthena Devs are not willing to help in this situation, they should remove ALL possibilities of those "now" useless settings. In case it's possible to be implemented. If not, they should still remove all useless settings. This is a big piece of ******** I would prefer to dump those new ******** features instead.
  17. Display Item Description by reading the itemInfo.lub files within the item database.
  18. It would not require more packets rather than ON LOGIN. Because the Cash Shop DOES NOT actualize ever while you're ingame. You always have to relog to see the latest cash shop content.
  19. The german community was never really active at all, also not in the past. And the most experienced coders work mostly for their own projects to have their exclusive stuff. They don't like to share what they've achieved on their own. Unless they need the money and sell it. That's how the real world works Someone might be able to do it, but you may pay a fortune for it.
  20. Just wanted to ask, if you have to turn off the server with a specific command or something. Because the vending persistency never really worked for me. If i shut down the server it logs out everyone and seems to clear the vending persistency sql table. So the vending shops are never saved and reloaded upon a server restart. Also not after a crash. Simply never. Any idea?
  21. Looking great. I wished this would make it as contribution to rAthena. The achievement system really looks solid, something you can rarely say when it comes from gravity. But one question. Is the random item bonus system official? Just asking because it kinda looks official with those additional framed windows.
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