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Everything posted by Everade

  1. confirmed, having the same issue. I guess rathena changed something with the order of the ids.
  2. The current official (new) Cash Shop interface and it's used item_cash_db.txt gives us 0 possibilities to make anything dynamic at all. Maybe i'm unaware about some specific features, but as of now i wasn't able to find anything even related to the cash shop system that could be usefull. So the only settings we've got are: // Type,ItemID,Price But there's no way we could possibly set a time limited offer nor anything "Special" about the special section itself such as limited quantities or whatever it has been created for. It would be more than great to be able to dynamicaly change/update the cash shop without the need to reload the item database. So we can "per script" set special prices, limited offers and update the shop on the fly without accessing the server itself At the current state, using the old cash shop system gives us way more possibilities on updating the shops itself. There, it's limited to our scripting skills. But the "new" Cash Shop Button / Interface Shop is lacking it's very core features. I think everyone could benefit from this as it keeps the ragnarok community and it's private servers alive. The main question will be if we're able to update the shop clientside.
  3. Looks already pretty polished. Respect! The best thing that could happen to this project would be, if it goes open source ones you're ready for it. I'm sure there's more than 1 person willing to extend this project to it's full potential, which would also give us the possibility to implement renewal features as well. And real-time shadows sounds like a more than awesome feature Which could be extended with light effects coming from fire effects for instance (otherwise some maps might look weird with the missing color variety on the floor)
  4. Ich benutze bereits seit längerem den Thor Patcher (vorher KPatcher, welcher wirklich nicht zu empfehlen ist) In letzter Zeit habe ich viele Bug Reports an den Coder vom Thor Patcher gesendet. Er hat soweit alles ernst genommen und vieles davon gefixt. Somit kann ich den Thor Patcher wirklich nur empfehlen! Ich hoffe einfach das andere Leute sich auch die Mühe geben ihm Bug Reports per mail zu senden.
  5. Well, according to the current char_athena.conf file and so on, it states: // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. //char_ip: So if you follow the instructions, i guess you shouldn't have any issues at all. It's just that (as stated above) i've had issues in the past with the ip conf settings, which forced me to set the login ip address as well in the login_athena.conf for instance. (there were other weird issues as well, but bare with me, i don't have the best brain to save memories from what happened a week ago and this goes 10 years back) So on my rA SVN rev. 13742 and older (back to eAthena) it worked with the local IP address set And when i updated to the latest revision (which was quite a big update) global address ip was required and caused my initial issue stated at the very top.
  6. With my old revision, my map, char and login configurations were each set as local IP address. For for instance: map_athena.conf map_ip: char_athena.conf char_ip: login_athena.conf login_ip: Now on the latest rAthena revisions, i was forced to set each of these to the global ip instead. So for example: map_athena.conf map_ip: char_athena.conf char_ip: login_athena.conf login_ip: I don't know if my old configurations were always wrong in the past. However it always worked before. (worked for over 10 years) I have to mention here that i've always had weird issues with the IP settings back in the past. I remember about 8~10 years back i've had reported a similiar issue on eAthena. It only worked when i specified specific configs which were not even preset on the emulator itself. Like now being forced to the public ip on login_athena.conf for example. And now you're forced to set it to the public ip address, otherwise it won't work anymore. (i know it even states it in the settings to set it to the public one, i can read just fine) It's just that it worked for 10 years straight and i did not expect that i would be forced to change anything related to the ip settings. So from what i remember, that was the actual issue on this one.
  7. No i never used any command unless the official ones /str+ 200 To increase my stats. This is a freshly created character, naturally leveled up. No commands used what soever. Something is just freaking messed up and i can't find out what it is. That's why i'm here. Just look at the other stats as well. I increased AGI by 1 which costs me 2 points. Yet the script says it costs 3 points. (As mentioned above)
  8. Script by Brian: https://rathena.org/board/topic/70252-anti-cheat-stats/?p=183729 I have tested myself during several hours through the entire Total Stat Point check script. Over and over again, together with a buddy of mine we studied the whole code. Even compared it to the source code from rAthena. We have no idea what's wrong, but for some reason the calculated stats are messed up as soon as you add some stats. I have removed all unnecessary code, to fit my test server. It's a renewal server, however we have this setting in renewal.h //#define RENEWAL_STAT commented! So with that we're using the classic stat system. Which means the script should work on Classic Server setups only Yet according to the npc calculation, the first stat point i use on STR for instance, will cost me (according to the npc) 3 stat points. While in reality it costs only 2. At 200 STR the npc tells me it costs me -1283 (max stats are 200 on my server) Next to that, it also tells me as a BABY class that i should have 6972. Correct me if i'm wrong but... only trans classes should reach 6972 stats. Non trans classes should be able to reach 6920 only right`? Really looking forward to some support on this one. We ran out of ideas... By the way: On the screenshot, it says i'm missing 3617 stat points But i'm only missing 52 if i reset my stats to 0 which equals to 6920 stat points in total.
  9. So it's supposed to be style.bmp and the client simply loads the wrong file name? Because from what i've seen it's the stylist shops, and i've never seen the style.bmp to be used anywhere else.
  10. totem.bmp is the icon used on all Styling Shops on the minimap. I also wasn't able to find the picture, so i drew my own icon for it xD Please post the totem.bmp here if you were able to find it.
  11. I'm using 2015-09-16aRagexe I personally never had this crash issue, the effect works just great. As i'm currently running a test server with beta testers, one of the testers actually experienced the same issue as you. I have no idea why this happened, as i've offered the same files through a patcher for everyone.
  12. Harmony Anti Cheat System also offered a splash screen. But it's outdated (only available for older clients)
  13. Bump I'm using 2015-09-16aRagexe
  14. All latest clients are now showing the following message if you go above their zeny limit while vending. With that the setting in item.conf: vending_max_value: 1000000000 Does not take any effect anymore if you try to increase the limit. Anyone an idea how to get rid of this message or simply how it's possible to increase it to 2Billion? Is this hard-coded clientside or triggered by rAthena?
  15. I ran into the same issue as well while setting up my beta test server. I tried to make it as easy as possible for the players, using thor patcher to simply patch the complete client. While testing it myself, i tried to repack the whole data.grf on windows 10 using an older Thor Patcher version. I got stuck with that infinite saving resource issue. So i tried to split the data.grf into 10 smaller patches (150 up to 270MB) It worked just fine for me, yet after releasing the open beta, i've recieved several reports that they get stuck on the saving ressources. A few people retried it several times until it worked, others weren't able to get it fixed at all. All i can say is: Either split it up to really really small patches (i would say max 150MB). Or let the players download it manually. I was talking with the developer of Thor Patcher about this, he actually made quite a few updates to the patcher within the past months. He was able to fix another bug i've encountered in his latest release, so you could also try testing the latest one. I haven't tested the saving resources issue as of yet, but it may be fixed already.
  16. langtype 0 is korean, that way you won't be able to type special signs such as öäü éàè and so on. Instead you will get either ? or korean signs while trying to type them. I would recommend langtype 1 which is america. That should fix your issue Please note that on langtype 1 however your guild tip "help" information window won't show any information anymore. If anyone knows how to solve that problem, please let me know. +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | int | enum SERVICETYPE | "servicetype" tag | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | 0 | SERVICETYPE_KOREA | korea | | 1 | SERVICETYPE_AMERICA | america | | 2 | SERVICETYPE_JAPAN | japan | | 3 | SERVICETYPE_CHINA | china | | 4 | SERVICETYPE_TAIWAN | taiwan | | 5 | SERVICETYPE_THAI | thai | | 6 | SERVICETYPE_INDONESIA | indonesia | | 7 | SERVICETYPE_PHILIPPINE | philippine | | 8 | SERVICETYPE_MALAYSIA | malaysia | | 9 | SERVICETYPE_SINGAPORE | singapore | | 10 | SERVICETYPE_GERMANY | germany | | 11 | SERVICETYPE_INDIA | india | | 12 | SERVICETYPE_BRAZIL | brazil | | 13 | SERVICETYPE_AUSTRALIA | australia | | 14 | SERVICETYPE_RUSSIA | russia | | 15 | SERVICETYPE_VIETNAM | vietnam | | 17 | SERVICETYPE_CHILE | chile | | 18 | SERVICETYPE_FRANCE | france | | 19 | SERVICETYPE_UAE | uae | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+
  17. I've had an old script which worked some years ago, which used: if (petstat(PET_CLASS) != 3065) { mes .@n$; mes "Where is my love?"; close; } if (petstat(PET_CLASS) == 3065) { set .@pi$,"[Lady Solace]"; mes .@n$; mes "Oh Lady Solace!"; mes "My wonder,"; mes "My delightfulness!"; next; However petstat is deprecated, so i tried to update the script to the new one i've found in the script doc file: A_BringLadySolace: if (getpetinfo(PETINFO_CLASS) != 3065) { mes .@n$; mes "Where is my love?"; close; } if (getpetinfo(PETINFO_CLASS) == 3065) { set .@pi$,"[Lady Solace]"; mes .@n$; mes "Oh Lady Solace!"; mes "My wonder,"; mes "My delightfulness!"; next; But it does not work anymore. The npc always ends with the "Where is my love?" part. Even if i have the pet with the pet_db id 3065 currently in use. Am i doing anything wrong, or is this script command broken? I simply want to check if i have the pet with the db id 3065 currently HATCHED
  18. Problem solved. Thanks Dastgir, you were a big help. It was a silly issue related to my configurations. For some reason the same configs worked on my old rAthena revision using a 2012 client. Can be closed
  19. [Info]: connect_check: Connection from **.*.***.*** allowed. [Status]: Request for connection of testaccount (ip: **.*.***.***) version=53 [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: testaccount, id: 2000013, ip: **.*.*.***) [Status]: Connection of the account 'testaccount' accepted. [Info]: Closed connection from '**.*.***.***'. I've updated to a new client, however my issue is the following: As soon as i've successfully connected to the Login Server as shown above. The Login Server immediately closes my connection again, as shown above. (unless that's normal?) On my client, it looks like i'm connected. But when i select the server to connect to the char server, the char server never recieves any packet. And the Client simply times out. I've tried 3 different clients out of 3 different years, all of them officialy supported. Could someone please tell me what's wrong? I'm out of ideas. Maybe it's just a small mistake, who knows. ----------------------------- Current client i'm testing: 2015-09-16aRagexe rAthena rev: 15556 (27 January 2016) packet_db.txt: packet_db_ver: 53 packet_keys_use: 0x17F83A19,0x116944F4,0x1CC541E9 mmo.h: #define PACKETVER 20151029 Clientinfo: <version>53</version> ------------------------------
  20. - Nicht benötigte Dateien löschen (das wird schwierig welche zu finden) - Falls die GRF alt ist, kann es sein das sie stark fragmentiert ist Es gibt Patching Systeme die in der Lage sind nach einer gewissen Grösse an Fragmentierung diese zu defragmentieren Ansonsten einfach: - GRF komplett entpacken und wieder neu packen (Guides dazu findest du genug, GRF Editor ist dafür sehr gut) - GRF in mehrere kleinere GRF Dateien aufsplitten (Gesamtgrösse bleibt gleich, aber du hast dann zB mehrere .GRF dateien die nur noch 500MB Gross sind oder nocht kleiner) und dann einfach in der DATA.ini angeben damit der client die alle liest. Schlussendlich gehts nicht kleiner, GRF ist bereits stark komprimiert.
  21. A newly created char starts in the novice grounds, not prontera. So no, it's not the problem. But thanks for the information on a new prontera, that's new for me ^^
  22. Thank you From what i remember that topic included 2012-04-10aRagexeRE as the latest client. Whatever... I've provided the error already. There's none. It's a simple client crash without any error at all, right after loading the map server.
  23. I guess there's no response on your char server? Please check the following configs. Because i just had the same problem. rAthena/conf/char_athena.conf // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: public ip here!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rAthena/conf/map_athena.conf // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: public ip here!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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