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Everything posted by Everade

  1. bump Added additional explanation I would love to have both systems. But System Nr.1 would already be enough for me. So send me a PM if you're interested into making some cash. Cheers
  2. The old deprecated Harmony Anti Cheat System was the only one which allowed real UI customizations. (From Sirius_White, a german coder who left the RO community years ago) Like adding actual new buttons to the UI, or creating entire new Interfaces. I think i was the only one who actually took use of it ^^ I don't think that anyone out here got the talent, or if, not the interest of realising this again. You would have to wait for an open source, custom client coded from scratch (there are some projects going on right now, but don't wait for it...) So i guess the only way for you would be to script an auction system. (over normal "mes" NPC dialogue) As a combination of saving all the data on your SQL database, and handling the entire interface via script. You could also do a mix of Source + Script + SQL database But if you're interested into the old official Auction System: - Just use a very old client where the Auction System is still implemented and working. So you could use the old official Auction System. Source may require some smaller touches though, i'm not sure if that's still working properly. Other than that i think it's the easiest way. However with the bigass limitation that your client is freaking old... maybe not even compatible with rA anymore.
  3. Just found a second doc entry which states that only getgroupitem supports this, but not getrandgroupitem nor groupranditem...
  4. freeloop mag keine gute Lösung sein, aber in bestimmten Fällen gibt es sogar gar keine andere Lösung, zum teil funktioniert es nicht einmal mehr mit timeouts dazwischen. Auf jeden Fall ist es gut zum eingrenzen ob es daran liegt. Aber ja der Map Server sollte das dann auch anzeigen, da hast du recht.
  5. Upon my tests, it usualy worked as long as the name isn't too long and used seperately on one line only.
  6. Wahrscheinlich wieder so ein verschissener timeout. Adde mal irgendwo am anfang: freeloop(1); Wenns dann einwandfrei geht, dann kennst du das Problem. freeloop zu aktivieren ist jedoch nicht das beste da es zunem endless loop kommen könnte. Kannst aber das freeloop gegen ende des scripts auch wieder deaktivieren. Ich hab nen ziemlich grosses und komplexes script welches auch solche Probleme aufwies. Der freeloop konnte das beheben. Ansonsten adden scripter häufig irgendwo wait dazwischen. aber ich find das genau so bescheuert da es meisst nicht richtig funktioniert.
  7. I'm trying to create account bound items upon opening a box. The documentary says it should work like this: IG_Asc_Craft_Chest,6225,5{,,,,,,Bound_Account} But i guess i'm doing something wrong? There's no error whatsoever.
  8. It depends on your PC specs, but the biggest issue will be your internet connection. Unless you've got a really fast fiber connection. But still, internet provider have big differences between private consumer and business connections. So they don't care much about connection issues for private households. I work part time as a technician (in switzerland which offers high quality services) for the swiss main carrier. You might experience short disconnections over time, or even downtimes over several hours up to days. While business connections have always high priority. So using a proper server which has been built for such services, including having a proper internet connection is key to offer your players a stable and lagfree service. It's not just about a fast internet connection, but also about having a proper backbone. If you're actualy planning to go online with an actual project while having >20 players and offering a "standard" server with a decent ~great connection. Forget about this right away. The location of the host is also important depending on which players you're aiming for. If you want to create a server just for your buds, sure, use your home PC. Aiming for a specific country: Make sure the host is located in that country Aiming for the entire world: Search for a proper hoster with a huge backbone which got access to all main carriers around the world. In the end it depends on yourself. You can also host worldwide using just your home pc. But people from other countries may have a really hard time with lag, depending on everything mentioned above. About your actual question "how many" It's hard to tell. The only thing you might be able to check is: Calculate how much bandwith per player is required and then compare it to your connection speed. That might give you a very rough statistic of what could be possible. But it's still very innacurate.
  9. Does anyone have the GRFItem Extractor tool for the FluxCP in an updated version? Refering to: https://rathena.org/board/topic/80487-fluxcp-item-icons-images-extractor-php-script/ Would be great to have this one supporting the itemInfo.lua file rather than the outdated idnum2resnametable.txt Unless someone got a different solution already?
  10. no I've got in touch with kamishi and asked him/her multiple times for updates files. He/she always replied me saying that he/she will send them asap. But no, i've never recieved an updated package. And no kamishi isn't answering anymore. Would be great to have some new paletters in the rathena community.
  11. I agree. But fixing an optimizing code/features is a never ending process. You can't tell me that you're going to work on new things ones everything has been fixed. That's never going to happen. So fixing bugs according to bug reports should always stay one of the main priorities. However at the current state are a lot of pending official features which are in the pipeline since quite a time. That's why i'm saying, i would have prefered to see them instead. Especially roDex because the old mail system was used by quite some people, and it has been ripped out of our hands. About the BG bug, i think that one is related to newer clients only, i'm not sure. However it's not script related: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1240 Another major bug with status effects: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/996 Or that we ran out of monster id ressources (doesn't look like anyone else than me is being interested into that issue though) https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1253 These are just some of mine, i'm sure there might be even more important things to do. Or things more people are affected off. @Aleos is still doing an awesome job, no matter what So please don't get me wrong on this
  12. Great addition. But to be honest.... i would have prefered to see missing official content to be implemented instead. Why? Because there are only a handfull of people who ever made instance scripts at all. So this isn't really for the *masses*, it's just a great to have. roDex anyone? Which is just one example out of a lot of missing official features. ( i know it's being worked on ) Not to mention that Battlegrounds is still bugged which is one of the core pvp features in ro. Priorities... And now let the hate rain down on me.
  13. I'm looking for a way to calculate chances below 1% which i'm able to vary upon an if check. If i'm not mistaken then .@ temporary variables are not able to store decimals?! So for example: if( .@legend >= 1 ) { .@chance = 0.18; }else{.@chance = 0.1} if ( rand(100) < .@chance ) { getitem 512,1; } Or would it also workout if i simply set rand(1000) < .@chance while chance is set to 1 for instance. I guess that would be 0.1% ?
  14. https://rathena.org/board/topic/105842-eqi-constant-refactor/
  15. Thank you for the official statement. Ran into quite some issues because i didn't know this in the first place ^^
  16. It's not fully working i have to admit. Depending on how much stat points you have, the scripts runs into an infinity loop. The calculation itself is perfectly fine now, it's only the script which is having a problem with high numbers. Adding a sleep timer might help, but i don't have enough experience to get it properly to work in this particular case. Anyone an idea on how to fix this issue? Here's the problem: ---------------- I managed to fix it. Just found out that there's a freeloop script function in the script engine xD Simply enable freeloop and you should be good to go!
  17. I actually still have the old 690 package from Kamishi, while there are newer sets available from what i've seen. But i think those are lacking the same sprites as well. (most actual version is the 700 package from 2014) Yet Kamishi is not responding anymore as he/she got inactive in the ro community. Next to that it would be great to have a palette set which includes all classes, AND the new bodystyles as well. Doram would be a nice addition too.
  18. The first system should really be possible to do. So i'm looking forward to at least get that one ^^
  19. Ok the core issue has been fixed by rathena, the script works now. Thanks rAthena
  20. 2 different kind of item drop systems would be more than awesome to have: System 1 - Boss Monster Special Drops: - System shall return boolean if the player attended *percentage setting of contribution damage to the mob* Not required, can be scripted with the system above, just so you understand what i mean: This way we can easily SPAWN a Treasure Chest by SCRIPT *NPC* which is able to only reward those *onClick* who actually contributed enough by dealing a specific amount of percentage/damage to the Boss Monster. This chest can be seen by all players. So if a player joins in, after the Boss died already, they won't be able to open the treasure chest for themselfs. But those who actually fighted the Boss Monsters, get Items by clicking on the spawned Treasure Chest. System 2 - Instanced Main Drops: - System shall create drops for each player who contributed to the kill, his personal own drops (each calculated chances on it's own) - Each personal item drop can only be seen by each individual player for himself. Which means each player gets his own individual drop (one might get a card, another one not). Global Drops / Kill Stealing / Mad Players will be a thing of the past! This is an entire new drop system which is most common in most MMORPGs. It's a way better system due the fact that Kill Stealing does not exist anymore, as everyone gets their own cut and own luck chance to get something rare. I would love to see Ragnarok being able to offer all players item drops who attended in the fight. As most MMORPGs offer it these days. So if anyone out there is capable of creating one of each of these system, or maybe even both, please contact me here or via private message.
  21. I never said core feature as in for the emulator itself. I meant a core feature of the Cash Shop. At the current state the *new* cash shop looks like an unfinished feature to me, as we have no options to really work properly with it unless adding item+price. And the special section cannot be used at all (missing in the database) Maybe i'm the only one thinking like this, but meh... I'm not a genius when it comes to script functions / advanced scripting. So i might not be the best choice for creating new script commands. Easiest solution: Remove item_cash database file and replace it with a SQL database entry And we're all set. Anything else can be done depending on our scripting skills if i'm not mistaken. ^^ But i guess addcashshopitem <tab>,<item_id>,<price>; removecashshopitem <tab>,<item_id>; would also work just fine. However the item_cash db file would then become obsolete or quite of an issue if the server restarts. Guessing that the addcashshopitem commands would save the data in RAM only.
  22. Thanks for the enlightenment Lemon But it would still be great if we could update the cash shop on the fly. I know client side it's not possible to update it. But that's not big of a deal is it? Because if a player purchases an item which has already been removed from the shop. The server could simply deny the purchase. That way we could at least have the possibility to update the shop via a dynamic script which could create automated sales or similiar.
  23. Auction system is officialy deprecated and not supported by kRO anymore (from what i remember) However the Cash Shop even features a Update Quantity Button (which is officialy used for Limited Sale Offers in the Special section) Yet rAthena did never implement that.
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