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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. Hmm I'd like to see a housing system, but for Guilds instead for individuals And a private rentable buffer NPC for each Guild
  2. What do you mean by 'improve their db'? Adding more items? Making the item_db to be more readable? Making the item_db to be looks like LUA file?
  3. Hmm I've been missing for months already. I'll see if I fit into one of the position, but I'm still a newbie
  4. Oh wow, that's a pretty large inventory window!
  5. Yep, close; is supposed to be paired with mes, but rA's script engine has been modified so that it could detect a misplaced close; but it's just a warning. You could safely ignore the warning, or if you want to fix it, replace it by an end; instead
  6. Hmmh.. I have deleted my db editor, because I thought nobody would use them... Maybe when I have another free time, I could rewrite it again
  7. if (readpain2 >= 1) { mes "[Pain]"; mes "Did you capture the tailed beast?"; menu "Yes", L_YES, "What are those again?", L_list; L_YES: if (AddaxKills < 2 || TGCKills < 2 || BHZKills < 2 || FabKills < 2) { mes "[Pain]"; mes "I don't see them complete!!"; close; } if (AddaxKills >= 2 || TGCKills >= 2 || BHZKills >= 2 || FabKills >= 2 ) { mes "[Pain]"; mes "This is it.....!"; next; mes "Now,"; mes "Lets go to Uchiha Madara"; set donepain2, 1; close; warp "niflheim",304,76; end; } L_list: mes "[Pain]"; mes "Hmmm. You are missing..."; if (AddaxKills < 2) mes "^FF0000"+(2 - AddaxKills) +"^000000 Addax"; if (TGCKills < 2) mes "^FF0000"+(2 - TGCKills) +"^000000 Green Teen Chipmunks"; if (BHZKills < 2) mes "^FF0000"+(2 - BHZKills) +"^000000 Blue Hell Centaur"; if (FabKills < 2) mes "^FF0000"+(2 - FabKills) +"^000000 Fabilsag"; close; } mes "[Pain]"; mes "Yes?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I want to meet"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Uchiha Madara"; next; mes "[Pain]"; mes "meet Uchiha Madara huh?"; next; mes "[Pain]"; mes "I'll let you meet him"; mes "but I need you to hunt/capture this beast"; next; mes "2 Blue Hell Centaur"; mes "2 Green Teen chipmunks"; mes "2 Addax"; mes "1 fabilsag"; set npc, 1; set readpain2, 1; next; menu "I will!",-,"Are you kidding me?",l_v; mes "[Pain]"; mes "Go now!"; close; l_v: mes "[Pain]"; mes "Do I look like I am kidding?!!!"; next; mes "[Pain]"; mes "Nimpu"; mes "Deva path!"; close2; percentheal -100,0; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 3221) { set AddaxKills,AddaxKills + 1; if (AddaxKills == 2) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured one tailed beast.",bc_all,0x00FF4C; } else if (killedrid == 3249) { set TGCKills,TGCKills + 1; if(TGCKills == 2) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured one tailed beast.",bc_all,0x00FF4C; } else if (killedrid == 3218) { set BHZKills,BHZKills + 1; if(BHZKills == 2) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured one tailed beast.",bc_all,0x00FF4C; } else if (killedrid == 3250) { set FabKills,FabKills + 1; if(FabKills == 2) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured one tailed beast.",bc_all,0x00FF4C; } end; }
  8. I never heard about that, but I might be wrong, you could search on Google
  9. I think it's still supported, but just to be sure please check for your client date on mmo.h to see if it's supported or not. I'd suggest you to use newer client though.
  10. It's located on your rAthena folder when you clone from Git.
  11. If your player's characters reached 1000, then would it mean that you have to make 1000 of duplicate as well? I think it's not a good idea, but if it works for you, then so be it
  12. Please use the latest version from Git not from SVN, because rAthena doesn't use SVN anymore. And there is a file to make the conversion from weapon <-> armor, use this file rAthena/tools/convert_itemtype.pl
  13. Haven't tried it yet, but I'll follow your thread for future updates
  14. Nice info! (Although this month's digest seems to be shorter than any other period)
  15. Nice suggestion, but wouldn't making this to happen needs more time and work to our dev team? And just like what sandbox stated above, it'll be only applicable to items with no modifications (cards, refine levels, custom name). Unless someone wants to focus and willing to give a large amount of his/her time to make this and even fix the problem that may arise at later time..
  16. 12256,PRO_Gift_Box,PRO Gift Box,2,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ atcommand "@skpoint +10"; },{},{}
  17. To put new code into effect, you have to recompile your server
  18. Hello Shade! The source code sometimes is easier to work with binary. To make you understand better, I have an example for you: Let's say that a player's Max HP is 10000, in binary it's 100111000100. Then we want to make it to 25%, so we just shift it right, twice, so: 100111000100 will becomes 1001110001 which is 2500. And 2500 is 25% of 10000 right? But then again, you may ask, "Why do I have to shift it twice? (>>2)" Well it's because 2500/10000=0.25 (25% from 10000) --> 1 / 0.25 = 4 --> 4 is 2^2 It would work too just like what you have said earlier "max_hp*1/4". But, what if your player's Max HP is 9999? A --> Decimal calculation: 9999*1/4 = 2499.75 B --> Binary calculation: 10011100001111 -> 100111000011 = 2499 Since our rA engine doesn't work with floating numbers, then it'll take another steps to omits the decimals from calculation A, but what happened with calculation B? It automatically omits the decimals isn't it? That's why I said that working with binary is easier... But in this case what you want is "status->max_hp/10" since you want 10% of the Max HP ^^
  19. Sum up bitshift is easy, but then do you have a plan in mind on how to parse them back to their original value?
  20. It's because Unix and Windows uses different EOF encoding.
  21. Use a large number on the time value
  22. Oh, i didn't knew that ^
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