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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. Well, I never saw that kind of error before. Are you using your home PC to host it?
  2. I guess you can only use latin characters at the moment
  3. January Digest 2015 The following digest covers the month of January, 2015. Staff Changes None Development Highlights CORE:Added official Item BindOnEquip support (0987aee) Added import support for mapindex (b5e30e0) Added import support to mapcache (3707bcf) Autotrade persistance cleanup (7fcacb6) Added skill_id to error messages in skill_unit_move_sub (c222a1c) Added additional error information in skill_unit_move_sub (5566424) Updated item maxlv and clif_equipitemack messages (fa75733) Added multi-client support for clif_equipitemack with packet identifier ZC_WEAR_EQUIP_ACK (817d6bf) Fixed missing md.damage assignment after battle_attr_fix for RENEWAL CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION in battle_calc_misc_attack (009e0e3) Updated status.h documentation style (3b40780) Separated Sql handle for query_sql to avoid mapreg overwrite the mmysql_handle and added a new handle for query_sql: qsmysql_handle (Issue:#180) Separated monster drop ratio adjustment into it's own function (Issue:#146) Changed guild/party bound item retrieval methods (bugreport:9338) Removed a redundant call to clif_party_info on party loading (f8189c8) Fixed out of array bounds (Issue:#177) Fixed Server Crash (Issue:#193) Fixed mob_item_ratio.txt in import folder (Issue:#146) Separated how monster's skills to be assigned to each monster to `mob_skill_db_set()` function and added temporary `DBMap *mob_skill_db` to store monster skills by using `struct s_mob_skill` (Issue:#204) Moved additional effect SC_EQC to the proper place, SC_EQC & SC_CBC shouldn't be saved on logout (Issue:#227) Fixed Boss monsters not using skills when set on import/mob_db.txt (Issue:#204) Fixed serverwide variables + query_sql bug (Issue:#180) Changed quest_db_data[] with fixed array to DBMap *questdb (1d27526) DATABASE:Added support for the latest NPC IDs (ebe4a1c) Added Valor set script items (241469a) Separated pet_db for Renewal & Pre-Renewal to avoid non-existant monster in different mode (4860a7c) Item database fixes (Issue:#235) and (Issue:#236) Changed HD_Elunium_Box(30) and HD_Oridecon_Box(30) item type (e31ed0c) Fixed issue with SC_FIGHTINGSPIRIT and RK_FIGHTINGSPIRIT (Issue:#220) Fixed Manhole effect (SC__MANHOLE & UNT_MANHOLE) to ignore player's knockback immunity at GVG/BG maps (Issue:#219) Mob drop updated (Issue:#207) Fixed Light of Regene homunculus skill (1cf2dd5) Fixed Shield Boomerang bug (Issue:#205) SCRIPT:Added Eden quests 100-140 (d1a1029) Eclage script updated with minor error fix and also optimized (a4cac34) Added some GM NPC functions (df6fb01) Fixed Malangdo Coin Exchanger (Issue:#232) Fixed 3rd Job Quest script compatibility (bffabe9) Fixed KVM Battleground script (1f147f2) OTHERS:Updated the visual studio project files (f15f0d9) Cleaning scripts in 'tools/' (8897ad7) Disabled deprecated WINSOCK API warnings for MSVS 2013 (Issue:#169) Fixed a compile warning (707403d) Statistics 11 authors have pushed 79 commits during this period. On master, 104 files have changed. There have been 26,160 additions and 3,876 deletions. There are 19 merged Pull Requests and 11 Proposed Pull Requests. There are 21 created Issues and 29 Closed Issues. Show your support to rAthena by submitting your Issue or Pull Requests!
  4. I'm using v0.9.4, or should I try it on a contained environment like xampp?
  5. { bonus bFlee,7; skill "TF_HIDING",1; }
  6. Hello Chaos92, you can post your issue to https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues Do you have any screenshot from iRO or kRO about those items?
  7. Hmm weird, maybe it's just me, I'm using non root access to install it and upgrade using the sql from v0.9.3
  8. Looking good, I've tried and see that it's still possible to use 2 same widgets, if you're using 2 same widgets, you'll get a bug on the widget admin page, where you can't switch the 1st and 2nd widget position. The widget's name is still the same, but the up arrow become disabled.
  9. I guess what he mean is that he already encrypt his GRF using Tokei GRF Editor, then he create a patch using Thor Patcher, but when the patcher wants to merge the patch to the encrypted GRF, it says "Can't open *.grf"
  10. Use high numbers for custom items, I don't know why item 1-500 left unused by official servers.
  11. I thought I have posted exactly the same thing like yours, but it looks like my post has failed to reach the board because of the CF check, ah well.. I was thinking the same, for example if there's a user named 'A' posted on the GitHub Issue and wrote "I have an error on latest hash", but then a dev pushed another commit(s), it means that A's latest hash won't be the latest anymore, isn't it?
  12. You might want to try item_db.conf to item_db.txt converter, thanks to Dastgir!
  13. December Digest 2014 The following digest covers the month of December, 2014. Staffs Changes None Development Highlights Major updates: Renewal Cast updated (45fdf32) Update libconfig to 1.4.9 (78bcd82) Added new tool 'update.pl', a small perl script to auto git update and apply db update in sql (af0da61) Doubled the hostname length (3f912f4) Item DB updated up to kRO 2014-10-29, along with some View IDs addition and fixes (fe56ff0) Bug Fixes: Corrected `guid` Implementation of Item Package (5ce8055) Fixed Item Recovery Rate (071cb76) Fixed minor bug on THQS_ChatingNPC.txt script (01baeec, 9302969) Gravitational Field will now work as official servers (861112b) Fixed range of Ganbantein and Gravitational Field (bugreport:4897) Fixed that in renewal, weapons with a range of 2 and 3 did depend on DEX instead of STR (Issue:#129) Fixed Sura Job Quest event trigger bug (Issue:#151) Fixed Spiritual Bestowment skill bug (bugreport:4340) Fixed fast movement animation when disguised and Devotion skill behaviour (14f6654) Fixed GCC 4.9 plugin needed to handle lto object (629af3b) Fixed Prestige skill bug (Issue:#164) Fixed issue related with libconfig 1.4.9 by removing yacc and bison file (3625aaa) Added an error message for movenpc to report which NPC was not found (4e3a940) Fixed some item's "English Name" (ba817e8) Fixed small typo in 'npc/events/christmas_2005.txt' (d49f21a) Fixed some hardcoded script values to MAX_LEVEL (Issue:#161) Statistics 4 authors have pushed 10 commits during this period. On master, 10 files have changed. There have been 437 additions and 381 deletions. There are 7 merged Pull Requests and 1 Proposed Pull Requests. There are 9 created Issues and 2 Closed Issues. Show your support to rAthena by submitting your Issue or Pull Requests! The rAthena community would like to say "Happy New Year 2015!!"
  14. My next suggestions are: To use random path as admin login instead of admin/login, just like Word Press. I think you should make a complete folder structure on the guide page, because sometimes it's tricky to understand about the ROChargen + www folder path. The error message on the 'Create Account' should be clearer, like: use upper/lower/numeric and the length allowed, I believe the default one is 6-23 characters, but currently it's using regex, so it'll be hard to tell the exact parameters if the admin changed the regex though.. Currently there's no option to check if (username==password), because I know there are some people who are lazy to use different username and password I just don't want the CMS to be blamed if there's account theft in the future. You might want to add an option to change the 'TCP_Controller.php' #115 to item_db_re, since RE user will need to read from there instead of item_db table. Same with above for 'mshop.php' #16, 'mdatabase.php' #25, 'controllers/shop.php' #27,31,43,45,49, 'controllers/dashboard.php' #368,372,384,386,390 Adding 'Account/Server Status Inline' widgets throws an error "Message: require_once(application/views/widgets/wid_acc_inline.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory", "Message: require_once(application/views/widgets/wid_ss_inline.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory" Adding multiple same widgets should be prevented. Add support for favicon.ico When I tried to make new pages/post, I was told to login again, although on the upper right side is already said "Welcome, <username>", have tried to enter the username + password but can't login again. Sorry if I make lots of suggestions
  15. Could you please help us to get the info from iRO/kRO/any other official servers? Currently we are undermanned, I'd be grateful if you (or anyone) could provide some help to the Devs...
  16. Linux user will prefer a .tar.gz file instead of .zip
  17. Yes I agree with @Lelouch vi Britannia, it looks risky to share 1 db among 2 servers. Personally I'd go with using each separated db for each servers.
  18. Hint: He's using item_db.conf, not item_db.txt
  19. Well... Is it really needed to copy all the grf's into the CORA's folder? I think it's not too handy for servers who has lots of patches, since the owner should re-upload newest grf again and again. What if it also accept raw data, I mean the data that's not packed into grf, but it's more like a mirror folder with a same structure with the one inside the grf itself.. Oh and also, maybe there's a configuration to ask if the user has root access or just have the access on the public_html. So the configuration can be easier, something like: if ($root_access==1) { $system_path = '../system'; $application_folder = '../application'; define('APP_PATH', '../application'); } else { $system_path = 'system'; $application_folder = 'application'; define('APP_PATH', 'application'); }
  20. I wish your future posts is more like this one, @Ziu... Using both Spanish + English
  21. Well, I used Obsidian theme, and the color gets mixed, how can I fix it?
  22. I've just fetch and recompile my server up to today's git version, it's working fine... Why don't you just update your server then?
  23. xD Not to make fun of you Antares, but I know that feeling xD
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