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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. November Digest 2014 The following digest covers the month of November, 2014. Staffs Changes @tr0n is now a Scripting Leader and German Moderator @Radian is now a Filipino Moderator @Conflicts is now a Support Leader @Luciar is now a Script/DB Developer @Pneuma is now a Community Contributor @Joseph is now a Community Contributor @Lilith is now a Community Contributor @Daegaladh is now a Community Contributor Development Highlights Major updates:The Bug Tracker has been locked, users are invited to make Bug Reports on Github's "Issue" section instead. Script command update: dispbottom "<message>"{,<color>}; (a4f2bdb) Reduced the timer interval from 50ms to 20ms (Official value) (525e817) Script command 'checkvending' will return a value as bitmask: &1 - Vending, &2 - Autotrading, &4 - Buyingstore (bbe733e) Item DB updated up to kRO 2014-10-22 (ca150c5) Bug Fixes:Default battleground icon on non-allies is now visible (6b8c297) Fixed hom_setting problem 0x08 when use teleport skill (bugreport:9292) Fixed issue on packetver 20131223 or newer (43f25e3) Fixed Autobonus not working in combos (bugreport:8300) Fixed bonus2 bVariableCastrate and bonus2 bFixedCastrate (bugreport:9114) Fixed NPC_STONESKIN, NPC_ANTIMAGIC, NPC_MAGICMIRROR (bugreport:6118, bugreport:9375) Fixed "Autocast on magic hit" having it's chance halved (bugreport:9377) No cell stacking implemented (Official version) (bugreport:9378) Fixed Snap Dodge bug (bugreport:3510) Fixed typo in script for RWC2010_Indonesia (Item ID:18509) (c10c05a) Fixed up the damage code in regards of damage against plants (bugreport:9380) Land Mine is now a single target skill, the trap still triggers in a 3x3 area, but will only hit the first target that touches it (Issue:#99) Fixed Ticket Refiner refining above ticket level (1d21607) Fixed Warg Dash not beginning run action when used (Issue:#101) Strongly improved the Waterball implementation (bugreport:9382) Fixed Crimson Fire Formation having a knock-back effect although it shouldn't (bugreport:6949) Bosses are now able to ignore skill-induced walk delay (Issue:#100) Fixed item bonus for Vesper card in pre re (ea6ba2d) Land Protector now behaves like on official servers (bugreport:5237) Ground skill splash ranges updated to their official values (bugreport:5237) Storm Gust's knock-back behavior updated to official (bugreport:5237) Fixed dialog in quests/eden/eden_quests.txt (0edb5c7) Fixed Fire Pillar and Acid bomb skill (08bf511) Magnum Break damage fixed (Issue:#108) Command '@charunban' is fully usable now (Issue:#109) Autobonus3 will now also trigger when using ground skills (bugreport:6434) Fixed trigger chance of the Angelic Ring auto-bonuses (5% -> 10%) and that they didn't display any effect (a0bd016) Improved formula of Assassin Cross of Sunset for both pre-renewal and renewal (Issue:#111) Fixed codes related to directions (bugreport:1322) Removed script command 'getusersname' (bugreport:1024) Fixed @channel ban/unban doesn't recognize player's name with space and map crash caused by it (28601af) The 1st Transcendent Spirit skill will now work as on official servers (Issue:#116) Fixed various problems that caused position lags on the client (Issue:#118) Fixed a bug that made monsters display "irregular movement with position lag" continuously when a status change ended that changed their walk speed (0fd7ba7) Fixed wrong info on NPC message (69f08f7) Fixed Wurg Dash "miss" when bumps monster (Issue:#104) Fixed '@accountinfo' issue (Issue:#122) Fixed a bug that stopped characters server-sided and caused position lag when closing a skill menu (bugreport:9117) Fixed behavior of looter monsters (Issue:#125) Disabled '@accinfo' request in CZ_REQ_ACCOUNTNAME to avoid unnecessary request (bugreport:9186) Fixed Hindsight and Song/Dance skill effect (Issue:#127) Fixed Homunculus crash potential when checking the skill (bugreport:9162) Adjusted new renewal changes and added missing bonus damage modifiers for several skills (bugreport:9280) Statistics 9 authors have pushed 57 commits during this period. On master, 70 files have changed. There have been 2,437 additions and 1,208 deletions. There are 5 merged Pull Requests and 2 Proposed Pull Requests. There are 18 created Issues and 22 Closed Issues. Show your support to rAthena by submitting your Issue or Pull Requests!
  2. What were you doing @Zell ? Painting your home?
  3. 1. { bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bMaxSPrate,-50; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,30; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,30; } 2. item_trade.txt 3. { if(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) bonus bFixedCastrate,10; }
  4. nanakiwurtz

    At laaaaastt.... \o/ /gg
  5. It's already documented on the \doc\item_bonus.txt And yes it's SAD if you chat on the IRC waiting for an hour, asking for help but no one came and help you, because people on IRC comes from all around the world with different timezones...
  6. Wait, is it really safe to put your information on the php file itself? o_O
  7. October Digest 2014 The following digest covers the month of October, 2014. Staffs Changes @Napster is now a Core Developer Development Highlights Major updates:Various Skill Updates (ce090ce) Pathfinding code update (c009b3f) Monster code update (2c86ee4) Updated monster skill use behavior so monsters use skills the same way & at the same rhythm as official servers (bugreport:9326) Implemented an improved hit-lock system (bugreport:7460) Code optimization & bug fixes (ebd3dc9) Random walking & monster target dropping (b1330a4) Monster idle skills & chase update (464dd45) MVP item drop mode setting added (5110ddb) Official Icewall implementation (5540d89) Bug Fixes:Implemented Skid Trap properly (bugreport:9373) Fixed the direction calculation once again and optimized it at the same time (bugreport:9373) Monster chase range updates (bugreport:7637) Created a new function unit_blown_immune that will now serve as the central function to determine if an object can be knocked back or stopped (bugreport:7637) Updated turn-in requirements for Tripatriate Union's Feud. (incl. bugreport:9339) Moved "Voyage log" NPC coordinates. (bugreport:9225) Updated "Immuned Shield" (2168) item script. (bugreport:9319) Added a security check when calculating MaxHP and MaxSP so there can't be a number underflow (bugreport:9369) When an auto-vendor gets logged out because of at_timeout, his store will be deleted and no longer restored after server restart (bugreport:9370) Fire Pillar is no longer a trap and can no longer be hit or knocked back in renewal (bugreport:144) Fixed Super Novice Spirit not working and giving compiler warnings (bugreport:9366, bugreport:9365) Hunter updates (bugreport:9082) Taekwon updates (bugreport:9364) Monk updates (bugreport:9364, bugreport:4534) Implemented official formula for Gypsy's Kiss / Service For You (bugreport:9359) Official Sight Blaster behavior (bugreport:6945, partially bugreport:144) When knock back magic is reflected it will no longer lead to the caster being knocked back (related to bugreport:6945) Fixed Decoration of Music status when equipping the headgear. (bugreport:9342) Fixed Warg Dash giving Endure when it shouldn't. (bugreport:9337) Fixed Mado Gear skill item requirements. (bugreport:9335) Fixed Super Novice Spirit being able to be casted by all classes. (bugreport:9344) Fixed Masquerade - Ignorance to work on monsters. (bugreport:8099) Fixed Voice of Siren duration depending on level of character. (bugreport:9289) Fixed Spirit Sympathy SP requirement reduction when summoning an Element. (bugreport:9329) Updated ranges to work as on official servers (bugreport:9326) Corrected Ancient Gold Decoration description (bugreport:9154) Now weapon endow effects will no longer be removed when unequipping / changing a shield (bugreport:1490) Fixed bonus_script doesn't remove Status Icon when timer is over (bugreport:9341) Reverted all the icewall-related changes done in SVN r15777 and following as testing shows they aren't official and are actually pretty exploitable (bugreport:7412) Implemented an improved hit-lock system (bugreport:7460) Fixed Sightrasher (WZ_SIGHTRASHER) splash area to 3x3. (bugreport:9298) Now Comet (WL_COMET) cannot hits Hiding target (The mistake is not at flag 0x10000 in skill_db.txt, the flash should be added by SD_ANIMATION). (bugreport:8909) Fixed Chaos Panic (SC_CHAOSPANIC) effect. (bugreport:9321) Changed 'RemoveFlag' in db/magicmushroom_db.txt value to 1 to remove skill by importing. (bugreport:9322) Fixed npc source file isn't removed properly by @unloadnpcfile. (bugreport:9311) Statistics 6 authors have pushed 35 commits during this period. On master, 72 files have changed. There have been 5,698 additions and 3,974 deletions. Sadly, there is no pull request at this time. Show your support to rAthena by submitting your pull requests!
  8. You can alternatively use effects instead of overhead picture/icon.
  9. Bots can still read and type your random text, and pass your check...
  10. Why not use gettimetick + your desired time delay, then add it on account variable?
  11. nanakiwurtz


    Checkmate, you're invited to Cydh's room..... >_>
  12. What do you mean with Any example?
  13. So you want to make the rent item to be expired exactly at Aug 19, 23:59:59? prontera,143,98,3 script Holiday Event 58,{ if ((gettime(7)==2014 && gettime(6)==8 && (gettime(5)==17 || gettime(5)==18 || gettime(5)==19))==1) { mes "[Event Manager]"; mes "August 17-19"; mes "Location: My Kitchen"; mes "Come and Join a Party at My Kitchen"; specialeffect EF_SANDMAN; if (hol_pack==1) { mes "[This holiday Event]"; mes "You already claimed your package."; close; } set hol_pack,1; set .@a,1408492799-gettimetick(2); rentitem 5451,.@a; close; } mes "[Event Manager]"; mes "No Special Events at the moment"; close; } Next time, please use the code tag to make your code cleaner and prettier
  14. Use >= Because if you used >10, you need at least 11
  15. Probably caused by incomplete Git Pull.
  16. So you prefer to give your players free SP instead of just spending 10 SP which recovers in a single natural recovery tick It's up to you though
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