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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. It means your client doesn't get the clientinfo.xml from GRF, therefore you should rediff your client to make sure that the GRFs are being read correctly.
  2. Those are .sql files provided with each updates, check on your '/rAthena/sql-files/upgrades/' folder and import them when necessary.
  3. Yep it's true, most of them wear glasses (@_@')
  4. @Stolao It's not a valid image
  5. I think the color you are using isn't Ragnarok-like, from my point of view it seems that the dragon and the person looks separated. It's quite good, but it doesn't blend too well
  6. Yes it is, and you can add portals to change room Ah good idea! But it will be more suited for warp portals if the doors are black
  7. Oh the spectators are divided into 4 sections?
  8. I think there's no one that could give you answer (or the fix), except the author
  9. This is a forum for the emulator, I think you should contact the original author if you want a clear answer...
  10. You should tell everyone that you are using eAthena (or another emulator), because if you don't, it means you have wasted other people's time People have to edit and fix their post...
  11. So what do you want? set .Options, x; <-- x = Add values together, Example: You want to 'Enable Reward', 'Mail all rewards', 'Only reward Guild Masters'. So the x will be 1+2+4=7 set .Options, 7; Add the reward and it's amount by following the pattern: setarray .Reward[0],itemid,amount,itemid,amount,...,...; Example: setarray .Reward[0],501,10,502,5; The reward will become 501=10x & 502=5x
  12. The table will grow rapidly when there are lots of people that has bound card. I guess the table is only for storing trace when the card is compounded into equipment, and will be erased when the card gets uncompounded, right?
  13. Try Unicode with Single File, not as Directory. you can specify the path after you push the Generate button.
  14. Dark theme backgrouuuuunnndddd D:
  15. Huh? I never heard of it..
  16. It's still making the same error, even after you import the .sql?
  17. Hi SkittleNugget, where have you been? Have you import the required .sql on the /sql-files/upgrades/ folder?
  18. Suggestion: 1. Add support for /import/ folder instead of the default folders, because people might prefer to use import folder. 2. Auto restart server if it's disconnected.
  19. Hello, I'd like to ask on how to level up and save the Rebellion's skill. Currently I can level up and save other job skill perfectly, but not for Rebellions. If I use the small skill tree view, on 2nd class tab I can't found the lv up icon, but it's there for 1st class tab. I have no idea what did I missed.. Any help is appreciated, thank you
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