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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. dont copy mines.. just remove the line 3470
  2. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.c if (sd->inventory_data[index]) { int j; struct s_random_opt_data *data; for (j = 0; j < MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT; j++) { short opt_id = sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[index].option[j].id; if (!opt_id) continue; current_equip_opt_index = j; data = itemdb_randomopt_exists(opt_id); if (!data || !data->script) continue; if (!pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_USE_ALL_EQUIPMENT) && itemdb_isNoEquip(sd->inventory_data[index], sd->bl.m)) continue; if (i == EQI_HAND_L && sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[index].equip == EQP_HAND_L) { // Left hand status. sd->state.lr_flag = 1; run_script(data->script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0); sd->state.lr_flag = 0; } else run_script(data->script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0); if (!calculating) return 1; } } remove that unassign short nameid lines
  3. is that you get the files directly from eadev ? I bought some themes before with eadev and they should work fully without any issue. with the image not readable there, seems like you file isnt fully extracted there ?
  4. is it work by using default theme or still give an error ?
  5. glad to help you with that !
  6. get fluxcp rathena from here https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP
  7. get izlude.gat, izlude.gnd and izlude.rsw (old izlude) rename those to pvp_y_1-2.gat , pvp_y_1-2.gnd and pvp_y_1-2.rsw and put in your data folder / GRF after that load your mapcache in db/pre-re if pre-renewal mode and insert pvp_y_1-2
  8. get old izlude files, rename it to pvp y_1-2 (check the real mapname) after that update mapcache for that map.
  9. run the from here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/sql-files/upgrades for your screenshot, its here : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/sql-files/upgrades/upgrade_20160814.sql
  10. Chaos92


    use find the mushroom npc but change it to any specific monster that u need https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/events/mushroom_event.txt change the time too
  11. which revision was that ? o.O change 0 to 1
  12. why didnt u just set the restart hp and sp rate ? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/9f4587a652791c43cfa6f055d82e1293216d8b8b/conf/battle/player.conf and... i think if restart respawn rate = 0, thats mean player will respawn with 1hp total so change the script HP == 1 maybe ?
  13. which data folder you are using ?
  14. which location server do u need?
  15. did u use from https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/npc/custom/events
  16. erm.. i cant test it yet, but did you already try reloadscript first ? or.. do you find any error in putty / map server?
  17. Hello. Are you using this on rAthena or ? char_reg_num only available after 20150831 rAthena folder. Try check your phpmyadmin / mysql is that u have char_reg_num table there ? upgrade_20150831.sql
  18. change clientinfo.xml, packetver and packet key use in packetdb.txt corresponding to your clientdate. for your clients 20150513, change to 52 in packetdb and also clientinfo.xml
  19. u disable packet obfuscation... did u recompile after that?
  20. ./configure make clean make sql make server
  21. maybe your lua files. ok great to hear that !
  22. Chaos92

    NPC vip

    just use cash daily script.. but use VIP check.. ehmm.. - script hourlypoints -1,{ //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: set @minute, @minute + 1; if(@minute == 1440) && (vip_status(1) { set @minute,0; set .@point_amt, 5; //Points to get every 24 hour set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@point_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.@point_amt+" Cash points by staying ingame for 24 hour"; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash points"; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } //--End of the Script Didnt test it yet, but give a try
  23. ive tried 20130807 and its there use ctrl+F and find 'sura'
  24. possible. just change slotnum in iteminfo,lua and change the slot section in itemdb of that item
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