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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. is there any way to insert online players at service select back to 20180620 client ?
  2. ask your hoster or anything regarding your hosting to whitelist your server IP and ports for the 3 servers.
  3. in src folder, edit at edp skills damage function.
  4. Hello, can you use code function ? Sorry but.. its better for us to see the codes clearly rather than download it as a MUST.
  5. is there anyone with this issue or know how to solve this ? the 'character name trailer'. lol
  6. You need to give in details what damage you want to reduce. Sorry you request need to be a bit specific so we can help regarding your exact request.
  7. Better get Gepard Shield, cost around minimum 150usd but lifetime.
  8. for no sprite ingame, its for sure accessoryid and accname issue if your sprite is already there.
  9. Hello, notepad++ will change your korean to other languages, thats why. So , try to downlaod other text editor for example brackets and edit it using that.
  10. Chaos92

    Url FluxCp help

  11. Chaos92

    Url FluxCp help

    point your domain to your server IP nameservers. Then change the url in config/application.php
  12. Hello everyone, I have problems with below log [Debug]: [Debug]: showmsg: dynamic buffer used, increase the static buffer size to 30 or more. at :139778797529152 - (null) Anyone know how to solve it ? It makes items are not saved in database. [Debug]: at char.cpp:727 - INSERT INTO `inventory`(`char_id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `bound`, `unique_id`, `favorite`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3`, `option_id0`, `option_val0`, `option_parm0`, `option_id1`, `option_val1`, `option_parm1`, `option_id2`, `option_val2`, `option_parm2`, `option_id3`, `option_val3`, `option_parm3`, `option_id4`, `option_val4`, `option_parm4`) VALUES ('150100', '506', '12', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0') [Info]: Saved Inventory (0) data to table inventory for char_id: 150100 [Info]: Saved Cart (0) data to table cart_inventory for char_id: 150100 [Info]: Saved char 150100 - MemoryMerlin: status. [Info]: Saved Storage (0) data to table storage for account_id: 2000058 [Debug]: [Debug]: showmsg: dynamic buffer used, increase the static buffer size to 30 or more. at :139778797529152 - (null) [Info]: Saved Inventory (0) data to table inventory fo
  13. Chaos92

    Db error

    You have 2 'bound' column ? Your screenshot isnt very clear.
  14. if u are using centos : yum update nss nss-util nspr
  15. npc id ? http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/npclist/?qq=8 or custom npc sprite ?
  16. @go 0 for both IDs, do they spawn on the same place ?
  17. Chaos92

    Server Status

    request your hosting provider for that. they will open it.
  18. latest rathena from git didnt use packet_db.txt and version in clientinfo.xml anymore. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/packets.h
  19. Chaos92

    SQL Tables

    if u are creating sqls from scratch, yes
  20. Chaos92

    SQL Tables

    https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/sql-files run this sqls
  21. are you in a right folder ? seems like that error no such file or directory, seems like you are in a different folder
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