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Everything posted by Mael

  1. Mael

    Market clone

    There are several topics requesting this, but apparently there is no developer interested in this. You should try to contact @AnnieRuru maybe she can update this at some point.
  2. @IsabelaFernandez You can use this, I think it has what you need. prontera,150,150,4 script Quest NPC 1_M_MERCHANT,{ mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "I have an awesome item list here, you want to take a simple quest?."; next; menu "Nope i dont want!",-, "Yes show me the list.",M_DO; mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Ok bye.."; emotion ET_HAH; close; M_DO: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You can select one from the following..."; next; menu "ITEM1",A_ITEM1,"ITEM2",A_ITEM2,"ITEM3",A_ITEM3,"ITEM4",A_ITEM4,"ITEM5",A_ITEM5,"ITEM6",A_ITEM6; A_ITEM1: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } A_ITEM2: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } A_ITEM3: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } A_ITEM4: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } A_ITEM5: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } A_ITEM6: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "You want this gear?"; mes "You need this items before you have mine."; mes "Poring Coins [300 ea]"; mes "Mithril Coins [500 ea]"; mes "Ghostring Card [1 ea]"; next; if(select("Get It:Cancel")==2) goto M_END; if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } else { mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7539,300; delitem 674,500; delitem 4047,1; progressbar "FFFFFF",3; getitem 999,1; // Item ID Number close; } M_END: mes "[Quest NPC]"; mes "See you..."; emotion ET_SLEEPY; close; }
  3. Te recomiendo utilizar Thor Patcher, lo he utilizado por más de 2 años y nunca he tenido problemas con él. Te dejo los links que yo utilicé en su momento: https://thor.aeomin.net/ - Utilizar la versión: Y aparte te dejo una guía en vídeo, si no te sale a la primera no te preocupes, solo presta más atención y hazlo con calma. Para crear los archivos que se descargarán con el Thor Patcher, hacelos con el GRF EDITOR, lo encontrarás aquí en la sección de descargas.
  4. Oh sorry, I understood that he wanted to get the nodelay addon for gepard.
  5. You can check here and contact @Functor
  6. Te recomiendo revisar esto. { bonus bStr,90; bonus bAgi,90; bonus bDex,90; bonus bLuk,50; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bIntravision; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,5; },{},{}
  7. Mael

    Woe Rewards

    Are you looking for something like that?
  8. Desperado is a melee skill, no range...
  9. I think that kind of drain would be custom, i've seen source custom modifications, related to that. look.
  10. if it's a specific map, you could block the skil using skill_nocast_db.txt
  11. Better use this. https://github.com/crazy-arashi/Rathena-Script-Collection/blob/master/Script/Events/Poring_Catcher.c
  12. { bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; },{},{}
  13. Fíjate en el nivel, si es 1 o 2 necesitas pegarte a una pared, si es nivel 3 te irá bien.
  14. Seguro que solo estás utilizando un Helm en el equipo...
  15. that item was generated by the custom modification of @costumeitem, modify it in the diff you used ?
  16. Sigue esta guía, funciona con el cliente que estas utilizando.
  17. Everything looks great, but they don't answer any message...
  18. View File Garling Halloween is coming... Mob from the last update of KRO. Submitter Stolas Submitted 10/16/2019 Category Monster Sprites Video Content Author Gravity  
  19. Mael


    Version 1.0.0


    Halloween is coming... Mob from the last update of KRO.
  20. No sabría como apoyarte sobre eso, pero en Hex los más solicitados son 4144 y Functor. Quizá recurriendo a ellos consigas algo de información.
  21. I think he meant "unique_id".
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