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Everything posted by Mael

  1. @Functor And for... Automatic feeding if OFF Homunculus automatic feeding is OFF
  2. I have the same problem, you managed to solve it mr. @Radian?
  3. then check the scripts of your bg, there you have left over the mapflag pvp.
  4. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/a548f20c940036a7c05c561c1363cb51a5849922
  5. Si quieres agregar npc custom utiliza npc/custom y luego actívalos en el npc/scripts_custom.conf
  6. https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3718-automated-mvp-ladder-reward-system/
  7. https://rathena.org/board/topic/111830-tutorial-video-edition-how-to-setup-rathena-and-run-ragnarok-updated-2018-7-28/
  8. I think that includes a modification to the client.
  9. Fixed, the problem was the id monsters, they were very high.
  10. I have the same error. I followed these steps and I get luas error ?
  11. Mejor sigue los pasos al pié de la letra, pero de esta guía.
  12. Thor patcher is better by far.
  13. Mael

    @gstorage problem

    storage skill i think ? Investigating in the discord of rAthena I found the answer. FIXED. diff --git a/src/custom/defines_post.hpp b/src/custom/defines_post.hpp index 253b8cdbf..4c10c0623 100644 --- a/src/custom/defines_post.hpp +++ b/src/custom/defines_post.hpp @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ - +#ifdef OFFICIAL_GUILD_STORAGE +#undef OFFICIAL_GUILD_STORAGE +#endif #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_POST_HPP */ thanks to @Secrets another solution is... "for pre-re" db/pre-re/guild_skill_tree.yml - Id: GD_GUILD_STORAGE MaxLevel: 5 db/pre-re/skill_db.yml - Id: 10016 Name: GD_GUILD_STORAGE Description: Guild Storage Expansion MaxLevel: 5 Flags: IsGuild: true thanks to Aglao for the complementary information.
  14. thanks @Royr! works fine now ?
  15. hi rAthena ? ! Could someone update this guide? It would be very nice to be able to have this modification back, it is very useful! https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Disable_GM_monster_drops thanks in advance.
  16. hi rAthena ? ! I have a small problem with the @gstorage, does not allow me to use it, even when the guild is maximum level, has all the skills enabled and using a gm level 99 account. The guild does not have a guild storage. @gstorage failed. Im using the last rAthena, I have configured it for pre-renewal and I am using the most updated luafiles of the zackdreaver project. the only thing that has changed about them is the problem with the skill tree -> reference Any recommendations on how I could fix that problem with @gstorage? ? thanks in advance.
  17. this could help you to create the script that you need.
  18. Mael


    This is what I'm talking about, thank you very much @sader1992
  19. Mael


    I think you can not understand my request...
  20. Mael


    I'm looking for a command that explains what these 2 commands that I put in my example.
  21. Mael


    hi rAthena! ? somebody could help me? I'm looking for a custom command, that allows the user to know what the customs commands are on the server. With similar logic to the @commands command. When using the @ccommands command, should appear in the chat window of the user and only for the user who uses it. example: @segurity - This command is used to protect your account and items. @pvproom - This command is used to enter from anywhere in the pvp room. the idea is that you can manually implement the commands and their descriptions in the script. I will be attentive to your comments and thanks!
  22. I tried but it causes me errors. in pre renewal there is not this: costume = false [502] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Orange Potion", unidentifiedResourceName = "주홍포션", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "..." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Orange Potion", identifiedResourceName = "주홍포션", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A potion made from grinded Red and Yellow Herbs.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Class:^0000FF Restorative^000000", "Heal:^009900 105 - 145^000000 HP", "Weight:^009900 10^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0, costume = false }, SOLVED - Thanks @sader1992 How can I disable the ItemID: [35130](Click Me!) only for custom items? ?
  23. A little question about Customize your iteminfo with import. it is possible to use the kro_iteminfo.lua, but with pre-re? I mean, with the iteminfo.lua of pre-re? because the descriptions of the items in the kro_iteminfo.lua are renewal
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