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Everything posted by Mael

  1. I do not know what it means "ATQM" I will assume it is magic attack. master/db/re/item_combo_db.txt 30041:30042:30041,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,5; bonus bMatkRate,5; }
  2. Try this, it's the Apple of Idun. prontera,154,156,5 script Performer 479,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: if( .aidun < gettimetick(2) ){ // triggered within area 7x7, start Apple of Idun if not on delay unitskilluseid getnpcid(0),322,10; // Apple of Idun(322) level 10 set .aidun,gettimetick(2) + 180; // delay 3 minute for npc to cast song } end; OnInit: setunitdata getnpcid(0),UNPC_INT,150; // set npc INT 150 setunitdata getnpcid(0),UNPC_DEX,150; // set NPC DEX 150 setunitdata getnpcid(0),UNPC_AGI,150; // set NPC AGI 150 end; } I just tried it and it works perfectly.
  3. https://rathena.org/board/topic/100343-poem-of-bragi-npc/#comment-370167
  4. There are many options in the forum. https://github.com/llchrisll/rAthena-Scripts/blob/master/released/Entertainment/lms_event.txt
  5. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/client.conf#L135-L137
  6. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/battleground/bg_pvp.txt
  7. No estoy seguro si tu problema tenga que ver con esto, si estas utilizando una versión antigua quizá esto te pueda ayudar. https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/commit/c1f679b489708bce836549c7e604194a333847a6 Es custom o es el default del Fluxcp? Si fuese el default, que git estás utilizando? es reciente?
  8. It is enabled by default, just check the requirements: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/feature.conf#L78-L97
  9. Let's go again, edit this https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/char_athena.conf#L171 and change 86400 to 60 and show what appears to you.
  10. First we need to know what client you are using, in case of being 2018-06-20, I recommend using this patch. Then just follow what @Disabled LOOLP recommends:
  11. Al parecer es un ranking custom, si no te aparece nada es porque su tabla no cuenta con datos para exhibir, debe responder a un MVP Ranking npc.
  12. Yo aprendí con esta guía: Si usas sql sí, si no en el item_db.txt, en la parte superior ya te coloqué todo lo que debes revisar para poder crear algo así.
  13. Por aquí hay una opción disponible. https://www.midgard-community.com/forums/topic/1425-tutorial-of-secured-easy-editing-compiling-server-through-vps/
  14. Podrías intentar algo así, pero a la larga necesitarías crear una función para esto. 5137,Alice_Doll,Alice Doll,4,20,,500,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,256,,30,0,208,{ while (isequipped(5135) ) { specialeffect2 240; sleep2 6000; } },{},{}
  15. Do you want to increase the speed of walking with defender?
  16. Mael

    @go 15 stuck

    Add this in your data folder. iz_int(new).7z
  17. Place your scripts as follows: "I will assume that you are using scripts_custom.conf" npc: npc/custom/function-navi.txt npc: npc/custom/prontera-guide.txt first the function and then the script.
  18. Custom Aura? te refieres a Custom Items? Si deseas implementar custom Auras o modificar la aura tradicional por una diferente, deberás decir que clientes estás utilizando para tu proyecto, ya que no todos lo permiten. Y si buscas crear Custom Items, creo que la mejor guía sería esta. Efectos en los items? te refieres a Item bonus o efectos visuales al colocarse o quitarse un item? De ser cualquiera de los dos, ocupas dar una buena leída a esto para crear bonuses, si quieres conocer más sobre efectos, debes de leer esto. Ponerles auras especiales a GM y auras de diversos colores, sólo sería posible con un Addon de Gepard Shield. Tendrías que hablar con @Functor sobre ello.
  19. You must independently add this separate function as a script. This is a function of Euphy. (I have not tried it, but it should work) function script F_Navi { // Uncomment to disable the navigation system. //set .@disabled,1; // This function takes 0 ~ 3 parameters. switch(getargcount()) { case 0: // Check if system is disabled. return .@disabled; case 1: // Display information message, if enabled. if (!.@disabled) { next; mes getarg(0); mes "When you click on the ^B9062F[location name]^000000, you'll receive the most advanced ^B9062FNavigation^000000 services!"; } return; default: // Display navigation link, if enabled; else set text color, if available. if (!.@disabled) return "<NAVI>[" + getarg(0) + "]<INFO>" + getarg(1) + ",0,000,0</INFO></NAVI>"; else if (getargcount() == 3) return getarg(2)+getarg(0)+"^000000"; else return getarg(0); } } and update your navi script with this: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Prontera Guides //===== Description: ========================================= //= Guides for the city of Prontera. //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 Initial release for Renewal [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.1 Navigation system update. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,155,187,4 script Guide#01prontera::GuideProntera 105,{ cutin "prt_soldier",2; mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "Welcome to ^8B4513Prontera^000000,"; mes "the beautiful capital of the"; mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom."; mes "Do you need help navigating the city?"; F_Navi("[Prontera Guide]"); next; set .@str$,"Would you like to check any other locations?"; while (1) { switch(select("[ Main Facilities ]:[ Merchants & Helpers ]:Remove Marks from Mini-Map:Cancel")) { case 1: set .@loop,1; while (.@loop) { switch(select("[ Tool Shop ]:[ Weapon & Armor Shop ]:[ Forge ]:[ Sanctuary ]:[ Chivalry Office ]:[ Inn ]:[ Tavern ]:[ Library ]:[ Prontera Castle ]:[ Job Agency ]:[ City Hall ]:Previous Menu")) { case 1: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Tool Shop","prontera,134,221","^B9062F"); mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,134,221,0,0xFF0000; next; break; case 2: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Weapon & Armor Shop","prontera,175,220","^0000FF"); mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,175,220,1,0x0A82FF; next; break; case 3: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Forge","prontera,179,184","^FF5400"); mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,179,184,2,0xFFB400; next; break; case 4: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The "+F_Navi("Prontera Sanctuary","prontera,236,316","^006400")+" is"; mes "where you can change your job to Acolyte,"; mes "its located in the far northeast of Prontera."; mes "Let me mark the location on your mini-map."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,236,316,3,0xAAFF00; next; break; case 5: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The "+F_Navi("Chivalry Office","prontera,46,345")+" is"; mes "where you can change your job to ^7F3300Knight^000000"; mes "or apply for the ^7F3300Culvert^000000 Subjugation Party."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,46,345,4,0xD2691E; next; break; case 6: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Inn","prontera,203,191","^800080"); mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,204,191,5,0xDA70D6; next; break; case 7: callsub L_Mark, "^B9062FTaverns^000000"; mes "Only the "+F_Navi("northern","prontera,208,154","^B9062F")+" tavern"; mes "is open for now."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,208,154,6,0xFF0000; viewpoint 1,46,67,7,0xFF0000; next; break; case 8: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The ^0000FFLibrary^000000 is"; mes "where you can find useful information, like the Monster Encyclopedia."; mes "There are currently two libaries available,"; mes "One to the "+F_Navi("northeast","prontera,120,264")+" and the other to the "+F_Navi("northwest","prontera,192,264")+"."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,120,264,8,0x0A82FF; viewpoint 1,192,264,9,0x0A82FF; next; break; case 9: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The "+F_Navi("Prontera Castle","prontera,156,360","^FF5400")+" is north from here,"; mes "and its rear gate is connected to"; mes "the northern Prontera Fields."; mes "Let me mark the castle on your mini-map."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,156,360,10,0xFFB400; next; break; case 10: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Job Agency","prontera,133,183","^006400"); mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,133,183,11,0xAAFF00; next; break; case 11: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "Let me mark the location of "+F_Navi("City Hall","prontera,75,91","^7F3300"); mes "on your mini-map."; mes "There's a hairstylist"; mes "there that can change your hair color."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,75,91,12,0xD2691E; next; break; case 12: set .@loop,0; break; } } break; case 2: set .@loop,1; while (.@loop) { switch(select("[ Eden Teleport Officer ]:[ Peco Peco Breeder ]:[ Riding Creature Master ]:[ Magic Gear Master ]:[ Peco Peco Remover ]:[ Trading Merchants ]:[ Mercenary Guildsman ]:[ Hypnotist ]:[ Kafra Employee ]:[ Leablem ]:[ Apprentice Craftsman ]:[ Pet Groomer ]:Previous Menu")) { case 1: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Eden Teleport Officer","prontera,124,76","^800080"),1; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,124,76,13,0xDA70D6; next; break; case 2: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "Two ^0000FFPeco Peco Breeders^000000 are available,"; mes "one for ^0000FFKnights^000000 to the "+F_Navi("northwest","prontera,55,350","^0000FF"); mes "and the other for ^0000FFCrusaders^000000 to the "+F_Navi("northeast","prontera,232,310","^0000FF")+"."; viewpoint 1,55,350,14,0x0A82FF; viewpoint 1,232,310,15,0x0A82FF; next; break; case 3: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The "+F_Navi("Riding Creature Master","prontera,131,213","^FF5400")+" provides services for"; mes "^FF5400Rune Knights^000000 and ^FF5400Royal Guards^000000."; mes "Let me mark his location"; mes "on your mini-map."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,131,213,16,0xFFB400; next; break; case 4: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The "+F_Navi("Magic Gear Master","prontera,163,178","^006400"); mes "provides services for"; mes "^006400Mechanics^000000."; mes "Let me mark his location"; mes "on your mini-map."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,163,178,17,0xAAFF00; next; break; case 5: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "If your beloved Peco Peco refuses"; mes "to leave you,"; mes "please talk to the "+F_Navi("Peco Peco Remover","prontera,125,208","^7F3300"); mes "near the central fountain."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,125,208,18,0xD2691E; next; break; case 6: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The Rune Merchant, Amatsu Trader, and other"; mes F_Navi("Trading Merchants","prontera,178,244","^800080")+" have been marked"; mes "on your mini-map."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,178,244,19,0xDA70D6; next; break; case 7: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Mercenary Guildsman","prontera,35,337","^0000FF"),1; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,35,337,20,0x0A82FF; next; break; case 8: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "The ^FF5400Hypnotist^000000"; mes "helps beginner adventurers"; mes "to reset their skills."; mes "He has moved to Izlude, Prontera's satellite town to the southeast."; mes "Would you like to check any other locations?"; mes .@str$; //viewpoint 1,146,232,21,0xFFB400; next; break; case 9: callsub L_Mark, "^006400Kafra Employees^000000",1; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,152,326,22,0xAAFF00; viewpoint 1,30,207,23,0xAAFF00; viewpoint 1,282,200,24,0xAAFF00; viewpoint 1,151,29,25,0xAAFF00; viewpoint 1,146,89,26,0xAAFF00; next; break; case 10: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes F_Navi("Leablem","prontera,244,169","^0000FF"); mes "is a technician"; mes "who can create ^0000FFslots^000000 on weapons and armors,"; mes "As amazing as it sounds,"; mes "not all equipment can be slotted."; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,244,169,27,0x0A82FF; next; break; case 11: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Apprentice Craftsman","prontera,165,60","^800080"),1; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,165,60,28,0xDA70D6; next; break; case 12: callsub L_Mark, F_Navi("Pet Groomer","prontera,218,211"),1; mes .@str$; viewpoint 1,218,211,29,0xFF0000; next; break; case 13: set .@loop,0; break; } } break; case 3: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "Sure, I'll remove all marks from your mini-map."; mes "Is there anything else I can do for you?"; viewpoint 2,1,1,0,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,1,0x000000; viewpoint 2,1,1,2,0xFF0000; viewpoint 2,1,1,3,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,4,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,5,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,6,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,7,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,8,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,9,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,10,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,11,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,12,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,13,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,14,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,15,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,16,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,17,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,18,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,19,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,20,0xFFFF00; //viewpoint 2,1,1,21,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,22,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,23,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,24,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,25,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,26,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,27,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,28,0xFFFF00; viewpoint 2,1,1,29,0xFFFF00; next; break; case 4: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; mes "Enjoy your stay."; close2; cutin "prt_soldier",255; end; } } end; L_Mark: mes "[Prontera Guide]"; if (getarg(1,0)) { mes "Let me mark the location of the"; mes getarg(0); } else mes "Let me mark the location of the "+getarg(0); mes "on your mini-map."; return; } prontera,282,208,2 duplicate(GuideProntera) Guide#02prontera 105 prontera,29,200,6 duplicate(GuideProntera) Guide#03prontera 105 prontera,160,29,0 duplicate(GuideProntera) Guide#04prontera 105 prontera,159,326,4 duplicate(GuideProntera) Guide#05prontera 105
  20. Podrías empezar con esto. Por cierto, movido a la sección correcta.
  21. StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SOULLINK] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { { "Soul Grant Status", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF }, { "%s", COLOR_TIME }, { "Soul Linker Granted" }, { "Soul received" } } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_WEAPONBLOCK_ON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { { "Counter status", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF }, { "%s", COLOR_TIME }, { "Counter slash" }, { "Available" } } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SACRIFICE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { { "Sacrifice", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF }, { "%s", COLOR_TIME }, { "Normal Melee Physical Attack" }, { "Damage Increase" }, { "HP cost per attack" } } }
  22. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Ragnarok/data/luafiles514/lua files/stateicon
  23. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_bonus.txt Btw, moved to the right section.
  24. https://rathena.org/board/topic/116215-client-date-2018-06-21a-error-on-initskilltreeview/#comment-348305
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