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M a p l e

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Everything posted by M a p l e

  1. grfeditor does not support data.grf more than 4GB, I tried to create a clean date with all contents of kRO, bRO, jRO, thRO and twRO. when finalizing all the files disappear inside the grf.
  2. @EveeX 4>D:\rAthena\src\map\npc.cpp(2224,123): error C3861: 'commash': identifier not found 4>D:\rAthena\src\map\npc.cpp(2229,70): error C3861: 'commash': identifier not found 4>D:\rAthena\src\map\npc.cpp(2235,70): error C3861: 'commash': identifier not found
  3. Font https://rathena.org/board/topic/125515-item-option-drop-effect/ Commit: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/9114083d7e2d35adb9effc9ac1053ff308cb066e seems to be very easy just add the checks and colors if (optionCount == 1) p.dropeffectmode = DROPEFFECT_BLUE_PILLAR - 1; else if (optionCount == 2) p.dropeffectmode = DROPEFFECT_YELLOW_PILLAR - 1; else if (optionCount == 3) p.dropeffectmode = DROPEFFECT_PURPLE_PILLAR - 1; else if (optionCount == 4) p.dropeffectmode = DROPEFFECT_GREEN_PILLAR - 1; else p.dropeffectmode = DROPEFFECT_RED_PILLAR - 1; I think it must be like this
  4. update your data.grf of kRO. or download http://rofull.gnjoy.com/RAG_SETUP_220120.exe
  5. CreativeSD script? If so, this version is pretty old. DeathArena_1.1R2.zip
  6. It has a simple form on the web. 1. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commits/master 2. At the bottom, click on Older, until you reach the desired 2018 commit. 3. Click on commit. 4. Click Browser Files. 5. and Code > Download Zip Done!
  7. This only works with kRO Zero client. But unfortunately I still haven't met someone who has developed this Mod Src
  8. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Renewal/System/RecommendedQuestInfoList_EN.lub
  9. ; Define this to 1. ; Values: ; 0: Elurair is not configured. ; 1: Elurair is configured. ; Note: This setting is to prevent starting an uninitialized ; configuration that would result in broken, unusable UI. ConfigIsReady=1
  10. in your data/clientinfo.xml or sclientinfo.xml you have to change the langtype to 12
  11. You need add more views ID in you client... NEMO or WARP ( increase headgear viewID limit )
  12. Thaaaaaanks. #Edit The patch 1.0.4 is the same as 1.0.3 It didn't have any changes.
  13. You are just making it easy to showcase script in order to PM sales. ?
  14. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Renewal use data.grf and rdata.grf of kRO for all items and 4th class.
  15. It really is since scripted. the original version is this: - script Timmer#AC -1,{ OnInit: //set $arenac_gate, 1; setcell "job_thief1",174,18,185,18,cell_walkable,0; setcell "izlude",99,113,107,120,cell_walkable,0; setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_nochat,1; setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_novending,1; //Armadilhas set $SC_ARMCRIS,15; //Chance de ir para arena com cristais premiados e PvP. set $SC_ARMBLIND,15; //Chance de congelar por 15 segundos. set $SC_ARMDEG,15; //Chance de diminuir agi. set $SC_ARMEXIT,30; //Chance de ser retirado da sala. set $SC_ARMBON1,3; //Chance de ganhar 2 bandeiras. set $SC_ARMBON2,7; //Chance de ganhar 1 bandeira. set $SC_ARMAGIL,20; //Chance de aumentar sua agilidade. set $SC_ARMDISPELL,15; //Chance de perder todos buffs e de-buffs set $SC_ARMIMUN,20; //Chance de ficar imune a todas armadilhas por 15 segundos set $SC_ARMSTRIP,5; //Chance de divestar algum equip end; //=== Não mexer aqui por favor ==// OnClock1031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1431: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1631: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1831: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock2031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock2231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock0031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; //<!----------------------Desabilitando Skills.----------------------------------> OnClock1002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1402: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1602: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1802: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock0002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; //<!-----------------------------Abrindo a Arena------------------------------------> OnClock1010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1410: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1610: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1810: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock2010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock2210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock0010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; //<!-----------------------------Fechando a Arena------------------------------------> OnClock1030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1430: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1630: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1830: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock0030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; } izlude.gat,104,117,5 script Arena dos Cristais 470,{ set @limite1, 55; //Limite de usuários arena 1 set @limite2, 50; //Limite de usuários arena 2 set @limite3, 40; //Limite de usuários arena 3 L_Init: if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start; show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "Olá ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, hoje é um ótimo dia para dropar bandeiras, não acha?"; next; if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start; show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "Uma pena que a arena está fechada no momento!"; emotion e_wah,1; next; show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena fica aberta nestes horários:"; show "^FF0000 10:10 até 10:30 ^000000"; show "^0000FF 12:10 até 12:30 ^000000"; show "^FF0000 14:10 até 14:30 ^000000"; show "^0000FF 16:10 até 16:30 ^000000"; show "^FF0000 18:10 até 18:30 ^000000"; show "^0000FF 20:10 até 20:30 ^000000"; show "^FF0000 22:10 até 22:30 ^000000"; show "^0000FF 00:10 até 00:30 ^000000"; close; end; M_start: show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "Qual arena deseja entrar?"; show "^309A98Usuários VIP TOTAL podem entrar na arena mesmo estando lotada^000000."; if(getgmlevel() >= 20){ show "^306C2FVocê é um usuário VIP TOTAL^000000."; }else{ show "^306C2FVocê não é um usuário VIP TOTAL^000000."; } next; menu "Arena 1 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("job_thief1") + "/" + @limite1 + "]^000000",arena1,"Arena 2 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("que_qaru01") + "/" + @limite2 + "]^000000",arena2; arena1: if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgmlevel () >= 20) { warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("job_thief1") < @limite1){ warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1){ show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena está lotada."; emotion e_wah,1; next; goto L_Init; } show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!"; next; show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena já fechou!"; emotion e_hmm; close; end; arena2: if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgmlevel () >= 20) { warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("que_qaru01") < @limite2){ warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1){ show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena está lotada."; emotion e_wah,1; next; goto L_Init; } show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!"; next; show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena já fechou!"; emotion e_hmm; close; end; } - script OnDie#2 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@mapn$,@x,@y,0); if(@mapn$ == "que_qaru01" || @mapn$ == "job_monk" || @map$ == "job_thief1"){ specialeffect2 555; sleep2 750; warp "izlude",96,104; end; } } - script OnDie#1 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@mapn$,@x,@y,0,strcharinfo(0)); if(@mapn$ == "job_monk"){ set @charid, getcharid(3); set @killer$,rid2name(killerrid); set @killed$,rid2name($crist_death); if(strcharinfo(0) == @killed$){ if(attachrid(killerrid)){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou "+rid2name($crist_death)+" e ganhou 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; additem 7549,3; specialeffect2 586; } set $crist_death,0; } } end; } job_monk,0,0,5 script Setter#551 -1,{ OnInit: monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,60,"Setter#551::OnDie"; end; OnDie: set @crist_death, @cristdeath+1; set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@crist_death > 120){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); set @crist_death, 0; specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; end; } if(@SC_RANDOM >= 97){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou o Cristal premiado e ganhou bônus de 2 bandeiras!",bc_map; additem 7549,2; } if(@SC_RANDOM > 79 && @SC_RANDOM < 85){ dispbottom "Armadilha! você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; } if(@SC_RANDOM > 4 && @SC_RANDOM < 25){ specialeffect2 744; } if(@SC_RANDOM < 4){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; } monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,1,"Setter#551::OnDie"; end; } function script SC_DISPARM { if(@imun > 0){ emotion e_gg,1; dispbottom "Armadilha falhou! Você está imune."; return; } ARMEXIT: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMEXIT) { specialeffect2 69; specialeffect2 304; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; emotion e_sob,1; return; } else { goto ARMDEG; } ARMDEG: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDEG) { specialeffect2 38; specialeffect2 234; specialeffect2 372; emotion e_an,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Velocidade Diminuida!"; sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,80000,50; sc_start SC_CHANGEUNDEAD,50000,0; return; } else { goto ARMDISPELL; } ARMDISPELL: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDISPELL) { specialeffect2 235; emotion e_omg,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Todos efeitos foram retirados!"; sc_end SC_ALL; return; } else { goto ARMIMUN; } ARMIMUN: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMIMUN) { specialeffect2 675; specialeffect2 749; emotion e_heh,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você está imune as armadilhas por 15 segundos!"; set @imun,1; sleep2 15000; set @imun,0; return; } else { goto ARMSTRIP; } ARMSTRIP: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMSTRIP) { switch(rand(1,4)){ case 1: specialeffect2 269; dispbottom "Armadilha! Arma retirada!"; unequip 4; break; case 2: specialeffect2 270; dispbottom "Armadilha! Escudo retirado!"; unequip 3; break; case 3: specialeffect2 271; dispbottom "Armadilha! Armadura retirada!"; unequip 2; break; case 4: specialeffect2 272; dispbottom "Armadilha! Capacete retirado!"; unequip 1; break; } emotion e_omg,1; return; } else { goto ARMBON1; } ARMBON1: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON1) { specialeffect2 100; specialeffect2 847; emotion e_gg,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 2 Bandeiras Nacionais!"; additem 7549,2; return; } else { goto ARMBON2; } ARMBON2: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON2) { specialeffect2 100; emotion e_heh,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!"; additem 7549,1; return; } else { goto ARMBLIND; } ARMBLIND: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBLIND) { if (checkoption(0x10)){ set @falcon, 1; } if (checkoption(0x20)){ set @peco, 1; } specialeffect2 108; emotion e_wah,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Congelado!"; atcommand "@option 2"; if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; } if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; } sleep2 6000; atcommand "@option 0"; if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; set @falcon, 0; } if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; set @peco, 0; } return; } else { goto ARMAGIL; } ARMAGIL: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMAGIL) { dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu Aumentar Agilidade Nv. 10!"; emotion e_rice,1; sc_start 32,240000,10; skilleffect 29,0; specialeffect2 507; specialeffect2 519; return; } else { goto ARMCRIS; } ARMCRIS: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMCRIS) { emotion e_cash,1; pcblockmove getcharid(3),1; specialeffect2 60; specialeffect2 501; sleep2 2400; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; dispbottom "Bônus! Teleporte para a Arena Premiada!"; specialeffect2 227; warp "job_monk",0,0; return; } else { goto ARMBONN; } ARMBONN: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,20); if(@SC_RANDOM <= 1){ if(countitem(7549) > 2) { specialeffect2 722; specialeffect2 380; emotion e_sob,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 3 Bandeiras Nacionais!"; delitem 7549,3; return; } goto ARMFIM; }else{ goto ARMFIM; } ARMFIM: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,10); if(@SC_RANDOM <= 5){ if(countitem(7549) > 0) { specialeffect2 18; emotion e_wah,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!"; delitem 7549,1; return; } return; } return; } function script SC_MOVEARM { movenpc getarg(0),rand(2,390),rand(2,390); getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,1,getarg(0)); if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkreach) ){ return 0; } if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ){ return 0; } return 1; } - script Warper#AC -1,{ end; OnTimer60000: areawarp "job_thief1",rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),"job_monk",0,0; end; OnInit: initnpctimer; end; } //<!----------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 1-------------------------------> job_thief1,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS#1::ARM1 -1,7,7,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000: SC_MOVEARM: movenpc strnpcinfo(0),rand(19,340),rand(27,340); initnpctimer; end; } job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#2 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#3 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#4 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#5 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#6 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#7 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#8 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#9 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#10 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#11 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#12 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#13 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#14 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#15 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#16 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#17 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#18 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#19 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#20 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#21 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#22 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#23 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#24 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#25 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#26 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#27 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#28 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#29 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#30 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#31 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#32 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#33 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#34 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#35 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#36 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#37 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#38 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#39 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#40 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#41 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#42 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#43 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#44 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#45 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#46 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#47 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#48 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#49 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#50 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#51 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#52 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#53 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#54 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#55 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#56 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#57 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#58 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#59 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#60 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#61 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#62 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#63 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#64 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#65 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#66 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#67 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#68 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#69 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#70 -1,7,7 //<!----------------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 2------------------------> que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#1 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#2 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#3 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#4 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#5 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#6 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#7 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#8 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#9 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#10 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#11 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#12 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#13 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#14 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#15 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#16 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#17 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#18 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#19 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#20 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#21 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#22 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#23 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#24 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#25 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#26 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#27 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#28 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#29 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#30 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#31 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#32 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#33 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#34 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#35 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } //Spawns do cristal. que_qaru01,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal pbRO 1395,95,30000,0,0 job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal pbRO 1395,120,35000,0,0 gld_dun02,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal pbRO 1395,25,1800000,0,0 schg_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal pbRO 1395,25,1800000,0,0 //Warps D: que_qaru01,346,81,0 script WBQ#1-1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,132,171,0 script WBQ#1-2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",114,158; end; } que_qaru01,149,105,0 script WBQ#1-3 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",119,103; end; } que_qaru01,129,102,0 script WBQ#1-4 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",146,109; end; } que_qaru01,252,339,0 script WBQ#1-5 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,73,272,0 script WBQ#1-6 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,275,298,0 script WBQ#1-7 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,259,375,0 script WBQ#1-8 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,244,375,0 script WBQ#1-9 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,228,297,0 script WBQ#2-1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,345,22,0 script WBQ#2-2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,114,163,0 script WBQ#2-3 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",135,172; end; } //Mapflags. que_qaru01 mapflag nowarpto que_qaru01 mapflag nosave SavePoint que_qaru01 mapflag nomemo que_qaru01 mapflag nobranch que_qaru01 mapflag noreturn que_qaru01 mapflag noicewall que_qaru01 mapflag noteleport job_monk mapflag nowarp job_monk mapflag nosave SavePoint job_monk mapflag nomemo job_monk mapflag nobranch job_monk mapflag pvp job_monk mapflag noreturn job_monk mapflag noteleport job_thief1 mapflag noreturn job_thief1 mapflag nowarpto job_thief1 mapflag nosave SavePoint job_thief1 mapflag nomemo job_thief1 mapflag nobranch job_thief1 mapflag noicewall job_thief1 mapflag noteleport gld_dun02 mapflag pvp schg_dun01 mapflag pvp As I mentioned I tried converting to rA.
  16. Could you give me strength to fix this silly mistake? I found this script and little by little I was converting to rA, but I couldn't find where the error is. NPC: - script Timmer#AC -1,{ OnInit: //set $arenac_gate, 1; setcell "job_thief1",174,18,185,18,cell_walkable,0; setcell "izlude",99,113,107,120,cell_walkable,0; setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_nochat,1; setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_novending,1; //Armadilhas set $SC_ARMCRIS,15; //Chance de ir para arena com cristais premiados e PvP. set $SC_ARMBLIND,15; //Chance de congelar por 15 segundos. set $SC_ARMDEG,15; //Chance de diminuir agi. set $SC_ARMEXIT,30; //Chance de ser retirado da sala. set $SC_ARMBON1,3; //Chance de ganhar 2 bandeiras. set $SC_ARMBON2,7; //Chance de ganhar 1 bandeira. set $SC_ARMAGIL,20; //Chance de aumentar sua agilidade. set $SC_ARMDISPELL,15; //Chance de perder todos buffs e de-buffs set $SC_ARMIMUN,20; //Chance de ficar imune a todas armadilhas por 15 segundos set $SC_ARMSTRIP,5; //Chance de divestar algum equip end; //=== Não mexer aqui por favor ==// OnClock1031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1431: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1631: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock1831: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock2031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock2231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; OnClock0031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end; //<!----------------------Desabilitando Skills.----------------------------------> OnClock1002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1402: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1602: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1802: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock0002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; //<!-----------------------------Abrindo a Arena------------------------------------> OnClock1010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1410: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1610: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock1810: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock2010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock2210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; OnClock0010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end; //<!-----------------------------Fechando a Arena------------------------------------> OnClock1030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1430: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1630: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock1830: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock2230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; OnClock0030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end; } izlude,124,148,5 script Arena dos Cristais 470,{ set @limite1, 55; //Limite de usuários arena 1 set @limite2, 50; //Limite de usuários arena 2 set @limite3, 40; //Limite de usuários arena 3 L_Init: if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start; mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "Olá ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, hoje é um ótimo dia para dropar bandeiras, não acha?"; next; if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start; mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "Uma pena que a arena está fechada no momento!"; emotion ET_KEK,1; next; mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena fica aberta nestes horários:"; mes "^FF0000 10:10 até 10:30 ^000000"; mes "^0000FF 12:10 até 12:30 ^000000"; mes "^FF0000 14:10 até 14:30 ^000000"; mes "^0000FF 16:10 até 16:30 ^000000"; mes "^FF0000 18:10 até 18:30 ^000000"; mes "^0000FF 20:10 até 20:30 ^000000"; mes "^FF0000 22:10 até 22:30 ^000000"; mes "^0000FF 00:10 até 00:30 ^000000"; close; end; M_start: mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "Qual arena deseja entrar?"; mes "^309A98Usuários VIP podem entrar na arena mesmo estando lotada^000000."; if(getgroupid() >= 20){ mes "^306C2FVocê é um usuário VIP^000000."; }else{ mes "^306C2FVocê não é um usuário VIP^000000."; } next; menu "Arena 1 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("job_thief1") + "/" + @limite1 + "]^000000",arena1,"Arena 2 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("que_qaru01") + "/" + @limite2 + "]^000000",arena2; arena1: if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgroupid() >= 20) { warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("job_thief1") < @limite1){ warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1){ mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena está lotada."; emotion ET_KEK,1; next; goto L_Init; } mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!"; next; mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena já fechou!"; emotion ET_SCRATCH; close; end; arena2: if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgroupid() >= 20) { warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("que_qaru01") < @limite2){ warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; } if($arenac_gate == 1){ mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena está lotada."; emotion ET_KEK,1; next; goto L_Init; } mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!"; next; mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena já fechou!"; emotion ET_SCRATCH; close; end; } - script OnDie#2 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@mapn$,@x,@y,0); if(@mapn$ == "que_qaru01" || @mapn$ == "job_monk" || @map$ == "job_thief1"){ specialeffect2 555; sleep2 750; warp "izlude",96,104; end; } } - script OnDie#1 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@mapn$,@x,@y,0,strcharinfo(0)); if(@mapn$ == "job_monk"){ set @charid, getcharid(3); set @killer$,rid2name(killerrid); set @killed$,rid2name($crist_death); if(strcharinfo(0) == @killed$){ if(attachrid(killerrid)){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou "+rid2name($crist_death)+" e ganhou 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; getitem 7549,3; specialeffect2 586; } set $crist_death,0; } } end; } job_monk,0,0,5 script Setter#551 -1,{ OnInit: monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,60,"Setter#551::OnDie"; end; OnDie: set @crist_death, @cristdeath+1; set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@crist_death > 120){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); set @crist_death, 0; specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; end; } if(@SC_RANDOM >= 97){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou o Cristal premiado e ganhou bônus de 2 bandeiras!",bc_map; getitem 7549,2; } if(@SC_RANDOM > 79 && @SC_RANDOM < 85){ dispbottom "Armadilha! você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; } if(@SC_RANDOM > 4 && @SC_RANDOM < 25){ specialeffect2 744; } if(@SC_RANDOM < 4){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; } monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,1,"Setter#551::OnDie"; end; } function script SC_DISPARM { if(@imun > 0){ emotion ET_KIK,1; dispbottom "Armadilha falhou! Você está imune."; return; } ARMEXIT: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMEXIT) { specialeffect2 69; specialeffect2 304; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; emotion ET_CRY,1; return; } else { goto ARMDEG; } ARMDEG: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDEG) { specialeffect2 38; specialeffect2 234; specialeffect2 372; emotion ET_FRET,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Velocidade Diminuida!"; sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,80000,50; sc_start SC_CHANGEUNDEAD,50000,0; return; } else { goto ARMDISPELL; } ARMDISPELL: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDISPELL) { specialeffect2 235; emotion ET_HUK,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Todos efeitos foram retirados!"; sc_end SC_ALL; return; } else { goto ARMIMUN; } ARMIMUN: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMIMUN) { specialeffect2 675; specialeffect2 749; emotion ET_SMILE,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você está imune as armadilhas por 15 segundos!"; set @imun,1; sleep2 15000; set @imun,0; return; } else { goto ARMSTRIP; } ARMSTRIP: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMSTRIP) { switch(rand(1,4)){ case 1: specialeffect2 269; dispbottom "Armadilha! Arma retirada!"; unequip 4; break; case 2: specialeffect2 270; dispbottom "Armadilha! Escudo retirado!"; unequip 3; break; case 3: specialeffect2 271; dispbottom "Armadilha! Armadura retirada!"; unequip 2; break; case 4: specialeffect2 272; dispbottom "Armadilha! Capacete retirado!"; unequip 1; break; } emotion ET_HUK,1; return; } else { goto ARMBON1; } ARMBON1: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON1) { specialeffect2 100; specialeffect2 847; emotion ET_KIK,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 2 Bandeiras Nacionais!"; getitem 7549,2; return; } else { goto ARMBON2; } ARMBON2: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON2) { specialeffect2 100; emotion ET_SMILE,1; dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!"; getitem 7549,1; return; } else { goto ARMBLIND; } ARMBLIND: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBLIND) { if (checkoption(0x10)){ set @falcon, 1; } if (checkoption(0x20)){ set @peco, 1; } specialeffect2 108; emotion ET_KEK,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Congelado!"; atcommand "@option 2"; if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; } if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; } sleep2 6000; atcommand "@option 0"; if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; set @falcon, 0; } if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; set @peco, 0; } return; } else { goto ARMAGIL; } ARMAGIL: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMAGIL) { dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu Aumentar Agilidade Nv. 10!"; emotion ET_HUNGRY,1; sc_start 32,240000,10; skilleffect 29,0; specialeffect2 507; specialeffect2 519; return; } else { goto ARMCRIS; } ARMCRIS: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100); if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMCRIS) { emotion ET_MONEY,1; pcblockmove getcharid(3),1; specialeffect2 60; specialeffect2 501; sleep2 2400; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; dispbottom "Bônus! Teleporte para a Arena Premiada!"; specialeffect2 227; warp "job_monk",0,0; return; } else { goto ARMBONN; } ARMBONN: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,20); if(@SC_RANDOM <= 1){ if(countitem(7549) > 2) { specialeffect2 722; specialeffect2 380; emotion ET_CRY,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 3 Bandeiras Nacionais!"; delitem 7549,3; return; } goto ARMFIM; }else{ goto ARMFIM; } ARMFIM: set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,10); if(@SC_RANDOM <= 5){ if(countitem(7549) > 0) { specialeffect2 18; emotion ET_KEK,1; dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!"; delitem 7549,1; return; } return; } return; } function script SC_MOVEARM { movenpc getarg(0),rand(2,390),rand(2,390); getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,getarg(0)); if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkreach) ){ return 0; } if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ){ return 0; } return 1; } - script Warper#AC -1,{ end; OnTimer60000: areawarp "job_thief1",rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),"job_monk",0,0; end; OnInit: initnpctimer; end; } //<!----------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 1-------------------------------> job_thief1,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS#1::ARM1 -1,7,7,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000: SC_MOVEARM: movenpc strnpcinfo(0),rand(19,340),rand(27,340); initnpctimer; end; } job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#2 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#3 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#4 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#5 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#6 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#7 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#8 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#9 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#10 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#11 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#12 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#13 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#14 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#15 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#16 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#17 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#18 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#19 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#20 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#21 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#22 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#23 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#24 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#25 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#26 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#27 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#28 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#29 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#30 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#31 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#32 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#33 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#34 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#35 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#36 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#37 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#38 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#39 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#40 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#41 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#42 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#43 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#44 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#45 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#46 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#47 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#48 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#49 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#50 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#51 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#52 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#53 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#54 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#55 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#56 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#57 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#58 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#59 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#60 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#61 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#62 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#63 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#64 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#65 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#66 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#67 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#68 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#69 -1,7,7 job_thief1,0,0,5 duplicate(ARM1) SC_ARMS#70 -1,7,7 //<!----------------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 2------------------------> que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#1 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#2 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#3 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#4 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#5 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#6 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#7 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#8 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#9 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#10 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#11 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#12 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#13 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#14 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#15 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#16 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#17 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#18 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#19 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#20 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#21 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#22 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#23 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#24 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#25 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#26 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#27 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#28 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#29 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#30 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#31 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#32 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#33 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#34 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } que_qaru01,0,0,5 script SC_ARMS2#35 -1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; } //Spawns do cristal. que_qaru01,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal 1395,95,30000,0,0 job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Cristal 1395,120,35000,0,0 //Warps D: que_qaru01,346,81,0 script WBQ#1-1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,132,171,0 script WBQ#1-2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",114,158; end; } que_qaru01,149,105,0 script WBQ#1-3 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",119,103; end; } que_qaru01,129,102,0 script WBQ#1-4 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",146,109; end; } que_qaru01,252,339,0 script WBQ#1-5 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,73,272,0 script WBQ#1-6 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,275,298,0 script WBQ#1-7 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,259,375,0 script WBQ#1-8 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,244,375,0 script WBQ#1-9 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,228,297,0 script WBQ#2-1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,345,22,0 script WBQ#2-2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",0,0; end; } que_qaru01,114,163,0 script WBQ#2-3 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp "que_qaru01",135,172; end; } //Mapflags. que_qaru01 mapflag nowarpto que_qaru01 mapflag nosave SavePoint que_qaru01 mapflag nomemo que_qaru01 mapflag nobranch que_qaru01 mapflag noreturn que_qaru01 mapflag noicewall que_qaru01 mapflag noteleport job_monk mapflag nowarp job_monk mapflag nosave SavePoint job_monk mapflag nomemo job_monk mapflag nobranch job_monk mapflag pvp job_monk mapflag noreturn job_monk mapflag noteleport job_thief1 mapflag noreturn job_thief1 mapflag nowarpto job_thief1 mapflag nosave SavePoint job_thief1 mapflag nomemo job_thief1 mapflag nobranch job_thief1 mapflag noicewall job_thief1 mapflag noteleport Error: [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#1 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#1 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#2 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#2 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#3 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#3 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#4 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#4 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#5 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#5 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#6 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#6 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#7 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#7 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#8 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#8 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#9 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#9 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#10 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#10 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#11 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#11 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#12 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#12 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#13 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#13 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#14 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#14 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#15 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#15 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#16 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#16 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#17 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#17 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#18 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#18 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#19 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#19 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#20 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#20 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#21 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#21 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#22 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#22 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#23 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#23 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#24 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#24 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#25 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#25 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#26 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#26 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#27 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#27 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#28 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#28 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#29 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#29 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#30 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#30 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#31 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#31 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#32 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#32 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#33 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#33 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#34 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#34 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#35 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#35 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#36 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#36 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#37 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#37 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#38 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#38 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#39 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#39 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#40 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#40 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#41 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#41 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#42 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#42 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#43 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#43 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#44 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#44 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#45 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#45 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#46 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#46 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#47 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#47 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#48 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#48 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#49 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#49 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#50 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#50 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#51 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#51 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#52 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#52 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#53 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#53 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#54 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#54 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#55 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#55 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#56 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#56 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#57 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#57 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#58 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#58 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#59 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#59 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#60 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#60 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#61 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#61 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#62 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#62 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#63 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#63 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#64 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#64 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#65 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#65 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#66 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#66 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#67 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#67 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#68 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#68 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#69 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#69 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#70 at job_thief1 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#70 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#1 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#1 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#2 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#2 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#3 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#3 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#4 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#4 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#5 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#5 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#6 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#6 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#7 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#7 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#8 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#8 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#9 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#9 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#10 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#10 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#11 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#11 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#12 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#12 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#13 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#13 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#14 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#14 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#15 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#15 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#16 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#16 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#17 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#17 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#18 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#18 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#19 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#19 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#20 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#20 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#21 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#21 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#22 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#22 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#23 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#23 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#24 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#24 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#25 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#25 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#26 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#26 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#27 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#27 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#28 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#28 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#29 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#29 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#30 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#30 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#31 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#31 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#32 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#32 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#33 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#33 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#34 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#34 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt [Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#35 at que_qaru01 (0,0) [Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#35 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
  17. rA has not yet implemented this instance. https://hazyforest.com/instances:thanatos
  18. Has anyone managed to convert this script to the current rA?
  19. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Renewal/data/luafiles514/lua files/worldviewdata and mob https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Renewal/data/luafiles514/lua files/navigation
  20. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/common/mmo.hpp#L111 #define NAME_LENGTH (23 + 1) change to: #define NAME_LENGTH (29 + 1)
  21. Best Decompiler Tutorial: 1. Download Java OpenJDK 17 : https://jdk.java.net/17/ 2. Follow the video steps to install and configure Java OpenJDK 3. Download Zip file UnLuac.zip and extract it into the lua files folder you want to decompile. UnLuac.zip 4. open Start Decompilation.bat with Notepad/Notepad++ and edit the name of the lua file you want to decompile. If you want to decompile more than 1, just copy the function and paste it below. 5. Save and run Start Decompilation.bat to start Decompilation.
  22. http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
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