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Everything posted by Forshaken

  1. yes. ACMD_FUNC(resist) { char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; int i; struct { const char* format; int value; } output_table[] = { { " [ %d ] Neutral Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Water Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Earth Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Fire Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Wind Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Poison Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Holy Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Dark Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Ghost Resist", 0 }, { " [ %d ] Undead Resist", 0 }, ++ { " [ %d ] Long Range Resistance", 0 }, ++ { " [ %d ] Magic Resistance", 0 }, ++ { " [ %d ] Demi-Human Resist", 0 }, { NULL, 0 } }; memset(output, '\0', sizeof(output)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "========= Resistance Values (in percentage) ========="); output_table[0].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_NEUTRAL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_NEUTRAL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[1].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_WATER] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_WATER] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[2].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_EARTH] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_EARTH] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[3].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_FIRE] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_FIRE] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[4].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_WIND] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_WIND]) + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]; output_table[5].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_POISON] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_POISON] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[6].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_HOLY] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_HOLY] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[7].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_DARK] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_DARK] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[8].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_GHOST] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_GHOST] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); output_table[9].value = (sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_UNDEAD] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_UNDEAD] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele[ELE_ALL] + sd->indexed_bonus.subele_script[ELE_ALL]); ++ output_table[10].value = (sd->bonus.long_attack_def_rate); ++ output_table[11].value = (sd->special_state.no_magic_damage + sd->bonus.magic_def_rate); ++ output_table[12].value = (sd->subrace[RC_DEMIHUMAN]); for (i = 0; output_table.format != NULL; i++) { sprintf(output, output_table.format, output_table.value); clif_displaymessage(fd, output); } return 0; }
  2. Ok guys here is the bug fix for dispel mechanics. SC_ITEMSCRIPT ManualV2.txt
  3. @Mabuhay . I was able to update this src but there is some kind of memory leak issue after updating it. Hi Guys! I manage to update the src but there is a memory leak issue after updating and fixing it is out of my skills. Use it at your own risk. Please do share your src if you manage to fix the memory leak issue. marketclone.txt
  4. Up for this. OnPCStatCalcEvent has been removed from the latest git.
  5. Im having the same issue. I have fixed the problem. so far there is no disconnection issue. add this codes on your PC.CPP struct map_session_data { struct block_list bl; struct unit_data ud; struct view_data vd; struct status_data base_status, battle_status; struct status_change sc; struct regen_data regen; struct regen_data_sub sregen, ssregen; ++struct autoattack_delay; // autoattack timer //NOTE: When deciding to add a flag to state or special_state, take into consideration that state is preserved in //status_calc_pc, while special_state is recalculated in each call. [Skotlex] struct s_state { unsigned int active : 1; //Marks active player (not active is logging in/out, or changing map servers) unsigned int menu_or_input : 1;// if a script is waiting for feedback from the player unsigned int dead_sit : 2; unsigned int lr_flag : 3;//1: left h. weapon; 2: arrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int lesseffect : 1; unsigned int vending : 1; unsigned int noks : 3; // [Zeph Kill Steal Protection] ++unsigned autoattack : 1; // Keitenai unsigned int changemap : 1; unsigned int callshop : 1; // flag to indicate that a script used callshop; on a shop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int invincible_timer; t_tick canlog_tick; t_tick canuseitem_tick; // [Skotlex] t_tick canusecashfood_tick; t_tick canequip_tick; // [Inkfish] t_tick cantalk_tick; t_tick canskill_tick; // used to prevent abuse from no-delay ACT files t_tick cansendmail_tick; // [Mail System Flood Protection] t_tick ks_floodprotect_tick; // [Kill Steal Protection] ++t_tick autoattack_delay; // Keitenai t_tick equipswitch_tick; // Equip switch
  6. @sader1992 This will also solve the compatibility for 2015 + clients right????
  7. error still persist even thou the players ram is 8gb and we only run 1 client
  8. you can make your own mapflag script and dig deeper on your itemdb.cpp
  9. why not use OnPCLoginEvent and use changelook script?
  10. Good day everyone! I just wanted to ask if how to fix elemental resist healing on woe/gvg? Elemental resist healing is where if your resistance exceeds to 100% on a certain element, that element will heal you when you take damage on it. ex. If you got 110% Wind resist and you got hit by Lightning bolt or anything that is wind element will heal you instead of taking damage. My current situation is it works on PvP but not on GvG. Please help!!!
  11. yes it is. it was like putting and etc item on your inventory and that item gives you bonus stats
  12. I am looking for someone who can provide me a fps stable 20180621 client. I prefer client that forces directx 9 and above to enhance gaming experience and avoid fps drop. Willing to pay for this service.
  13. You can check this tread --->https://rathena.org/board/topic/97172-charms-items-effect-to-work-while-in-inventory/
  14. Is it possible that graphic is caused by VPS host?
  15. I already have the gepard but still problem is not solved
  16. Sorry for a noob question, most of my players are lagging when they are many people on the same map. Can someone help me with this issue? Is this client or server side?
  17. This update has a flaw on archers arrow. If you equip any arrow on your archer, neutral element will always be your element even you are equipped with oridecon, poison, immaterial and so on arrow.
  18. How to make all attacks heal to the character when the enemy has 100+% resist on a specific element.
  19. this is not working on latest SVN. Please update ?
  20. why headgears sprites is not appearing?
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