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Everything posted by goddameit

  1. File Name: @ignoredrop File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 09 Jan 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Goddameit Preview When you active this, you will not see any item on floor. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 3


    Preview When you active this, you will not see any item on floor.
  3. @AnnieRuru Haha - Not suggest too, cause this script will read/write your sql again and again (it always not a good idea.)
  4. actually it isn't, that script is used to exchange storage. ( My to you, your to me )
  5. Author : Goddameit Idea : http://bit.ly/117PfO6 This command can make a temporary pet, after time run out pet won't be used anymore. Command : callfunc "rentPet",<pet id>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>; Sample : rent a poring for 99 days 43 hours 91 minutes 13 seconds prontera,150,180,4 script Test 100,{ callfunc "rentPet",1002,99,43,91,13; end; } Dwonload : SQL : http://pastebin.com/....php?i=1u2JmtgJ Script : pet_rental.txt PS : This script maybe lead to server little lag. PS : Not 100% sure this work well. PS : This script can be more efficiently but don't ask me for this (I don't care this ).
  6. battle.c struct Damage battle_calc_magic_attack #ifdef RENEWAL ad.damage = skill_lv * (sstatus->matk_min + sstatus->matk_max); #else ad.damage = status_get_lv(src) + sstatus->int_ + skill_lv * 10; modify it to be something like if( skill_num == WL_CRIMSONROCK ) { ad.damage = .... atk/2 + matk/2 }
  7. this is script, add it like how you add other script
  8. callfunc "AllGuildMemberEvent",<castle map name>; if you just download script from #501, then it will send all of castle, you can read script and you will know why
  9. @Euphy I update new version of WoE reward, including ip check and reduce loop by new rA command. ( !! rA Only !! ) Raw : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=L0ePt7zi Download : http://pastebin.com/....php?i=L0ePt7zi - nice collections
  10. EDIT : seen I mistake the problem, haha. FOR EXAMPLE: look for int skill_castend_nodamage_id (struct block_list* src, stru add if (skillid > 0 && skilllv <= 0) return 0; if( skill_specialcheck(skillid) == true ) return 0; //add define bool skill_specialcheck(int skillid) { if( agit_flag == 0 ) return false; if( skillid == SL_HUNTER ) return true; return false; } then you can't use Spirit of the Hunter during WoE (not sure is that what you want)
  11. I retest in my server, it works fine.
  12. what is your server version and what happen before you try to do (put the card, take the card, ..etc)?
  13. Preview / Rules : [media=] [/media]This game is trying to let you play like this : http://bit.ly/TkNgl0 the different is you use your player to defend the ball and you can go whole the map, and also will spawn random wall to make ball will go other path. - How to start : Player A click npc and player B click after announce in 10 seconds. - Map : ggpro Script : tennis_g.txt
  14. About : GM active event by clicking npc player go to register that's all you need to do. - I re-test again in rA, still work well.
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