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Everything posted by goddameit

  1. hm? you only record one name into one variable, that's why it only show one name.
  2. setarray .@name$[0],.@whoischar$; problem in here
  3. @AnnieRuru My script isn't point, post it is for your idea '1st waypoint, 2nd waypoint,.... 999th waypoint' just want to say another idea that maybe we don't need to count the speed unitwalk getd(".@mob"+ .@i), 343,275; // guide them to 1st waypoint loop{ if(x0,y0)!=(x2,y2){ sleep 100; } else break } unitwalk getd(".@mob"+ .@i), 342,258; // guide them to 2nd waypoint
  4. you can try to do it by yourself and show me what did you done
  5. as Annie said, but have a little different opinion I think we don't need to count the speed we can just add a loop to check does mob arrive in the next point area (http://bit.ly/SoOJ7a <-- a lot of date to move the cart )
  6. unitwalk <GID>,<x>,<y>; <GID> <-- you didn't give it
  7. !!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!! [media=] [/media]!!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!! Download Script : MVPTower2.rar Download Map : http://bit.ly/RsA9gE'>http://bit.ly/RsA9gE ; http://goo.gl/Xa2c3'>http://goo.gl/Xa2c3 1@gvs 2@gvs 3@gvs 4@gvs 5@gvs !!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!! Please don't forget add instance map : (data\resnametable.txt) http://rathena.org/wiki/Instancing'>http://rathena.org/wiki/Instancing !!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!! Specify each level: Mvp Amount & type: (ex:level Easy:only spawn mob-id 1002&1001 ,10 level and each level spawning amount >> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) function Onmvp { ... case 1: deletearray 'mvp[0],128; setarray 'mvp,1002,1001; setarray 'num[1],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; return; !!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!! Reward: (ex:Levle Esay) (ex:get 10k zeny or item-id 607 * 100) open 'MVPTower2_Reward_1.txt' - script MVPTower2_Reward#1 -1,{ OnSelect: switch(select("Zeny","Item")) { case 1: set Zeny,Zeny+10000; break; case 2: getitem 607,100; break; !!THIS SCRIPT NEED INSTANCE SYSTEM!!
  8. i mean i don wan to let players eat AGI +20 food and STR +20 foods in the same time.. http://rathena.org/board/topic/72590-20-stats-food/#entry147142 or just add a time record variable to use when eatting
  9. http://rathena.org/board/forum/35-source-support/ --- I don't think need to use source set .@startlevel, .... record this weapon refining level before refine if fail{ getitem2 .@startlevel <-- re-get that level weapon again }
  10. [media=] [/media] Script \ Design : Goddameit Map : TrojanWorm Rules : 1. break stone +5 point to self team, -3 point to enemy. 2. after broke, stone will respawn in 10 seconds. 3. kill enemy will +1 point. 4. which team's point is highest, is winner. Stone location: 128,120 --> A 127,46 --> B Active time: OnClock0100: OnClock0300: OnClock0500: OnClock0700: OnClock0900: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock1500: OnClock1700: OnClock1900: OnClock2100: OnClock2300: callsub OnActive; end; Set: 1 min for register, 30 seconds for join team (after this time, you still can join in), 100 seconds for battle time. Reward: No. Script download : Custom Battle Ground_goddameit+TrojanWorm.txt Map download : endless_war ; endless_war Note: just a little creation, enjoy it. Note2: I just enjoy finishing this game, so don't approve any suggest, sorry. bug report only.
  11. Annie and Brian are talking about real point count if given is a constan then you don't need to know it
  12. use $@ , $ or . type to storage your message and after typed messages, do enablenpc + ( donpcevent + label(if you won't use announce)) or use ( getnpcid + unittalk ) or ( initnpctimer <name> + OnTimer ) [What I think : NPC will appear and talk something]
  13. so you want to change to be 1. n@name+<insatnce id> 2. <insatnce id>+n@name 3. <insatnce id>+n@name+<variable>(by Annie point) which?
  14. didn't test set .@where$,"( ( `class` = 4211 || `class` = 4212 || ( `class` >= 4054 && `class` <= 4079 ) ) && `base_level` = 150 && `job_level` = 50 )"; for(set .@i,0;;set .@i,.@i+1) { deletearray .@cid[0],128; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE "+.@where$+" LIMIT "+(127*.@i)+","+(127*(.@i+1))+"",.@cid; for(set .@j,0;.@cid[.@j];set .@j,.@j+1) { uery_sql "DELETE FROM `skill` WHERE `char_id` = ".@cid[.@j]"; } if(.@j!=127) break; } query_sql "UPDATE `char` set `skill_point` = 168 WHERE "+.@where$;
  15. so what is your problem? (sorry, I don't get it.)
  16. now change @tnm1....remember that when create instance create a temporary maps... 001@blabla 002@blabla... now need create 001@tnm1 001@tnm2 001@tnm3 (same instance) (change @tnmx) if your map name is '@tnm1' then it can't it must be '(1~9)+@tnm1'. if is 1@tnm1, 1@tnm2, 1@tnm3 (same instance). means variable is 'm+(1~???)' then it can't it must be <instance id>+map name so which is you want?
  17. 1@tnm1, 1@tnm2, 1@tnm3 .@i + "@tnm1" who is variable? this '1@' or this 'm1'?
  18. setlook <look type>,<look value>; if(isloggedin($@partymemberaidc2[.@i],$@partymembercidtc2[.@i])) set .@countx,.@countx+1; ---> if(attachrid($@partymemberaidc2[.@i],$@partymembercidtc2[.@i])){ set .@countx,.@countx+1; setlook...} --- just want to show attachrid and setlook yes, I know my answer isn't good, but I'm lazy to answer completely. :3
  19. http://rathena.org/board/forum-30/announcement-9-scripting-support-easy-as-1-2-3/ read it, thx.
  20. http://rathena.org/board/topic/71297-autoattack/
  21. http://rathena.org/board/topic/71297-autoattack/
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