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Everything posted by goddameit

  1. forgot to let you know >> http://goo.gl/nZ5Ec
  2. https://cs-ea.googlecode.com/svn/branches/patch/script4each.patch Author and original : http://okayro.com/thread-238762-1-1.html
  3. sscanf(message, "%hd %hd %hd", -->sscanf(message, "%d %d %d", try it
  4. I don't have centos, so sorry, I can't help this.
  5. if Euphy is right, maybe you can ask it on eAmod forum or post a request on here http://rathena.org/board/forum/32-script-requests/ and wait other eAmod user?
  6. http://rathena.org/board/forum/32-script-requests/
  7. this? https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/conf/msg_conf/
  8. here is a sample of how to redefine http://rathena.org/board/topic/78195-modification-in-warpgo-command/#entry176838
  9. you can use bindatcmd to redefind easily. { if( @tmp )end; set @tmp 1 atcommand "@go"... sleep2 <delay> set @tmp 0 }
  10. see what thanatos card done in source
  11. make a loop for running checkquest on quest list. or maybe record a variable to count how many quest you took.
  12. so? problem in where? I said you need to make searching like this if you don't know how to insert variable, read how you did in #1 WHERE name = " +.@amigo1$
  13. are your player named ".@amigo1$"? you said he is "test" in #1
  14. you can report this to Core report http://rathena.org/board/tracker/project-1-core/ seen this will lead server crash refer : http://rathena.org/board/topic/79088-problem-kafra-shop
  15. what fix? skill_addtimerskill
  16. `name` is char style, you need to make searching like this `name` = '<string>'
  17. did you delete default WoE script?
  18. check Class , jobchange_level or jobchange_level_3rd to let npc decided should let this player enter or not.
  19. while attaching, record his Account ID to .@ type variable and after back to executor then you will have variable to let you use. EDIT: or record a variable when someone don't have item and move close to out of loop, so loop will keep doing and add one if to do close if variable is true
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