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Source Modifications

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143 files

  1. Free

    Rental Card Return

    If your Rental Item has a card compounded it will automatically mail you the card after the expiration.
    Thanks to RDL.



  2. Free

    MVP Card to Mail

    Will automatically send to Mail when the MVP Drops Card.
    Thanks to RDL.



  3. Free

    Mob Element View

    A small mod that allows you to display a custom icon and a title referring to the element and element level of the mob.

    It can be disabled by changing it in monster.conf
    // Show Element Info [Hyroshima] // 0= Off, 1= On mob_ele_view: 1  
    I have an observation to inform, if any of the information related to show_mob_info is enabled the mod will behave as disabled.
    // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0  
    Obs: i am making 2 diff files available:
    _A = Closest to current revision. _B = A little older compared to the current review  
    The video quality is not very good (sorry), watch the preview video in fullscreen 😅



  4. Free

    @hidepet / @hidepetall commands

    @hidepet allows to hide all pets except the player's, whereas @hidepetall hides all pets, including the player's.
    This mod also allows to set a default parameter in battle_conf, just add
    hide_pet: 1 To set all pets hidden except the player's, or 2 for all pets period.



  5. Free

    Sonic Blow and Arrow Vulcan v3.patch for 2018/12/19 Up Client

    thanks to ckx_, syon, gidz, sadre



  6. Free


    This mod made in map_drops.yml now allows you to add drops globally (without specifying a map), I also added a parameter where the added item can go directly to the player's inventory if there is space.
    Example of use ( db\import\map_drops.yml )
    Header: Type: MAP_DROP_DB Version: 2 Body: - Map: ANY GlobalDrops: - Index: 0 Item: Union_Token Rate: 50000 DirectInventory: true - Index: 1 Item: Flower Rate: 100000 SpecificDrops: - Monster: Fabre Drops: - Index: 0 Item: White_Gold_Coin Rate: 50000 DirectInventory: true - Index: 1 Item: Izidor Rate: 50000 - Monster: Poring Drops: - Index: 0 Item: Crystal_Jewel__ Rate: 50000 Note 1: To be valid across all maps, set the map name to ANY.
    Note 2: The new parameter DirectInventory ( false | true ) allows the item to go directly to the inventory.
    Note 3: I created 2 new mapflags (nomapdrops and mapdrops), the first is self-explanatory (does not drop any items from map_drops 😅), the second will be effective for instances, as now map_drops does not drop items in instances, so just apply the second mapflag on the instance (in the instance maps) to make it work again.
      Example of use:
    OnInstanceInit: setmapflag instance_mapname("1@nyd"),mf_mapdrops; setmapflag instance_mapname("2@nyd"),mf_mapdrops;
    Next updates I will add a parameter to mapdrops.yml if you want the item to be dropped in instances too instead of having to use the mapdrops mapflag.



  7. Free

    Max Trap Control

    This mod allows you to control the number of traps that the player can use.
    // Max Trap [Hyroshima] // Functionality to control the number of active traps. // Note: // skill_max_trap > Controls the number of individual active trap skills that were not been to defined parameter ActiveInstance in skill_db.yml // global_max_trap > Controls the maximum active trap skills for all skill traps (listed in skill.cpp -> trap_skill_id), this option overrides skill_max_trap if the definer is smaller than it //- // skill_max_trap: 0 (disabled) // global_max_trap: 0 (disabled) //- skill_max_trap: 0 global_max_trap: 0 the option skill_max_trap only affects skills that do not have the parameter ActiveInstance in skill_db.yml the option global_max_trap affects all trap skills mentioned above in the code box, the skills are listed in the function as I also inform in the description of the code box above.  
    Note: i am making 2 diff files available:
    _A = Closest to current revision. _B = A little older compared to the current review As there have been some changes to how some functions receive/send parameters, I will try to maintain this standard when sending diff files.



  8. Free

    Extra Mapflags [nofalcon, noriding, nomadogear, nowug, nocart]

    They are simple mapflags but I believe they can be very useful in general.
    Note: noriding affects pecopeco, dragon, gryphon.
    prontera mapflag nofalcon prontera mapflag noriding prontera mapflag nomadogear prontera mapflag nocart prontera mapflag nowug  



  9. Free

    MF_NORECALL (Custom Mapflag)

    MF_NORECALL a custom mapflag that restrict players being recalled via @recall / @recallall command when in special maps.

    In response to:



  10. 10.00 USD

    MVP Tomb save timer on Server Restart

    1) Upon killing MVPs, it will save the date and time of death, killer , monster and map where it was killed in the database.
    2) During server restart, reload or sudden crash, before spawning mobs, it will check and differentiate the date and time saved in the database with the current server time and check if the MVP should be alive or dead.
    - If ALIVE, should spawn the MVP
    - If DEAD, will not spawn the MVP, spawn the tomb (if tomb is enabled in the server config) and create a timer to spawn the MVP from the time it was killed

    5 purchases   7 downloads


  11. Free

    Hide announcements/broadcasts command @blockbc


    This is a response from this post : 
    Basic knowledge how to apply diff on your server files. How to use the command:
    @blockbc <param>.
    PARTY - block incoming broadcasts from party. GUILD - block incoming broadcasts from guild. BG - block incoming broadcasts from battleground. CLAN - block incoming broadcasts from clan. MAP - block all incoming broadcasts from the current map. ALL - block all incoming broadcasts. @unblockbc. - as per the command name suggest
    This is tested on latest server files as of the day it was posted. May or may not work on older server files. Keeping this up-to-date or vice-versa won't be my responsibility. Compatibility is your responsibility. Use at your own risk.



  12. Free

    Prevent hitting mobs near NPC or Warper

    It's been a while since I posted anything.. As of now, I want to release this simple src mod that prevents players from hitting MVPs near an NPC/Warper. Purpose of this is to discourage players from going near warpers while hunting MVPs.

    I'm not sure how helpful this be but I just want to do something small for a while .

    I will be lurking around the request section to see some good ideas and might be releasing them here after!




  13. Free

    @whosell with item link

    Since the new updates no longer include the command, its a modification of the old code created by zephyrus_cr, with the addition of the specific item link.



  14. Free

    Broadcast commands with global sound effect

    This is a very simple and little source mod, it consists on the ability to send a sound effect to every player on the server every time you use @brodcast or @localbroadcast or @kami or @kamic or /b
    ? Attention ?
    If you have the Fixed some packets for 2022 clients (#7276) commit on your rAthena, then use broadcastWithSoundEffectLatestRathena.diff, otherwise use the broadcastWithSoundEffectOldRathena.diff 
    Apply the diff and put the .wav file on your data folder/grf
    Command to diff on terminal: git apply --3way broadcastWithSoundEffectLatestRathena.diff
    Preview Video: https://cdn.lewd.host/yIVy2fAF.mp4



  15. Free

    Refine UI [ Announce ]

    if player upgrade item success [ refine ui ] The system will announce the message.

    can be configured in the file conf/battle/athenastudio.conf



  16. Free

    MvP's Tombs with top 3 damage players

    The mvps tombs include the top 3 players with damage.



  17. Free

    [Mapflag] droprate

    It's updated to current emulators.
    Original mod by @Xantara



  18. Free

    Mob Item Adder

    This mapflag sets more drops for monsters at the map that it's been attached.
    You can set up to ~50 more items for mobs.
    "drop_per" is the chance of drop, from 1 (0,01%) to 10000 (100%).
    There's an example at the screenshot, I setted a Yggdrasil Berry with 100% of chance for the Poring at prt_fild08 map.
    You can set a lot of mobs, but you have to set more mapflags for your maps.
    Original mod by @zephyr 



  19. Free

    PVP on MVP Maps

    When a MVP Spawns PVP is enabled, When this MVP dies PVP is disabled.
    New Mapflag MF_MAPMVP - Disable going to savepoint once you die 2 times in a PVP map.



  20. 10.00 USD

    @increase - FAKEPLAYER

    fakeplayer, this command allows you to visually increase your players.

    7 purchases   15 downloads


  21. Free

    Unimplemented Official Skills

    After the success of our previous release Battleground Extended , Mystic Project has decided to release another work for free in the community of rAthena - The Gravity's Unimplemented Official Skills. We've long heard about them since the beginning. I've seen posts of people wondering if there was any releases of them. It took a while but here it is. We did some researches about what was intended by Gravity. I think we came close to the initial project with a few modifications.
    What are the Unimplemented Official Skills ?
    Unimplemented Official Skills are skills designed by Gravity long ago that have never been released. They were forgotten / dropped by Gravity.
    On iRO official wiki, you can see some informations about them. For example: Fire Ivy - iRO Wiki Classic
    Forgotten Skills List and Effect:
     Fire Ivy: Wizard has plenty of fire skills, as it was supposed to be an immobile skill that causes damage, we've renamed it to Wind Ivy and made it Wind. It can stop the target and does damage each second. Can be stackable up to 5.
           Class: Wizard  Fury: The LK enters a Fury Phase. Each attack received increases LK's ATK by 1 each 500 damage (up to 5). Some damage are being absorbed and reduced depending of current maxhp.
           Class: Lord Knight  Steal Backpack: Steal 1 stuff / item of Players directly in the inventory. Item is sent to the storage and the Stalker will have it as a rental for 5 minutes. If used on monsters, does a AOE Steal/Steal Coin
           Class: Stalker  System Creation: Auto-Attack system of Whitesmith was designed to summon small devices to attack targets. There are ATK/MATK devices depending on level. Iron is required to make the device.
           Class: Whitesmith  Synthesis Potion: Creates a rental potion that lasts 5 min for the whole party around the Creator if items requirements met. It costs 3 misc items to create a potion. Amount of players in the party increases the amount of items required. Those items are healing potions (heal over 10 seconds), ATK/MATK/Flee/Hit potions.
           Class: Creator  Ragnarok: Ensemble Skill done by a bard and a dancer together. It causes damage in the area, as well as abnormal statuses. Allies receive buffs. Buffs and abnormal statuses are random each second. (similar to gospel)
           Class: Bard/Dancer  Hallucination Walk: Summons a clone of self and cloak the SinX. If used while being cloaked: uncloaked the SinX and causes Hallucination in an area.
           Class: Assassin Cross  Biotechnology: Passive skill. Increases chance to create an embryo and MaxHP of Homunculus by 2% per level.
           Class: Alchemist  Drill Master: Passive skill. Increases damage of homunculus by 2% per level.
           Class: Alchemist  Heal Homunculus: Same as Potion Pitcher lv 4 but targets directly the homunculus by using it without having to click on the homunculus.
           Class: Alchemist  Flame Control: Alchemist inflicts damage linked to the homunculus based on homunculus's ATK and MATK. Chances to inflict a common status depending on homunculus type.
           Class: Alchemist  Twilight Alchemy IV: Creates 200 blue potions if all requirements are met.  
    Bonus - Extra Custom Skills:
     Earth Wall: Same as Ice Wall but it is indestructible and one cell only. 5 instances maximum.
           Class: Wizard  Earthquake: Adapted version of Earthquake for Wizard. Part of ATK and MATK are defining damage.
           Class: Wizard  
    Installation and Compatibility:
    I did put some instructions in the read me file regarding the installation.
    The diff is compatible with the latest rathena but it is easy to adapt to any version really.
    Any Questions ?
    You can contact me on Discord: Grenat#5220 for support regarding the installation.



  22. Free

    MvP and Mini-Boss Card Ad & Log System

    Addition/Modification at Source - Announcement and Log system when dropping MvP/Mini-Boss Card 
        -    Advertises globally when dropping a MvP or Mini-Boss Card regardless of the drop_rate and saves a log in the database.
        NOTE1: Announces and saves the log of MvP/Mini-Boss cards only.
        NOTE2: All settings can be accessed in the `conf/battle/drops.conf` file.
        -    For those who have difficulty placing just to announce the drop of MvP/Mini-Boss cards without having a conflict of drop_rate.
        -    In addition to advertising, you can also save a log each time one of these cards is dropped to use as tracking.
        -    There is also an extensive way of configuring the system, being able to turn it off completely or activate only the advertisement or only the log.
    General System Settings
        -    Enable or disable the entire system.
    MvP Card Settings
        -    Enable or disable MvP card drop and log announcement system only.
        -    Enable or disable MvP card advertising only.
        -    Enable or disable MvP card logging only.
        -    Choose the color of the MvP card drop ad.
    Mini-Boss Card Settings
        -    Enable or disable only the Mini-Boss card drop and log announcement system.
        -    Enable or disable Mini-Boss card advertising only.
        -    Enable or disable Mini-Boss card logging only.
        -    Choose the color of the Mini-Boss card drop announcement.

    NOTE3: Sorry for the English, I used Google Translator and this is my first topic here.



  23. 10.00 USD

    @lastteleport command

    @lastteleport command

    A simple atcommand that allows you to see your last position before you teleport.
    It ping your mini-map with a red cross (especially for MvP Hunting).
    By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service:
    You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. You are not allowed claim my work as yours. I can give you support, contact me in Discord: Easycore#9709.

    6 purchases   12 downloads


  24. Free

    [Script Command] getskillname

    Useful script command to return a skill name (Skill Description).
    mes "Skill Name: "+getskillname("SM_SWORD"); print ("Skill Name: Sword Mastery")  
    Feel free to Donate If you want to support me.




  25. 25.00 USD

    Racing Cap Enchant

    This Enchant System is based on this KRO : Hugel monster racing - Content updates - Divine Pride (divine-pride.net)

    0 purchases   2 downloads


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