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  1. I patch my client iwth load custom. and add my dll inside. if i'/m rong. how to suppose to work the dll? i see ragnashield can do that.
  2. if equiped item? i want it show enemy equiped item too and take it too. its like a crime. life is cruel haha
  3. by the way i try your code i change value myapp.exe to cmd.exe and param 1 param 2 to ver. so the code like this #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> DWORD CALLBACK RunMyApp(LPVOID lpParam) { STARTUPINFO Si = { sizeof(Si) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION Pi = { 0 }; if(CreateProcess(_T("cmd.exe"), _T("cmd.exe ver"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &Si, &Pi)) { CloseHandle(Pi.hThread); CloseHandle(Pi.hProcess); } return 0; } BOOL CALLBACK DllMain(HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch(dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { DWORD dwThreadId; HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &RunMyApp, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId); if(hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); } break; } } return TRUE; } and try to execute it directly from cmd.exe. the dll not call new cmd.exe with value ver to check ver cmd.exe. whats going on?
  4. Hi, i want to make a ro so real as possible as life. and now i want to implement once enemy player killed. it will show a box every item and zeny from enemy inventory to choose. and take it.
  5. As a title. i want to make novice can be attacked and attack in pvp mode enable on.
  6. sader1992 is there sample dll source code to call a program? i have a console program that automatically kill a program in process that i don't want. the problem is how to make a ragexe as it execute it will launch that application too and it will automatically kill itself when ragexe not in process.
  7. You know why i want this. i want to prevent malicous software to load ragexe. like hexeditor, wpe, packet analyzer. if its possible it can prevent it.,
  8. Hi, is there a way to make ragexe when execute. it will call a program? i dont mean -1rag1.
  9. hi, i want to loop patcher music. i tried several version thor the result was same. i set config loop to true value. it only play once and stop. long time a go like 3 years ago. i can make thor patcher the music loop. but now cant. i kinda confuse what's the problem. thor
  10. Hi, i want to implement all item bound account. when monster drop, reward from npc and so on. how to achieve this?
  11. currently i setup ragnarok to play offline and success but the problem is 3rd job skill like ranger can't be skill up. even use gm command @allskill. i'm using latest rathena emulator. with client 20151104 and latest renewal translate from zackdreaver. what's the problem?
  12. How can GM simulation instance party dungeon? i created my ro offline. i want to test instance party dungeon alone but the npc can't allow cause i'm alone. how can doi it?
  13. Hi, i want to enable client hash check. i already set in server to on with value hash check. the problem is in client i already force client hash check in nemo but box not appear to put value to match with server. i'm using 20151104 client. or i missing something here?
  14. Hi, wheres exactly location of packet_db.txt? i download new rathena from git. i can't find it.
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