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Everything posted by crazyarashi

  1. Try matching the CheckAttendance.lub file in your System to your server side
  2. Well sad to say i don't know why is that happening ?
  3. Try summoning it normally first and check if it comes out with the same size.
  4. - script paytowinbuffs -1,{ end; OnBuffs: .@size = getarraysize(.buffs$); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++){ .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ""+.buffs$[.@i]+"" + ":"; } .@i = select(.@menu$) -1; sc_start .elements[.@i],180000,5; end; OnInit: setarray .buffs$, "Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Wind", "Holy", "Shadow", "Poison"; setarray .elements, 96, 97, "99", "98", "37", "144", "26"; bindatcmd "buffs2","paytowinbuffs::OnBuffs",5,99; end; } Added some changes to it. it should add a command for VIP which is group 5 just edit it if you have custom group for VIP's
  5. - script paytowinbuffs -1,{ end; OnBuffs: .@size = getarraysize(.buffs$); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++){ .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ""+.buffs$[.@i]+"" + ":"; } .@i = select(.@menu$) -1; sc_start .elements$[.@i],180000,5; end; OnInit: setarray .buffs$, "Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Fire", "Wind", "Holy", "Shadow", "Poison"; setarray .elements$, "SC_FIREWEAPON", "SC_WATERWEAPON", "SC_EARTHWEAPON", "SC_WINDWEAPON", "SC_ASPERSIO", "SC_SHADOWWEAPON", "SC_ENCPOISON"; bindatcmd "buffs2","paytowinbuffs::OnBuffs",5,5; end; }
  6. change this line. set #lmspoints,#lmspoints+1; to set #lmspoints,#lmspoints + 1,.register_aid;
  7. For now I think your only choice is a special enchanter for it.
  8. Try putting slot on shadow gears and make custom cards to go in the costume slots.
  9. You need to use that client and old resource files if you want that kind of skins. you cant just simply change the UI of new clients
  10. You will have to install that yourself there are lots of useful guides here in the forums for it step by step installation :))
  11. I don't know what kind of logic that services have though. *BREAK* Not really a webhost but you can have your DNS set-up for OVH and Conoha. Don't know much about Digital Ocean (Only Used it for the $100 Free Balance Before)
  12. this is a herc script :)) try this one i tried to make it for rathena prontera,155,183,5 script Items Seller#tax_shop 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ mes "[ Dealer ]"; mes "-Currency Used-"; mes "- ^00FFFF"+getitemname(.currency)+"^000000 -"; next; if(select("Open Shop:Information") == 2){ mes "[ Dealer ]"; mes "I collect your money and give it to others."; close; } callshop "tax_shop",1; npcshopattach "tax_shop"; end; OnBuyItem: set .@TotalCost,0; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); .@i++) for(.@i = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.item); .@j++) if(.item[.@j] == @bought_nameid[.@i]) .@TotalCost = .@TotalCost + ( .price[.@j] * @bought_quantity[.@i] ); if(countitem(.currency) >= .@TotalCost ){ delitem .currency,.@TotalCost; getitem @bought_nameid[.@i],@bought_quantity[.@i]; $collectedtax += .@TotalCost * 10; } else { dispbottom "Your "+getitemname(.currency)+" is not enough"; } deletearray @bought_quantity, getarraysize(@bought_quantity); deletearray @bought_nameid, getarraysize(@bought_nameid); end; OnInit: .currency = 673; setarray .item[0],501,502,503; setarray .price[0],1,2,3; npcshopdelitem "tax_shop",501; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .item ); .@i++) npcshopadditem "tax_shop",.item[.@i],.price[.@i]; end; } - shop tax_shop -1,501:10000 prontera,144,321,6 script Tax Collector#1 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ if(select("View Collected Tax:Collect Tax") == 1){ mes "[ Tax Collector ]"; mes "You have collected [ ^00FFFF"+$collectedtax+"^000000 ]"; close; } if($collectedtax >= 0){ mes "[ Tax Collector ]"; mes "Here you go."; close2; .@TotalCollected = .@TotalCollected + $collectedtax; Zeny += .@TotalCollected; dispbottom "You have collected a total of "+.@TotalCollected+"z Taxes"; $collectedtax = 0; end; } mes "[ Tax Collector ]"; mes "You don't have anything to collect!"; close; }
  13. Looks nice, can it buy specific items like +9 knife with 4 thanatos card stuffs
  14. You still need to grant access to your database even though its a user with %
  15. I think its self-explanatory. rathena = rathena herc = herc
  16. I'd suggest OVH | Digital Ocean | Conoha RO Hostings out there doesn't really provide the services worth the price. It's better to learn it yourself :))
  17. You can either merge them in your GRF or just add it in your data.ini as for the palettes i don't suggest merging it though. you can use the grf editor for merging. ?
  18. View File Night Themed Patcher A very simple Night Themed Patcher - Includes RSS and PSD with it. Gonna update it soon with status buttons when I learn how to do it Forum Button [ Idle ] , Discord Button [ Hover ] and Register Button [ Clicked ] - I've noticed that there are not much patcher themes that are free here in rAthena so I decided to make one and release it here If you like my work hit the donate button for rAthena ~ Submitter crazyarashi Submitted 07/27/2018 Category Patcher Skins Video Content Author crazyarashi  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    A very simple Night Themed Patcher - Includes RSS and PSD with it. Gonna update it soon with status buttons when I learn how to do it Forum Button [ Idle ] , Discord Button [ Hover ] and Register Button [ Clicked ] - I've noticed that there are not much patcher themes that are free here in rAthena so I decided to make one and release it here If you like my work hit the donate button for rAthena ~
  20. Diff Patcher Sourceforge try every client available here
  21. getmapxy(@mapname, @mapx, @mapy, UNITTYPE_NPC, "strnpcinfo(3)"); No need to make it hard :))
  22. I think there is nothing like that for now.. since readparam is reading only the base stats of the character
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