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hendra814 last won the day on March 13 2024

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About hendra814

  • Birthday 10/30/1984

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    local server
  • Github: hendra814
  • Discord: Hsusanto#0150
  • Interests
    Watch movie and play online game

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  1. check at this link or this
  2. try this // Capuche cleaning Base on the poring race by Zell_ff8, xianz, Neko, for fun prontera,139,184,5 script Poring Race 882,{ if( .access_Prace == 0 ) { mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Poring Race has ended."; close; } mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Do you want to participate on Poring Race?"; if( select( "Yes","No" ) -1 ) { next; mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "See you again next time!"; close; } if( .access_Prace == 0 ) { next; mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } close2; @prace_winner$ = ""; warp "p_track01",52,41; end; // OnInit: OnMinute20: if( gettime(3)%2 ) end; set .access_Prace, 1; announce "Poring Race is now open!",0,0xFFAB54; setnpctimer 100000,"Bidder#prace0"; startnpctimer "Bidder#prace0"; end; OnPraceEnd: set .access_Prace, 0; announce "Poring Race is over!",0,0xFFAB54; end; } p_track01,58,41,3 script Bidder#prace0 877,{ function checkevent; mes "[Bidder]"; if( getstrlen( @prace_winner$ ) ) { mes "You have choose ^00bb00"+ @prace_winner$ +"^000000"; close; } else if ( checkevent() || .start ) { mes "There is a race in progress..."; close; } else if( !getvariableofnpc( .access_Prace,"Poring Race" ) ) { mes "There is no race."; close; } mes "Choose the poring you want to bet:"; mes "It will cost "+ .zeny_req +" Zeny."; .@s = select( .menu_$ ); if( .@s == 7 ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Goodbye."; close; } .@c$ = .monst_$[ .@s -1 ]; if ( checkevent() ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } else if( Zeny < .zeny_req ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .zeny_req; @prace_winner$ = .@c$; .prace_bidders[ .prace_bets ] = getcharid(3); .prace_bets++; next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "I have "+ .prace_bets +" bets."; initnpctimer; npctalk "I got "+ strcharinfo(0) +" bet!"; close; OnTimer60000: npctalk "I got "+ .prace_bets +" bets. Anyone else?"; end; OnTimer80000: npctalk "The race will start soon. Last chance."; end; OnTimer90000: stopnpctimer; .start = 1; mapannounce "p_track01","Porings, on your marks...",1,0xFFAB54; sleep 2500; for( .@i = 3; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce "p_track01","..."+ .@i +"...",1,0xFFAB54; sleep 1000; } donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnStartRace"; sleep 1000; mapannounce "p_track01","Gooo!!!",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer320000: mapwarp "p_track01","prontera",142,170; donpcevent "Poring Race::OnPraceEnd"; .prace_winner$ = ""; .start = .prace_bets = 0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnReturnRace"; end; OnStartRace: callsub L_label, "OnRace"; OnStopRace: callsub L_label, "OnStop"; OnReturnRace: callsub L_label, "OnReturn"; L_label: donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Poring#prace1::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::"+ getarg(0); if( getarg(0) == "OnStop" && .prace_winner$ != "" ) callsub L_WinRace; end; L_WinRace: mapannounce "p_track01", "The winner is "+ .prace_winner$,1,0xFFAB54; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnChequeo"; sleep 3000; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnReturnRace"; sleep 10000; mapwarp "p_track01","prontera",142,170; donpcevent "Poring Race::OnPraceEnd"; .prace_winner$ = ""; .start = .prace_bets = 0; end; OnChequeo: for( .@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize( .prace_bidders ); .@i++ ) { if( attachrid( .prace_bidders[.@i] ) && getstrlen( @prace_winner$ ) ) { dispbottom "The winner is "+ .prace_winner$ +" and you have bet for "+ @prace_winner$ +"."; if( @prace_winner$ == .prace_winner$ ) { dispbottom "You have won!"; mapannounce "p_track01"," Congratulations! "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has won!",1,0xFFAB54; getitem .item_gained, .item_num_gain; emotion 21,1; } else { dispbottom "You have lost."; emotion 28,1; } @prace_winner$ = ""; } } deletearray .prace_bidders; end; OnInit: .zeny_req = 3500; .item_gained = 7199; .item_num_gain = 2; setarray .monst_$,"Poring","Angeling","Metaling","Deviling","Santa Poring","Poporing","None"; .menu_$ = implode( .monst_$, ":" ); end; function checkevent { getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x1, .@y, BL_NPC, "Poring#prace1"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x2, .@y, BL_NPC, "Angeling#prace2"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x3, .@y, BL_NPC, "Metaling#prace3"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x4, .@y, BL_NPC, "Deviling#prace4"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x5, .@y, BL_NPC, "Santa Poring#prace5"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x6, .@y, BL_NPC, "Poporing#prace6"; .@t = ( .@x1 + .@x2 + .@x3 + .@x4 + .@x5 + .@x6 ) != 58 * 6; return .@t; } } //----------------------------------- // Racer NPC's //----------------------------------- - script pori_race -1,{ OnRace: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: sleep 1000; while( strnpcinfo(1) != .monst$[ .@i ] ) .@i++; movenpc strnpcinfo(3), 58, .walk_t[.@i]; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy .@mapname$,.@x,.@y,BL_NPC, strnpcinfo(3); if( rand(100) < .prace_random ) npcwalkto .@x-1, .@y; .@r = rand( .prace_random2 ); if ( .@x -1 == 29 ) { while( strnpcinfo(1) != .monst$[ .@i ] ) .@i++; set getvariableofnpc( .prace_winner$, "Bidder#prace0" ), .monst$[ .@i ]; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; end; } stopnpctimer; setnpctimer .@r; startnpctimer; end; OnInit: deletearray .walk_t; deletearray .monst$; setarray .walk_t, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28; setarray .monst$, "Poring", "Angeling", "Metaling", "Deviling", "Santa Poring", "Poporing"; .prace_random = 70; .prace_random2 = 600; end; } p_track01,58,38,2 duplicate(pori_race) Poring#prace1 1002 p_track01,58,36,2 duplicate(pori_race) Angeling#prace2 1096 p_track01,58,34,2 duplicate(pori_race) Metaling#prace3 1613 p_track01,58,32,2 duplicate(pori_race) Deviling#prace4 1582 p_track01,58,30,2 duplicate(pori_race) Santa Poring#prace5 1062 p_track01,58,28,2 duplicate(pori_race) Poporing#prace6 1031 p_track01,78,42,0 warp p_track002 1,3,prontera,142,170 p_track01 mapflag nobranch p_track01 mapflag noicewall p_track01 mapflag nomemo p_track01 mapflag noreturn p_track01 mapflag noteleport p_track01 mapflag nowarpto p_track01 mapflag nowarp p_track01 mapflag pvp off p_track01 mapflag nosave correction script from this post Poring Race Error - Scripting Support - rAthena
  3. for missing sprite name you can check at itemdb or at divine-pride.net - Items - Search as example this item
  4. try check video guide from this link
  5. check the item ID at your iteminfo file, if not exist you can update it or you create github issue at chris github project
  6. download Ro patcher Lite from this link and put in your KRO folder RO Patcher Lite then run the patcher.
  7. kafrapoint different with cashpoint cash shop using cash point. for your issue you must create custom NPC convert kafrapoint into cashpoint.
  8. solved via github update 0486cf1
  9. in the post i give the instruction you must untick it.
  10. already tried, the script not working Thanks for the information.
  11. please help my custom script using this command atcommand "@identifyall"; and atcommand "@save"; both script not working, please tell me how to correct the script. Thanks before for your support.
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