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Everything posted by crazyarashi

  1. I think he patched the remove GM sprites in nemo. You need to repatch your client again without adding the remove gm sprite patch :))
  2. The way you explained it is very confusing. please do elaborate it :))
  3. //= To Define Client Version //= #define PACKETVER 20151104 [Client Date] Ex. #define PACKETVER 20170517 //= To Define Packet Obfusction #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION //= Disable Packet Obfusction //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION you don't need to add this anymore just add your client date to the #define PACKETVER and be sure to recompile.
  4. you are lvl 500 with 600+ flee try to increase the hit of your ifrit.
  5. There is no packet_db_ver anymore, to edit the packet version you can find it at src/config/packets.h and make sure you diff it to match your configuration (Packet Obfuscation)
  6. I believe that Food buffs/negative status always go to the last part of your status :))
  7. atcommand.cpp ACMD_FUNC(storage) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->npc_id || sd->state.vending || sd->state.buyingstore || sd->state.trading || sd->state.storage_flag || pc_isdead(sd)) // Add pc_isdead(sd) ACMD_FUNC(go) { if (status_isdead(&sd->bl)){ // Add this line to your @go atcmd clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You can not use this command while dead."); return 0;
  8. Firstly you need to make your own grf, i suggest using this translation files Zackdreaver Translation Files. and you know to download a client client and Diff it with Nemo. 2015-11-04a is suggested, it's a stable client.
  9. OnSellItem: set .@TotalEarn,0; for(set .@j,0; .@j < getarraysize( .bitem ); set .@j,.@j+1) if( @sold_nameid[.@i] == .bitem[.@j] ) { set .@TotalEarn,.@TotalEarn + ( .bprice[.@j] * @sold_quantity[.@i] ); set Zeny,Zeny + .@TotalEarn; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @sold_nameid ); set .@i,.@i+1) delitem @sold_nameid[.@i],@sold_quantity[.@i]; close; } else { mes "Sorry I dont buy that kind of item"; close; } setarray .bitem[0],501,502; //== Item setarray .bprice[0],1000,2000; //== Item Price [Sell] A Simple One. :))
  10. crazyarashi


    That's because of the ASPD penalty of weapons..
  11. All the cases above odins power will be affected by the effect. SR_GENTLETOUCH_ENERGYGAIN: case SR_GENTLETOUCH_CHANGE: case SR_GENTLETOUCH_REVITALIZE: case GN_CARTBOOST: case ALL_ODINS_POWER:
  12. Why not just use the channels for the main chat ?
  13. Since you're from Australia. I suggest using OVH. Currently they have promo for your region. OVH Australia
  14. If you're using the default refiner of rA there shouldn't be a problem. Are you using a custom refiner script?
  15. Big thanks to you. I'll go and test it :))
  16. if( sc->data[SC_KAITE] && (src->type == BL_PC || status_get_lv(src) <= 80) #ifdef RENEWAL && type // Does not reflect AoE #endif ) { // Kaite only works against non-players if they are low-level. // Kyomu doesn't disable Kaite, but the "skill fail chance" part of Kyomu applies to it. clif_specialeffect(bl, EF_ATTACKENERGY2, AREA); if( --sc->data[SC_KAITE]->val2 <= 0 ) status_change_end(bl, SC_KAITE, INVALID_TIMER); return 2; } Find this part in src/skill.cpp and change the return 2; to return 1;
  17. I think there is nothing wrong with your configuration, base from the information you provided.
  18. You are using a 2018-05-30aRagexe client which is not stable it's for developers with knowledge in it , It's a use at your own risk client.
  19. Ah my mistake, I want to produce the effects when the message box is open but without opening the mes box such as : can't click, can't use items, basically disabling players actions.
  20. Does anyone know how to produce the mes clif without opening the mes box? ? If anyone has an idea feel free to share thanks.
  21. Try to update your mapcache for that map. :))
  22. For starters you should check if renewal is disabled in src/config/core.h //#define PRERE to #define PRERE //Pre-Renewal so your server would read the pre-re database/npc folders. as for SDE if you save it properly it should be updated properly since i personally use it just make sure you load your pre-re database :)) as for adding custom items there are few basic steps. (import folder is for custom database) 1. Add the item data on db/import/item_db.txt (make sure you @reload itemdb) 35000,Super_Potion,Super Potion,0,100,1,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(5000,9999),0; },{},{} 2. Add your item in iteminfo.lua/lub (so your item won't be displayed in apple) [501] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Super Potion", unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Super Potion", //Item Display Name In Game identifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", //Item sprite to read for display identifiedDescriptionName = { //Description "A potion made from Supermans sweat.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000", "Heal:^006600 5000 ~ 9999^000000 HP", "Weight:^006600 7^000000" }, slotCount = 0, // If equipments this is for client slot display ClassNum = 0 // For headgears display id }, as for the other stuffs custom headgears skills reviewing the wiki will help for that :))
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