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  1. Ohh great! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it! It does work indeed hehe.
  2. Hi, I really appreciate, but sadly I already tried that, It gives me the message if I’m rebirth. Like since upper is rebirth it blocks all the class above this variable. I tried with the same variable but with _2 and then I get this message for both all 2nd jobs and trans ones. Like if takes effect on all jobs above _2. Only the first class could now access it. Edit: Tried it because we never know, but it doesn't even trigger, I can still use it with a 2nd class. @Valor
  3. Hi, I would like to only allow Rebirth (trans jobs) to be able to use my Gramps npc: //===== Atlantis Script ====================================== //= iRO Gramps - Weekly Turn-In Events //===== By: ================================================== //= Ragno (AtlantisRO) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena //===== iRO Wiki Summary: ==================================== // Each week, a hunting quest (also called a "Turn-In") is // rotated. The Gramps NPC in the Eden Group HQ is offering // the quest. They require the player to kill 400 times a // monster. The monsters involved will give their normal EXP. // The player must be within a certain level range to obtain // the quest, but he can get the reward at any level. The // quest will give as much EXP as all the monsters killed // (formula : &00*(monster exp/jexp)). // iRO Wiki Page: // http://irowiki.org/wiki/Weekly_Turn-In_Events //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version. //============================================================ 1@air2,82,182,3 script Gramps#Eden 866,{ if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD){ mes "^FF0000Up on reaching Job Level 50 or Base Level 150 Gramps will no longer award experience points of the type that has reached his maximum.^000000"; next; mes "Gramps will also not allow those points to be redistributed."; next; } //if (checkquest(62837) != 2) // callsub S_GM_Notice; setarray .@Timer, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Timer); .@i++){ if (checkquest(.@Timer[.@i],PLAYTIME) == 2) erasequest .@Timer[.@i]; } mes "[Gramps]"; mes "When you get to being my age, you become bitter."; mes "Too long I've done nothing about the monsters that roam around Rune Midgard."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "That's why I'm asking you wippersnappers to help me hunt some monsters."; mes "Will you help me young adventurer?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I'll help.", "Reward Me!", "^FF0000I want to quit hunting^000000", "^0000FFCan you warp me?^000000", "Can you erase the timer?", "What missions are you giving", "No thanks pops.")){ case 1: //Yes, I'll help. mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Ok, I've got a monster in mind that I need help exterminating."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Waddya say kid?"; mes "Want to hunt something for me?"; next; .@map = select("I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "No thanks pops.") - 1; if (.@map == 3){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Suit yourself kid."; close; } callsub S_CheckLevel, .@map; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Ok, kid."; mes "Hunt monsters at " + .Gramps_MapName$[.@map] + " and I can die a happy old man."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Ask me to teleport you and I will send you to a special hunting area."; mes "So what do you want to hunt?"; next; if (vip_status(1) || checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1) .@vip_status = 1; .@loc = 4 * .@map; .@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc]; .@mob1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 1]; .@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2]; .@mob2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 3]; .@hunt = select(getmonsterinfo(.@mob1,MOB_NAME), getmonsterinfo(.@mob2,MOB_NAME), (.@vip_status?"Hunt All":""), "Cancel"); if (.@hunt == 4) close; setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486; setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487; .@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map]; .@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map]; if (.@hunt == 3){ if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){ setquest .@Turn_1; setquest .@Timer1; setquest .@Turn_2; setquest .@Timer2; close; } .@hunt = 1; } .@Turn = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Turn_1 : .@Turn_2); .@Timer = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Timer1 : .@Timer2); if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 2){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "You have finished this mission."; mes "All you have to do is tell me that you're done."; } else if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 1){ if (.@vip_status){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "You are already on this mission."; mes "Do you want me to warp you there?"; next; if (select("Send me now!", "Not right now.") == 1){ close2; warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map]; end; } } else { mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds."; mes "You are already on this mission."; } } else if (checkquest(.@Timer,PLAYTIME) == 1){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Wait a second!"; mes "You have to wait 23 hours before I can let you do this mission again."; } else if ((checkquest(.@Timer1,PLAYTIME) == 1 || checkquest(.@Timer2,PLAYTIME) == 1) && !.@vip_status){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I'm sorry but I can only give you one mission at a time in this category."; mes "If you had a VIP membership, I can give you both missions and a free warp to the area."; } else { if (!.@vip_status){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds."; } setquest .@Turn; setquest .@Timer; } close; case 2: //Reward Me! mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I'll check for all of the missions that I've given so far."; next; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){ if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 2){ if (checkquest(60819,PLAYTIME) != 1){ if (checkquest(60819) > 0) erasequest 60819; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I will give you a random buff for completing a hunting quest."; mes "I can give this buff to you once every 16 hours."; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,12; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,1800000,0; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,1800000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,1800000,25; setquest 60819; // Hunting Daily Timer next; } .@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME); mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Hmm... let me see~"; mes "You HAVE completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission."; .@boost = 600; if (vip_status(1)){ mes "Do you want both Base and Job experience or split?"; next; .@vip_reward = select("^FF0000Both Base and Job EXP^000000", "^0000FFI want Base EXP only.^000000", "^FFA400I want Job EXP only.^000000"); .@boost = 1000; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Here is your reward."; } erasequest .quest_id[.@i]; .@BaseExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_BASEEXP) * .@boost; .@JobExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_JOBEXP) * .@boost; if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && BaseLevel > 149) .@BaseExp = 0; if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && JobLevel > 49) .@JobExp = 0; switch(.@vip_reward){ case 2: getexp .@BaseExp,0; getexp .@JobExp,0; break; case 3: getexp 0,.@BaseExp; getexp 0,.@JobExp; break; default: getexp .@BaseExp,.@JobExp; break; } getitem "Para_Logro_Badge", (.@vip_reward ? 2 : 1); next; } } close; case 3: //I want to quit hunting mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I'll check what missions that you've taken so far."; mes "Tell me which one you want to quit doing."; next; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){ if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 1){ .@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME); mes "[Gramps]"; mes "You have NOT completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission."; mes "Do you want to continue or quit?"; next; if (select("Keep hunting " + .@monster$, "^FF0000Get rid of my quest^000000") == 2){ erasequest .quest_id[.@i]; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "All of your records for this quest have been deleted."; close2; .@questerased = 1; } } } if (.@questerased) end; close; case 4: //Can you warp me? mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Where would you like me to send you to?"; mes "The area I will send you to is not the normal area but a special hunting grounds."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "In addition, as long as you have the 23 hour timer active, I will still warp you to the hunting grounds area but you still have to wait for the timer to expire before I can give you the hunting mission again."; next; .@map = select(.Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "Cancel") - 1; if (.@map == 3) close; .@loc = 4 * .@map; .@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc]; .@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2]; setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486; setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487; .@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map]; .@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map]; if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I won't send you there because you're either not doing that mission or you haven't recently done this mission."; close; } mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Sending you now."; close2; warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map]; end; case 5: //Can you erase the timer? mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I can erase the daily timer for the quests if you give me 1 Reset Stone."; mes "So what do you say kid?"; next; if (select("Here's 1 Reset Stone", "No thanks, I'll just wait.") == 1){ if (!countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone")){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Come now, I won't do this for free."; mes "You can get the Reset Stones from the Kafra Consumables Employee upstairs."; } else { if (checkquest(60574,PLAYTIME) == 1){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I can only let you reset your hunting timers once every 3 hours."; mes "Wait for the timer to expire before you try reseting."; } else { setarray .@quest_erase, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487, 60574; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@quest_erase); .@i++){ if (checkquest(.@quest_erase[.@i]) > 0) erasequest .@quest_erase[.@i]; } mes "[Gramps]"; mes "All of your daily timers have been deleted."; delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 1; setquest 60574; } } } close; case 6: //What missions are you giving mes "[Gramps]"; mes "I am giving several hunting missions."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "This week's monster areas are:"; mes "45-75 " + .Gramps_MapName$[0]; mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[1],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[3],MOB_NAME); mes "55-85 " + .Gramps_MapName$[1]; mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[5],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[7],MOB_NAME); mes "65-99 " + .Gramps_MapName$[2]; mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[9],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[11],MOB_NAME); close; case 7: //Give me Limited 3 day VIP if (countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone") < 2){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "You need to bring 2 Reset Stones to get this service."; mes "Open the Cash Shop and purchase them from there."; } else if (checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "It seems that you already have the limited access activated."; mes "Your access ends when the timer expires."; } else { if (checkquest(60810) > 0) erasequest 60810; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Ok, you will now have limited 3 day VIP Access from this point on."; mes "Ask me about specific details to find out more about this access."; delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 2; setquest 60810; } close; case 8: //Tell me more about the VIP Access mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Ok, if you give me 2 Reset Stones you will have limited VIP Access to certain VIP only NPCs."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "This includes access to extra Kafra Services, discounted warps to different areas and even the use of Primo d'Buffer here at Eden Group."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Additionally, I will allow you to get both hunting quests while you have this VIP Access active."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "The only catch is that you will NOT receive some of the benefits of a VIP such as EXP Boost as well and extra storage."; close; case 9: //No thanks pops. mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Pops?"; mes "You better learn some respect there kiddo."; close; } end; S_CheckLevel: setarray .@BaseMin, 45, 55, 65; setarray .@BaseMax, 75, 85, 99; if (BaseLevel >= .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] && BaseLevel <= .@BaseMax[getarg(0)]) return; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Sorry, but I'm only giving this mission to Adventurers who are between level " + .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] + "-" + .@BaseMax[getarg(0)] + "."; close; S_GM_Notice: while(1){ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Hold it there! I have a message that I will only display this one time after you answer some questions correctly."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "Information about the GM Team!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "1. The ONLY way to become a GM is to be hired by Aspect Team. We do not recruit players to be GMs right now!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "2. The GM team will NEVER ask for your password!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "3. If someone demands a ransom to keep your account in good standing they are not members of the GM tema. DO NOT PAY THEM!"; mes "The GM team will never ask you to contact them outside the ticket system. If they are demanding via instant messengers or social media ignore them!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "4. The GM team will NEVER ask you to install and use Teamviewer!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "5. You will always be able to see a GM team member in a chat room if they are there. They have no special way to be invisible!"; next; mes "[Rules]"; mes "6. The GM team will always be willing to show the GM sprite. If they refuse they can be ignored."; next; mes "[Questionaire # 1]"; mes "Does the GM team recruit players to be GMs?"; next; if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; } mes "[Questionaire # 2]"; mes "Will the GM team ask you for password?"; next; if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; } mes "[Questionaire # 3]"; mes "Will the GM team demand cash from you, in game or via instant messagers or social media?"; next; if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; } mes "[Questionaire # 4]"; mes "Should you install Teamviewer because a GM ask you to?"; next; if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; } mes "[Questionaire # 5]"; mes "Can a GM team member be invisible in a chat room?"; next; if (select("Maybe", "No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; } mes "[Questionaire # 6]"; mes "Can you ask to see the GM sprite in order to verify a GM's identity?"; next; if (select("No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; } if (.@n == 6) break; else .@n = 0; } setquest 62837; completequest 62837; return; OnInit: setarray .Gramps_MapName$, "Byalan", "Geffen Dungeon", "Payon Dungeon"; setarray .Gramps_MapWarp$, "eiz_dun01p", "egef_dun03m", "epay_dun02h"; setarray .Gramps_MapX, 179, 115, 155; setarray .Gramps_MapY, 228, 241, 161; setarray .Gramps_Turn, 60602, 1102, 60508, 1617, 60594, 1772, 60502, 1208, 60470, 1716, 60485, 1653; setarray .monster_id, 1193, 1106, 1410, 1417, 1370, 1374, 2083, 2084, 1778, 1777, 1752, 1753, 2085, 2086, 1402, 1403, 1504, 1505, 1713, 1716, 1614, 1615, 1714, 1717, 1657, 1654, 1652, 1655, 1656, 1653, 1316, 1314, 1736, 1737, 1987, 2024, 1163, 1208, 1780, 1781, 2019, 2021, 1622, 1617, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1838, 1837, 1627, 1782, 1769, 1770, 1638, 1635, 1637, 1634, 1639, 1636, 1613, 1619, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1867, 1870, 1253, 1194, 1215, 1162, 1699, 1698, 1986, 2092, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1833, 1831, 1143, 1109, 1194, 1297, 1384, 1385, 1773, 1774, 1196, 1257, 2015, 1993, 1509, 1510, 1836, 1680, 1256, 1148, 1989, 1282, 1390, 1715, 1668, 1988, 2133, 2132, 1718, 1992, 2137, 2136, 1318, 1315, 1367, 1366, 1295, 1771, 1772, 1865, 1864, 1883, 1102, 1379, 1206, 1703, 1201, 1735, 1155, 1884, 1995, 1775, 1682, 1132, 1408, 1866, 1213, 1319, 2013, 1628, 1377, 2134, 1776, 1197, 1117, 1219, 1401, 1376, 1406, 1869, 1796, 1797, 1375, 1405, 2071, 1198, 1098, 1512, 1513, 1309, 2153, 1291, 1999, 1154, 2315, 2313, 1386, 2365, 2366, 1199, 2363, 2370, 2309, 2310, 2364, 1692, 1255, 2204, 1305, 2369, 2367, 2073, 2199; setarray .quest_id, 60443, 60445, 60451, 60452, 60453, 60454, 60455, 60456, 60459, 60460, 60461, 60462, 60463, 60464, 60465, 60466, 60467, 60468, 60469, 60470, 60476, 60477, 60478, 60479, 60480, 60481, 60482, 60483, 60484, 60485, 60488, 60489, 60490, 60491, 60492, 60493, 60501, 60502, 60503, 60504, 60505, 60506, 60507, 60508, 60509, 60510, 60511, 60512, 60513, 60514, 60515, 60516, 60517, 60518, 60519, 60520, 60521, 60522, 60523, 60524, 60525, 60526, 60527, 60528, 60529, 60530, 60531, 60532, 60535, 60536, 60537, 60538, 60539, 60540, 60541, 60542, 60543, 60544, 60545, 60546, 60547, 60549, 60550, 60551, 60552, 60553, 60554, 60555, 60556, 60557, 60558, 60559, 60560, 60561, 60562, 60565, 60570, 60571, 60572, 60573, 60575, 60576, 60579, 60580, 60581, 60582, 60583, 60584, 60585, 60586, 60587, 60588, 60589, 60590, 60591, 60592, 60593, 60594, 60595, 60596, 60601, 60602, 60603, 60604, 60605, 60608, 60609, 60610, 60611, 60612, 60614, 60815, 60816, 60817, 60818, 60820, 60821, 60822, 60824, 60825, 60826, 60827, 60828, 60830, 60831, 60832, 60833, 60834, 60835, 60836, 60837, 60838, 60839, 60840, 60841, 60842, 60843, 60844, 60845, 60846, 60848, 60849, 60851, 60853, 60854, 60855, 60856, 60857, 60858, 60859, 60860, 60861, 60862, 60863, 60864, 60865, 60866, 60867, 60868, 60869, 62832, 62833; end; } - script Return to Eden#template -1,{ mes "sending you back to Air Force"; close2; warp "1@air2", 66, 188; end; } eiz_dun01p,183,229,3 duplicate(Return to Eden#template) Return to Air Force#izdun00l 707 egef_dun03m,109,243,3 duplicate(Return to Eden#template) Return to Air Force#gefdun03m 707 epay_dun02h,152,160,3 duplicate(Return to Eden#template) Return to Air Force#paydun02h 707 //================================================== // 70 ~ 100 //================================================== eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0 monster Bathory 1102,50,0,0,0 eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0 monster Waste Stove 1617,50,0,0,0 //================================================== // 101 ~ 125 //================================================== egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0 monster Isilla 1772,50,0,0,0 egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0 monster Wanderman 1208,50,0,0,0 //================================================== // 126 ~ 150 //================================================== epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0 monster Acidus 1716,50,0,0,0 epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0 monster Whikebain 1653,50,0,0,0 Hopefully someone will be able to help me out. Thank you for reading. Kind Regards, Sirique
  4. Sirique

    Master login

    Hi, BFPkiller and I work together on a server and what we mean is that we want a way to make the Master Account. Which means that players could manage multiple accounts with simply one registration. Thank You for your answer nonetheless! Very appreciated.
  5. Hi, we realized that when the players choose to play and it says they can only spin once it takes their 100,000z anyway. Do you think you could help us with that please? Also maybe use Mac Adress instead of ip. Thank you! Kind Regards, Sirique Edit: I fixed the zeny issue. If you ever come across this message maybe if you could help us with the mac adress it would be very much appreciated. Thank you. I'll try to figure it out on my end.
  6. I really appreciate it, it's nice to see there's still some very helpful members on here! Thanks a lot mate! No problem I'll edit it if needed haha
  7. Hi, I use Emistry's ROTD script and when the race change it doesn't seem to trigger the OnNPCKillEvent. I was wondering if someone could enlight me on what part of the script my cause this. Alyssandra,118,73,3 script ROTD 436,{ set .@gmlevel,getgmlevel(); do{ set .@menu,select("^4EEE94ROTD Information^000000", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set a New Monster's Race", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set EXP Bonus", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set Item / Zeny Bonus", "Close" ); switch( .@menu ) { Case 1: mes "^FF0000ROTD^000000 refer to ^0000FFRace of the Day^000000"; mes "In another word, it mean that the ^FF0000Monster's Race^000000 that you killed by day will grant you ^FF0000Extra Bonus EXP / Item / Zeny ^000000."; next; mes "[ ^FF0000Today's ROTD^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FF"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000 Race"; if ( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_exp_bonus+"% more exp^000000"; if ( ( .rotd_item_amount && .rotd_item_rate ) || .rotd_zeny || .rotd_exp_bonus ) { mes " "; mes "Reward : "+( ( .rotd_item_rate )? .rotd_item_rate+"%":"" )+" : "; if ( .rotd_item_amount && .rotd_item_rate ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_item_amount+" x "+getitemname( .rotd_item_id )+"^000000"; if ( .rotd_zeny ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_zeny+" Zeny^000000"; mes " "; mes "Amount are random..."; } break; Case 2: mes "Select new race."; set .today_rotd,select( .rotd_menu$ ) - 1; if ( .today_rotd >= .rotd_size ) set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size ); mes "New Race : ^777777"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000"; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0; break; Case 3: mes "Set new exp bonus. (%)"; input .rotd_exp_bonus,0,100; if ( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes "ROTD EXP : "+.rotd_exp_bonus+" %"; break; Case 4: mes "Set Rotd bonus"; mes "Inset Zeny Bonus"; input .@zeny; mes "Insert Item ID"; do{ input .@item,0,32767; if ( !.@item ) close; }while( getitemname( .@item ) == "null" ); mes "Enter amount."; input .@amount,0,30000; mes "Enter Rate to gain."; input .@rate,0,100; if ( .@amount && .@rate ) { next; mes "Updated item bonus : ( "+.@rate+"% )"; mes "^777777"+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@item )+"^000000"; mes "^777777"+.@zeny+" Zeny^000000"; if ( select( "Confirm","Cancel" ) == 1 ) { set .rotd_item_id,.@item; set .rotd_item_amount,.@amount; set .rotd_item_rate,.@rate; set .rotd_zeny,.@zeny; mes "Updated."; } } default: close; } next; }while( .@menu != 5 ); close; OnInit: // min gm level set .gm_level,99; // monster race list setarray .rotd$[0], "Undead", "Undead", "Brute", "Plant", "Insect", "Fish", "Demon", "Fish", "Angel", "Dragon", "Brute", "Demon"; set .rotd_size,getarraysize( .rotd$ ); for( set .@i,0; .@i < .rotd_size; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + .rotd$[.@i] +":"; set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + "^0055FFRandom Race^000000"; // min party member lv to gain exp set .party_level_range,10; // daily reset OnClock0000: set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size ); set .rotd_exp_bonus,rand( 1,100 ); delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_RACE ) == .today_rotd ) { set .@partyid,getcharid(1); set .@mob_base_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_BASEEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus ); set .@mob_job_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_JOBEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus ); if ( .@partyid ) { set .@aid,getcharid(3); set .@baselevel,BaseLevel; set .@map$,strcharinfo(3); getpartymember .@partyid,1; getpartymember .@partyid,2; while( .@i < $@partymembercount ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) if ( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) ) if ( strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) <= .party_level_range && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) >= ~.party_level_range && Hp >= 1 ) { set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp ); set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp ); dispbottom "[ROTD Party] : "+.@mob_base_exp+" EXP"; } set .@i,.@i + 1; } attachrid( .@aid ); } else { set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp ); set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp ); dispbottom "[ROTD SOLO] : "+.@mob_base_exp+" EXP"; } if ( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_zeny ) set Zeny,Zeny + rand( .rotd_zeny ); if ( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_item_amount ) getitem .rotd_item_id,rand( .rotd_item_amount ),.@aid; } end; } The only part I modified is the array of races I want the script to choose daily: // monster race list setarray .rotd$[0], "Undead", "Undead", "Brute", "Plant", "Insect", "Fish", "Demon", "Fish", "Angel", "Dragon", "Brute", "Demon"; I tried to simply remove some races but it was showing up empty and no race were selected. I just wonder how the rand for how many races randomly selected daily actually work in this script. Thank you.
  8. Yeah that I figured it would be the best way to go, so I would simply like have to use the item available in the wheel that has the more weight right? Kind Regards, Sirique
  9. Hi, I have the Wheel Of Fortune script I'd like help with adding a Check Weight variable. - script Wheel_of_Fortune -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); .Eventname$ = "[Wheel Of Fortune]"; end; OnClock1500: OnClock1630: OnClock1900: OnClock2200: OnStart: .Start = true; announce(sprintf("%s : The event will begin in 1 minute, in the Secret Gambling Room.", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); initnpctimer(); end; OnTimer60000: // 1 min enablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // enablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); announce(sprintf("%s : Come to Secret Gambling Room and test your luck", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1800000: // 30 mins announce(sprintf("%s : One more minute, do your last spin!", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1860000: // 31 mins OnEndEvent: .Start = false; announce(sprintf("%s : The event is now over.", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); stopnpctimer(); disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); end; OnCommand: if (.@atcmd_numparameters != 1) { dispbottom(sprintf("Usage: %s <start/end>", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); end; } if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "start") { if (!.Start) donpcevent(sprintf("%s::OnStart", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); else { dispbottom("The Wheel of Fortune has already started.", 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } } else if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "end") { if (.Start) donpcevent(sprintf("%s::OnEndEvent", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); else { dispbottom("The Wheel of Fortune is not active.", 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } } else { dispbottom(sprintf("Usage: %s <start/end>", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } end; } vip_lounge,145,60,3 script Wheel of Fortune#Main 2_SLOT_MACHINE,{ OnTalk: .@today = atoi( gettimestr( "%Y%m%d", 9 ) ); if ( $wof_today != .@today ) { $wof_today = .@today; deletearray $wof_charip$; } if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mes(.Eventname$); mes("You are out of Zeny"); mes("and have no more"); mes("free spins. Come back"); mes("next time for more!"); close(); } .@mes$ = (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf(", but you, my friend, have %d free spin%s!", #freewheelfortunespin, (#freewheelfortunespin == 1) ? "" : "s") : "."; cutin("aca_salim02", 2); addtimer(1, sprintf("%s::OnEndEvent", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); mes(.Eventname$); mes("Do you want to spin the wheel?"); mes(sprintf("It costs ^FF0000%d Zeny^000000 to play%s", .Zeny_Cost, .@mes$)); next(); while (true) { if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) callsub(S_End); switch (select( (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use free spin! (%d left)", #freewheelfortunespin) : "", (Zeny >= .Zeny_Cost ) ? sprintf("Yes! Use Zeny. (costs %dz)", .Zeny_Cost) : "", "No (Leave)" )) { // pay with free spin case 1: if (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) { if ((#freewheelfortunespin -= 1) < 0) #freewheelfortunespin = 0; callsub(S_Spin); } else callsub(S_End); break; // Pay with zeny case 2: if (Zeny >= .Zeny_Cost) { Zeny -= .Zeny_Cost; callsub(S_Spin); } else { cutin("aca_salim02", 2); mes(.Eventname$); mes("Awww, you don't have enough to gamble..."); mes(" "); mes("Have you ever heard?"); mes("'Money isn't all that matters' Got it?"); mes("Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)"); callsub(S_End); } break; default: callsub(S_End); } } // Wheel spin animation S_Spin: .@Sector = rand(.Sector_Range[0], .Sector_Range[1]); .@Display = .@Sector * 2 - 1; .@Speed = .Spin_Speed; .@charip$ = getcharip(); if ( countinarray($wof_charip$,.@charip$) ) { mes "You can only spin one IP per day."; close; } else $wof_charip$[getarraysize($wof_charip$)] = .@charip$; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .nbTurns; .@i++) { .@b = .Cutin_Range[0]; while (.@b <= .Cutin_Range[1]) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; .@Speed += 1; // not ++, because you may want to adjust the stopping +1 +2 +3 } } .@b = .Cutin_Range[0]; while (.@b < .@Display) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; } cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); if (.Prize_ID[.@Sector] == -1) { // Free spin if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_jackpot.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Wow, %dx more Free spins!!!", .Eventname$, .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]), bc_blue | bc_self); #freewheelfortunespin = #freewheelfortunespin == 0 ? .Prize_Qty[.@Sector] : #freewheelfortunespin + .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]; } else if (.Prize_ID[.@Sector] == 0) { // Nothing if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_lost.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Awwww, no luck in your gamble, more luck in love...", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_self); } else { // Item if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_won.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : %dx %s - enjoy your prize!", .Eventname$, .Prize_Qty[.@Sector], getitemname(.Prize_ID[.@Sector])), bc_blue | bc_self); getitem(.Prize_ID[.@Sector], .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]); } sleep2(1000); if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mes(.Eventname$); mes("You are out of Zeny"); mes("and have no more"); mes("free spins. Come back"); mes("next time for more!"); close(); } return; S_End: close2(); OnEndEvent: cutin("", 255); end; OnInit: .Eventname$ = "Wheel Of Fortune"; bindatcmd("wof", "Wheel_of_Fortune::OnCommand", 99, false); .Spin_Speed = 50; // What is the base spin speed? (ms) .nbTurns = 2; // How many times the arrow makes a complete turn, before entering the stopping routine .Zeny_Cost = 100000; // How much zeny does it cost for a spin? .Sound_Effects = true; // Enable sound effects? (true/false) // You must have a total of 10 prizes. DO NOT remove 0 or -1 from the array and do not // change their order. setarray(.Prize_ID[1], -1, 13810, 13277, 12187, 617, 607, 603, 604, 0, 23093); setarray(.Prize_Qty[1], 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1); // Don't touch below .Cutin$ = "WheelOfFortune_"; setarray(.Sector_Range, 1, 10); // Sector range setarray(.Cutin_Range, 0, 19); // Cutin range end; } I'm not quite sure where it should go. Thank You,
  10. Thank you, I'll give it a try right away and let you know. Edit: I tried to use both .@name$ and $@name$, but it didn't work. No errors but the name of the npc doesn't show @Mabuhay. I fixed the tuxedo issue, tho. Just made it wearable so they can at least get married now. I'm at work for the moment and I don't remember the exact error, but there's a new error when the players get married, you don't get like the animation and Vomas speech, but they do get officially married.
  11. Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me with a recurrent issue I have with the Same Sex Marriage script from npc/custom/ect/marriage.txt: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Wedding Script //===== By: ================================================== //= AppleGirl, Evera //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.9 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Fully working wedding script for all kind of weddings //===== Additional Comments: ================================= // 1.1 Lesbian and Gay Weddings [ShadowLady] // 2.0 Complete Rewrite [Skotlex] // 2.9 Somewhat iRO-official NPC names [DracoRPG] //============================================================ // Configuration Variables: - script marriage_init -1,{ OnInit: set $@wed_allow, 1; //If 1, allows same sex marriages. set $@wed_veil, 0; //Set to 0 to disable veil check on the bride //Id of the item that is traded for the wedding ring (use 0 to disable): set $@wed_ring, 2613; set $@wed_groom_reg, 1300000; //Registration cost for the Groom set $@wed_bride_reg, 1200000; //Registration cost for the Bride set $@wed_divorce_fee, 50000; //Divorcing fee set $@wedding_effect, 1; //On who to display the FX: 0: Priest, 1: Bride, 2: Groom end; } // Other Configuration: // Line 61,62: Priest location, sprite and name. // Line 437,438: Registration location, sprite and name. // Line 813,814: Divorcing location, sprite and name. // Variable Notes: // $wed_progress Signals that there is a wedding in progress // $wed_groom$ - Groom's name storage // $wed_groom_sex - Groom's gender (for same marriage ring giving) // $wed_bride$ - Bride's name storage // $wed_bride_sex - Groom's gender (for same marriage ring giving) // $wed_groom_progress - Notes the progress on the groom's part // $wed_bride_progress - Notes the progress on the bride's part // 0: Not registered. 1: Registered. 2: Accepted the partner. 3: Ready to // Retrieve the ring. 4: Retrieved the ring. 5: All set to be wed. 6: Already // a couple. // ceremony. // $wedding_effect_id - When wedding_effect is enabled, sets the ID of the // player to show the effect on. // $divorce_progress signals that there is a divorce in progress // $@divorcer$ name of the person who requested divorce // $@divorcee id of the partner, who has to accept the divorce and pay. //The Priest - official iRO sprite & in-dialog name (on-map name not confirmed) prt_church,100,123,4 script Vomars 60,{ set @name$,"Vomars"; function SF_wed_end; function SF_equip_check; function SF_Groom; function SF_Bride; function SF_AcceptGroom; function SF_AcceptBride; function SF_RetrieveRingM; function SF_RetrieveRingF; function SF_RingsAccepted; function SF_StartCeremony; if (getpartnerid() > 0) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You have my blessings, have a wonderful married life."; close; } if ($wed_progress == 0) { // Official iRO dialog mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You must apply for"; mes "marriage with Happy Marry"; mes "before you can get married."; mes "Happy Marry will let you know"; mes "what else you'll need to do"; mes "to prepare for marriage"; close; } // End official iRO dialog if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$) { SF_Groom(); end; } if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_bride$) { SF_Bride(); end; } mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($wed_groom_progress == 0 || $wed_bride_progress == 0) { mes "There is a wedding being planned. I would appreciate it if you would not interrupt me."; close; } if ($wed_groom_progress == 6) { mes "I am wedding "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", and it's already too late to object. Please let me continue."; close; } mes "I am going to wed "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", do you have an objection to it?"; if (select("Sorry, please go on.","Yes, I actually do.") == 2) { //Abort npctalk @name$ +" : Ladies and gentlemen, "+strcharinfo(0)+" has an objection to the wedding!"; SF_wed_end(); mes "Why should they not be wed?"; input $@msg$; npctalk @name$ +" : "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s objection is: "+$@msg$; emotion ET_CRY; mes "I see..."; } else mes "Very well, go sit and enjoy the ceremony."; close; function SF_Groom { if ($wed_bride_progress == 0) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Looks like your bride has yet to arrive and register."; close; } if (SF_equip_check() == 0) close; switch($wed_groom_progress) { case 1: SF_AcceptBride(); break; case 2: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I am waiting for your partner to accept you to start the ceremony."; close; case 3: SF_RetrieveRingM(); break; case 4: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Your partner's wedding ring hasn't been retrieved yet. The ceremony will start as soon as you both have claimed your rings."; close; case 5: mes "["+@name$+"]"; SF_StartCeremony(); break; default: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Please don't interrupt me now."; close; } } function SF_Bride { if ($wed_groom_progress == 0) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Looks like your groom has yet to arrive and register."; close; } if (SF_equip_check() == 0) close; switch ($wed_bride_progress) { case 1: SF_AcceptGroom(); break; case 2: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I am waiting for your partner to accept you to start the ceremony."; close; case 3: SF_RetrieveRingF(); break; case 4: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Your partner's wedding ring hasn't been retrieved yet. The ceremony will start as soon as you both have claimed your rings."; close; case 5: mes "["+@name$+"]"; SF_StartCeremony(); break; default: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Please don't interrupt me now."; close; } } function SF_AcceptGroom { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes $wed_bride$+", "+$wed_groom$+" has requested to be your husband for the rest of your life. Do you accept?"; next; switch(select("I need time to think about it.","No, I don't!","Yes, I do!")) { case 1: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You what!?"; mes "err.. *cough* *cough* very well... come back after you've made up your mind."; emotion ET_ANGER; close; case 2: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "!!"; mes "Ah... err... ehm... okay. You two seem to have some differences to settle first."; close2; emotion ET_HUK; npctalk @name$ +" : Ladies and gentlemen, "+$wed_bride$+" has rejected to marry "+$wed_groom$+"!"; SF_wed_end(); break; case 3: set $wed_bride_progress,2; if ($wed_groom_progress == 2) { SF_RingsAccepted(); break; } emotion ET_OK; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "After your groom approves, you will be given your rings, the ceremony will begin and you will be officially married."; close; } } function SF_AcceptBride { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes $wed_groom$+", "+$wed_bride$+" has requested to be your wife for the rest of your life. Do you accept?"; next; switch(select("I need time to think about it.","No, I don't!","Yes, I do!")) { case 1: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You what!?"; mes "err.. *cough* *cough* very well... come back after you've made up your mind."; emotion ET_ANGER; close; case 2: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "!!"; mes "Ah... err... ehm... okay. You two seem to have some differences to settle first."; emotion ET_HUK; close2; npctalk @name$ +" : Ladies and gentlemen, "+$wed_groom$+" has rejected to marry "+$wed_bride$+"!"; SF_wed_end(); break; case 3: set $wed_groom_progress,2; if ($wed_bride_progress == 2) { SF_RingsAccepted(); break; } emotion ET_OK; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "After your bride approves, you will be given your rings, the ceremony will begin and you will be officially married."; close; } } function SF_RingsAccepted { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Now that you both have accepted, the wedding will begin. Please come forth, you and your partner, to retrieve your rings."; set $wed_bride_progress,3; set $wed_groom_progress,3; announce $wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+"'s wedding ceremony will be held at the church!",8; close2; emotion ET_THROB; npctalk @name$ +" : May the groom and bride please step forward and retrieve their rings?"; } function SF_RetrieveRingM { mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) { mes "What happened to your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"? You didn't lose it... did you? We need it to continue with the ceremony!"; close; } if ($wed_bride_sex) set @item, 2634; //Groom's wedding ring else set @item, 2635; //Bride's wedding ring if (getnameditem(@item,$wed_groom$) == 0) { mes "You don't seem to have enough space to carry the ring... go free up some space and come back to reclaim your partner's ring."; close; } mes "Here's the wedding ring for your bride."; if ($@wed_ring) delitem $@wed_ring,1; set $wed_groom_progress,4; if ($wed_bride_progress == 4) SF_StartCeremony(); else { mes "Once your bride retrieves the ring, the ceremony will begin."; close; } } function SF_RetrieveRingF { mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) { mes "What happened to your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"? You didn't lose it... did you? We need it to continue with the ceremony!"; close; } if ($wed_groom_sex) set @item, 2634; //Groom's wedding ring else set @item, 2635; //Bride's wedding ring if (getnameditem(@item,$wed_bride$) == 0) { mes "You don't seem to have enough space to carry the ring... go free up some space and come back to reclaim your partner's ring."; close; } mes "Here's the wedding ring for your groom."; if ($@wed_ring) delitem $@wed_ring,1; set $wed_bride_progress,4; if ($wed_groom_progress == 4) SF_StartCeremony(); else { mes "Once your groom retrieves the ring, the ceremony will begin."; close; } } function SF_StartCeremony { mes "I will now start the wedding ceremony, and you will be declared forth husband and wife."; set $wed_bride_progress,5; set $wed_groom_progress,5; set $@msg$,$wed_groom$; if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$) set $@msg$,$wed_bride$; if (marriage($@msg$) == 0) { next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Where is "+$@msg$+"?? I can't marry you both if one is missing..."; close; } set $wed_bride_progress,6; set $wed_groom_progress,6; initnpctimer; close; } OnTimer1000: npctalk @name$ +" : Ladies and Gentlemen, We will now join in holy matrimony these two lovers."; end; OnTimer5000: npctalk @name$ +" : Now more than ever, will both of your lives be entwined together as so will be your souls."; end; OnTimer10000: npctalk @name$ +" : You will both honor and cherish each other through the best and worst of times."; end; OnTimer15000: npctalk @name$ +" : The safety and well being of your other will now also be your responsibility."; end; OnTimer20000: npctalk @name$ +" : May in sickness or good health, your love burn bright like no force can extinguish it."; end; OnTimer25000: npctalk @name$ +" : Those here stand witness to these vows bestowed upon you, you must act accordingly to them."; end; OnTimer30000: npctalk @name$ +" : Understanding that, we are nothing more but mortals on this earth, but this is our triumph."; end; OnTimer35000: npctalk @name$ +" : We here will now join these two mortal entities, and create an immortal love."; end; OnTimer40000: npctalk @name$ +" : "+ $wed_groom$ +", you have accepted to take "+$wed_bride$+" as your lawfully wedded wife,"; end; OnTimer45000: npctalk @name$ +" : and you, "+$wed_bride$+", have accepted take "+$wed_groom$+" as your lawfully wedded husband."; end; OnTimer50000: npctalk @name$ +" : And as such, now, by the powers vested in me..."; end; OnTimer55000: npctalk @name$ +" : I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride and exchange rings."; if ($wedding_effect_id && isloggedin($wedding_effect_id)) { attachrid($wedding_effect_id); wedding; detachrid; } else wedding; SF_wed_end(); stopnpctimer; end; //Subfunction: Checks that the groom/bride is still wearing their stuff. function SF_equip_check { if (Sex == SEX_MALE && getequipid(EQI_ARMOR) != 7170) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Child, what did you do with your "+getitemname(7170)+"?"; emotion ET_THINK; return 0; } if (Sex == SEX_FEMALE && getequipid(EQI_ARMOR) != 2338) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Child, you are supposed to wear a "+getitemname(2338)+" at all times during the ceremony..."; emotion ET_THINK; return 0; } if (Sex == SEX_FEMALE && $@wed_veil && getequipid(EQI_HEAD_TOP) != 2206) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Child, you can't take off your "+getitemname(2206)+" yet...."; emotion ET_THINK; return 0; } return 1; } //Subfunction: Resets wedding variables. function SF_wed_end { set $wed_groom$,""; set $wed_groom_sex, 0; set $wed_bride$,""; set $wed_bride_sex, 0; set $wed_groom_progress,0; set $wed_bride_progress,0; set $wed_progress,0; set $wedding_effect_id,0; } OnInit: if ($wed_groom_progress==6) { SF_wed_end(); } end; } //Registration & Status prt_church,106,99,3 script Happy Marry 67,{ set @name$,"Marry"; if (getpartnerid() > 0) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Isn't marriage beautiful?"; close; } function SF_WedProgress; function SF_Principles; function SF_Procedure; function SF_Register; function SF_TryRegister; if ($wed_progress) { SF_WedProgress(); end; } do { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Marriage... is such a beautiful thing."; mes "Would you like to get married with someone?"; next; set @menu, select( "I'll be single forever!", "Explain the principles of marriage.", "Explain the marriage procedure.", "I want to get married with someone." ); switch (@menu) { case 1: //Quit mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "In that case, enjoy your bachelor's life."; close; case 2: //Principles SF_Principles(); break; case 3: //Procedure SF_Procedure(); break; case 4: //Register SF_Register(); break; } } while (@menu > 1); end; function SF_Register { if ($@wed_allow) { //Role select mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Very well, whom would you like to register as?"; next; set @submenu, select("Groom","Bride","Cancel"); } else if (Sex == SEX_MALE) { //Groom mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Very well, will you register as the Groom?"; next; if (select("Yes","I've changed my mind.")==1) set @submenu, 1; else set @submenu, 3; } else { //Bride mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Very well, will you register as the Bride?"; next; if (select("Yes","I've changed my mind.")==1) set @submenu, 2; else set @submenu, 3; } switch (@submenu) { case 1: //Groom SF_TryRegister(0); set $wed_progress,1; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You are now registered as the groom."; mes "Tell your bride to register as soon as possible."; emotion ET_SCRATCH; initnpctimer; close; case 2: //Bride SF_TryRegister(1); set $wed_progress,1; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You are now registered as the bride."; mes "Tell your groom to register as soon as possible."; emotion ET_SCRATCH; initnpctimer; close; default: //Cancel mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Come back when you are ready."; close; } } function SF_WedProgress { if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($wed_bride_progress > 0) mes "The Priest will handle the rest of the ceremony."; else mes "Tell your bride to register, what is taking so long? Time is running out."; close; } if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_bride$) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($wed_groom_progress > 0) mes "The Priest will handle the rest of the ceremony."; else mes "Tell your groom to register, what is taking so long? Time is running out."; close; } if (($wed_groom_progress == 0) && (Sex == SEX_MALE || $@wed_allow == 1)) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes $wed_bride$+" is waiting for the groom to register. Are you the one who came to register as groom?"; next; if (select("Yes, I am.","Sorry, you got the wrong person.") == 1) { SF_TryRegister(0); stopnpctimer; set $wed_groom_progress,1; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Very well, now go to the Priest to reaffirm your vows and the ceremony will begin."; emotion ET_BEST; close2; npctalk @name$ +" : Registration finished. "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", please reaffirm your vows with the Priest."; emotion ET_BEST; end; } else { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I see. Sorry to have bothered you then."; close; } } if (($wed_bride_progress == 0) && (Sex == SEX_FEMALE || $@wed_allow == 1)) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes $wed_groom$+" is waiting for the bride to register. Are you the one who came to register as the bride?"; next; if(select("Yes, I am.","Sorry, you got the wrong person.") == 1) { SF_TryRegister(1); stopnpctimer; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Very well, now go to the Priest to reaffirm your vows and the ceremony will begin."; emotion ET_BEST; close2; npctalk @name$ +" : Registration finished. "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", please reaffirm your vows with the Priest."; emotion ET_BEST; end; } else { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I see. Sorry to have bothered you then."; close; } } mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "There is a wedding in progress."; mes "Would you like to know the progress of said wedding?"; next; if (select("Yes","No") != 1) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Enjoy the wedding."; close; } //Display Progress mes "["+@name$+"]"; switch ($wed_groom_progress) { case 0: mes "The groom has not registered yet."; break; case 1: mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", has yet to accept the bride."; break; case 2: mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", is waiting for the bride's acceptance."; break; case 3: mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", has yet to retrieve the ring."; break; case 4: mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", is waiting for the bride to retrieve the ring."; break; } switch ($wed_bride_progress) { case 0: mes "The bride has not registered yet."; break; case 1: mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", has yet to confirm the groom."; break; case 2: mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", is waiting for the groom's acceptance."; break; case 3: mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", has yet to retrieve the ring."; break; case 4: mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", is waiting for the groom to retrieve the ring."; break; case 5: mes "We are just waiting for both "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+" to be together to marry them."; break; case 6: mes $wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+"'s wedding ceremony is already well on it's way."; break; } mes "Enjoy the remaining of the wedding."; close; } OnInit: if ($wed_groom_progress + $wed_bride_progress == 1) initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: //Registration failed. if ($wed_bride_progress == 1) set $@msg$, $wed_bride$; else set $@msg$, $wed_groom$; npctalk @name$ +" : Registration timed out. Is there no one who wants to marry "+$@msg$+"..?"; emotion ET_SCRATCH; set $wed_groom$,""; set $wed_groom_sex, 0; set $wed_bride$,""; set $wed_bride_sex, 0; set $wed_groom_progress,0; set $wed_bride_progress,0; set $wed_progress,0; stopnpctimer; end; //Subfunction SF_TryRegister (int bride) function SF_TryRegister { set @bride, getarg(0); set @type$, "groom"; if (@bride) set @type$, "bride"; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Before registering as "+@type$+", let me check if you meet all the requirements..."; next; if (Upper == 2) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Oh dear, you are too young to be thinking of marriage!"; emotion ET_SURPRISE; close; } if (Sex == SEX_MALE) set @item, 7170; else set @item, 2338; if (getequipid(EQI_ARMOR) != @item) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You should be wearing a "+getitemname(@item)+" if you want to get married."; close; } if (Sex == SEX_FEMALE && $@wed_veil && getequipid(EQI_HEAD_TOP) != 2206) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Where is your "+getitemname(2206)+"? It's a necessary complement to your dress."; close; } if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Where's the ring? You need a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" for the ring exchange, dear."; close; } if (@bride) set @cost, $@wed_bride_reg; else set @cost, $@wed_groom_reg; if (Zeny < @cost) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I am sorry, but you don't have enough to pay for the registration fee."; mes "Come back once you have collected "+@cost+"z."; close; } set Zeny,Zeny-@cost; sc_start SC_Wedding,3600000,1; //Start Wedding Effect (SC_WEDDING) if (@bride) { set $wed_bride_progress,1; set $wed_bride$,strcharinfo(0); set $wed_bride_sex, Sex; if ($@wedding_effect == 1) //Store account id for effect. set $wedding_effect_id, getcharid(3); } else { set $wed_groom_progress,1; set $wed_groom$,strcharinfo(0); set $wed_groom_sex, Sex; if ($@wedding_effect == 2) //Store account id for effect. set $wedding_effect_id, getcharid(3); } } //Explain wedding principles... function SF_Principles { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Weddings are performed by our local Priest with the intent of promoting love and peace among the loving couples."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "The proposal must be done with prudence and courtesy, once the wedlocks have been made, they cannot be undone."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "The two who have been joined by marriage must remain together forever until the day death do them apart."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; if ($@wed_allow == 1) mes "Although normally only males can wed females (and vice versa), our local Priest is more open-minded than that and he permits all pairings regardless of gender."; else mes "Males may only wed with females, and females only with males, the church will not consent any other kind of partnerships."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "If there is a significant other with whom you want to spend the rest of your life with, then don't be shy to propose."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I wish for many blessings upon couples who wish to live happily ever after..."; next; } //Explain the wedding procedure... function SF_Procedure { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "First of all, both groom and bride must register with me."; next; if ($@wed_allow == 1) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "The registration requirements are:"; mes "- Males must be wearing a "+getitemname(7170)+"."; mes "- Females must be wearing a "+getitemname(2338)+"."; if ($@wed_veil) mes "- Females must also wear a "+getitemname(2206)+"."; if ($@wed_ring) mes "- Both must own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" each."; if ($@wed_groom_reg > 0) mes "- The registration fee for the groom is "+$@wed_groom_reg+"z."; if ($@wed_bride_reg > 0) mes "- The registration fee for the bride is "+$@wed_bride_reg+"z."; } else { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "The registration requirements for the groom are:"; mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(7170)+"."; if ($@wed_ring) mes "- To own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"."; if ($@wed_groom_reg > 0) mes "- Pay a Registration fee of "+$@wed_groom_reg+"z."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "The registration requirements for the bride are:"; mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(2338)+"."; if ($@wed_veil) mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(2206)+"."; if ($@wed_ring) mes "- To own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"."; if ($@wed_bride_reg > 0) mes "- Pay a Registration fee of "+$@wed_bride_reg+"z."; } next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I shouldn't need to mention this, but adopted kids are too young to get married."; mes "Both groom and bride must register within a minute of each other, or the wedding will be cancelled. So be sure you both are ready and meet the registration requirements beforehand."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "After both have registered with me, you have to go pledge your vows to the Priest and accept your registered partner. If for some reason you reject your registered partner, the wedding will be cancelled..."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "If you both accept each other, then the wedding has been decided and the ceremony will begin."; if ($@wed_ring) { mes "But first, you need to get your rings ready."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Talk to the priest once more, and he will exchange your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" for a wedding ring. After you both have claimed the rings for exchanging, the ceremony will begin."; } next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "If there are various couples who desire to marry, you should keep in order, for the Priest can only handle one wedding at a time."; next; } } prt_church,94,99,4 script Sister Lisa 79,{ set @name$,"Lisa"; function SF_DivorceEnd; function SF_InProgress; if ($@divorce_progress==1) { goto SF_InProgress; end; } do { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Divorcing can be such a sad event..."; if (getpartnerid() == 0) { mes "People shouldn't make shallow vows to others, don't you think?"; close; } mes "You wouldn't want to divorce, by any chance?"; next; set @menu, select( "I am happy as I am, thank you.", "Explain the divorce.", "Explain Requirements.", "I want to divorce." ); switch (@menu) { case 1: mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Good to hear."; close; case 2: //Explanation mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Even though it is said that once the wedlocks have been made they cannot be undone, sometimes it is necessary to undo our mistakes from the past.."; next; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "It is sad, but true. If you happen to have married the wrong person, it is possible to divorce, rather than spend the rest of your life with the wrong one."; next; break; case 3: //Requirement mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "In order to file for divorce, I need you both to agree to it."; mes "After you file in for divorce, your spouse has one minute to agree, and then you will both be divorced."; if ($@wed_divorce_fee > 0) mes "The fee is of "+$@wed_divorce_fee+"z and is paid by the person who confirms the divorce, so plan ahead of time how you will divide the costs."; next; break; case 4: //Divorce mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You should not regret the choices you've made in life."; mes "Are you positively sure about getting divorced?"; next; if (select("Wait... I need to think about it.","Absolutely") != 2) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "You should think this through."; close; } mes "["+@name$+"]"; set $@divorcee,getpartnerid(); set $@divorcer$,strcharinfo(0); set $@divorce_progress,1; initnpctimer; mes "Very well, get your partner to confirm, and I will collect the fee for filing the divorce then."; close; } } while (@menu > 1); end; function SF_InProgress { if (strcharinfo(0) == $@divorcer$) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "...I am still waiting for your partner to confirm the divorce procedure."; close; } if (getcharid(0) != $@divorcee) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I am in the progress of divorcing "+$@divorcer$+"."; mes "Do you know who the spouse is?"; close; } //Confirm... mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes $@divorcer$+" has asked to divorce you. If you accept, and have the fee of "+$@wed_divorce_fee+"z at hand, I will proceed to divorce you two."; mes "So, should I proceed with the divorce?"; next; if (select("I don't want to divorce....","Yes, we have agreed to this.")!=2) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "I hope you can work things out."; emotion ET_GOODBOY; goto SF_DivorceEnd; close; } if (Zeny < $@wed_divorce_fee) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Well, I can't file your divorce because you don't have enough for the fee. Get your partner to lend you some?"; close; } if (!(divorce())) { mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Where has "+$@divorcer$+" gone to? I can't divorce you unless you both are here..."; emotion ET_PROFUSELY_SWEAT; close; } set Zeny,Zeny-$@wed_divorce_fee; announce $@divorcer$+" has just divorced "+strcharinfo(0)+"...", 8; mes "["+@name$+"]"; mes "Your divorce has been filed. You are no longer wed."; emotion ET_CRY; goto SF_DivorceEnd; close; } function SF_DivorceEnd { stopnpctimer; set $@divorce_progress,0; set $@divorcee,0; set $@divorcer$,""; } OnTimer60000: npctalk @name$ +" : Divorce confirmation time's is up. Where did "+$@divorcer$+"'s spouse go..."; emotion ET_QUESTION; SF_DivorceEnd(); end; } The error is the following: Also each time the player in question tried to get married the npc "Happy Marry" told him he needs to wear the tuxedo but it's a misc item and it should just continue the process. Hopefully any of you guys have an idea. Kind Regards, Sirique
  12. Hi everyone, I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out with this script of Wheel Of Fortune below. What I need is that each individual player could only use it once a day. Would it be possible to have a daily usage per IP or Mac Address (I have gepard). //===================Wheel Of Fortune===================\\ - script Wheel_of_Fortune FAKE_NPC ,{ OnInit: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); .Eventname$ = "[Wheel Of Fortune]"; end; OnClock1500: OnClock1630: OnClock1900: OnClock2200: OnStart: .Start = true; announce(sprintf("%s : The event will begin in 1 minute, in the Secret Gambling Room.", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); initnpctimer(); end; OnTimer60000: // 1 min enablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // enablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); announce(sprintf("%s : Come to Secret Gambling Room and test your luck", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1800000: // 30 mins announce(sprintf("%s : One more minute, do your last spin!", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1860000: // 31 mins OnEndEvent: .Start = false; announce(sprintf("%s : The event is now over.", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_all); stopnpctimer(); disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); // disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); end; OnCommand: if (.@atcmd_numparameters != 1) { dispbottom(sprintf("Usage: %s <start/end>", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); end; } if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "start") { if (!.Start) donpcevent(sprintf("%s::OnStart", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); else { dispbottom("The Wheel of Fortune has already started.", 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } } else if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "end") { if (.Start) donpcevent(sprintf("%s::OnEndEvent", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); else { dispbottom("The Wheel of Fortune is not active.", 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } } else { dispbottom(sprintf("Usage: %s <start/end>", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); dispbottom(sprintf("%s failed.", .@atcmd_command$), 0x00FF00); } end; } vip_lounge,145,60,3 script Wheel of Fortune#Main 2_SLOT_MACHINE,{ OnTalk: if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mes(.Eventname$); mes("You are out of Zeny"); mes("and have no more"); mes("free spins. Come back"); mes("next time for more!"); close(); } .@mes$ = (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf(", but you, my friend, have %d free spin%s!", #freewheelfortunespin, (#freewheelfortunespin == 1) ? "" : "s") : "."; cutin("aca_salim02", 2); addtimer(1, sprintf("%s::OnEndEvent", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); mes(.Eventname$); mes("Do you want to spin the wheel?"); mes(sprintf("It costs ^FF0000%d Zeny^000000 to play%s", .Zeny_Cost, .@mes$)); next(); while (true) { if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) callsub(S_End); switch (select( (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use free spin! (%d left)", #freewheelfortunespin) : "", (Zeny >= .Zeny_Cost ) ? sprintf("Yes! Use Zeny. (costs %dz)", .Zeny_Cost) : "", "No (Leave)" )) { // pay with free spin case 1: if (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) { if ((#freewheelfortunespin -= 1) < 0) #freewheelfortunespin = 0; callsub(S_Spin); } else callsub(S_End); break; // Pay with zeny case 2: if (Zeny >= .Zeny_Cost) { Zeny -= .Zeny_Cost; callsub(S_Spin); } else { cutin("aca_salim02", 2); mes(.Eventname$); mes("Awww, you don't have enough to gamble..."); mes(" "); mes("Have you ever heard?"); mes("'Money isn't all that matters' Got it?"); mes("Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)"); callsub(S_End); } break; default: callsub(S_End); } } // Wheel spin animation S_Spin: .@Sector = rand(.Sector_Range[0], .Sector_Range[1]); .@Display = .@Sector * 2 - 1; .@Speed = .Spin_Speed; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .nbTurns; .@i++) { .@b = .Cutin_Range[0]; while (.@b <= .Cutin_Range[1]) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; .@Speed += 1; // not ++, because you may want to adjust the stopping +1 +2 +3 } } .@b = .Cutin_Range[0]; while (.@b < .@Display) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; } cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .Cutin$, .@b), 4); if (.Prize_ID[.@Sector] == -1) { // Free spin if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_jackpot.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Wow, %dx more Free spins!!!", .Eventname$, .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]), bc_blue | bc_self); #freewheelfortunespin = #freewheelfortunespin == 0 ? .Prize_Qty[.@Sector] : #freewheelfortunespin + .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]; } else if (.Prize_ID[.@Sector] == 0) { // Nothing if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_lost.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Awwww, no luck in your gamble, more luck in love...", .Eventname$), bc_blue | bc_self); } else { // Item if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_won.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : %dx %s - enjoy your prize!", .Eventname$, .Prize_Qty[.@Sector], getitemname(.Prize_ID[.@Sector])), bc_blue | bc_self); getitem(.Prize_ID[.@Sector], .Prize_Qty[.@Sector]); } sleep2(1000); if (Zeny < .Zeny_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mes(.Eventname$); mes("You are out of Zeny"); mes("and have no more"); mes("free spins. Come back"); mes("next time for more!"); close(); } return; S_End: close2(); OnEndEvent: cutin("", 255); end; OnInit: .Eventname$ = "Wheel Of Fortune"; bindatcmd("wof", "Wheel_of_Fortune::OnCommand", 99, false); .Spin_Speed = 50; // What is the base spin speed? (ms) .nbTurns = 2; // How many times the arrow makes a complete turn, before entering the stopping routine .Zeny_Cost = 100000; // How much zeny does it cost for a spin? .Sound_Effects = true; // Enable sound effects? (true/false) // You must have a total of 10 prizes. DO NOT remove 0 or -1 from the array and do not // change their order. setarray(.Prize_ID[1], -1, 6046, 13277, 12187, 617, 607, 603, 604, 0, 23093); setarray(.Prize_Qty[1], 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1); // Don't touch below .Cutin$ = "WheelOfFortune_"; setarray(.Sector_Range, 1, 10); // Sector range setarray(.Cutin_Range, 0, 19); // Cutin range end; } Hopefully someone will be able to guide me throughout this process. Kind Regards, -Sirique
  13. I suppose this has been fixed, but for anyone who still needs help with it: Make sure to select this diff to re-organize your menu buttons.
  14. Hi there @nasagnilac, do you have more information about how you fix this? Thank you.
  15. Hi everyone, I would like to know if it would be possible to have an answer from any of you guys. This is my clientinfo.xml and all the trans job names are the ones from iRO. Like Whitesmith is Mastersmith, Clown is Ministrel just to name a few. https://ibb.co/F66dxPG : here you can see a screenshot of Mastersmith. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>america</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>Dev Server</display> <balloon>5x/5x/7x</balloon> <desc></desc> <address>******</address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <aid> <admin></admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo> If I change to any of the other langtype numbers, the job names are correct. But I wanna keep that font and all my lub files are correct, they all contain the usual job names. Hopefully someone will be able to light the way to a fix. Thank you everyone, Sirique
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