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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. Fixed, thanks! https://github.com/secretdataz/NEMO/commit/e371fe1b2b34eca3420ffd8fabd4810da3c73288
  2. I made a simple patch to skip the "No Sound" check. Although untested, from looking at the disassembled code, it should be enough to make the client load drivers for MSS. I'm not sure about undesired side effect, however. https://github.com/secretdataz/NEMO/commit/d59973476ed1c599ab52bc89485a7ad658068783
  3. Hm, can’t you just add #define PRERE in src/custom/defines_pre.h and it will disable all renewal mechanics?
  4. Why would you want to use an older version?
  5. I haven't touched the patch since I forked the app. If it's broken then it is.
  6. Sometimes that was caused by an error from travis, not rAthena. Unfortunately, we can’t control that.
  7. You also have to loop through the .@t_map$ array. From if ( strcharinfo(3) == .@t_maps$[.@a] && rand(100) < 90 ) { .@a wasn't assigned before, so its value is 0, and the condition becomes strcharinfo(3) == .@t_map$[0] which compares the character's map with the first entry in .@t_map$.
  8. mob_db_re.csv Generated with following SQL query on mob_db_re table. select ID, Sprite, DropCardId, DropCardPer from `mob_db_re` where (`Mode`&0x4000000 and dropcardid != 0) or mexp > 0;
  9. Now implemented in my NEMO fork. https://github.com/secretdataz/NEMO/commit/5481c7a793b52778d80783740a105f769c627e00 Special thanks to @Functor.
  10. Can I port this to NEMO? (Under your name)
  11. Just if(!Upper) is enough for this.
  12. Add additional drops in mob_drops.txt
  13. From my testing on kRO, Triple Attack doesn't show critting red balloon.
  14. Store selected numbers in another array or removed selected number from the array.
  15. function check { .@pid = getcharid(1); if(!.@pid) end; if(getpartyleader(.@pid, 2) != getcharid(0)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not the party leader"; end; } getpartymember .@pid,0; getpartymember .@pid,1; getpartymember .@pid,2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,UNITTYPE_PC, $@partymembername$[.@i]); if(.@map$ != "prontera") { message strcharinfo(0), "Some members are not in Prontera"; end; } if(getvar(TICKETMANIAC, $@partymembercid[.@i]) < 1) { message strcharinfo(0), "Some members don't have the ticket"; end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0), "Some members are offline"; end; } } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) set TICKETMANIAC, TICKETMANIAC - 1, $@partymembercid[.@i]; } warpparty "morocc",0,0,.@pid; }
  16. Use getvar instead of attachrid
  17. May I have your Github username for mentioning in your credit?
  18. Sleep detaches the player from the script. Just use sleep2 instead.
  19. Applying diminishing returns on damage will just make a balance issue where classes with skills with more "real damage lines" are better. Real life example: MapleStory pre V patch
  20. I was considering dropping implicit @menu assigning behavior from rAthena. It is a very old and obsolete behavior, don’t use it.
  21. The feature is entirely client side. I'm not sure about the file name, but you can search for the word "signboard" in GRF editor and it should show you the lua file containing all sign boards.
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