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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. This may help solve your problem. https://rathena.org/board/topic/105174-new-character-black-background/#entry299206
  2. ah yes, thank's you its working lol and yeah i already try it on pre-re server and woow its work LOL thank's solved Actually I just noticed I made a typo in the first line. It must be like below instead. if(countitem(501) >= 1) { // Apple 1 ea or if(countitem(501) > 0) { // Apple 1 ea
  3. @__@ it can't be explained more than that. Well, replace npc_script_event calls with run_script calls in the source patch.
  4. if(countitem(501) > 0) { // Apple 1 ea delitem 501,1; //dosomething } else { //if player doesn't have required item do this instead. } For SP issue, if your server has renewal enabled. The Champion/Sura won't be able to gain any SP for like 5 seconds after using Asura. Please check if that's the case. However, atcommand @heal bypasses that restriction. So, you can use this code below instead of percentheal. atcommand "@heal";
  5. Select one 2013-08-07a 2013-12-23c 2014-10-22b 2015-05-13a
  6. I think this would do the trick if it's 100% client-sided. clif_map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE) This is my playermob mapflag implementation on GitHub. Oh, and here's the diff file if you don't want to deal with Git stuff. Please note that this implementation is untested. Use it at your own risk. Report me problems you run into and I'll see if I can fix it.
  7. I use Atlassian SourceTree to update my server. Try it
  8. In src/config/core.h Uncomment this line. //#define VIP_ENABLE You may also want to adjust some of VIP's feature below that line. Then, recompile your server. For death penalty, you can adjust features like exp/zeny lost in conf/battle/player.conf. Search for: // VIP system You can also check for a player's VIP status using vip_status script command. Example: if(vip_status(1)) { mes "You are a VIP!"; } else { mes "lol random pleb."; } close; Read more about the VIP system here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/89848-official-vip-system/
  9. I replaced OnClock0001: which triggers every midnight (00:01 A.M.) at line 1132 with OnAgitEnd: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer3600000: stopnpctimer; OnAgitEnd: will trigger every time the WoE ends. initnpctimer; will initiate a timer which will trigger later on OnTimer3600000:. OnTimer3600000: means this label will trigger when the timer we initiated reach 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour). stopnpctimer; is self-explainated. It stops the timer we initiated earlier. Below my custom code is official treasure chest spawning code which will do its job normally.
  10. Replace your agit_main.txt with mine.
  11. ordeal_3-2,0,0,0 script GRControl -1,{ end; OnMyMobDead: getitem 969,1; //Gold end; } // Spawn 50 Dokebis with 1000 millisecond spawn delay ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Dokebi 1110,50,1000,0,"GRControl::OnMyMobDead" // Make the Dokebis drop nothing ordeal_3-2 mapflag nomobloot This script is untested. Use it at your risk.
  12. You can enable `new_account` in login_athena.conf to do that.
  13. I'm not upset or anything. Sorry if it sounds like I'm upset hehe. It's good to see people (and you) contribute to the community. Instead of leeching and go away. You choose to contribute. That's what matter.
  14. well...replace your npc/guild/agit_main.txt with this new one. agit_main.txt
  15. I am aware that my commit is missing something. I have all of items in your link in my private repo already. But, I think my implementations are not 100% matched to official. Activation chances and some other effects are unofficial because there is no reliable source for me to implement them correctly. Thus, I don't submit them in my PR. Thank you for pointing it out, though.
  16. I've created a PR on rAthena repo. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/1087
  17. That's not normal at all. How about opening an issue on git?
  18. Update your item_db. Your database is outdated and this error shouldn't occur on latest rAthena. Edit: SQL based database seems to be not synchronized to match the txt one yet. You may convert one manually using this command. It will update your sql-files/item_db_re.sql. You'll need perl installed on your system to continue. I assume you know how because you even know how to get RO to run on Linux. cd tools convert_sql.pl --i=../db/re/item_db.txt --o=../sql-files/item_db_re.sql --t=re --m=item Then import it into your database as usual. About the black map. That's normal since kRO does weird thing to that map. You better change `start_point` configuration in char_athena.conf to somewhere else.
  19. Revert this commit and try again. You can do so by running this command in your terminal. git revert aea025eca29350d2a38a3c10885bcf7286d6a1c9
  20. Try Ragexe instead of RagexeRE?
  21. Do you have any plan to publish the client's source code? I don't want to see another masterpiece of work left abandoned again. (Shinryo's client)
  22. Gotta be honest here. The learning curve of any Athena based emulator is high due to lack of source documentation and its codebase is basically spaghetti code. (at least for most part in battle.c, which requires some dark magic and witchcraft to add/edit a feature and expect things not to break. ) So a newbie editing rA code and breaking things is normal. For your question, if you mean scripter by NPC scripter then read docs/script_commands.txt and other files is a good start. (see my signature) Is knowing source editing a must for a scripter? No, but you should, in case you need something your emulator doesn't provide. For me, I don't even know C when I started scripting on eAthena.
  23. - script hourlygift -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer 3600000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnEvent"; end; OnEvent: set .Hour,1; if( #dailytimer < gettimetick(2) ) { mes "You have Gained a Hourly Gift."; set #dailytimer,gettimetick(2) + ( .Hour * 3600 ); getitem 6101,1; //set the price here }else{ set .@last,#dailytimer - gettimetick(2); set .@hour, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) / 3600; set .@min, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / 60; set .@sec, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 % 60; mes "You have to wait to get your next Hourly Gift."; mes "Time CountDown : ^FF0000"+.@hour+":"+.@min+":"+.@sec+"^000000"; } close; }
  24. Currently, rAthena has no server-side support for Doram. That "Character Creation Denied" error is working as intended.
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