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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. storage skill / storage permission ?
  2. this from the client side CheckAttendance.lub of server side attendance.yml just make sure that you have the correct date on both also as the reply from mirabell about attendance.yml # << line start with '#' does not count
  3. you need to give the group you want the permission to use it https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/ce1508a01c68dee80544242b470987742f3b3ece/conf/groups.conf#L96 attendance: true
  4. well if there is a bug you can report it in rathena's github also you can use npc shop to use cash shop and disable the cash shop check it out https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/ce1508a01c68dee80544242b470987742f3b3ece/doc/script_commands.txt#L283
  5. if(vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ //vip buffs here }
  6. the script you give , is not a complete script so i can't give more detail than --------------------------------------- *mobcount("<map name>","<event label>") This function will count all the monsters on the specified map that have a given event label and return the number or 0 if it can't find any. Naturally, only monsters spawned with 'monster' and 'areamonster' script commands can have non-empty event label. If you pass this function an empty string for the event label, it will return the total count of monster without event label, including permanently spawning monsters. With the dynamic mobs system enabled, where mobs are not kept in memory for maps with no actual people playing on them, this will return a 0 for any such map. If the event label is given as "all", all monsters will be counted, regardless of having any event label attached. If the map name is given as "this", the map the invoking character is on will be used. If the map is not found, or the invoker is not a character while the map is "this", it will return -1. --------------------------------------- just at the start of the npc that spawn the monsters put if(mobcount("ars_fild58","EP7_abysses::OnBossDead")) end; or maybe OnBossDead2 , you have 2 labels in the script ,and i don't know what monster you mean.
  7. without src edit , i don't think you can Moved to the Source Requests section in-case you really want it
  8. invek,150,164,3 script MvP 527,{ mes "1. Doppelganger (gef_dun02) = "+( ( mobcount( "aev_fild01","MvP::OnKilledsilver") == 0) ? "^ff0000DEAD^000000" : "^008000ALIVE^000000" ) +""; close; OnInit: initnpctimer; stopnpctimer; monster "aev_fild01",0,0,"Doppelganger",1046,1,"MvP::OnKilledsilver"; end; OnKilledsilver: setnpctimer 0; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: announce "Doppel is now alive",0; monster "aev_fild01",0,0,"Doppelganger",1046,1,"MvP::OnKilledsilver"; stopnpctimer; end; }
  9. I see you have changed the login port , if you don't know what you are doing , don't change it use sclientinfo.xml not clientinfo.xml make sure the sclientinfo.xml in the data folder if you read the data folder, or the first grf if you don't use the data folder
  10. Try to make another item with the same script or edit like apple item to use the same script and test it what the result ?
  11. check out item_noequip.txt file , search for the item id you use did you try to restart the server ? did you edit the item in the database in any way ?
  12. what it say when you use the item ?
  13. go to the map use @mapflag checkout what map flags are in that map
  14. sader1992


    @command it self shows the custom commands type @command see the last commands you will see "script commands" and than you will see all the commands made by scripts ofc you can do this too - script ccommand -1,{ OnAtcommand: dispbottom "@segurity - This command is used to protect your account and items."; dispbottom "@pvproom - This command is used to enter from anywhere in the pvp room."; dispbottom "more commands"; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ccommand",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; }
  15. please put all your code here , sql/yml/script/rathena hash
  16. i use this if you want mellina,70,52,7 script Mellina Kafra 894,{ callfunc("F_CheckKafCode"); query_sql("SELECT `char_num` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = '"+getcharid(0)+"'", .@char_num); openstorage2(.@char_num+1,STOR_MODE_GET|STOR_MODE_PUT); end; } the sql/yml conf start from "storage_1"/ID: 1 no disrespect for the topic creator ofc
  17. oh sorry , i mess understood the topic i don't know if it should show the event if the npc is hidden
  18. you are missing an if statment include the script so people can help
  19. yes it's not possible for you, if you believe it's not possible. everything is possible if you have the time/stamena for it. isn't that the same request in your other topic ? also what the point of checking the storage/cart/inventory ? if you want the player per char to have 1 item just give them by player variable an item bound to char (untradable + cannot put in the storage) , and give all characters this would be better in my opinion then all the useless checks
  20. than i would say it's something wrong with your setup or src make sure to put the line in the file that the server use , and not overwritten by another file make sure you are not using sql too if you are using txt ofc you need to reload the item database or restart the server to apply the changes make sure there is no error in your itemdb , that case the server to skip (looking to the past errors , you was ignoring the errors in the terminal) i think you would find the fix you want in the basic if not , and everything right , i think you should look into any src edit/mode you made to your server
  21. this is your best friend https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt
  22. setarray .equip_id,1208,2154; // Add your ID's here. the script work on the array variable .equip_id so you don't need to add the id all over the script , just add it here it's 101 how to basic xD setarray .equip_id,1208,2154; // Add your ID's here. = .equip_id[0] is 1208 .equip_id[1] is 2154
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